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   PFLP, DFLP say they have nothing to do with attacks in US

   DAMASCUS, Sept 11 (AFP) -

   Two radical Palestinian groups based in Syria denied any
   connection with a series of apparent terrorist attacks in the
   United States Tuesday.

   Maher Taher, a spokesman for the Popular Front for the Liberation
   of Palestine (PFLP), said his group "has nothing to do with these

   Ali Badwan, an official of the Democratic Front for the
   Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), also denied any connection with
   the attacks.

   "We are opposed to all acts of violence outside the occupied
   Palestinian territories," Badwan said.

   On August 27, following the assassination of PFLP chief Abu Ali
   Mustafa in an Israeli missile attack on the West Bank, Taher had
   called on Arabs to "strike American interests."

   However, following a meeting with Syrian Vice President Abdel
   Halim Khaddam two days later, Taher toned down his call, saying
   it applied only to "American economic interests."

   "By American interests, you must understand, this means economic
   interests," Maher Taher told AFP at the time.

   "We ask the Arab world to hit American interests because the
   United States participates (with Israel) in the extermination of
   the Palestinian people," Taher said, referring to the Palestinian
   uprising against Israel.

   The day before, the United States had called on Syrian
   authorities to rein in the PFLP after Taher's comments.

   Despite Taher's softened statement, a member of the PFLP
   excecutive committee, Abu Ali Talal, reiterated on August 30
   threats against both US and Israeli interests throughout the

   "Our response will be hard and will hit American and Israeli
   interests wherever they are," Talal said.


[The Jerusalem Post]

(16:45) BBC: Palestinian group says responsible for WTC attack
By Miriam Shaviv                                         September, 11 2001

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine has claimed
responsibility for the attacks on the World Trade Center, according to the
BBC and Abu Dhabi television. However, DFLP sources have denied any

To read more about the group, click here.

It is unclear who is responsible for today's apparent terrorist attack on
the World Trade Center in New York, but it is unlikely that Palestinian
groups are involved, said an expert on international terrorism.

"They have a lot to lose because America would react very harshly against
the Palestinians, however it is not impossible that a radical group was
involved," said Eli Carmon, of the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center's
counter-terrorism department.

Two jets, one of them apparently an American Airlines 767 hijacked from
Boston, crashed into the Twin Towers shortly before 9 am. EST.

Carmon noted that the World Trade Center has been targeted once before in
1993, when a bombing killed six people and injured more than 1,000. Carmon
said that there have been threats by unidentified Islamic groups to target
the World Trade Center again if Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, the militant
Egyptian cleric, who is serving a life sentence in the US after his
conviction in a plot to bomb the United Nations and New York landmarks, was
not released.

He added that it is possible that terrorist mastermind Osama Bin-Laden is
also involved.

Carmon said that the alleged terrorist attack amounts to a "declaration of
war" on the US, and that the US will have to "react in an extremely harsh

Israel, he noted, had already envisioned the possibility of an air attack,
and shot down a small plane that took off from Lebanon in May after it flew
menacingly into Israeli airspace.

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