Harken Oil and Bush
Posted By: Ranger_Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Wednesday, 26 September 2001, 3:49 p.m. In Response To: WARNING: WORD SEARCHES THAT INCUR ASSAULTS (Phoenix)

Running a search on Harken Oil in the public library newspaper archives will present
you with a host of players and names that include Arbusto Energy and Spectrum 7 Partners - all oil endeavors Dubya and/or his father were involved in.

Also involved: James R. Bath, notorius financier from Houston with CIA connections.

If you dig far enough you'll also find the connections are there to bin Laden - through

You are right indeed, the Big Boys don't want this stuff out there too much, which is
why of course, we are steady at work digging into these companies to connect the dots vis a vis, Bush, Oil, Arabs and bin Laden and terrorism.

While we are on the topic, anyone with any insights and/or information on a
company that was called Kelt Oil (when it was British/French owned) in the late 1980's, please contact us via e-mail. Also, any information on something called "ORKA HOLDING COMPANY" will be appreciated, and help connect some dots.

Kelt came into Torrance, California in 1986/1987 out of nowhere, and snagged a heck
of a oil/land deal. I have a copy of the original lease with in excess of a hundred names on it. On it are names and addresses that connect to CIA/NSA covert front companies in Torrance; in fact, the old office for Kelt was at a known front company address that houses several government fronts.

Several companies there also regularly donated to the nefarious, Yakuza connected
current 53rd State Assemblyman, George Nakano of Torrance, recipient of thousands of illegal campaign dollars in the late 90's from convicted felons, Gene and Nora Lum, and Ron Brown's son Michael, and the Prices of Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. PBS Frontline has done an excellent expose on them entitled (justly) "The Fixers", and it is available online.

Nakano by the way has refused to return his illegal donations to this day. They can
be reviewed in detail at one of his former opponent's sites,, under "opponents".

It is our theory that the Kelt deal was in effect a 9 million dollar launder (Swiss banks
were involved) for the Iran Contra players, including Bush and Ollie North. Our delving into their files at the Gas and Petroleum archives met with little success; many of the documents it seems, are 'missing'....

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