-Caveat Lector-

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Thursday, October 4, 2001

What can we do about terrorism? – Part 1
By Harry Browne
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
This three-part series will propose the actions I believe our
government should take to fight terrorism.

Before looking at those proposals, however, we need to establish some
ground rules.

Perfection isn't an option
Rule #1: No solution is going to be perfect.

Our government has created ill will in many parts of the world. It
has bullied smaller countries, imposed new governments upon people
who didn't want them and demanded that other governments do what our
government wants. It's unrealistic to think that there's anything
that can be done now to quickly undo all the ill will.

I have been criticized for dwelling on what our government has done that led to the 
terrorist attacks. But if we don't understand what provoked this, we can't evaluate 
any response to it – and we can expect that the fault
y policies will continue and provoke more such attacks against Americans.

Foreign policy is the issue
Rule #2: It is American foreign policy that has provoked the attacks, not anything 
inherent in Muslim fundamentalism.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims in the world who don't believe in killing 
non-Muslims. In fact, Muslims have been killed in Arab terrorist attacks, just as 
non-Muslims have.

In an interview conducted by John Miller for Esquire in February 1999, Osama bin Laden 
said: "This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government 
that looks out for their interests and does not att
ack others, their lands or their honor. And my word to American journalists is not to 
ask why we did that but ask what their government has done that forced us to defend 

The fact that bin Laden uses bad means to achieve his ends doesn't excuse our own 
government's mistakes – nor does it justify our government doing the same things he 

Bombing doesn't work
Rule #3: Bombing foreign countries doesn't end terrorism, it provokes it.

Our government has bombed Libya, Iraq, the Sudan and Afghanistan, among other 
countries, supposedly to teach terrorists a lesson. But the bombings haven't caused 
terrorists or foreign governments to change their policies.

This is a crime, not a war
Rule #4: The terrorist attacks are a criminal matter, not a war.

War is by definition an armed conflict between governments. No government has claimed 
responsibility for the Sept. 11 attacks, and no government has been so accused.

Calling the present situation a war is an excuse to impose wartime policies against 
Americans and foreigners – including violations of the Bill of Rights and killing 
foreign civilians.

Because the September attacks were a crime, the government's job is to locate and 
bring to trial any perpetrators who didn't die in the attacks. If some of them are 
located in foreign countries, our government should requ
est extradition – not threaten to bomb the foreign country if we don't get our way.

If not all the criminals are found and brought to trial, it doesn't mean that bombing 
innocent people would have brought the criminals to justice.

Reverse positions
Rule #5: If you think you or America is entitled to something, reverse the positions 
and see how you'd react.

If Afghanistan doesn't turn bin Laden over to our government, ask yourself whether 
you'd want your government to turn you over to the Iranian government if it accused 
you of a crime.

If you don't think that American troops in almost a hundred foreign countries are a 
source of resentment, ask yourself how you'd feel if Chinese troops were stationed in 

If you believe America has a right to bomb foreign countries for the actions of a few, 
ask yourself whether you'd want foreign governments to bomb your city because of 
something Bill Clinton did. (Haven't we already estab
lished that the terrorists were wrong to act upon their hatred for American foreign 
policy by killing innocent civilians?)

Government is incompetent
Rule #6: Government does not do anything well – even those functions delegated to it 
by the Constitution.

The government has the constitutional authority to operate a Post Office. But if it's 
urgent that a package get to the other side of America by tomorrow morning, will you 
trust the constitutional Post Office or will you u
se Federal Express?

Don't assume that just because the government has the legal authority to do something 
that it will actually succeed. So be careful what you ask for.

What is the objective?
Rule #7: There's no way to eliminate all terrorism in the world.

Terrorists have existed since biblical times. There will always be such criminals – 
people who will kill innocent bystanders to make a social or political statement, or 
to bring pressure on a government to change its poli

Saying that terrorism will be eradicated is not only unrealistic, it is asinine. It 
indicates that the speaker shouldn't be trusted in anything else he says.

What is realistic is the goal of reducing considerably the threat of
terrorism against the U.S.

In my next two articles, I'll present proposals for achieving this.
Harry Browne was the 2000 Libertarian presidential candidate. More of
his articles
can be read at HarryBrowne.org, and his books are available at

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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