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Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 04:21:54 +0200
From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "[Spy News]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Spy News] FW: Who Terrorizes Whom?

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Michael Albert
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 12:03 AM
Subject: ZNet Update - News and Herman Peterson Essay...

October 18
By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson

One of the marks of exceptional hegemonic power is the ability to
define words and get issues framed in accord with your own political
agenda. This is notorious at this moment in history as regards
"terrorism" and "antiterrorism."

Since the September 11 attacks, two truths have been indisputable
and universally reported. One is that the hijacker bombings of the
World Trade Center and Pentagon were atrocities of a monumental
and spectacular scale (and media coverage of that day's events
alone may have generated more words and graphic images than any
other single event in recent history). A second truth is that the
bombings were willful acts of terrorism, accepting the basic and
widely agreed-upon definition of terrorism as "the use of force or the
threat of force against civilian populations to achieve political
objectives." And let us also recognize that "sponsorship of terrorism"
means organizing, and/or underwriting and providing a "safe harbor"
to state or nonstate agents who terrorize.

But there is a third indisputable truth, although much less
understood, let alone universally reported: namely, that from the
1950s the United States itself has been heavily engaged in
terrorism, and has sponsored, underwritten, and protected other
terrorist states and individual terrorists. In fact, as the greatest and
now sole superpower, the United States has also been the world's
greatest terrorist and sponsor of terror. Right now this country is
supporting a genocidal terrorist operation against Iraq via "sanctions
of mass destruction" and regular bombing attacks to achieve its
political objectives; it is underwriting the army and paramilitary
forces in Colombia, who openly terrorize the civilian population; and
it continues to give virtually unconditional support to an Israeli state
that has been using force to achieve its political objectives for
decades. The United States has terrorized or sponsored terror in
Nicaragua, Brazil, Uruguay, Cuba, Guatemala, Indonesia/East
Timor, Zaire, Angola, South Africa, and elsewhere. And it stands
alone in both using and brandishing the threat to use nuclear
weapons. It has for many years provided a safe harbor to the Cuban
refugee terror network, and it has done the same for a whole string
of terrorists in flight from, among other places, El Salvador, Haiti,
Vietnam, and even Nazi Germany (see Christopher Simpson's

Even in its response to the September 11 terrorist events the United
States resorted instantly to its own terrorism. Ignoring legal niceties--
despite its supposed devotion to the "rule of law"- -the United States
immediately began to threaten to "take out" states harboring
terrorists, threatened the Afghans with bombing--itself an act of
terrorism--and by such threats succeeded in blocking the flow of
food supplies to a starving population, which is yet another act of
terrorism, and a major one. (A spokesman for Oxfam International
stationed in Islamabad recently stated that "Prior to this crisis, the
World Food Program, with the help of Oxfam and other groups, was
feeding 3.7 million [Afghan] people. But with the onset of the
bombing campaign, this has stopped as the aid workers have been
force to withdraw. The airdrops will--at their very best--feed 130,000
people," or only 3.5 percent of those facing winter and starvation).
On October 7 the United States then began to bomb this
impoverished country--not just a further act of terrorism, but the
crime of aggression.

All serious observers recognize that the U.S. actions against
Afghanistan have and will cause many, many more deaths than the
6,000 killed in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. But U.S.
power and self-righteousness, broadcast and justified to the whole
world by a subservient media machine, assure that what the United
States does will neither be called terrorism, nor aggression, nor elicit
indignation remotely comparable to that expressed over the events
of September 11--however well its actions fit the definitions. The
same bias extends to other Western countries, diminishing in scope
and intensity from Britain to the others, and weakening further in the
Third World. In the Middle East, for most of the population the bias
disappears and U.S. terrorism is called by its right name, although
the U.S.-dependent governments toe their master's line, if
nervously. In these more remote areas the press speaks a different
language, calling the United States a "rogue state par excellence
repeatedly defying international rulings whether by the World Court
or by U.N. resolutions when they have not suited its interests" and a
"bandit sheriff" (The Hindu, India), and speaking of this as an "age of
Euro-American tyranny" with tyrants who are merely "civilized and
advanced terrorists" (Ausaf, Pakistan).

But another sad fact is that in this country, and Britain as well, even
the Left has trouble escaping the hegemonic definitions and frames.
Leftists here regularly discuss the terrorism issue starting from the
premise that the United States is against terrorism and that the issue
is how the U.S. government can best deal with the problem. They
are worried that the United States will go about solving the problem
too aggressively, will seek vengeance, not justice. So they propose
lawful routes, such as resort to the United Nations and International
Court of Justice; and they urge seeking cooperation from the Arab
states to crush terrorists within their own states. They discuss how
bin Laden money routes can be cut off. Some of them even propose
that the United States and its allies intervene not to bomb, but to
build a new society in Afghanistan, engage in "nation-building", as
the popular phrase puts it, in the spirit of the Kosovo "new
humanitarian" intervention.

While some of these proposals are meritorious, we haven't seen any
that discuss how a "coalition of the willing" might be formed to bring
the United States under control, to force it to stop using and
threatening violence, to compel it and its British ally to cease
terrorizing Iraq, and to make it stop supporting terrorist states like
Colombia, Turkey, Indonesia, and Israel. Or to make U.S. funding of
its terrorist operations more difficult! The hegemon defines the main
part of the agenda--who terrorizes--and the debate is over how he
and his allies should deal with those he identifies as terrorist.

A good illustration of this Left accommodationism is displayed in the
"New Agenda to Combat Terrorism," recently issued by the Institute
for Policy Studies and Interhemispheric Resource Center in their
Foreign Policy in Focus series. Nowhere in this document is it
suggested that the United States is itself a terrorist state, sponsor of
terrorism, or safe harbor of terrorists, although it is acknowledged
that this country has supported "repressive regimes." "Repressive" is
softer and less invidious than "terrorist." The report refers to the
"destructive and counterproductive economic sanctions on Iraq," but
doesn't suggest that this constitutes terrorism. In fact, "destructive"
sounds like buildings knocked down and fails to capture the fact of a
million or more human casualties. The recent publicity given the
U.S.'s deliberate destruction of the Iraqi water supply also suggests
something more than "destructive and counterproductive" is needed
to properly describe U.S. policy toward that country (Thomas Nagy,
"The Secret Behind the Sanctions: How the U.S. Intentionally
Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply," The Progressive, September 2001).
Nowhere does the IPS/IRC document mention Colombia, Turkey or
Indonesia, where the United States is currently supporting
"repressive regimes."

This practice of leaning over backwards to downplay the U.S.
terrorist role merges into serious misreadings of ongoing events: for
example, the New Agenda claims that one effect of September 11
was that "defense policy was redefined as defending America and
Americans rather than as force projection." This takes as gospel
official propaganda claims, when in fact September 11 has given the
proponents of force projection just the excuse they need to project
force, which they are doing under the guise of antiterrorism. As John
Pilger notes, "The ultimate goal is not the capture of a fanatic, which
would be no more than a media circus, but the acceleration of
western imperial power" (New Statesman, Oct. 15, 2001). And
discussing the Bush administration's non-negotiable demands on the
Taliban, Delhi University professor Nirmalangshu Mukherji points out
that "it is hard to believe that thousands are going to be killed and
maimed, entire nations devastated, regional conflicts allowed to take
ugly turns, the rest of the world held in fear--all because the dead
body of a single, essentially unworthy person is given such high
value." On the contrary, she proposes, as does Pilger, that "in the
name of fighting global terrorism, the US is basically interested in
using the opportunity to establish [a] permanent military presence in
the area" that is notable for its geo-political importance ("Offers of
Peace," Oct. 16, 2001).

Calling for "reorienting U.S. policy along the lines of respecting
human rights," the New Agenda report states that "the unnecessary
projection of U.S. military abroad, represented by the archipeligo of
overseas military bases, often serves as a physical reminder of U.S.
political and military support for repressive regimes." This claim that
such bases are "unnecessary" completely ignores their ongoing
important role in facilitating the global expansion of U.S. business,
and, amazingly, ignores the fact that the United States is right now
in the process of building new ones in "repressive" states like
Uzbekistan, with 7,000 political prisoners and in the midst of a low-
intensity war against Islamic insurgents ("U.S. Indicates New Military
Partnership With Uzbekistan," Wall Street Journal, Oct. 15, 2001).
Such bases are only "unnecessary" to analysts who are unable or
unwilling to confront the reality of a powerful imperialism in fine
working order and in a new phase of expansion. These analysts
seem to believe that the United States can easily, perhaps with Left
advice, be dissuaded from being an imperialist power!

The reasons for this Left accommodation to what we must call the
Superterrorist's antiterrorist agenda are mainly twofold. One is the
power of hegemonic ideas, so that even leftists are swept along with
the general understanding that the United States is fighting terrorism
and is only a victim of terrorism. Some swallow the New Imperialist
premise that the United States is the proper vehicle for
reconstructing the world, which it should do in a gentler and kinder
fashion. Thus Richard Falk takes this for granted in declaring the
U.S. attack on Afghanistan "the first truly just war since World War
II" (The Nation, Oct. 29, 2001), although claiming that its justice "is
in danger of being negated by the injustice of improper means and
excessive ends." Though writing in the liberal Nation magazine, it
never occurs to Falk that the rightwing Republican regime of Bush
and Cheney, so close to the oil industry and military-industrial
complex, might have an agenda incompatible with a just war. Apart
from this, as the attack was itself a violation of international law, and
was from its start killing civilians by bombs directly and via its
important contribution to the already endemic mass starvation, Falk
makes the war "just" despite the fact that its justice was already
negated at the time he made his claim. (By Falk's logic, an Iraqi
attack on the United States would also be a highly just war, though
its justice might be endangered by dubious means and excessive
ends.) This is imperialist apologetics carried to the limit.

The other reason for leftist accommodation is pragmatic. Thanks to
the effectiveness of the U.S. propaganda system, U.S. citizens by
and large are caught within the epistemic bind of NOT KNOWING
THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW. Thus, leftists understand that people
will have difficulty understanding what they are talking about if they
start their discussions of controlling terrorism with an agenda on how
to control Superterrorist's terrorism. If one wants to be listened to
quickly and possibly influence the course of policy right now--and be
far safer personally and professionally--it is better to take the
conventional view of terrorism as a premise and discuss what the
United States should do about it. Maybe this way one can help curb
extremist responses.

On the other hand, by taking it as the starting premise that the
United States is only a victim of terrorism, one loses the opportunity
to educate people to a fundamental truth about terrorism and even
implicitly denies that truth in order to be practical. We find that we
can't do that. After one of us (Herman) authored books entitled The
Washington Connection and Third World Fascism (with Noam
Chomsky) and The Real Terror Network, the latter featuring the
gigantic U.S.-sponsored terror network that emerged in the years
after 1950, and after following U.S. policy for years thereafter in
which terrorism has been very prominent, he (and we) consider the
notion of the United States as an antiterrorist state a sick joke.

We believe it is of the utmost importance to contest the hegemonic
agenda that makes the U.S. and its allies only the victims of terror,
not terrorists and sponsors of terror. This is a matter of establishing
basic truth, but also providing the long- run basis for systemic
change that will help solve the problem of "terrorism," however
defined. Others see things differently, and very good articles have
been written in the pragmatic mode. But we want to call attention to
the fact that there is a cost to using that mode, and those that work
in it should do this understanding what they are taking for granted
and its costs. Given the current trajectory of world events, we
believe that we need a greater focus on ALL the terrorists and
sponsors of terror, and less pragmatism.

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