-Caveat Lector-

More CIA Revelations   Political Correctness Kills

Christopher Ruddy
Monday, Oct.  1, 2001

When former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the infamy
of Sept.  11 a "wake-up call from hell," he meant just that.  His
characterization demands repeating again   and again   because worse
than Sept.  11 will happen unless we heed the call.

I am not so sure the commissars of political correctness, who so
dominates our media, our government bureaucracies and other
institutions, are willing to unshackle the will of the American people
and allow us to destroy the terrorists and the nations that back them.

President Bush has done a remarkable job   especially in light of the
hand he inherited from the previous administration.  It is also
important to remember that a hidden problem for the Bush administration
is that the U.S.  government, including our Pentagon, CIA and other
agencies, is still largely run by appointees of Clinton-Gore or the
career military and bureaucrats Clinton-Gore promoted through the ranks.

The same people who left us vulnerable to the acts of Sept.  11 are now
claiming they will solve our future problems.

I believe long-term good will come out of this catastrophe only if we
learn from the events of Sept.  11, hold accountable the people in our
government who failed us, and make necessary reforms.

If we do not do this, it is doubtful we will exist as a great nation 10
years hence.

We should also heed the Roman statesman Cicero, who remarked that great
nations are destroyed not from the barbarians outside but from the
civilized people within.

The logic of this is simple: There will always be barbarians outside the
gates.  It is up to us to have the character and strength and will to
defend against them.

Before Sept.  11, P.C.  thinking taught us that nothing we do matters;
character didn't count.  It was the Age of Clinton.  After Sept.  11,
the overriding lesson is that everything we do counts; character does

Even the liberal Boston Globe recognized this.  Breaking from the P.C.
crowd, it reported that Clinton's sexcapades and scandals detracted from
his ability to focus on hunting down Osama bin Laden.  That story got
almost zero national press coverage.

And the Globe and many media still haven't talked much about what
happened at the CIA.

Political Correctness Ruined the CIA

Our loyal readers will remember that NewsMax broke the story, within
hours of the attacks, about how P.C.  thinking by Clinton and Sen.
Torricelli had prevented the CIA and its many patriotic members from
doing their jobs.  (See CIA Officials Reveal What Went Wrong   Clinton
to Blame and Sen.  Torricelli Played Key Role in Closing Down CIA Ops.)

The CIA was effectively banned from recruiting unsavory characters to
penetrate terrorist cells.

But that was just a small part of how P.C.  thinking has undermined
America and the CIA.

During the past decade, the CIA has been twisted from an
intelligence-gathering organization with a mission to protect America
and her citizens   and turned into a model of political correctness.

Under Clinton, the CIA was told to stop focusing on spying and start
focusing on P.C.  agenda items like global warming.

Worse, the CIA staff was to become a model of P.C.  ideology.

One analyst retired in disgust after the agency had appointed a person
to become a lead analyst for a particular country.

This person was qualified because she was black, a female, and had
graduated from an Ivy League college with a high GPA.  The CIA was not
concerned that the young woman did not speak the language of the country
she was to analyze, nor had she ever visited the country.

She did prove, however, that the CIA was diverse.

Diversity Defined the CIA

As anyone who worked at the CIA can tell you, "diversity" was the
buzzword that animated the agency during the Clinton years.  Diversity
was the mission and the goal.

A CIA operative close to the Middle East told me that the agency was
even placing women in countries like Islamic ones, where the culture
does not view women progressively.

While this policy demonstrated the agency s commitment to diversity, it
effectively cut its female operative out of any serious interaction with
the host country's political and military establishment.

P.C.  thinking dominated all the activities of the agency.  CIA
employees were regularly hit with a barrage of Orwellian P.C.  workshops
and literature explaining how they needed to be ...  well, sensitive and
open to diversity.

One analyst, still a CIA employee, told me about one CIA sensitivity
training seminar he had to sit through.  The presenter, an expert in
diversity, gave a Powerpoint presentation on the benefits of diversity.

One slide showed an American Indian sitting on the ground working with
beads.  The presenter explained: "American Indians have a long tradition
working with beads.  They are good with beads, and they have, in modern
times, become good working with wires."

Another slide showed an African-American professional sitting at an
office cubicle on the phone.  The presenter explained:
"African-Americans are particularly sensitive to being interrupted while
on the phone.  You should avoid doing this."

As the analyst explained, "They were creating new stereotypes as they
were complaining about old ones." The CIA had become the Central
Intelligence Agency for Diversity.

How sad.  How dangerous.

No wonder that, with an annual budget of $60 billion, the CIA had no
warning, no informant in the Sept.  11 network that several experts say
must have numbered 300 people working in several countries.

Commissars Won't Heed Wake-up Call

I could swallow the government's failures of Sept.  11 if we heeded the
wake-up call, exposed the problems of P.C.  thinking at the CIA and
elsewhere, and made reforms.

But the commissars of political correctness that control the major media
will have none of it.  Consider how there has been practically no
criticism by the major networks of President Clinton's stewardship of
our national security agencies.

The same commissars who were, in the middle of this horrific crisis,
attacking President Bush will not utter any criticism of Bill Clinton.

In fact, Clinton was actually being praised!  NBC s Andrea Mitchell,
Alan Greenspan's wife, was on-air spewing her venom for Bush,
complaining that he was not, like Bill Clinton, a "Comforter in Chief."
You see, according to P.C.  thinking, Bush's desire to stay up in Air
Force One to ensure the continuity of government was less important than
going to New York to cry, hold hands and show how we "feel."

Criticism of Clinton is taboo precisely because the major media know
that criticism of him is criticism of them.  They supported him and the
bizarre P.C.  thinking that has possessed them and brought us to the
point of Sept.  11.

So, instead of heeding the "wake-up call," the P.C.  commissars in the
media are continuing to play old tricks.

Within hours of the attacks, I heard P.C.  anchors and commentators
spinning that these events proved America does not need missile
defense.  Don't they care that the very same countries behind the
terrorists are feverishly building and developing long-range missiles
capable of hitting many American cities at once?

No, the commissars never lose an opportunity to spin.

The 'Evils' of Profiling, Arming Pilots

Consider, since the attacks of Sept.  11, how many stories you've seen
about the horrors of profiling   and how evil it is for authorities to
be checking Arab-Americans more carefully at airports.

Forgive me, but doesn't common sense dictate that when 19 Arab men, all
in a certain age bracket, just hijacked four jet planes and just killed
around 7,000 people, that it would be reasonable to check people who fit
that profile a bit more carefully?  Wouldn't patriotic Arab-Americans be
glad for such a policy because it assures their safety as well?  If I
was an Arab, I would be happy I was being checked.

Perhaps the most egregious evidence of P.C.  thinking that has invaded
our government was the U.S.  government's failure after Sept.  11 to
either a) immediately arm pilots in the cockpits or b) call out the
National Guard to fly armed on all flights until a sky marshal program
could be implemented.

Instead we dithered.  The country's economy has been allowed to fall off
a cliff.  And the FAA says airlines are safe at the very same time
Reagan National remains closed and we read reports on the military's
plans to shoot down hijacked civilian jets.

But we can't arm the pilots   God forbid!

Even when the head of the pilots association goes before Congress to say
that planes are not safe, that the pilots need guns, the media play the
story as an extreme measure.

The media commissars would have none of it, even if arming pilots was an
appropriate measure that would have immediately instilled confidence in
the public to fly.

Instead, the media gave a lot of air time to Patricia Friend, president
of the Association of Flight Attendants.  She told Congress she opposed
arming pilots.

Hearing her, I was left wondering if she was awake on Sept.  11.  Did
she also think the planes were a place for box cutters of the type used
to slit the throats of her members?

Then I realized that Patricia Friend was a P.C.  robot.

Since her first anti-gun comments, Friend has modified her position,
probably after her shaken membership sent her a wake-up call of their

By week's end, Friend was saying that pilots shouldn't be allowed to
carry guns, that instead flight attendants should be armed with "stun
guns," which she called "the weapon of choice."

Friend must have thought it outrageous and in contravention to all P.C.
theology that the pilots (mostly males) would be armed but the
attendants (mostly female) would not be.

Of course, any sane person realizes that giving flight attendants any
sort of gun would be like giving it directly to potential hijackers.
Would you want to fly on an airline that armed the stewardesses with
stun guns?

In the wake of Sept.  11, can t we see the danger of political
correctness and how it has crippled this great nation?

Aren't our potential enemies, bigger than Osama and with weapons capable
of destroying every major city in America, watching carefully our
response to Sept.  11?

Do you believe our enemies have been encouraged or discouraged that the
government, the media and the victimized airline stewardesses don't want
to arm pilots even after living through Sept.  11?

If you dig a bit deeper, you will realize how P.C.  thinking and its
commissars got us into the mess of Sept.  11 and what troubles lie

America must break its P.C.  chains soon to ensure that the barbarians
don't destroy us.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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