Hello Barbara,
Well, first one must remember that one of the main reasons for the mass immigration of peoples in the late 1800s and up till W.W.II was due to economic manipulation of world economies by international bankers.  Intentional pain and suffering brought unto countless millions.  As continues to happen today.
As to the eagerness of the American citizens to absorb them into their culture, well, we Americans have always been receptive to cheap labor.  Much more honorable than flag waving, rah-rah rhetoric would be, IMHO, to try and understand and help with the root causes of mass immigration.  Of course most of the peoples that came here took on our ways and attitudes to certain degrees.  However, rampant prejudice was the norm in those "grand old days" that you are recalling.
I am from the South West and no matter how noble or self effacing the Hispanic populations were, they were thought of and referred to as Spics and Mezcins and basically denied acceptance into mainstream society.  Of course with Hispanics it is somewhat different now.
However, having lived in the North East in Mass and NY I know that the"Micks, Wops, Kikes" ,etc. had their own roads to hoe.  Striving for acceptance and thwarted from entry into the main stream. Of course the rich elite from all races and creeds can pay their entry fee's to those institutions. Also a large portion of Jewish immigration was due to pogroms instituted by the world bankers to cause massive migration to the US so they could be distributed throughout the country, educated enough to be naturalized citizens and to be registered to vote.  This was done to give the Schiff, Rothschild group a hand in taking over the Democratic political platform.
Yes, there has been US bashing.  However, not by the press and other media.  I am appalled at the lack of dissent in the mainstream press.  I am appalled that my family and friends consider dissent to be treasonous.  I am disturbed by the lack of a common cry from all of these huddled masses for a responsible government with a responsible foreign policy.  Hell, even a little involvement with the system would be good.  Our national voting population is below 50% if I am not mistaken (please correct if I am).
The citizens of this country are great and diversified.  We see our selves as champions of right and citizens of the one true free place on earth.  However, in our focus for self gratification and ignorance of our countries effect on the rest of the world, we are all culpable for crimes against humanity.  We purchase without shame manufactured goods produced in sweatshops.  We establish our mega-corporation branches in China that kills 190 citizens a day along with other atrocities.  We use Guatemalan and Honduran refugees on our construction sites at below minimum wage and care less that our intervention in their countries is what drove them to our lands.  Of course the examples are numerous.
I agree that we should all come together.  First, we should demand that the press be returned to the US citizens. Our people wallow in ignorance and PR induced coma's of misunderstanding.  We need to reclaim our schools from the government and start educating instead of indoctrinating.
I guess if we get those two things worked out I will point out some other areas that need to be addressed.

<There seems to be a lot of bashing of the United States that goes on and
has gone on for quite awhile. It’s true we have put our political foot
into it many a time, sticking our nose perhaps where it should not have
been. But we’re a great country and most of us who have lived long
enough, and traveled even a little in our lives, know that the heart and
center of courage and independence resides with us. We opened our hearts
and our arms to all nations, and all peoples, and became the great
melting pot. It was a good idea, a lot of fine people came here to help
us grow and evolve as a nation. Times have changed. I think standards
should be higher. I think we should come together as a people, if we are
going to call ourselves Americans.>

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