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America’s War Coalition Flip Flops

24 September: DEBKAfile’s expertsoffer a short guide to the maneuvers
surrounding America’s attempts to build an international bloc of supporters
for its war against terrorism.

First-line backers:  Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Russia,
Turkey and Pakistan.

Second-line Support (nations rendering military, intelligence, logistic and
medical aid and rear bases to the first-line members): Israel, Uzbekistan,
Tadjikistan, India.

Where Are the Arab Nations?
As the hours slip by, the Arab nations are increasing the distance between
themselves and President Bush’s war on terrorism, for a variety of reasons:

Saudi Arabia:  Saudi Arabia’s denial of support is the bitterest setback
Washingtonsuffered since deciding on its military operation, forcing the Bush
administration to put its planned assault on Baghdad on hold. Suddenly, the
Americans had to cast about for new forward bases in place of the new
combined air operations command center at Prince Sultan Air Base near Riyadh,
which was to have been the central command post for directing air attacks
from bases around the region in the Gulf and Southwest Asian regions.

The Saudis feared an US offensive against Iraq, launched from a base on their
soil, would expose their cities to strikes by Iraqi missiles bearing
chemical, biological and even possibly nuclear warheads. As the Gulf
linchpin, the Saudis forced Arab Emirates, such as Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman
who were willing to join forces with the United States, to follow their lead
and back out of the US-led alliance. America is to be allowed to maintain
military forces in their territory and carry on staff functions – but not to
launch attacks.

Egypt: President Hosni Mubarak has from the first objected to the war
coalition being led by the United States and demanded it be placed under the
aegis of the United Nations. This was a pretext. Mubarak’s rationale for
staying out of the war alliance is simple: He knows that at some point in the
campaign, Egypt, like other Arab nations, will be handed a list of domestic
radical Islamic terrorist groups – led by the Egyptian Jihad Islami, Osama
Bin Laden’s senior partner – to which will be attached an American demand to
terminate their operations. This Mubarak cannot afford to do, because any
such move would unite all of Egypt’s teeming Islamic militant groups and
sects in active opposition to his regime.

Syria:   Syria has the same problem as Egypt. The United States has already
handed President Bashar Assad an ultimatum to be met if Syria wants to be
removed from the list of states sponsoring terrorism. Before anything else,
he must sever his economic and military ties with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq -
which is deemed a terrorist state – and with the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah.
In the second stage, Syria will be asked to extradite to the United States
Hizballah leaders and operations chiefs, as well as activists of the
Palestinian radical and Islamic groups - the Fronts, the Hamas and the Jihad
Islami - while outlawing those groups.

Feeling his back was to the wall, Assad hurried over to Egypt and Saudi
Arabia over the weekend to demand their support for defying Washington’s

Palestinians:  Yasser Arafat understands he is cornered. He knows perfectly
well that the groups he activates in his campaign against Israel – the
Palestinian Authority’s “Preventive Security” services, his own Fatah-Tanzim,
Force 17, the Jihad Islami and the Hamas, qualify as terrorist organizations
by US standards and therefore targets to be crushed. Arafat hoped that with
the help of Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres, he could sanitize his
terrorist groups without halting their war against Israel; once Washington
accepted the Palestinian Authority as a partner in its coalition, those
groups would be safe.

The Saudi withdrawal upset Arafat’s applecart. Now, he dare not line up with
Washington in the opposite camp to the Saudi-Egyptian-Syrian grouping. His
tactics for survival entail a low-key terror campaign against Israeli targets
that is careful to fall short of provoking a strong US or Israeli response,
while leaving him squarely within the inter-Arab consensus.

Iran:  The dual problem with the rulers of Tehran is their active sponsorship
of one of the most powerful, effective and zealous terrorist groups in the
Middle East, the Hizballah, plus the fact that Iran’s supreme leader,
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, personally runs what the Iranians call intelligence
agencies, but which the Americans regard as terrorist groups, pure and

One of Khamenei’s key “intelligence” aides is also one of America’s deadliest
enemies, the notorious Hizballah hostage-taker of Lebanon in the eighties,
Imad Mughniyeh.

For the moment, it suits American diplomacy and the goals of secretary of
state Colin Powell to put a good face on the process of co-opting Arab
partners and Iran to the anti-terrorist coalition. After all, no one wants to
burn America’s bridges to the Arab world and the Persian Gulf. A useful
device for preserving this facade is to lean on Israel to meet the
Palestinians halfway. This is no more than a charade, because the Bush
administration has little time to spare for this local conflict when it is
deep in the first skirmishes of a world war.

Indeed, Washington was quick to replace the Arabs and the Gulf Emirs with
Russia and the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, marginalizing the
Middle East and its complexities.

This region will recover its importance when the Americans recover from the
Saudi blow and decide to turn back to dealing with Baghdad. The decision by
President Bush on this may be no more than a week, ten days off, but in
making it, he will be influenced – not by what happens between Israelis and
Palestinians, but by the progress of the combat in Afghanistan
US Bereft of Arab Coalition After
Saudi Arabia Backs out
22 September:  The United States has delayed the start of its offensive
against Afghanistan and Osama Bin Laden, in retaliation for the terrorist
strikes in New York and Washington, because of a dramatic turnaround of Arab
support in the Middle East, DEBKAfile’s Gulf and Washington sources report.

Saturday afternoon, it became clear that events in Riyadh had dealt the final
deathblow to the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell’s failed efforts to
create an Arab front to bolster the Bush administration’s world war on terror.

The reason for King Fahd secret exit from Saudi Arabia, followed by a large
royal party (see earlier DEBKAfile World Exclusive on this page), is believed
by our most reliable sources to be a palace revolution sparked by differences
in the royal family over support for the US offensive against Afghanistan,
Osama Bin Laden’s terror network and other rogue targets.  King Fahd and his
Sudeiri faction, including defense minister Sultan, were in favor of letting
the US place assault forces in forward bases on Saudi soil; the conservative,
religious Crown Prince Abdullah, who runs the kingdom since King Fahd became
ill, overruled him, backed by the religious establishment.
As a result, Saudi Arabia refused to let the US use the kingdom’s new
combined air operations command center at Prince Sultan Air Base near Riyadh,
after Air Force Lt. Gen Charles Wald had been dispatched to the base earlier
this week, to take command of US air forces assigned to the Middle East and
Southwest Asia.

His mission was to run the air war from the new, sophisticated air base
opened this summer, a base linked to Al Dhafra in the United Arab Emirates
and Seeb in the Sultanate of Oman. The Saudi base was also to have been the
central command post not only for the 175 aircraft already based in the
region for patrolling south Iraq’s no-flight zone, but also for directing
attacks from other bases in the region in the new war offensive.

When General Wald landed in Saudi Arabia with his top aides on Tuesday,
September 18, he was told he had no command base. That was when the feuding
inside the royal house over its role in the American war against terrorism
reached its climax. The monarch’s defeat in the argument inside the palace
was apparently the main reason for his abrupt departure the next day,
Wednesday, September 19.

The Pentagon has since then been casting about for replacement bases of
operation and holding up the onset of the scheduled US campaign.

DEBKAfile’s military sources believe that one of General Wald’s options for
his command post is the Bahrain. Some of the fighter craft due to have been
based in Saudi Arabia have been moved to Incerlik, the big air base in South
Turkey, after Anakara made all its bases available for the American war
effort, and the Uzbek military airport of Tuzel, 15 km. from Tashkent.
Large-scale air and commando forces also landed Saturday in Tadjikistan, on
the border of Afghanistan.

The American forces are now laboring to catch up with their schedule for the

The upset in Riydah also sent the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat racing to
Riydah to meet Crown Prince Abdullah and update his own strategy with the
turn of events in the royal house.  DEBKAfile’s Palestinian experts expect
Arafat to turn tail and back out of the accommodations he broached under US
and European pressure – including his commitment to a ceasefire.

According to DEBKAfile ’s Washington sources, the Bush administration
realizes it has been let down by the Arab world, chiefly the Saudis and
President Mubarak of Egypt, in its first steps
to launch an international campaign to defeat world terrorism. It will go
ahead, but not
forget in a hurry.
Saudis in Flight
22 September: King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia has been secretly flown
out of the kingdom to his palace in Geneva, Switzerland. DEBKAfile reports
this breaking news exclusively from its Gulf and Middle East sources. The
royal mobile hospital fitted aboard Boeing 757 HZ-HMED landed in the private
VIP section of Geneva airport Wednesday afternoon, September 19. A palace
conclave led by Crown Prince Abdullah, who effectively rules the kingdom,
decided to remove the chronically ailing monarch to safety, fearing he might
be stranded in the middle of a military crisis arising from the impending US
offensive in the region.

The royal hospital plane was accompanied by another craft of the royal flight
carrying the king’s family and entourage.

The possibility of a major terrorist attack on the royal palaces being
sparked by the outbreak of hostilities was also taken into account in Riyadh.
A group of princes was therefore carried to a safe place in the additional
fleet of 10 royal aircraft that ferried members of the Saudi royal family to
Geneva.  More than a dozen Mercedes waited on the tarmac of Geneva
International Airport to collect the royal arrivals.

According to DEBKAfile’s sources, the Saudi royal airlift, which began
Tuesday night, September 18, is still in progress. Two more private royal
planes are expected in the VIP section of Geneva airport Saturday.
War Preparations in Israel
21 September: Without a word to the Israeli public, national emergency war
preparations went into high gear Thursday afternoon, September 20.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that hospitals were placed on the ready
and medical teams ordered to stay on call.  The military authorities warned
hospital directors to prepare for a heavy intake of casualties. There was no
answer to questions about whether the casualties would come from inside or
outside the country – Israeli victims of military operations or enemy attack,
or American troops injured after America’s war against terror is launched.

Israeli civilian airfields were also instructed to close down for civilian
air traffic as of today, Friday, September 21. Israeli airlines, including
the national carrier El Al, were ordered to begin transferring some of their
aircraft to the military authorities.

Israel’s strategic supplies are also in the process of being moved to
prepared underground shelters – especially the central oil, gas and petrol
depot at Gelilot depot in North Tel Aviv, which is very close to densely
inhabited residential areas and army bases. A direct missile hit on that
location could cause many casualties.

Since September 11, shortly after the attacks in New York and Washington,
Israeli air defense systems and units, including two kinds of anti-missile
missiles – the new Israeli Arrow and the American Patriot missiles, have been
held at a high level of preparedness.

These measures are summed up by DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military experts under the
heading of defensive preparedness against medium-range missile or air attack.
In the case of Iraq, Israeli is also preparing for the appearance of its L-29
drone that is capable of carrying a chemical or biological warfare payload.

The traffic of applicants for gas masks increased markedly before and after
the New Year festival this week.

Drumming up Anti-Israel Feeling as a Diplomatic Device
24 September: The attempt by the British foreign secretary Jack Straw to
curry favor in Tehran by playing on his hosts’ violent anti-Jewish and
anti-Israeli emotions will not endear him to Israelis. His turn of phrase and
message show he shares their feelings about the country, Israel, he proposes
to visit Tuesday, September 25: “…one of the factors which helps breed
terrorism is the anger which many people in the region feel at events over
the years in Palestine,” he said.
Palestine? And the venomously implied linkage of the events in that
unmentionable place Israel with the atrocities in New York and Washington?
The Israeli foreign ministry, instead of telling Jack Straw he was not
welcome in “Palestine”, rushed forward to explain that the foreign
secretary’s sentiments were not shared by prime minister Tony Blair.
Straw’s is not the only tainted innuendo coming out of London. This line has
been taken often by the BBC in recent months. The campaign to have Israeli
prime minister Ariel Sharon indicted as a war criminal for the murder of
Palestinians by Lebanese Christians in Beirut 19 years ago is driven and
funded by International Amnesty head office in London, which blows up the
flames each time they die down.
The anti-Jewish infection has rippled outward to hands more than willing to
exploit the horrors inflicted by terrorists on America. More than one
respectable publication in the United States has picked up an unfounded
report appearing in the Pakistani press alleging that 4000 Israelis worked in
the twin towers in New York while only very few fell victim to the disaster
because they were tipped off in advance. Who tipped them off? Who but the
The implication is clear.
These unlovely smears fit neatly into a well-orchestrated effort in Europe
and the Arab world – assisted by certain quarters of the United States and
Israel - to pin the monstrous wave of international terrorism on the
Israel-Palestinian conflict.
This claim provides a handy alibi for their failure to jump aboard the bloc
of nations President George W. Bush is striving to assemble for his war
against terrorism. It is far easier to deflect US demands of support by
pointing the finger at Jerusalem as the coalition’s main stumbling block.
Israel (excepting only foreign minister Shimon Peres) is presented as being
gratuitously difficult about wiping Yasser Arafat’s thirty-year record as a
terrorist clean, and accepting him as a respectable leader. Most
unreasonably, Israeli refuses to save him, his organization and the radical
Islamic terrorist organizations operating under the aegis of the Palestinian
Authority from America’s anti-terrorist wrath. It is Israel’s fault therefore
that Arab governments cannot join the American-led war coalition. The
European governments, fearing for their trade with the Islamic world, are
full of sympathy for their plight.
In Jerusalem, Jack Straw proposes to follow up on the thesis he outlined in
Tehran - that Israel is not the victim of terror, but its cause, and must
therefore kowtow to the Palestinians, who are the victims not the terrorists
– a topsy-turvy case the Europeans have been pushing anyway by singing along
with the Arabs in stigmatizing Israel at every chance.
Knowing the Enemy
23 September:  As US sea-air armadas, destroyers, air fleets and Special
Service units speed east to make war on terrorism, the opposition makes its
own preparations quietly and in the dark. The ex-Saudi terror master Osama
Bin Laden is generally presented as being on the run, dodging with a small
band from one hideout to another in the UruzgaMountains north of Kahandar and
south of Hindu Kush, to escape the mighty force out to get him. Some reports
place him in hiding in Somalia. The truth is that no one – including western
intelligence agencies – knows where he is.
What DEBKAfile’s intelligence and military sources can say is that Bin Laden
and his senior commanders, far from giving up the flight, are in fact busy
preparing their next offensive against the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia, the
Gulf Emirates, Egypt and Israel – all affirmed targets of the jihad he has
declared against America and everything its stands for.
Bin Laden and his ilk do not practice Western military doctrines. The
concepts of military hierarchy, with its generals and colonels, general
staffs and operational, air intelligence and naval intelligence branches, are
all alien to Bin Laden and his band.
This is quite deliberate. Bin Laden keeps his men untouched by Western
military thinking and formats for two reasons:
1.  To prevent his men’s exposure to Western culture, while creating a milieu
in which any Western penetration agent will soon be spotted.
2.  A preference for traditional Islamic fighting methods, mostly taken from
the early days of conquering Islam - the 7th century, when the Caliph Omar
prevailed over the Byzantine Empire, and the 11th century, when Saladin
defeated the European Crusaders.
Saladin, who was not an Arab but a Seljuk from Asia Minor, built his army
around a very small command of adherents and a large international pool of
reservists, who were called up for major battles by a dozen or so runners,
who traveled to the different countries and activated local couriers in
relays for posting call-up summons in the towns and villages.
DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that Bin Laden’s courier
squad of half a dozen runners went into action on September 9, two days
before the four hijacked airliners rammed the WorldTradeCenter in New York
and the Pentagon in Washington.  They spread out in two destinations. One
group headed for the Islamic madrassas, Islamic schools and colleges of
Afghanistan, where 40,000 of the more than one million students, Afghans and
foreigners, have embraced the jihad mission under Bin Laden’s leadership. A
second group went round the 10,000 madrassas of Pakistan, where Bin Laden can
count on a further 70,000 jihad devotees.
The conscripts were issued with their personal weapons early last week from
central armories serving each cluster of madrassas.
These schools are not colleges in the Western sense, but training and
indoctrination academies breeding militant zealots for battle and
self-sacrifice. These future recruits to Bin Laden’s Moslem internationale
are subjected to rigorous training disciplines in guerrilla and urban combat,
sabotage, the making and use of bombs, simple weaponry for use against
planes, helicopters and tanks and endurance in harsh conditions deprived of
water and food for long periods.
This is not a ragged rabble, but a well-drilled, dedicated Islamic legion of
at least 110,000 zealots, raring to take on Western armies and unafraid of
elite US Delta, Rangers and Seals or British S.A.S. commandos descending on
their strongholds.
Indeed some of the instructors teaching the students the arts of war may have
received their own training at the hands of American Moslem commando
instructors, attached at different periods to US 101st or 82nd Airborne
Divisions. How these Moslem Americans reached the most violent Islamic
training grounds in the world will be described elsewhere. Suffice it to say
that the Islamic army congregating in Afghanistan under the Bin Laden banner
is a fighting force as formidable in its own way as the military might the
United States and the British are assembling to eradicate it.
Some 3,500 hard core senior officers serving in Bin Laden’s training bases in
Afghanistan have taken command of the gathering army.
DEBKAfile’s military sources confirm at least one initial engagement between
US elite forces who have crossed from neighboring Tadjikistan, a former
Soviet republic, into southeast Afghanistan since Saturday, September 22.
They were Led through the mountains by Russian intelligence officers familiar
with Afghan frontier terrain and Tadjik and Pushtun smugglers associated with
Russian intelligence. There was another brush Saturday, between British SAS
units who entered Afghanistan from the north and linked up with the Afghan
general Rashid Dustum, an Uzbek, and a Bin Laden band. Members of the British
force penetrated Afghan military lines and reached the outskirts of Kabul.
DEBKAfile’s military sources are quite clear that the coming war will be
fought both inside and outside Afghanistan, and that its tempo, scale, arena
and intensity will not be dictated by the Americans alone.
Al Qaeda is an international association of allied groups operating in many
parts of the world.
Its top commanders are:
YAMAN AL ZAWAHAR, head of the Egyptian Jihad Islami, who is Bin Laden’s
senior deputy and heir apparent
JUMMA MAMANGANI, an Uzbek, who was recently appointed Al Qaeda chief of
operations. He is former commander of the Moslem Army for the Liberation of
Kyrgistan. Three key Afghan training camps, at Jalalabad, Farmada and
Daronta, are under his command.
FATEH KAMEL, who leads the most militant cells of the extremist Algerian GIA.
In the name of Al Qaida, he controls terrorist cells in the United States,
Canada and Algeria.
MUHAMMED ATIF aka SUBHI ABU-SITTAH, who is nominal chief of staff of the
network and its brightest military brain. He comes from the Egyptian Jihad
IMAD MUGHNIYEH, the former Lebanese Hizballah hostage-taker and bomber, who
is in charge of the combined terrorist campaign around the Middle East, the
Persian Gulf, Europe and Israel.
On top of the 3,500 hard core commanders and 110,000 Afghan and Pakistani
troops, Al Qaeda retains another 6400 commanders in 12 centers: North
America, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Kosovo, Algeria, Chechenya,
Tadjikistan and all the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, the
Philippines, Egypt, Ethiopia and Somalia.
The numbers of Bin Laden can muster differs from place to place. In North
America, together with his closest ally, the Egyptian Jihad Islami, some
2,500 hard core fighting men; in Yemen, where his family originated before
migrating to Saudi Arabia – 2000 directly. But Bin Laden has a special
relationship with the commanders of the 20,000-man strong irregular “Moslem
Liberation Army, which hold a monopoly of the arms trade of the Arabian
Peninsula, the Horn of Africa, the Red Sea and East Africa. Its reach
sometimes goes as far as Iran.
Bin Laden often serves as the MLA’s clearing bank and ready bankroll for arms
In Saudi Arabia, where the privileged and affluent Bin Laden clan lives,
Osama commands some 200-250 hard-core commanders, but many more potential
partisans among the disaffected tribes in the central and eastern provinces,
especially the Nejd, as well as in the Saudi armed forces and national guard.
An intensive Al Qaeda recruitment effort in those two Saudi forces could
cause their collapse and drop in Bin Laden’s lap their arsenals, with some of
the most sophisticated hardware in use today.
According to conservative estimates, the millionaire-terrorist could most
probably rally around the world roughly the same number of fighting men as
those flocking to his flag in Afghanistan and Pakistan, namely an army of
over 200,000 men. Many members of his overseas legions are available for both
sustained and for one-time operations. In between, they simply go back to
their normal pursuits and their homes in host countries. They are also
available for terrorist operations on their home ground.
Copyright © 2001 Debkafile. All Rights Reserved.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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