Subject:  Fritz Springmeier on the WTC - A comprehensive overview of an important topic - Wake Up America!

Date: Friday, September 28, 2001 6:24 PM
Subject: Overview of an important topic-Wake Up America!

Dear friend, it was requested that I write up an article about the WTC
I do have some important things to share on the subject. What follows is my
perspective on things. I'm sure each of you who get this has a perspective,
too. You are welcome to respond, if you want.

Discovering missing links and hidden dangers in the WTC attack.
-by Fritz Springmeier

I have some important things to share with you. There is so much for me to
write about the attack on the twin 110-story World Trade Center towers that
just writing about it can be overwhelming.  My goal in this article will be
give you the hidden facts and the bigger picture behind the attack.  There
were a number of us who warned about this kind of thing happening.  It was
obvious the stage was being set, and it was frustrating that people of
understanding like myself have essentially no voice.  In 1995, Philippine
Intelligence warned American intelligence of the actual plot long before it
happened, and just prior to the attack a 29-year old Iranian informant in
Germany tried repeatedly in vain to warn American police.. But it happened

One of the greatest gems a teacher ever taught me was given to me by my
college instructor of the class Counseling. He said that when you examine
something, look first at the process and ignore the details (which often
out contradictory).  The details may confuse, but the process will give you
the complete picture.  If we look at a picture, we don't just look at the
corner of a picture, but we look at the entire picture. The entire picture
the process, what really happened.

For instance, President Bush repeatedly calmed Americans down by telling
that he would not sacrifice their freedoms in a rush to get at the
perpetrators of this crime. Americans relaxed, because they believed him.
Meanwhile, quietly behind their backs, President Bush created the
cabinet-level Office of Homeland Security.  This nice sounding new
agency has been planned in detail for years, and this article will explain
it locks America into a Neo-Nazi police state.

I will divide this article up into three parts.
A. First, we will look at the process.
B. Then we will look at the details, the missing links and clues that will
show us if this trauma was by accident or design, and who may ultimately be
behind the 911 WTC attack.
C. Finally, we will have a conclusion, where the meaning of all this is put
together, and the truth shines out like a new day.

Those who wanted revenge against America, may take some comfort that America
now has suffered.  Four American planes crashed into important buildings,
many people (the count is in the thousands) were killed and injured,
the hijackers who numbered about four per plane.  This we all know. The
targets were clearly symbols of American power.  They were not the source of
American power, but were important symbols.  They were obviously chosen to
enrage Americans; and it was common the day after the attack to hear
on the street enraged and burning with the desire to nuke the Moslems in the

The result of the attack was absolute rage by the common American toward
Moslems. American Moslems were pulled off of plane flights. Some were beaten
up. Sheiks from India, simply because they looked strange to ignorant
Americans, also bore some of the backlash. The point is that the attack
created a rage in Americans, not sympathy for any Moslem cause.

Most of those who want Palestinian rights realize the attack was a disaster.
The attack entirely ruined the Palestinian chances for any success in their
latest campaign of civil disturbances.  Although some Palestinians chose to
celebrate the attack, they were unwittingly celebrating a major defeat of
their previous months of sacrifices. While the world watched NYC, the
had a field day with their tanks and warplanes.  If Israel needed a free
ticket to do what they want, the WTC attack gave them that ticket.

Rather than the attack uniting the Arab world, moderate Moslem nations broke
with the Taliban. And Pakistan, a powerful Moslem nation, has been put
a rock and a hard spot. The Moslem world has been destabilized again.  In
Gulf War, America surprised the world by using Saudi bases. Now, we are
surprising the world by using Russian bases in Central Asia. While the
American is pleased with America's ability to use foreign nations as bases,
our use of these bases are experienced by Middle Easterners as an American
invasion into their Middle Eastern affairs. The process is that these
interventions aggravate the hatred and distrust of America and create more
nightmares. Such interventions aggravate tensions. If our leaders really
wanted to protect us, they would de-escalate the violence. In recent
American leadership reached out and hit innocent targets in retaliation. CBS
anchorman (Dan Rather) blathered that this was O.K. that we hit the wrong
targets when we retaliated for the embassy bombings because we showed the
world we could lash out, reach out, and hit someone. The process is that
violence is escalated.  These are scripts for "Tyrannical Order out of
not peace. Russian bombs on Afghanistan did not bring peace to Russia.
American bombs will not bring peace to us (nor Afghanistan) any more than
Russian bombs did. The process of this whole affair is a disaster for
and that is why Afghanis are fleeing their homeland for fear of their lives.

The German bombing of England and the Allied bombing of Germany hardened the
resistance of those nations.  Violence bred more hatred and more violence.
This is the process, and who is going to benefit from this?

Several things have happened to America. Let's summarize these:
a. Americans were traumatized, and many still harbor fear.
b. The American economy was shaken up, and weakened.
c. The American government has taken numerous and serious steps to place
nation under martial law, and has stripped away the few freedoms that
Americans were still enjoying. Although the effect of these new laws, new
emergency procedures and new law enforcement arrangements has not been fully
felt, they are a done deal. They are now part of our lives.
d. The American military is being reactivated, and money is being spent to
prepare for war.


For much of the twentieth century, a small group of researchers showed clear
evidence that crises and wars were being created. Their evidence is
overwhelming, but their findings have still not reached the mainstream of
people's consciousness, because the press is owned and controlled by the
people who gained from those wars being created.  These people have
written down their plans and have a motto, "Order out of chaos." In other
words, if they can secretly create chaos, then these powerful people can be
prepared to step in with the solution, which is their form of tyranny which
they call "order".

In 1991, at a Federal Court in Chicago, a case went to court involving a
joint bank account of George Bush, Sr. which he had jointly with Saddam
Hussein. Corrupt federal judges made sure that the bank records involved
remained concealed, and that the court files were destroyed. Knowing about
that joint bank account, I seriously doubted that George Bush, Sr. sincerely
wanted to overthrow his business partner Saddam Hussein when Iraq invaded
Kuwait. I was not surprised that Desert Storm and the ten following years
Hussein in power. The French firm American LaFarge, which supplied the
ingredients for Iraq's poison gas to be used against Hussein's domestic
opponents, has Hillary Rodham Clinton as one of its directors, and George
Bush, Sr. as one of the major stockholders.

Now fast forward to 2001.  George Bush, Jr. is a business partner with Osama
bin Laden. More about these secret joint accounts later. Let's point out
something that is not so secret. What is not secret, yet not well publicized
is how George Bush, Jr. recently gave a gift of $43 million dollars (from
American tax payer dollars) to the Taliban leadership on May 24, 2001! What
makes this gift to the Taliban so outrageous is that 100 congressmen the day
before had sent our new President a letter begging him not to help the
Taliban, but rather to intervene on behalf of minority religions in
Afghanistan.  I got a copy of that letter. The letter says these congressmen
are "extremely concerned". Why do minority religions need help in
Because the Taliban require them to wear I.D. labels on their clothes to
differentiate them from Moslems. The Taliban have taken a page from Adolf
Hitler's script. (Adolf Hitler happens to be the bad guy that George Bush
Sr.'s father Prescott Bush financially helped into power. You'd think that
everyone would catch on to the Bushes the third time a major bad guy comes
around who they've financed!)

George Bush, Jr. has a business partner James R. Bath, who is a Houston
businessman. They mutually own an oil drilling company Arbusto Energy.
(Arbusto means Bush in Spanish.)  These two have millions of dollars of
business with Osama bin Laden. And the three of them have secret accounts in
the Harris Bank, of the Bank of Montreal. By the way, the elite and powerful
Bronfman family control this bank. The Bush family and Osama bin Ladin were
also connected to the CIA connected bank BCCI, which was at one time used
their quiet business deals. In other words, they like to use dirty banks
controlled by their friends.

Why do I find it hard to believe that George Bush, Jr. really wants to take
out Osama bin Ladin?  What this crisis is really about is social engineering
and making money for the elite.  And the people who will suffer will be the
common people. This is why many precautions and warnings were ordered not to
be carried out, so that the stage would be left wide open for the attack of
Sept. 11, or 9-1-1 as the numbers suggest.

If you are skeptical about what I say, consider this. It has been common
knowledge among the informed that Iran has been training pilots at Wakilabad
near Mashhad to use Boeing jets for terrorism. The Iranian trained
trained on Boeing 707s, 727s, and 747s. They have been using two airports
solely for this kind of training for over a decade. Yet, our intelligence
repeatedly stated that they were completely surprised by the WTC attack.

Whether our intelligence agencies knew or didn't know of the attack ahead of
time are "debatable details", while the process is obvious to the casual
observer that they are being given much more power and money. At best, we
rewarding incompetence with more resources to squander; at worst we are
rewarding co-conspirators in what happened.

Patriotic Americans may be angry with this writer for pointing out that the
CIA trained and armed Osama bin Laden. But facts are facts.  Just like the
United States supplied Saddam Hussein with his weapons of mass
destruction-i.e. his biological weapons, our CIA were the ones who played
biggest role in setting up Osama bin Laden. Disgusted whistleblowers of the
CIA have repeatedly warned the public that their agency has become a whore
the rich and powerful.  This should not take a genius to figure out, because
Bush was director of the CIA.  In other words, Hussein and bin Laden were
best enemies that the money of the elite could buy. Why would our elite want
to be the evil masterminds of such diabolical events?  Look at the process
people, they gain more money and more control.

While American politicians everywhere told concerned citizens that they
sympathized with their concerns that we not sacrifice liberty in the name of
security, the Senate passed the "Combating Terrorism Act (CTA) on Sept. 13
less than 30 minutes of consideration, and numerous other laws stripping us
freedoms have been passed almost as quickly.

The process is a manufactured crisis.

Are you able to see how this crisis was created?

Tensions have been escalated in the world by policies carried out by those
power. I realize that many Americans don't have a clue as to what I am
about. There were some Americans who honestly and naively asked after the
attack, "Why would anyone want to attack us?"  This is why one group in
Pakistan held up a sign for the cameras that said, "AMERICANS, THINK! WHY

And to stifle us from thinking about this, I read one newspaper editorial
which said the suffering at the World Trade Center is far out of proportion
anything America has ever done.

Terrorism is encouraged when the rights of people are trampled on and they
have no voice. One congressman warned in Congress that over a million people
have died in Iraq due to our continuous bombing and embargo of that country.
The stories of the suffering of innocent civilians in Iraq are incredible.
UNICEF in 1996 reported 31% of the children there had chronic malnutrition.
The next year they reported one million children under five were chronically
malnourished. Americans have no idea of the suffering. One of the best ways
our leaders could really protect us from terrorism is to protect the rights
others around the world.

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