Scary Quotes
Compiled by Disinformation Books
editor Russ Kick, ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
publisher of Alternewswire (


Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama; the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee)

"All of us want to see the details of any legislative plan if there's going to be a legislative response, but Congress, I believe, is in the mood to do whatever it takes to win this war against terrorism.''

Representative Mary Bono (R-California)

The key here is to crack down. I think people are going to have to recognize that some of their conveniences are going to be gone. Whether we are talking about national ID cards I don't know, or fingerprinting of everybody, I don't know where we are going to go with security. I'm glad to show my identification where I need to go."

President George W. Bush

"You've got to always respect the privacy and rights of an American citizen, but [the federal government] ought to take a hard look now at whether they've gone too far in denying the people that run the intelligence community access to human intelligence."

Senator Trent Lott (R-Mississippi)

"When you are at war, civil liberties are treated differently. We cannot let what happened yesterday happen in the future."

Representative Martin T. Meehan (D-Massachusetts)

"I don't think we've done a good enough job in this country utilizing the technology available, like facial recognition technology. We need to make greater investments there.... Given this unspeakable act, Americans will tolerate some restraint on their liberties for the sake of security."

Walter Dellinger, who served as acting solicitor general in the Clinton administration:

"With terrorism, our only defense might be infiltration and surveillance, so we're going to have to choose between security and privacy."

House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Missouri)

"We are going to have to change the balance between freedom and security."

New York Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno:

"There's a natural concern by some people that you don't want to overreact and go too far in dealing with people's civil liberties. From my point of view, now is the time if we're going to overreact, we overreact in terms of protecting potential victims, the innocent people, and not worry in the least about coddling potential criminals.''

Morton H. Halperin, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC:

"The intelligence agencies have a long list of things they want done. They've been waiting for an event to justify them.''

Michael G. Cherkasky, president of Kroll Inc., a security consultant:

"Each American could be given a 'smart card,' so, as they go into an airport or anywhere, we know exactly who they are. The technology is here. These cards in industry are going to spread, and then it's going to spread very rapidly elsewhere."

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