In a message dated 9/30/01 11:35:44 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

And yet some on the left make still more outlandish demands: not only do they
want proof before American action; they want U.S. forces to refrain from
killing bin Laden and instead arrest him and bring him before an
International Criminal Court (which, of course, allows them to point out that
the U.S. refuses to approve such a court).

As one who has been accused of being on the "left" once or twice I say SHOW THE EVIDENCE and if it's compelling we can bypass any judicial proceedings and kill the guy...but let us at least examine the evidence for chrissakes!

I for one am uncomfortable taking the lying feds at their word...and still suspicious at the remarkable speed with which we've "determined" exactly who was involved.


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