-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Fugitive says 14 terrorist pilots still on the loose


A HAND-PICKED team of 14 young Muslims who were trained to fly Boeing jets in
secret at an airbase in Afghanistan are believed to be hiding in Europe and
America using fake passports and identities.
Seven of the team are known to speak fluent English and left Afghanistan more
than a year ago with enough flying skill to stage further suicide attacks.
Security services worldwide, already overwhelmed by the hunt for “sleepers”
that Osama bin Laden has in place, have been told to track down these 14 men.

They were trained by a senior pilot working for Ariana, the Afghan
state-owned airline, who revealed how the Taleban administration ordered him
and four other captains to teach the 14-strong group to handle large
commercial jets. The captain, known only as Rasul Parvaz, said he did not
know what became of his students after they were smuggled out of Afghanistan.

What has disturbed the FBI is Captain Rasul’s description of the men as
polite, wellmannered and educated but who were “dedicated Muslim fanatics”
who kept telling him that they believed they were part of a holy war.

An FBI source said yesterday: “We need to find these men as they were
obviously not trained for a career to fly holidaymakers around.”

British authorities knew nothing about a 27-year-old Algerian, Lotfi Raissi,
who lived in Colnbrook, Berkshire, who for most of the past year has been
visiting a number of flying schools in America, allegedly to show the four
pilots of the hijacked jets how to steer passenger planes into their
designated targets.

Mr Raissi, who faces years of an expensive and complicated extradition
process brought by the US Government, first came to Britain eight years ago
allegedly using false identity documents. He then allegedly stole the
identity of a 74-year-old grandmother from New Jersey, Dorothy Hansen, and
used her social security number to obtain licenses in America. The FBI are
further embarrassed that Mrs Hansen’s grand-niece was among the victims
killed in the World Trade Centre on September 11.

Mr Lotfi will be questioned further today about who else he may have trained
to fly.

Zacarias Moussaoui, another formerly British-based pilot who lived as a
student in South London for five years, is still refusing to co-operate with
FBI investigators who arrested him while he was training to join the suicide
mission as the twentieth hijacker.

The 33-year-old French-Moroccan who was supposedly studying international
trade, is thought to have sheltered other bin Laden agents at his Brixton

German investigators say they intercepted a phone call from Mr Moussaoui to
an apartment there used by Mohammed Atta, the leader of the September 11

The focus is now on the 14 missing pilots from Afghanistan. These students
had either fought with Taleban or had fathers with close links to the regime,
Captain Rasul said, and were from a number of countries in the Middle East,
Pakistan and Afghanistan.

His account suggests that the Taleban have been actively helping bin Laden’s
al-Qaeda organisation to train pilots by offering the use of their airline
staff and the three Boeing aircraft from their ageing fleet which remain
grounded because of a UN flight ban.

The seven who spoke English, Captain Rasul said, spent some of their training
translating flying manuals into languages spoken in Afghanistan such as
Persian, Urdu and Pashto so they could be used by other recruits.

The 14 recruits began with intensive classroom training before the team were
moved to a military airfield at Bamiyan where they were taught by three more
pilots, including a retired Pakistani officer named Islam Khan.

Captain Rasul, who disclosed his role in schooling these young fanatics to
the respected Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper, is now in hiding for fear of
reprisals from the Taleban.

The FBI urgently want to speak to the captain to help them to identify the 14
and so trace who has been sheltering and funding them since they left

The US authorities already knew about terrorist plans to turn hijacked planes
into flying bombs as the architect of the idea was in their custody. Ramzi
Yousef, who was convicted of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centre,
conceived the idea of simultaneously hijacking 11 aircraft and blowing them
up in mid-air.

If US agents thought that far-fetched they had also arrested one of his close
associates, Abdul Hakim Murad, who had taken flying lessons and was being
encouraged to crash a Cessna light aircraft loaded with chemical weapons on
to the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia.

Security services on both sides of the Atlantic are checking the records of
every flying school after the discovery that Mr Raissi was allegedly using
them as a bin Laden training centre.

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