-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

19 September 2001
Federalist Edition #01-38
Wednesday Chronicle

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The Foundation
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
Short Cuts
Editor's Note


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"I will not believe our labours are lost. I shall not die without a
hope that light and liberty are on steady advance. And even should the
cloud of barbarism and despotism again obscure the science and
liberties of Europe, this country remains to preserve and restore
light and liberty to them. In short, the flames kindled on the fourth
of July seventeen hundred and seventy six have spread over too much of
the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism."
--Thomas Jefferson


"If war is ever lawful, then peace is sometimes sinful." --C.S. Lewis
++  "No one is safe by his own strength, but he is safe by the grace
and mercy of God." --St. Cyprian  ++  "Those wars are unjust which are
undertaken without provocation.  For only a war waged for revenge or
defense can be just." --Cicero  ++  "How merrily we headed for
catastrophe!" --Albert Speer   ++ "Our worst days are never so bad
that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are
never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace." --Jerry
Bridges  ++  "Little progress can be made by merely attempting to
repress what is evil; our great hope lies in developing what is good."
--Calvin Coolidge "Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all
terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without
victory there is no survival." --Sir Winston Churchill


"The way to deal with this problem is not to suddenly become a police
state and say we are not going to be free and we are not going to go
about our lives. We are going to go after the people who are posing
this very serious danger and that's what we need to do." --DefSec
Donald Rumsfeld  ++  "This is a war that has been launched against the
United States and we need to understand that, but we do not need to
cease being the United States of America in response to these
attacks." --AG John Ashcroft  ++  "The administration has steadily
moved in the right direction...from talking about justice to talking
about victory...from talking about criminals to talking about enemies
and...from talking about retribution to talking about defeating. These
are very important changes." --Newt Gingrich  ++  "We are placing
tremendous trust in our president to pursue our enemies as our
commander-in-chief but Congress must remain vigilant as to not allow
our civil liberties here at home to be eroded.  The temptation will be
great to sacrifice our freedoms for what may seem to be more security.
We must resist this temptation." --Rep. Ron Paul  ++  "Clinton should
be vilified. Perjury is one thing. Rendering inoperable our country's
defenses against terrorism is high treason." --Paul Craig Roberts  ++
"War nearly always serves as an occasion for serious expansions of
state power and the destruction of legal protections." --Joseph Sobran
++  "In the midst of so much carnage, compassion and courage,
congressional cowardice is shameful." --Oliver North  ++  "What
happened Tuesday was unimaginably horrific. What happens the next time
could be worse." --Steve Chapman  ++  "We do not need to 'neutralize'
or 'punish' or even 'apprehend' terrorists. We need to kill them.
Perhaps our greatest national weakness is our short attention span,
and I fear that, in a surprisingly short time, we will forget our just
anger." --Ralph Peters  ++  "Did you want us to respect your cause?
You just damned your cause. Did you want to make us fear? You just
steeled our resolve. Did you want to tear us apart? You just brought
us together. ... You don't know my people. You don't know what we're
about. You don't know what you just started. But you're about to
learn." --Leonard Pitts  ++  "The job of the Secret Service is to keep
the president of the United States alive, not  satisfy the silly
little social concerns of Peter Jennings or others in the media."
--Rush Limbaugh  ++  "Barbara Olson was one of freedom's warriors.  A
Texan who believed in the endless fight for liberty, she always waged
it fair and square, and good and hard. If she had to go, it was
fitting that she died at the Pentagon, with all the rest of freedom's
warriors."  --Bob Tyrrell  ++  "Faith -- in God, country and the
sanctity of human life -- is the foundation. It is faith that shall
give us Godspeed in the journey that lies ahead." --Armstrong Williams
++  "Now again the civilized world has witnessed the true nature of
barbarism, not the Hollywood presentation but the reality." --R.
Emmett Tyrrell  ++  "We are all Israelis now." --Paul Greenberg  ++
"This is the start of a long war, with civilians in the front line. We
will never win it if we are ashamed of ourselves, our culture, our
history." --Mark Steyn  ++  "Something else died on [last] Tuesday, in
addition to thousands of innocent people. It was the doctrine of moral
equivalency -- the idea that people everywhere are just like us, or
can be made so by meeting their demands." --Cal Thomas  ++  "Some
facts are so simple that clever people can't accept them." --Robert
Locke  ++  "The world changed on Sept. 11 and our response should be a
sustained, aggressive response to international terrorism, its
organizers, proponents, financiers and supporters. The thousands of
Americans who were killed deserve nothing less." --Edwin J. Feulner
++  "Patriotism is profitable, and freedom will prevail." --Larry
Kudlow  ++  "On watching evil perpetuated against our nation we deepen
our understanding of freedom and what's worth fighting against as well
as fighting for." --Suzanne Fields


"In the wake of last week's deadly suicide attacks, U.S. policymakers
need to take a second look at a tired 1970s anachronism that hampers
America's flexibility to deal with the threats posed by brutal
terrorists like Osama bin Laden and other sworn enemies of this
country: the executive order banning the U.S. government from carrying
out assassinations. It's important to remember that Congress has never
passed any law banning this practice; in 1976, then-President Ford --
cowed by a hostile Democratic Congress and, in particular, by
'revelations' from a Senate Intelligence panel about U.S. efforts to
kill Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and others -- signed an executive
order banning assassinations.  ...In official Washington, most
politicians still cling to the bizarre notion that it's morally OK to
stage large-scale air raids, which can kill a whole lot of people
(including children and other innocents), and it's OK to send in
ground troops, putting countless thousands of American lives at risk.
Yet, it is supposedly unconscionable (a 'violation of international
law') to send a hit team to take out a mass murderer like Saddam or
Osama bin Laden. ...In short, the current policy is long on feel-good
sentiment and short on common sense. To the extent that U.S.
policymakers actually follow it, they ensure that more American and
foreign civilian lives are endangered every time the U.S. tries to
bring a bin Laden to justice. Mr. Bush must change the assassination
policy right away, in order to begin the process of finding a more
balanced, thoughtful approach to the problem of neutralizing the bin
Ladens of the world." --Washington Times


Sometimes they get it right: "George Bush is the President. He makes
the decisions and...wherever he wants me to line up, just tell me
where." --CBS's Dan Rather **Welcome aboard, Dan!  {}  Most of the
time they don't: "[Bush should] quit hiding behind the Secret Service,
come out and face the Nation and explain [his failure] to protect the
country from these terrorists attacks." --ABC talkinghead Peter
Jennings  ++  "We will have to revisit our freedoms.... America has
been changed by all this." --NBC talkinghead Tom Brokaw  ++  "He could
lower the jobless rate, balance the budget, console us after the
Oklahoma City bombing.  But he never got the opportunity George W.
Bush was given this Tuesday: the historic chance to lead." --Chris
Matthews on his hero Bill Clinton. **Well, except for maybe every year
when the Pentagon and CIA budgets reached his desk. And what about
Khobar Towers, the U.S.S. Cole, our bombed out embassies in East
Africa or perhaps the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993?  ++
"The biggest symbol to most people at this point is that they thought
Colin Powell was the force of moderation in this administration, the
guy who would keep the Bush administration from doing really extreme
things. [But] on the biggest issue of all, national  missile defense,
he seems to be going along with the rest of them." --Time senior
correspondent Johanna McGeary, on her disappointment that the Bush
administration is not "a house divided."

Editor's memo to Garry Trudeau: In the ashes of last Tuesday's attack
on our nation, it is time to quit taking cheap shots at WWII vets in


"I don't think we should take any action that would cause any more
loss of life. I'm hoping we're all emotional right now, and that
people will come to appreciate my concern. Violence begets violence,
and we don't want that to happen. That kills people. ...There must be
some of us who say, let's step back for a moment and think through the
implications of our actions today -- let us more fully understand its
consequences. Far too many innocent people have already died." --Rep.
Barbara Lee(D-CA) explaining her lone vote against approval for the
use of force to defend against the terrorist attacks that murdered
thousands of our countrymen last week.  ++  "In politics you have to
use imagery to send a message to people. Leadership delineates the
difference between a town manager and a president. A president should
know how to use imagery, symbolism to lead. ... If President Clinton
had a better moment than he did in that hangar in Oklahoma City, I
never saw it. He lifted the spirits of an entire nation that day.
That's what a president does. He provides comfort. And he finds a way
to inspire people, to lift them up as well." --Rep. Dick Neal(D-MA) on
his preference for Clintonesque "symbolism" in political leadership.
++  "I don't buy the notion Air Force One was a target. That's just
PR. That's just spin. He's a new president and he doesn't have the
experience that Bill Clinton had." --Rep. Marty Meehan(D-MA)


"If someone did this to get back at Bush, then they did so by killing
thousands of people who DID NOT VOTE for him! Boston, New York, DC,
and the planes' destination of California -- these were places that
voted AGAINST Bush!  Why kill them?" --Hollywonk producer and
consummate Leftist Michael Moore  ++  "After the Pearl Harbor attack,
we turned on each other in fear. Today, let us turn to each other in
hope." --Je$$e Ja˘k$on on "resisting stereotyping and profiling."  ++
"One way to respond to terrorists is to listen to the message they are
trying to send." --Gar Smith, editor of the Earth Island Journal, on
"listening to the message terrorists are trying to send." **And a
recommended form of "active listening" is to repeat a message back to
the sender, just to make sure everyone understands....  ++  "Tonight
I'd like to say a prayer for peace. Violence begets violence, and I
don't know about you, but I want to live a long and happy life, and I
want my kids to live a long and happy life." --Pop diva Madonna  ++
"Where is the acknowledgment that this was not a 'cowardly' attack on
'civilization' or 'liberty' or 'humanity' or 'the free world' but an
attack on the world's self-proclaimed superpower, undertaken as a
consequence of specific American alliances and actions?" --Susan
Sontag  {}  From the "Village Academic Curriculum" File: It may have
been meant as an act of sensitivity, but a Lehigh University official
ordered the removal of the American flag from a campus bus last
Tuesday because, as associate VP Barry Gaul explained, "We have such a
diverse student body and emotions are so high right now. The idea was
to keep from offending some of our students." **In fact, so many
students protested the decision that within an hour of the original
order, it was rescinded.


"I want justice. There's an old poster out West that said: 'Wanted,
dead or alive'." --President George W. Bush on how "wanted" Osama bin
Laden really is.  {} "Cold fury is not as much fun as white-hot
passion, but it's a lot more effective. Cold fury must be the recipe
for the day." --Wesley Pruden  {}  "The most stunning crime in modern
memory seems to have been accomplished with knives and box-cutters."
--Joseph Sobran  {}   "These colors do not run." --Manhattan street
vendor sign advertising U.S. flags  {}  "It's no accident that the
American people are constantly fooled by the fakery of phony
politicians. They're not fooled by fake ballplayers, because they
can't just talk a good game, they have to play a good game."  --Jackie
Mason and Raoul Felder  {}  "Can it really prop up Israel, contain
Iraq, appease Iran, intimidate Libya, bomb the Taliban back into the
Stone Age  (admittedly, by the look of them, not too great a
distance), police the Balkans, deter the Chinese from invading Taiwan,
build a space shield to ward off rogue Russian missiles, meet its
obligations to South Korea, keep India and Pakistan from brawling with
atomic bombs, cut off the drug traffic from Latin America, create
fortress-like borders to prevent a repeat of Tuesday's horrors -- can
it do all this, and at the same time ward off recession and remain the
motor of the world economy?" --Robert Harris, writing in the London
Daily Telegraph

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

EDITOR'S NOTE: "Consitution Day"? Hey, the E-MAIL subject lines are
entered by the technical wizards in the back office and, until this
mistake, were not subject to review by our editors. The responsible
party has been appropriately chastised. We apologize for the error.

-- PUBLIUS  --

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