-Caveat Lector-


Israel attacks US campaign

By Suzanne Goldenberg in Tel Aviv and Virginia Quirke in Jerusalem
Friday October 5, 2001
The Guardian

The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, renounced a week-old Middle East
ceasefire last night, and accused Washington of sacrificing the Jewish
state to win Arab support for a broad war coalition. The scathing attack on
the western diplomatic campaign arrived only hours after a Palestinian
gunman dressed in an Israeli paratrooper's uniform rampaged through a bus
station in northern Galilee, killing three Israelis and wounding eight

Mr Sharon said: "Don't repeat the terrible mistake of 1938 when the
enlightened democracies of Europe decided to sacrifice Czechoslovakia for a
convenient temporary solution. Do not try to placate the Arabs at our

The statement added: "We will not be able to accept that. Israel will not
be Czechoslovakia. Israel will fight terror."

The prime minister's blunt remarks and his resort to a metaphor that is a
staple of Israeli rightwing rhetoric - the failed policy of appeasement
that allowed Hitler's march across Europe - was aimed at domestic opinion.

For all Washington's urging for Israel to reach a lasting ceasefire with
the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, Mr Sharon remains preoccupied with
placating coalition partners who are even further to the right, and Jewish
settlers. After yesterday's attack on Afula, one of Mr Sharon's most
extreme allies, the Russian immigrant leader Avigdor Lieberman, told Israel
radio that the army should invade Gaza, and wipe out the Palestinian

Late last night, two armed Jewish settlers entered the isolated village of
Jiljilya in the West Bank, and barricaded themselves inside a house before
being rescued by the Israeli army. Palestinian officials said it was a
hostage-taking operation; the Israeli army said the settlers had got lost.

With those rightwing pressures in mind, Mr Sharon gave the strongest
official confirmation so far that Israel was scrapping the week-old
ceasefire agreed by Mr Arafat and his foreign minister, Shimon Peres.

"All of our efforts to arrive at a ceasefire were defeated at the hand of
the Palestinians. The fire did not stop even for a day," Mr Sharon said.
"Thefore the cabinet directed the security apparatus to bring full security
to the citizens of Israel. We can rely on ourselves, and from today onwards
we will rely only on ourselves."

On the ground, meanwhile, officials from Mr Arafat's Fatah faction accused
Israel of resuming its strategy of assassinations after an activist, Rami
Kamel, 21, lost a hand in an explosion in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

"I hold the Israeli government responsible for this assassination attempt
which comes after Israel's inner security cabinet decision to carry out
assassinations," said Kamel Hmeid, a Fatah official in Bethlehem.

Yesterday's attack in Galilee produced the first Israeli fatalities inside
the Jewish state since the ceasefire.

Witnesses described how the gunman, dressed as an Israeli army paratrooper
down to the folded red beret in his epaulette, stepped off a bus from Tel
Aviv. He entered a market and began shooting, emptying one magazine and
reloading a second, as he took advantage of the confusion caused by his
Israeli army uniform.

Before he was shot dead by police, he had killed one man, 76, and
critically wounded two women, who died later in hospital.

The bus driver, Michel Harel, was making a phone call at the Afula station
when he saw the gunman opening fire. "I heard a series of shots at a
murderous pace. There was a panic and everybody started to run," he told
Israel radio.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. However,
Israel radio said police discovered a letter in Arabic on the gunman's
body, which may have been a suicide note, and a Palestinian ID card.

Security officials said he may have come from Jenin, the
Palestinian-controlled town on the northern edges of the West Bank, that is
a stronghold of the Islamic Jihad.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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