-Caveat Lector-

while I do not rule out a biological attack, it always pats to see if there
are other possible explanations, and then decide what is most likely. The
last large outbreaks of this disease were in Afghanistan in the 70's.  It is
very likely that it existed still in isolated populations there. Suddenly
you have thousands of people and thousands of livestock all shoved together
in unsanitary refugee camp conditions. I would be surprised if there were
not viral outbreaks in such a setting. Again I dont rule out a biological
attack - I just find it less likely.

now lets look at some assumptions here presented as fact :

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Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> 1.  The medical and technical facts appear to conclude that the CCHF virus was
> released into Afghanistan sometime very shortly after the September 11 WTC
> attack.

the medical and technical facts show that the virus broke out after refugees
started to gather at the border. there are no facts which show it to have
been "released"

> 2.  The Washington City leaders have promised a "War on Terrorism" repeatedly
> since that date.

yes. what does it prove?

> 3.  President Bush has promised to capture, "dead or alive," Osama bin Laden,
> the purported mastermind of the World Trade Center attack and the Afghanistan
> rebel leader said to be hiding there.

Attacking bin laden, and attacking refugees at the border are not the same
thing. Its like attacking Boston, because you heard he was in new orleans.

> 4.  There have been confirmed and unconfirmed news reports of small U.S.
> Military teams within the borders of Afghanistan. One media report even
> claimed that 3 U.S. Special Forces soldiers were captured within Afghanistan.

again - proves nothing.

> 5.  The laboratory manufactured CCHF virus has been positively confirmed to be
> spreading throughout Afghanistan refugees fleeing into Pakistan.

here's my favorite - where is the evidence that this is laboratory

> According to an October 2 USA Today report, "Only an elite forces operation
> that lets Afghans fight the Taliban will be able to roust terrorists in
> Afghanistan, says a former British commando who spent more than a year under
> cover there training the guerrilla forces that fought the Soviets. Putting an
> army on the ground would be a "fatal mistake" and bombing strikes would "play
> right into their hands," says Tom Carew, a former Special Air Services agent
> who worked side by side with the Mujahedin to fight the Soviets after they
> invaded Afghanistan two decades ago."

again true - but says nothing.

> If Washington City agrees with this assessment, then bombing strikes or
> sending large scale land troops into Afghanistan would be as much a calamity
> as the Russian military suffered in the 1980's, if not much greater.
> Therefore, only alternative methods of this "War on Terrorism" are possible if
> Washington City plans to make good on their word.
> This is all beginning to smell like lies and betrayal.  Worse, it all seems to
> add up to one very sad conclusion, and that is, the present U.S. leadership
> may be responsible for beginning a Biological War.  If this is true, and all
> confirmed reports appear to point in this direction, then there will most
> likely be Biological Warfare counter-retaliations right here on American soil,
> and innocent Americans will suffer in greater numbers than the innocent
> Afghanistans who are already dying.
> In the days to come, our world will surely change.  The mainstream media will
> continue to report what they are told they can, and most of us will never know
> the truth.  Regardless, those who are responsible for the release of the CCHF
> virus in Afghanistan must be brought to justice.  They are responsible for the
> beginning of what may become the worst war and terrorism the world has ever
> known.  It will make the mustard gas deaths of World War I look small in
> comparison.
> For thus says the Lord: 'Behold, I will make you a terror to yourself and to
> all your friends; and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and your
> eyes shall see it.'  Jeremiah 20:4 NKJV

oh good - religion. the same sort of thing that has people blow themselves

> Most technical information concerning BW and the CCHF virus is taken from
> McGovern, MD, MAJ, MC and George W. Christopher, LTC, USAF, MC. The opinions
> and assertions contained therein are those of the authors and not to be
> considered as reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the
> Department of Defense
> written and compiled by http://Lawgiver.Org
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