-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. to get tougher with Israel?
Terrorist attacks move America closer to Muslim nations



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Geopolitical realities after the attacks on the World Trade Center and
Pentagon will force the United States to back away from its relationship with
Israel and favor Muslim allies such as Egypt and Jordan, as well as old foes
like Iran and Syria. And Israel's guardian in Washington, the Jewish
political lobby, is being challenged by a growing Muslim political power,
according to STRATFOR, the private global intelligence company.

On the Sept. 28 one-year anniversary of the latest Palestinian uprising
against Israel, King Abdullah II of Jordan met with President Bush to support
the U.S. counter-terrorism campaign. The Bush administration was also
courting Islamic support with separate meetings the previous day between
Secretary of State Colin Powell, Abdullah and Turkish Foreign Minister Ismail

The tenor of relations between Washington and Israel will change as the White
House gives the Israeli government the diplomatic cold shoulder. The United
States will also continue to put significant pressure on Israel to clamp down
on the violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Depending on how the
Israelis react, this may be the beginning of a sea change in U.S.-Israeli

The United States is negotiating with Iran and Syria in the hope that they
join the growing international anti-terror coalition, or at least remain
neutral. Damascus and Tehran are both cooperating to a certain degree,
believing that U.S. gratitude will allow them sufficient political leeway in
the future.

In responding to the Sept. 11 attacks, Washington needs Muslim cooperation,
especially in obtaining intelligence on fundamentalist groups. A coalition
with Muslim support would also give the United States political cover in
carrying out operations against countries like Afghanistan.

But Washington's close ties with Israel make such cooperation difficult. Some
Muslim states are holding Washington's feet to the fire, hoping to reduce
U.S. concessions to Israel. Other regimes such as Egypt and Jordan face
massive domestic pressure from fundamentalists, and in order to cooperate,
need Washington to visibly reduce its support for Israel in order to avoid

Two factors have pushed the United States toward Israel over much of the last
half-century: the Cold War and domestic political pressure from Jewish groups
in the United States. But times have changed, and Israel will no longer be at
the top of U.S. strategy in the Middle East.

American support for Israel during the Cold War owed much to simple
geography. Former Soviet allies Syria and Iraq surrounded Turkey, a key U.S.
military ally, and by pumping military and economic support into Israel,
Washington was able to ease the pressure on Ankara. At the same time,
Israel's proximity to the Suez Canal offered some measure of security for
American shipping companies.

The easing of the Soviet threat negated some of Israel's strategic utility to
the United States. In fact, the U.S. government had already begun backing
away from Israel in the early 1990s, but the process was interrupted by
Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

The danger of domestic political consequences for a tough policy on Israel
has been alleviated to a certain degree by the emergence of a Muslim voting
bloc in the United States. In 1997 a group of national Islamic organizations
formed the American Muslim Political Coordination Council, comprising the
four largest Islamic organizations in the United States, to "bring Muslims
off the political sidelines and onto the political playing field."

The group has made leaps and bounds in the past four years, and while Muslim
political groups do not match their Jewish counterparts in funding or
organization, they can match them in sheer potential voting power, according
to William Martin, a religion and government professor at Rice University.
Nearly all estimates place the numbers of Muslims in America at about more
than 6 million. That amounts to about 3 percent of the population, similar to
the number of Jews.

Martin said the key is that Muslim voters have shown a willingness to vote as
a block. They did so in the last presidential election, giving George W. Bush
about 70 percent of their vote after the coordination council endorsed him in
late October.

That support included 28,000 key votes in Florida, compared to perhaps 6,000
for Gore. Large populations of Muslim voters live in key battleground states
such as Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.

The United States will still not completely abandon Israel. Washington needs
access to Israel's human intelligence resources. The United States also won't
ditch all the political, economic and military tools it uses to influence
Israeli policy. And because the Israeli air and ground forces are the only
significant military force between Germany and India, their support could
become necessary if the U.S. military finds itself overextended.

But with the new calculus in both foreign and domestic policy, the United
States is already putting more pressure on Israel. For example, Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon became the focus of a recent withering White House push
to approve a meeting between Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat and
Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres to discuss a cease-fire.

Restarting the Israeli-Palestinian talks became a high priority for the Bush
administration following the terrorist attacks. The White House believes that
a Peres-Arafat meeting could be a first step toward improving the atmosphere
in the region, which is crucial to its bid to pull together a global
coalition against terrorism, according to American diplomatic sources cited
by Haaretz, the Israeli daily newspaper.

Powell called Arafat and Sharon repeatedly in recent days, urging them to
hold the talks. Last week Sharon rejected Bush's request that he permit Peres
to meet with Arafat and proposed instead Israeli help for the anti-terrorism

According to Haaretz, Bush told Sharon in no uncertain terms that he was the
only leader to have turned down a request from the United States since the
attacks. Bush reportedly said, "… when I ask you for A and you suggest B, I
consider that a refusal."

Soon after the conversation, the groundwork was laid for Arafat's meeting
with Peres this week. And Sharon, who earlier expressed reservations about
joining the anti-terror coalition, in part because of fears about possible
concessions to the Palestinians, later reversed his statements after talking
with Bush.

Washington appears to be pressing its point with the Sharon government by
threatening Israeli pocketbooks. American officials are reviewing a proposal
to immediately end all civilian aid to Israel, totaling nearly $900 million,
in the context of a general review of America's foreign aid priorities,
according to a senior Western diplomat cited by Haaretz.

U.S. civilian aid to Israel accounts for almost 1 percent of Israel's gross
national product and is helping to keep the struggling Israeli economy out of
recession. So far though, it appears U.S. military aid to Israel, which
amounts to nearly $2 billion, would not be affected.

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