Jeb Bush signed Florida
TWO YEAR emergency order
4 days BEFORE attack
24th September, 2001
A Alert

Seems like everybody and his uncle knew about this attack in advance. Inside traders and Governments and even good ol' Jeb Bush. He took over Florida 4 days before the attack. Bye, bye Florida. Hello General Jeb.

Now...., how many States does that leave us in the Union?

Friday, September 7,
Florida Governor "Jeb" Bush,
Executive Order No. 01-261.
"I hereby [..] order members of the Florida National Guard into active service, [..] to support law-enforcement personnel and emergency-management personnel in the event of civil disturbances [..] and to [..] support to law-enforcement personnel[..]. This Executive Order shall remain in full force and effect until the earlier of its revocation or June 30, 2003."

On November 3, 1998 one of thirteen revisions to the Constitution of the State of Florida was:

This specific Revision: "[..] allows prison sentences in court-martial actions[..]; allows direct appeal of courts-martial to specified state court and advisory opinions from federal military courts; [..].

The average Floridian should be asking 'What do court-martial actions and the opinions of federal military courts have to do with us?'. The answer is everything.

Look closely at how this revision has now revised ARTICLE I, BILL OF RIGHTS, SECTION 18 in the Florida 1968 Constitution:

"SECTION 18. Administrative penalties.
--No administrative agency, except the Department of Military Affairs in an appropriately convened court-martial action as provided by law, shall impose a sentence of imprisonment, nor shall it impose any other penalty except as provided by law."

This simply means that the military within Florida may imprison anyone - civilian and military alike - in a court-martial action, which is not necessarily a proper 'hearing'.

Because now all State of Florida "Judicial" Courts are actually Military Court-Martial Courts.

This is a "catch-all" that allows any State Administrator, to impose a prison sentence for violation of any Executive Orders (EO's) from the Governor, who is also the Military Commander of the State of Florida.

NOTE FROM HISTORY: In May 1865, after the Union of southern Confederate States had officially surrendered, the nation of Florida and its capitol was fully occupied by Federal Union troops whose military commander then suspended all civil law and declared martial law to be in full force and effect.

SEE ALSO: EXEC ORDERS 01-261 and 01-262


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