-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Hijackers Led By Core Group
Suspects Left Trail of Movements In U.S. Through Licenses, Rentals

By Amy Goldstein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 30, 2001; Page A01

The 19 hijackers who carried out the worst act of terror ever to occur on
U.S. soil worked with little outside help as a single, integrated group
composed of identifiable leaders and shadowy foot soldiers who prepared for
their final day in a tight choreography over 18 months.

An examination of public records and dozens of interviews shatters the image
of the conspiracy that coalesced immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Based on early, flawed information from federal investigators, initial
accounts depicted an operation that was carried out by four compartmentalized
cells of terrorists. And because investigations and neighbors were confused
by similar or falsified Arabic names, reports emerged that the cells included
as many as 10 pilots, who -- with wives and children -- had blended
seamlessly into suburban America.

In fact, it now seems clear that only a single hijacker aboard each of the
four commandeered aircraft knew how to fly a plane. Just two of the other
hijackers -- both linked to terrorist Osama bin Laden -- had briefly taken
flight lessons.

These six men apparently formed the conspiracy's leadership. Records and
interviews show that this core group, often separated by thousands of miles,
remained in the United States the longest and left behind the most visible
tracks that, in retrospect, can be seen as highly synchronized preparations.

Some of the leaders were educated, worldly and so intimately connected that
three of the four suspected pilots had roomed together in Germany, where they
attended theTechnical University of Hamburg. Sophisticated as they were, the
leaders were clumsy enough in their English and manners that they repeatedly
provoked notice and annoyance, if not outright suspicion, while they were in
the United States.

Helping these leaders was a cadre of 13 Saudi Arabian men, most of them
younger and less educated, many from their country's poorest regions. These
young Saudis left faint appearances in U.S. public records and seem for the
most part to have arrived only in recent months.

Leader or follower, none of the hijackers brought wives or children with
them. And contrary to early reports, none of the pilots had worked for Saudi
Arabian Airlines.

For the leaders and followers alike, a maze of connections -- including
overlapping addresses -- exists among hijackers who ended up on different

The synchronization of their preparations is evident in the most basic
ingredients of their plot. Seven of the hijackers obtained Florida driver's
licenses within a 15-day span in early summer. Thirteen purchased airline
tickets for their final flights within five days in late August. And over the
course of the summer, a dozen -- who ultimately ended up spread among the
four flights -- moved through South Florida apartments.

The plot revolved around mundane, perfectly legal details of everyday life:
tourist visas, driver's licenses, apartment leases, Internet connections,
airline tickets, mail boxes and rental cars. The records left by the
hijackers as they carried out those ordinary acts reveal the footprints of
the conspiracy. They detail who did what and with whom, and they reveal that
the hijackers were divided into two distinct classes.

"There are two groups on each plane: You've got the brains, who are the
pilots and the leaders, and then you have the muscle coming in later on,"
said a senior government official. "They were the ones who held the
passengers at bay."

This newer portrait of the conspiracy may yet evolve. The FBI investigation
into the plot is preliminary, and the conspiracy's precise nature probably
will not be understood for years. Only a fraction of what has been learned
about the conspirators by federal investigators is publicly known. Telephone
records and airline manifests, for example, would be disclosed only in secret
before a grand jury or in a courtroom.

But from the information that is available at the moment, certain patterns
can be gleaned that render a fuller picture of the conspirators.

In particular, an analysis of the hijackers' visible trails gives greater
clarity to the role of Mohamed Atta, the 33-year-old Egyptian lawyer's son
already identified by a government official as the "axel" of the plot. He
traveled the most, listed the most addresses, took the most practice flights
and had the greatest interaction with other conspirators. Atta and two of the
other suspected pilots -- Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ziad Samir Jarrah -- belonged
to a radical Islamic student group in Hamburg that investigators believe may
have been a birthplace of the plot.

More broadly, both the leaders and the followers can be seen to have often
deployed in pairs. They came together for crucial tasks, such as to get new
government identification cards that would ease their passage onto the planes.

The hijackers' behavior reveals certain incongruities. They were Islamic
fundamentalists who nevertheless indulged in Western culture, from fast food
to hard liquor. One spent $4,500 on a single airline ticket, yet they haggled
over bar tabs, car rental fees and apartment security deposits just days
before they would die.

The most basic incongruity, though, is this: The preparations of the 19
hijackers were imperfect. Some were kicked out of pilot schools. Some had to
pay cash for their plane tickets after their credit cards were rejected. Two
were late for the Boston flight that would be the first to slam into the
World Trade Center. But inexact as it was, their plot succeeded in claiming
more than 6,000 lives.

The Advance Guard

In November 1999, two Saudi Arabian men moved into a ground-floor apartment
at the Parkwood Apartments, a town house complex near a busy commercial strip
in San Diego. Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi struck their neighbors as
odd. They had no furniture but often carried briefcases and seemed to be on
their cell phones a lot.

Two months later, investigators believe, Almihdhar and Alhazmi traveled to
Malaysia, where they met with bin Laden operatives who were later linked to
the bombing of thedestroyer USS Cole.

By May 2000, they arrived at Sorbi's Flying Club, a small school 20 miles
north of San Diego that trains about four dozen pilots a year, and announced
that they wanted to learn to fly Boeing airliners.

Almihdhar and Alhazmi were part of the advance guard.

Their flight lessons began within weeks of the day two of the other leaders,
Atta and Al-Shehhi, a 23-year-old native of the United Arab Emirates,
enrolled in a six-month course at Huffman Aviation, a flying school in
Venice, Fla.

A continent apart, the four men displayed uncanny parallels. According to
former neighbors, landlords and flight instructors, the California team and
the Florida team almost always left their apartments as a pair. Few people
recall ever seeing any of them alone.

Within each pair, one man assumed a more genial, communicative role, while
the other was quieter, brooding. In California, Alhazmi is remembered as more
outgoing. In Florida, waitresses and others consistently recall Al-Shehhi as
friendlier than Atta -- a dour, arrogant man whose English seemed atrocious
at times, but suddenly could be smooth when he needed a car or hotel room.

These four men traveled often: Al-Shehhi to Morocco and Amsterdam, Atta twice
to Spain.

Neither team took pains to be furtive. Although Atta occasionally used
aliases, all four men gave their real names when they registered for flight
lessons or bought airline tickets -- a violation of a "terrorist's manual"
written for bin Laden's network.

Almihdhar and Alhazmi, in particular, were readily visible within the local
Muslim community. They mingled atthe Islamic Center of San Diego. It was at
the center that they bought the blue Corolla they would ultimately drive
across the country and park at Dulles International Airport on Sept. 11.

Even as they sought to blend into the United States well enough to complete
their tasks, the pairs of men were imperfect chameleons. At times, they were
overeager. They were hindered by faulty English. They were, on occasion,
aggressive, even boorish.

Rick Garza, Sorbi's chief flight instructor at the time, sat Almihdhar and
Alhazmi down after a half-dozen ground lessons and two flights. "This is not
going to work out," he told them.

Their English was terrible, but Garza was more disturbed by a certain
overzealousness. Even though "they had no idea what they were doing," the
instructor said, they insisted on learning to fly multi-engine planes, at one
point offering him extra money if he would teach them.

In Florida, Atta strived to adapt to U.S. styles, shedding the flowing beard
and tunic he had favored in Germany for a clean-cut look. But both he and
Al-Shehhi, while more successful than the San Diego pair at acquiring pilots'
skills and licenses, could be similarly off-putting. At Huffman, Atta
appropriated the seat cushion of a fellow student while he flew in the
school's Piper Cherokee Warrior.

Infuriated, the student, Anne Greaves, tried to wrest the cushion from Atta's
grasp. "Marwan lunged, putting his arm quickly between Atta and myself, to
protect him in a way," Greaves said. "I remember thinking, 'What on Earth
could they be frightened of?' "

Doughnuts by the Boxful

If the behavior of the first four was conspicuously unpleasant, they
nevertheless were clearly more adept than the young Saudi men who came in a
second wave.

One of these men, who moved early last summer into a shabby apartment
building inPaterson, N.J., once had to ask a neighbor how to screw in a light

Among the first to arrive were Hamza Alghamdi, 20, and Mohand Alshehri, 23,
who in January rented a post office box in Delray Beach, Fla.

Most of the second group of conspirators were from poor families. A few had
enough education to give them skills that would prove handy. Alshehri, who
graduated from a religious high school and dropped out of Imam Muhammed bin
Saud University, was facile enough with computers that he could use the
Internet at a Delray Beach public library.

But these younger men seemed to settle under the wings of a leader for such
basic needs as finding a place to live. Last winter, Hani Hanjour, another
pilot, did the talking when he rented the Paterson apartment with another
young man, even though Hanjour's own English was poor. In June, Al-Shehhi, by
then a licensed pilot who had been in Florida for at least a year, helped
Hamza Alghamdi shop for an apartment, according to the real estate agent who
worked with them.

Unlike the first wave, who focused on the mentally rigorous work of pilot
training, the second wave of young men put time into strengthening their
bodies. In Florida and Maryland, they paid cash to train with weights in gyms.

In ways that were curiously out of sync with Islamic orthodoxy, these young
men seemed to revel in their brief taste of American life. They wore shorts
and T-shirts. Last month, Majed Moqed, 22, another hijacker on American
Airlines Flight 77, which hit the Pentagon, stopped into a Beltsville store
that rents adult videos. After scanning the titles, he did not rent any, but
he returned at least once.

Some of the hijackers who passed through New Jersey during the summer
developed the habit of buying doughnuts by the boxful and meals from a
Chinese carryout. Others frequently stopped by a bar at night for Salem or
Parliament cigarettes, Heineken or Budweiser beer.

A Blur of Motion

New Jersey served as one hub for the conspirators in the days and nights of
summer. South Florida served as the other. Soon, the early pairs gave way to
larger, interlocking groups.

The apartment that Al-Shehhi had helped Hamza Alghamdi to find also became
the home of Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi.

On Aug. 2, at least five -- and possibly seven -- of the hijackers went to a
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles office in Arlington, where they
allegedly met a local man who fraudulently helped them obtain identification
cards they could flash at airport counters.

The men who got the IDs that day later would fan out to three of the four
hijacked planes, illustrating the conspiracy's interwoven nature. The scheme
is striking for a second reason: It shows the amount of calculation behind
the plot. The men who got the Virginia cards included those who would board
the flight at nearby Dulles. The only others who took part in the scam were
the two hijackers on other planes who had not obtained a driver's license in
Florida since last spring.

Such close coordination, visible all along, is particularly evident as the
conspirators purchased their tickets and moved into their final positions
before the attacks. The last weeks of August and first days of September
appear in retrospect as a blur of motion, as hijackers left apartments,
returned rental cars and realigned to join the men with whom they would board
their planes.

Mysteries That Linger

As more of the conspiracy becomes understood, government sources now say that
the investigation so far suggests the 19 had "no major help" in the United
States. Sources say that the conspirators were funded with $500,000 from
overseas and that the terrorist mission was planned and launched several
years ago in Germany, with crucial support in Britain, the United Arab
Emirates and Afghanistan.

Of the more than 480 people detained during the last few weeks, a few have
drawn particular attention.

Zacarias Moussaoui was detained Aug. 17 after he caused a scene at a flight
simulator in Minnesota, where he worried his instructors by baldly saying he
wanted to learn how to fly jets but not to land them.

Two Indian men who had gotten off an airplane on Sept. 11 were arrested on a
train in Fort Worth the next day. Accounts differ on what led to the arrests,
but the men were discovered with $5,000 in cash, hair dye and box-cutter
knives similar to ones used by the hijackers to take control of the planes.

Early last week, Mohammed Abdi, a Somalian working as a security guard in the
District, was detained after authorities found his phone number written on a
map left behind in the blue Corolla by several of the hijackers in a Dulles
parking lot. And Friday, Lotfi Raissi, an Algerian pilot who had lived in
Arizona, was accused in Britain of training four of the hijackers.

In recent days, the investigation has intensified in Germany as well, where
authorities are seeking people who roomed with the hijackers from Hamburg or
had other ties to them.

Of all the mysteries that linger, a central one surrounds the man believed to
be the fourth hijacker pilot: Hanjour. Unlike the other three suspected
pilots -- Atta, Al-Shehhi and Jarrah, who trained in Europe -- there is no
evidence that Hanjour was radicalized in Islamic circles within Germany.
Unlike the other pair of leaders -- Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, who have
been linked to bin Laden's network and settled together in San Diego --
Hanjour did not train to fly with a partner.

Of all the 19, Hanjour's roots in the United States seem deepest. The first
trace of him in this country dates to 1990, when he appeared at the
University of Arizona in Tucson for an eight-week English course. Exactly a
decade later, he received a student visa by applying for another English
course, this time in Oakland, Calif. He entered the country but never showed
up in class.

In his elusiveness, in his long acquaintance with America, Hanjour is the
only hijacker who fits the profile of what investigators call a "sleeper," a
terrorist who lives inconspicuously in a country for years before committing
his violent act.

It is clear that Hanjour knew the San Diego leadership team. They were in the
city together and, by some accounts, were roommates for a time. By last
spring, he was on the East Coast, helping the younger group in New Jersey.
What is less evident is his exact role in the conspiracy. Was he dispatched
early to prepare the path? Was he taken into the plot as a pilot after the
pair in San Diego proved so inept?

Certainly, Hanjour's own piloting skills were shaky. He took lessons at a
Scottsdale, Ariz., flight school four years ago, but eventually was asked to
leave by instructors who said his skills were poor and his manner difficult.
Just a month ago, instructors at Freeway Airport in Bowie flew with him and
deemed him unfit to rent a plane by himself.

But on the morning of Sept. 11, as Flight 77 veered off its course to Los
Angeles and streaked toward Washington and the Pentagon, Hanjour is thought
to have been the one who executed what a top aviation source called "a nice,
coordinated turn."

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