-Caveat Lector-

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Are we wusses or freedom-loving Americans?
By Bev Conover

September 27, 2001 - Yes, what happened on September 11 was
horrifying, but it was a criminal act and not an act of war.

Nations declare and wage wars on other nations. Tribes declare and
wage wars on other tribes. Neither nations nor tribes declare and
wage wars on bands of criminals. Dealing with criminals is what
criminal justice systems are for.

Yet, in the wake of September 11, with the major media beating the
war drum and sucking up every fanciful tale and lie that comes out of
the White House, the Bush administration wants us to wage war on we
know not whom and give up our civil rights in the process.

We even are expected to rally to the illegitimate administration that
occupies the White House, forgetting that George W. Bush stole the
election and five members of the U.S. Supreme Court blessed his
theft. Not to do so is to be called un-American, un-patriotic or

Have we forgotten that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels?
And there are no greater scoundrels loose in this country today than
George W. Bush, the people he has surrounded himself with, the
corporate media who continue to brainwash a jittery people with war
and the need for more security propaganda, and the likes of Jerry
Falwell and Pat Robertson.

Where was the White House admonition when Falwell blamed the
September 11 horrors on liberals, gays, the American Civil Liberties
Union, feminists and abortion rights supporters, and Robertson,
despite his later denials, concurred with him? Yet, the White House
has admonished Bill Maher of "Politically Incorrect" for calling our
previous acts of raining terror down on people from a safe
distance "cowardly." Falwell and Robertson are in no danger of losing
their jobs for their behavior, yet the Disney-owned ABC may cancel
Maher's program. Sears and Federal Express have already pulled their
commercials from "Politically Incorrect." Three ABC affiliates,
including the one in Washington, DC, have already cancelled the show.

We were chilled to our very core as we listened to George W. Bush's
speech before a joint session of Congress on September 20 and heard
the thunderous applause coming from both sides of the aisle. The man
was proposing to set off a war without end, at the least, or World
War III, at the worst, plus turning the United States of America into
a police state. Are Americans so ready to follow an illegitimate
leader who more than likely didn't even know where Afghanistan was
before he decided his former financier, Osama bin Laden, was the

The corporate media cheered and sickeningly likened him to Franklin
Delano Roosevelt. How easy it is to forget that when FDR took office
in the midst of the Great Depression many in government, including
Roosevelt himself, were concerned that conditions were ripe for a
communist takeover. Yet, FDR told the people, "The only thing we have
to fear is fear itself."

No truer words were ever spoken.

The Bush administration and the corporate media are playing upon
people's fears, instead of working to quell them. Karl Rove, Bush's
political adviser, personally called selected reporters, as Bush was
flying around the country looking for a place to hide on September
11, and told them that Air Force One also was a target of terrorists.
When that didn't quite wash, Rove then told them the White House was
a target. And when that story fell apart, it, like all the other
tales of impending attacks, was blamed on "misinterpreted"

Could it be that word filtered back to the White House about what a
commercial airline pilot had to say about the White House and the
Capitol being targets? As the pilot pointed out there are only two
clear routes to both and that is from the west, the only problem is
it would take unparalleled skill to fly an airliner around the
Washington Monument to make a level hit at 300 miles per hour - which
is required for a terrorist to get the desired result - on either
building. Trees obscure all other sides of the White House and the
Capitol. But didn't the media lap up those tall tales, as well as Air
Force One being a target?

Meanwhile, the shutdown of all the country's airports put the
nation's commercial airliners on the brink of bankruptcy - whether
you wish to cry for them or not - 100,000 airline personnel are
headed for the unemployment lines, along with thousands of others
being laid off; businesses - large and small - lost billions of
dollars, the stock markets took a dive knocking holes in what was
left of people's 401Ks. To add to the hysteria, the September 15 and
16 college and professional sports were cancelled so people could sit
at home and brood over whom to punish for killing 6,500 innocent

All people with dark hair and swarthy complexions were put at risk,
as extremists cried, "Kill the towel heads!" We know not how many
innocent people may have been terrorized, beaten or killed, as a

Bush inflamed passions more when he showed his ignorance of Muslim
sensitivities by referring to his lovely war as a "crusade" and
called his madness "Operation Infinite Justice," now
renamed "Operation Enduring Freedom." A reader pointed out the latter
also was a curious use of words. Does he mean he has to endure
freedom or wants freedom to endure? And when he settled on Osama bin
Laden as the responsible one, without showing the American people or
the rest of the world that he is trying to engage in his war a shred
of proof, he ratcheted up the rhetoric another notch by referring to
Old West posters that read: "Wanted Dead Or Alive."

Then there is the Office of Homeland Security he is setting up that
will make gone with the rest of our freedoms. It is based on
recommendations in the Orwellian "The Phase III Report Of The U.S.
Commission On National Security/21st Century," which you may download
in .pdf format and read for yourselves. It is hard to believe that
former Senator Gary Hart and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young had a
hand in writing this horror.

This is the report the media have been touting and asking why it
hadn't been implemented sooner. That shows you where the corporate
media are coming from. And when the media aren't whipping up further
fear and hysteria, they are now working to convince us that national
identity cards are the things that will keep us safe from terrorists.

Of course, it is unlikely that you have heard anything on the
national news about the executive order Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, George
W's brother, signed on September 7, four days before the attacks on
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, that provides for the
suspension of civil liberties in the Sunshine State (Executive Order
Number 01-261), which begins: "WHEREAS, the Florida National Guard
has the statutory responsibility to provide support to law-
enforcement personnel and emergency-management personnel in the event
of civil disturbances or natural disasters; and . . ." A curious
coincidence at the least.

On the day of the attack, Jeb Bush signed Executive Order Number 01-
262 declaring a state of emergency exists in Florida. This gives
state authorities the power to:

" . . . suspend the effect of any statute, rule, or order governing
the conduct of state business . . . including any and all statutes
and rules which effect budgeting, printing, purchasing, leasing,
procurement, and the conditions of employment and compensation of
employees . . ."

" . . . seize and utilize . . . personal property . . ."

" . . . regulate the movement of any or all persons to or from any
location in the State . . ."
Now, according to the Palm Beach Post, the Florida legislature wants
to lock up all the public records and conduct its business in
secrecy - all for the sake of security, you know.

Does a fascist streak run in the Bush family or what? George W.,
while he already started his damage in the spring of 2000 by getting
his oil friends to run up the price of crude, then followed that in
the summer of 2000 by bad-mouthing a healthy economy, causing it to
spiral downward, has managed to do in just the eight months he has
occupied the White House what it took Hitler and the Nazis years to

Interestingly, last spring Doubleday published investigative reporter
James Bamford's new book, "Body of Secrets," in which Bamford lays
out the frightening plans the Joint Chiefs of Staff, headed by
Eisenhower appointee Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, cooked up in 1962.
Bamford stumbled on the documents in the National Archives; documents
that were supposed to have been destroyed to save the nation's then
military chief from great embarrassment.

The plans, code named Operation Northwoods, included hijacking
planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, orchestrating acts of terrorism in
U.S. cities, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas,
possibly assassinating Cuban émigrés and causing U.S. military
casualties, all as a way of tricking the American people and the
international community into supporting a war against Cuba in order
to oust Fidel Castro.

The Kennedy administration rejected the diabolical scheme and,
according to Bamford, " . . . three days later, President Kennedy
told Lemnitzer directly there was virtually no possibility of ever
using overt force to take Cuba, Bamford reports. Within months,
Lemnitzer would be denied another term as chairman and transferred to
another job."

That brings us to the question of whether someone in the Bush
administration read Bamford's book and dusted off the nearly 40-year-
old Operation Northwoods renaming it Operation Infinite Justice, then
renaming it again to Operation Enduring Freedom? Wag the dog?

This may be ancient history to some, but Castro was our bastard - as
Henry Kissinger was fond of calling the despots we supported - until
the day Fidel revealed he cottoned to Marxism.

Osama bin Laden also was our bastard during the years the Soviet
Union waged war upon Afghanistan, as was Saddam Hussein when he was
useful for holding the line on the Islamic fundamentalists who took
over Iran.

Salem bin Laden, Osama's eldest brother, who died in a 1983 plane
crash, was heavily invested in George W. Bush's first business
venture, Arbusto Energy, thanks to Bush's friend and business partner
James Bath, who also was tied up with the bin Ladens and the Bushes
in the Bank Commerce Credit International.

According to a story that appeared last Saturday in The New York
Times, under the headline "For Bush, a Mission and a Defining
Moment," Bush may also see himself on some holy mission in his
desired all out "war on terrorism. According to Times reporter Frank
Bruni, a senior administration official said Bush told a full cabinet
meeting, "This is the purpose of this administration."

This is the administration the corporate media and certain members of
Congress would have us surrender our civil liberties to, accept
national identity cards, submit to constant surveillance, subject
ourselves, our homes and businesses to unreasonable searches, and
consign our persons to possibly detention without end.

Is this what it all has come down to? Have we become a nation of
cowering, sniveling, spineless wimps all because of the acts of
criminals, regardless of who they are? Do we now march like good
little Germans into the ranks of the living dead as we sing the
praises of our führer?

Americans don't honor their fallen by handing over their freedoms and
marching in lockstep to the dictates of some would-be Hitler - and
don't forget Bush said it would be easier if he were a dictator -
that is, if we still are Americans. Americans pick themselves up,
brush themselves off, bury their dead and get on with it.

As FDR said, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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