-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

In call before attacks, Bin Laden told mother to expect ‘big news’
Intelligence service taped incriminating call
two days before hijackings, sources tell NBC

Oct. 1 —  Osama bin Laden called his mother two days before the Sept. 11
terror attacks and told her, “In two days you’re going to hear big news and
you’re not going to hear from me for a while,” NBC News has learned. Word of
the phone call came as President Bush reported “good progress” in the battle
against terrorism, saying authorities around the world had frozen $6 million
in assets linked to terrorist activities and arrested or detained “about 150
terrorists and their supporters.”

 Oct. 1 — Law enforcement officials say following the suspected hijackers’
money trail has been the most fruitful area of investigation so far, NBC’s
Pete Williams reports.

         THE CONTENTS of the phone call from bin Laden to his adoptive
mother, Al-Kalifa bin Laden, were relayed to authorities in the United States
by a foreign intelligence service, sources familiar with the the report told
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell. The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity,
declined to identify the foreign service that forwarded the information.
       Al-Kalifa bin Laden was previously reported to have checked into a
hospital in Paris on Sept. 12, the day after the terrorist attacks in New
York and Washington, D.C. The French magazine Le Point said she underwent a
checkup in the American Hospital’s cancer unit.
       Osama bin Laden, 44, is believed to be the only son of a woman from
either Syria or Palestine. But the suspected terrorism mastermind was raised
by Al-Kalifa bin Laden, another of Saudi construction magnate Mohammed bin
Laden’s four wives.

       The bin Laden family disowned Osama bin Laden after his alleged role
in planning and funding terrorist attacks became known, but sources in the
United States tell NBC News that Al-Kalifa bin Laden has remained in contact
with her adopted outlaw son. She is believed to have attended the wedding of
bin Laden’s son earlier this year in Afghanistan, the sources said.


        Bush, meanwhile, said investigators have locked up $6 million in
assets linked to terrorism by freezing 30 U.S. bank accounts believed to be
used by bin Laden’s al-Qaida organization and 20 more overseas. He vowed that
the move to cut off financial support for terrorists was “just the beginning.”
       Bush also said that “about 150 terrorists and their supporters ... in
25 different countries” had been arrested.
       He provided no details on the number of arrests, which exceeds the
       reported by law enforcement agencies around the world, but said that
U.S. agents had taken into custody a former hijacker accused of killing two
Americans in 1986. White House officials identified the man as Zayd Hassan Al
Safarini and said he had highjacked Pan Am Flight 73 in Pakistan on Sept. 9,
       The White House said Al Safarini and five other men were indicted by a
District of Columbia grand jury in 1991 for the hijacking, in which 22 people
were killed when the hijackers opened fire in the aircraft’s cabin. News
accounts at the time did not identify anyone by that name among the five
hijackers who were tried and convicted in connection with the hijacking.
There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy.
       Bush said the man had been sentenced to life in prison in Pakistan,
but had been released after serving 14 years. The circumstances of his arrest
were not immediately known, but Bush said U.S. authorities had transported
him to Alaska and planned to charge him with murder later in the day.
       In another development Monday, authorities in Virginia revealed they
had charged a Falls Church man with helping obtain false identification
documents for two men accused of crashing a jetliner into the Pentagon on
Sept. 11.
       Luis Martinez-Flores, 28, is charged with falsely certifying that Hani
Hanjour and Khalid Almihdhar Almihdhar lived at his Falls Church address. The
certifications were on state registration forms needed by the two to obtain a
Virginia ID card.

       Authorities also disclosed the arrest of Kenys Galicia on Monday. She
was accused by the FBI of assisting numerous people obtain false Virginia
documents. The FBI said she admitted on Sept. 19 that she signed residency
certification forms for two of the suspected hijackers, Abdulaziz Alomari and
Ahmed Alghamdi.

         Galicia was the third Virginia resident charged with helping the
suspected hijackers, though authorities have not indicated that they believe
any of the people knew about the terrorist plot.
       Meanwhile, U.S. investigators reportedly have uncovered documentation
that cements a financial relationship between several of the hijackers
involved in the Sept. 11 attacks and Mustafa Ahmed, an Egyptian who law
enforcement officials say acts as the “paymaster” of bin Laden’s far-flung
al-Qaida terrorist network.
       Time magazine and The New York Times both reported Monday that Mohamed
Atta, who investigators say was a leader of the alleged hijackers, received
wire transfers of cash in the days before the attacks from Ahmed, who was
then in the United Arab Emirates. Time said the transfers occurred on Sept. 8
and Sept. 9 via a money service in Florida.
       The Times said two other suspected hijackers, whom it did not
identify, wired more than $10,000 to Ahmed hours before the hijackings. The
newspaper quoted investigative reports as stating that Ahmed left the United
Arab Emirates for Pakistan later that day.

       Ahmed has been identified as a suspect in the 1998 bombings of U.S.
embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, another operation that law enforcement
officials believe was funded by bin Laden and his al-Qaida network. Ahmed was
arrested by Tanzanian authorities in September of that year, but released in
1999 when, under mysterious circumstances, all charges were dropped.
       In addition to unearthing evidence of ties between the suspected
hijackers and a suspected bin Laden lieutenant, investigators have been
following a paper trail that winds through Europe and the Middle East.

        Sources told NBC News over the weekend that the hijacking plot
appears to have been planned in England, Germany and the Middle East. Working
backward from bank accounts used by the alleged hijackers in the United
States, investigators have found that the money to finance the plot flowed
into Germany from the United Arab Emirates and was then distributed to other
countries. Some suspects in the attacks also traveled into and out of the
United Arab Emirates, according to the sources.
       In recent days, the FBI sent more agents to Germany in the search for
the masterminds of the plot, which The Washington Post reported on Sunday was
financed with a $500,000 bankroll.

       New details on the hijacking strategy reveal a well-orchestrated plot
devised overseas and carried out in the United States by 19 men who died on
board the planes that slammed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a
Pennsylvania field.
       According to a report Sunday in The Post, the group was led by a team
of six leaders, all of whom had taken flying lessons in the United States
within the past several years. Four of them are believed to have piloted the
doomed planes.
       Supporting these leaders was a group of 13 mostly younger Saudi
Arabian men who had arrived in the United States during the last few few
months, The Post reported.
       Atta, considered to be the group’s ringleader, and two of the other
suspected pilots, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah, belonged to a radical
Islamic student group in Hamburg, Germany, that investigators believe may
have been a birthplace of the plot.
       Despite their religious extremism and hatred of the United States,
records show the group often indulged in Western culture, from fast food and
doughnuts to beer and hard liquor.
 WashPost: New details on hijacking plot

       The New York Times reported Saturday that within hours of the attacks,
German intelligence agents intercepted a celebratory phone call between
followers of bin Laden. The callers referred to “the 30 people traveling for
the operation,” the Times reported. This prompted the FBI to search
frantically for two more teams of potential hijackers, the newspaper said.

       In addition to the 19 alleged hijackers, U.S. and European authorities
are zeroing in on a small group of men overseas who are believed to have
plotted the attack and provided assistance to the suspected hijackers,
government officials told The Associated Press last week.
       Among the groups are various cells of the Algerian-based Armed Islamic
Group that joined forces with bin Laden, the officials said, speaking only on
condition of anonymity.

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