-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saddam has germ warfare arsenal, says defecting physicist
By Jessica Berry in Beirut
(Filed: 30/09/2001)

SADDAM HUSSEIN has directed his top scientists to work exclusively on
expanding his chemical and biological weapons arsenal, one of the regime's
former senior scientists has told The Telegraph.

He said Saddam has ordered the nuclear weapons programme to be shelved
because it had proved too expensive. The disclosures by the nuclear
physicist, a recent Iraqi defector, will add to the alarm of Western leaders
who last week issued a warning of the prospect of chemical attacks on
European and American targets.

Military experts said Saddam's decision could have been linked to the attacks
on New York's World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, which investigators
believe were planned years in advance.

Over the past six months about 3,000 physicists and chemists have been
working flat out on secret programmes to develop both toxins and the means to
deploy them to lethal effect, according to Dr al Sabiri (not his real name).

The scientist formerly worked at the Atomic Energy Organisation in Baghdad,
but defected because of his growing horror of the regime. "I created death in
Iraq. I had to get out," he said. Details of Dr al Sabiri's defection cannot
be revealed because of fears for his safety.

"I was asked to examine hundreds of complicated and dangerous toxins," he
said. "They were very easy to use to create germs. You could put them in
water or steam, throw them in the air or use them in the soil. We developed
nerve gas, botulism and anthrax.

"One day a light green yellow substance, which was crystallised and packed in
tins, arrived. Suddenly intelligence men came in and rushed it away. I later
found out they were working on some secret project."

All these substances were tested on Iraqi prisoners, mainly Kurds and
Shi'ites in Radwania jail, in west Baghdad. The projects are headed by Prof
Shaher Mahmoud al Jibouri, a chemist and secret service agent. Senior Western
intelligence officers confirmed the experimentation on prisoners.

"Between April and May this year, 30 prisoners died after being used in
experiments," said one. Earlier this month The Telegraph revealed that at
least 20 Iraqi soldiers had died and about 200 were injured after a chemical
weapons training exercise had gone wrong.

Dr al Sabiri spent five years in the organisation's Neutron Analysis and
Activation Department. Scientists, paid about £10 a month, worked exclusively
on analysing substances, mostly imported, in order to copy and produce more.
Using a small nuclear reactor, they are able to establish the exact
composition of a substance.

There was a shortage of material, which was why he was told to copy the
samples that he was given. At one stage he was asked to reproduce a wax,
crucial for use in firing ballistic missiles. This he did with the help of
several Bulgarian scientists. "Ballistic missiles," he said, "is just one
method they want to use to spread the poisons."

More importantly, he said, the regime is currently working on adapting 12
pilotless aircraft, last used in the Iran-Iraq war during the 1980s.
"Engineers are now working on developing their range. So far they have
managed a range of 700 miles," he said.

"The planes could easily reach Israel, Iran, Turkey or Saudi Arabia. The idea
is to use them to deploy the toxins." Most of the parts, he added, were

A senior Western intelligence officer said last night that at least 30 front
companies, mainly pharmaceutical firms, are under investigation for supplying
Iraq. They are based in Italy, Thailand, the Philippines and the United Arab
Emirates. The companies cannot be named for legal reasons.

The defector's disclosures refute comments by Tariq Aziz, Iraqi deputy prime
minister, who last week denied that the regime had any biological weapons.
Last week Paul Wolfowitz, the United States deputy defence secretary, told
Nato colleagues of "the alarming coincidence between states that harbour
international terrorists and those states that have active, maturing
programmes of WMD [weapons of mass destruction]."

American hardliners are said to be keen to attack Iraq as soon as possible,
and believe that aerial bombardment is sufficient. British defence advisers,
however, have warned Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, against this.

It is unwise, they say, while there is no suitable successor to Saddam. One
intelligence official added: "The other problem is, we have no idea where
Saddam is."

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