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"The real Afghanistan is one where 85 per cent of the population are
subsistence farmers. Most Afghans don't have newspapers, television
sets or radios. They will not have heard of the World Trade Centre or
the Pentagon, and most will have no idea that a group of zealots has
attacked these icons of western civilisation. There isn't even a
postal service."

= = = = = =

Chris Buckley, Christian Aid Programme Officer for Afghanistan

I have just returned from Afghanistan, and cannot avoid a growing
feeling of dread at what may be about to befall the people I have left
there. The bellicose statements being issued by America and her allies
about revenge and retaliation for Tuesday's horrific terrorist attacks
against New York and Washington seem to be softening up western
electorates for some kind of massive military action against the
Afghan people.

Because of these threats, aid organisations have been forced to pull
out their foreign workers - fearing both that they may be caught in
the expected raids, or that they would be attacked as westerners after
the NATO bombers have flown away. The effects of this withdrawal could
be infinitely more tragic and devastating than the worst that a
wounded America may now throw at this long, long-suffering country.

For, although it has gone largely unreported, Afghanistan is in the
grip of a three-year drought and on the verge of mass
starvation. According to the UN-run World Food Programme, by the end
of the year 5.5 million people will be entirely dependent on food aid
to survive the winter - that's a quarter of the Afghan population.

As Christian Aid's programme officer responsible for Afghanistan, I
have been helping supply food and seeds to communities in desperate
need. In a few weeks the winter snows will come, cutting off the
hundreds of isolated villages whose only links to the outside world
are rutted dirt tracks.  Without seeds they will be unable to replant
for next year. Without food aid now, thousands could be dead before
the spring.

Already fears on the ground about this pending catastrophe are
filtering through. Only yesterday (Thurs) I received this message from
one of the local organisations funded by Christian Aid.

'What will happen to the people if aid agencies remain reluctant to
resume full operations? The consequences are quite clear that people
who are already suffering would be the victims. And if any military
action is taken, Afghan staff and civilians will be in real danger.

'Terrorism is the worst thing and it shows how blind these people are
as human beings. But if the leaders do not have patience and tolerance
they can only do further damage.'

This, I think you must agree, is not a voice from a country of
dedicated international terrorists or religious fanatics. But it is a
voice from the real Afghanistan, unrecognisable from the demonised
image we are being urged to accept.

The real Afghanistan is one where 85 per cent of the population are
subsistence farmers. Most Afghans don't have newspapers, television
sets or radios. They will not have heard of the World Trade Centre or
the Pentagon, and most will have no idea that a group of zealots has
attacked these icons of western civilisation. There isn't even a
postal service.

Now, in these isolated villages, families are down to their last few
weeks of food and already men women and children in the bulging
refugee camps are dying of cholera and malnutrition. I have spoken to
orphans with swollen bellies. I have spoken to men who have no money
to hire trucks to escape the drought and make it to the camps. I have
spoken to families who say they will wait in their villages for death.

And that was before the aid agencies were forced to withdraw. Afghans
are not willing victims - they are hardy peoples, as any Soviet
general will testify. For the past three years they have been doing
all they can to survive - sharing food, borrowing money to buy food,
crossing the borders with Pakistan and Iran to find illegal,
badly-paid work. Many used to work on the opium farms as casual

But all these sources of income have dried up. Pakistan and Iran are
throwing thousands of Afghans out each month, the Taliban have banned
opium production and there is no food or credit to be had after three
years of drought.

And as I write this, our worst fears have just been realised. I have
just received the following message from a friend who works for
another of our partner organisations in western Afghanistan. He
writes: 'I hope you are fine. We have spoken to the World Food
Programme in Herat, and asked them to release food so we can
distribute it to our beneficiaries who are in severe need. But WFP has
stopped their activities right now. Could you please see if it is
possible to get the release from WFP?'

That is a real cry for help. Other friends there have stressed the
need for the world to adopt a comprehensive approach to the terrorist
threat - addressing the underlying causes of this terrifying
phenomenon rather than just seeking to extract revenge.

Let me be clear. The murder of thousands of innocent Americans has
shocked and appalled us all. But any military action which disrupts
the flow of aid to millions [!] of equally innocent Afghans would be
equally immoral.

Christian Aid urges everyone involved to show civilised restraint in
responding to an act of barbarism. Thousands of innocent people have
died in the United States. We must now make sure that even more
innocent lives are not lost.


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