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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Protest The Cancellation Of Talk Show Host Peter Werbe By Right Wing Station

Bush v. Karl Rove Takes on the 'Credibility Gap'

Bush v. Terror: Cheney Leaves Bunker to Tell America that the War Against Terror Will 
Last Forever

More Evidence Of A 'Colossal Intelligence Failure'

Bush v. Bush: What Is Bush's Connection to Khalid bin Mahfouz, a Funder of Osama Bin 

Why Government-Sponsored Assassination is Idiotic - and Wrong

US Exports Anthrax Terror to Africa

Bush v. Islam: Powell Taps Ad Executive Charlotte Beers to Win Muslim Hearts & Minds

Fund for Afghan Children Is Another PR Move By The Bush Propaganda Machine

Bush v. Fiction: Hey Ari - Do We Need to Watch What we READ?

War of the Absurd: CNN Waits for Bin Laden Video

Ann Coulter – Plagiarist?

Cokie Dismisses All Dissenting Voices as 'None That Matter'

Bush Administration Rules Against Statistical Sampling; Minorities Will Likely Be 

GOP 'Stimulus' Tax Bill Would Almost Double Bush Tax Cuts Over Next Three Years; Cuts 
Skewed Towards Those With Highest Incomes

Interior Secretary Gale Norton Twists Facts on ANWR in Answering Senate

Ignoring Allergy Testing, EPA Approves Genetically Modified Corn as Payback for 
BioTech Campaign Contributions

The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold

__Protest The Cancellation Of Talk Show Host Peter Werbe By Right Wing Station

"After broadcasting for a year on a Santa Cruz AM station, left-of-center talk show 
host, Peter Werbe, had his program suddenly yanked from KOMY-AM without even 
notification to him or his network…The station never sought ads for the program, but 
the management said it aired Peter's program to balance its bevy of right-wing shows. 
However, even without any promotion, the show had a growing audience as evidenced by 
the high number of calls Peter's program received daily from the station's broadcast 
area...KOMY owner's mother, Kay Zwerling, the power behind the throne, similarly 
denounced the show and Peter during an on-air editorial, October 16…Please call the 
station at 831-475-1080 or email KOMY owner, Michael Zwerling, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and tell 
them politely this assault on the 1st Amendment is unacceptable and inconsistent with 
their FCC operating license." So reports the Democratic Underground.

__Bush v. Karl Rove Takes on the 'Credibility Gap'

We've long known that Karl Rove secretly reads, because we're the only 
news channel that exposes the truth about the thoroughly corrupt Bush administration. 
So it comes as no surprise that two days after said Bush's biggest war 
risk was reviving the 'Credibility Gap' of the Vietnam era, Karl Rove consolidated 
several announcements into the first press conference by Vice President-in-Waiting Tom 
Ridge. Rove's mouthpiece Dan Bartlett said: "The worst thing that can happen to the 
federal government is to lose credibility with the American people, and that's why we 
will continue to be very careful with the information we have and make sure it will be 
accurate." Bartlett, of course, is best known to loyal readers for his 
role in scrubbing Bush's AWOL from the media (see Hey Karl, 
thanks for reading - but when are you going to tell the truth about 
stealing the election?

__Bush v. Terror: Cheney Leaves Bunker to Tell America that the War Against Terror 
Will Last Forever

Dick Cheney left his bunker to visit New York for the first time since September 11. 
In his remarks to a Catholic political dinner, "he warned Americans to prepare 
themselves for further attacks, and he said that the increased security that is 
beginning to alter life in the United States will be a lasting change. 'Americans 
reasonably wonder How long will it last? The answer is that many of these changes we 
have made are permanent, at least in the lifetime of most of us... For the first time 
in our history, we will probably suffer more casualties here at home in America than 
will our troops overseas.'" Cheney claimed the war "is proceeding on course," but gave 
no timetable for defeating the Taliban, let alone our larger enemy, Terrorism. Does 
Bush plan to keep America at war FOREVER?

__More Evidence Of A 'Colossal Intelligence Failure'

"The one thing everybody agrees on is that a CIA cable transmitted Aug. 27 over a 
classified government computer network warned that two 'Bin Laden related individuals' 
had entered the United States and that two other suspected terrorists should be barred 
from entering. The CIA had already notified the White House and other senior 
policymakers in early August that the exiled Saudi militant Osama bin Laden was 
determined to launch a terrorist attack within the United States.  But CIA and FBI 
officials now disagree over the significance of the later notice and, specifically, 
whether an apparent miscommunication
affected the FBI's response. The FBI failed to find two men who later emerged as 
suspected skyjackers Sept. 11. Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, the two men 
identified on the CIA cable as already being on U.S. soil, helped seize an American 
Airlines jet after takeoff and crash it into the Pentagon, killing 189 people."

__Bush v. Bush: What Is Bush's Connection to Khalid bin Mahfouz, a Funder of Osama Bin 

Powerful Saudi Arabian banker Khalid bin Mahfouz was a principal in BCCI, which 
defrauded depositors of $10 billion in the '80s in what has been called the "largest 
bank fraud in world financial history" - and also channeled funds from the Reagan/Bush 
CIA to the Contras and the Afghan Mujahadeen. Bin Mahfouz invested funds with James 
Bath, a close Bush friend, who in turn invested in Bush's first oil company, Arbusto 
Energy. Bin Mahfouz was also the banker for Saudi Sheik Abdullah Taha Bakhsh, who 
bough 17..6% of Bush's second oil company, Harken Energy. According to investigative 
reporter Wayne Madsen, "bin Mahfouz allegedly has been financing the bin Laden 
terrorist network—making Bush a U.S. citizen who has done business with those who 
finance and support terrorists." We demand an investigation!

__Why Government-Sponsored Assassination is Idiotic - and Wrong

The leader of Israel's far right, Rehavam Zeevi, was assassinated in a Jerusalem Hotel 
by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The PFLP murdered Zeevi in 
retaliation for the Israeli assassination of Mustafa Zibri, known as Abu Ali Mustafa. 
Any government that engages in assassinations simply invites its enemies to retaliate 
in kind, thereby massively escalating the cycle of violence.

__US Exports Anthrax Terror to Africa

"Kenya's health minister says an envelope sent from Atlanta to a private Kenyan 
citizen has tested positive for anthrax spores... [It] was mailed September 8 from 
Atlanta via Miami and was received in Nairobi on October 9. It was opened on October 
11. The letter contained white powder and pieces of cloth. The person who received it 
took it to the health ministry and it tested positive." Is this the work of a US 
racist, a visiting foreign terrorist, or has the whole world just gone mad?

__Bush v. Islam: Powell Taps Ad Executive Charlotte Beers to Win Muslim Hearts & Minds

According to Alice Thompson of London's Daily Telegraph, "She has promoted Head and 
Shoulders shampoo, Uncle Ben's Rice, Gillette razors and American Express. Now 
Charlotte Beers has been put in charge of marketing the West. Colin Powell has made 
this advertising guru his under secretary of state for public diplomacy and public 
affairs. Her job is to re-brand America and her allies, then sell them to the Muslim 
world. The West must look tough but caring, confident yet benign. Revenge is out. This 
isn't a war between Pepsi and Coke, East and West. It's all about making the world a 
safer place for Christians, Jews and Muslims." If Colin Powell thinks he can win the 
hearts and minds of the Muslim world from an ad agency office on Madison Avenue, he's 
only worsening Bush's Credibility Gap.

__Fund for Afghan Children Is Another PR Move By The Bush Propaganda Machine

Writes Sheryl McCarthy for Newsday: "George W. Bush posed for photographs the other 
day with a group of schoolchildren in Washington, D.C. Each child proudly held up a 
single dollar bill, which the president had asked them to donate to a fund for the 
suffering children of Afghanistan...I get nervous when public officials trot out the 
children. What president whose country is involved in a dicey war, what mayor whose 
approval rating is down doesn't look good when flanked by a group of earnest and 
trusting kids? The children's fund is pure public relations. Yes, it could make 
children feel they're contributing to the war effort, help allay their fears and 
bolster their confidence in their government. I just hate to see children used this 
way." What will the Rove and Hughes dream up next – a T-ball game on the White House 
lawn between Team "Good" and Team "Evil"?

__Bush v. Fiction: Hey Ari - Do We Need to Watch What we READ?

Recently, Ari Fleischer ominously warned Americans to "watch what they say." But on 
October 10, Neil Godfrey was prevented from boarding a flight because of what he was 
reading: "On the cover of the book, Hayduke Lives! by Edward Abbey, is an illustration 
of a man's hand holding several sticks of dynamite." We'd like to hear some words of 
reassurance from Ari - or Tom Ridge - that reading novels doesn't turn us into 
terrorists in the eyes of our government.

__War of the Absurd: CNN Waits for Bin Laden Video

Ever since TV News gave way to Infotainment, news coverage has become increasingly 
absurd. Now CNN has negotiated an interview with Osama Bin Laden, and awaits his video 
reply. Right wing media critic Brent Bozell says, "One finds it absurd to believe that 
if CNN existed 60 years ago, it would give an audience to Adolf Hitler or Emperor 
Hirohito, who ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor." But if we had competing cable news 
networks back then with 24 hours to fill, who knows? Maybe Bin Laden will find a 
hip-hop producer to tape a rap reply: "My name's Osama, and you think I'm a goner, but 
I'm still tickin', and you're gonna get a lickin'." Just think - then CNN/Time/AOL 
could sell the tape through its entertainment division!

__Ann Coulter – Plagiarist?

"Earlier this month, …Ann Coulter laughed off her dismissal as a contributing editor 
of National Review magazine by telling the Washington Post: 'I'm getting a lot of 
great publicity.' But now Coulter is facing less welcome publicity - the suggestion 
that she is not the sole author of the 1998 bestseller 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' 
that brought her to national prominence as a telegenic Clinton-basher…The charges were 
first leveled in a memo by Michael Chapman, formerly a colleague of Coulter's at the 
conservative weekly Human Events. In December 1998, shortly after Coulter's book came 
out, Chapman complained to his bosses that a lot of his original research and 
reporting - carried out for a special 1997 Human Events supplement called 'A Case for 
Impeachment' - ended up in Coulter's book. In several instances, he wrote, his work 
was reproduced verbatim, paraphrased, or slightly rewritten, but never acknowledged."

__Cokie Dismisses All Dissenting Voices as 'None That Matter'

David Potorti, who lost his brother James in the World Trade Center, perfectly 
captures the establishment's contempt for dissenting voices. "On October 8th, as most 
Americans rose concerned and curious about the military action taking place on the 
other side of the globe, NPR's Morning Edition host Bob Edwards asked Cokie Roberts to 
weigh in. 'Leaders of Congress were quick to issue a statement in support of the 
military action in Afghanistan,' he said. 'Were there any dissenters?' 'None that 
matter,' she replied. It's a jaw-dropping statement when you think about it, one that 
says nothing and yet says everything... Are the militaristic responses to the 
terrorist attacks likely to endanger the lives of more American civilians? None that 
matter. Will the war on terrorism endanger the civil liberties of Americans at home? 
None that matter. Will bombing Afghanistan cause any significant improvements in the 
lot of the innocent Afghan people? None that matter."

__Bush Administration Rules Against Statistical Sampling; Minorities Will Likely Be 

"The Bush administration ruled against releasing statistically adjusted census data to 
help distribute billions of dollars in federal aid across the country, government 
sources said Wednesday. The decision means the federal government will use the raw 
head count available now to divvy up over $185 billion for Medicaid, foster care and 
other social service programs...Bureau officials weighed whether adjusting population 
figures with statistical sampling would improve the already completed raw head count. 
Most Democrats and civil rights groups said it would, by offering a better tally of 
minorities, the poor and children - groups typically missed in higher numbers...Groups 
like the U.S. Conference of Mayors also supported sampling, which could boost 
population figures for cities with larger minority populations and, likewise, federal 
dollars into those cities." So reports the Associated Press.

__GOP 'Stimulus' Tax Bill Would Almost Double Bush Tax Cuts Over Next Three Years; 
Cuts Skewed Towards Those With Highest Incomes

>From Citizens for Tax Justice: "The House Ways and Means Committee, on a party line 
>vote, has approved a bill that over the next three years would almost double the size 
>of the Bush tax cuts enacted last May. Officially, the new corporate and individual 
>tax cuts are estimated to cost $212 billion over the next three fiscal 
>years...Forty-one percent of the tax cuts would go the best-off one percent of all 
>taxpayers...Almost three-quarters of the 2002 tax cuts would go to the best off tenth 
>of all taxpayers.. Only 7 percent of the tax cuts would go the bottom three-fifths of 
>taxpayers..The largest corporate tax loophole under current law—accelerated 
>depreciation—would be almost doubled, at an estimated cost of $109 billion over the 
>next three years...The bill would permanently repeal the corporate alternative 
>minimum tax that now discourages corporate tax sheltering and forces some otherwise 
>low- and no-tax large, profitable corporations to pay at least something in taxes." 

__Interior Secretary Gale Norton Twists Facts on ANWR in Answering Senate

"When a Senate committee asked Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton questions about 
caribou in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, she sought answers from the agency in 
her department that runs the refuge. But when Norton formally replied to the 
committee, she left out the agency's scientific data that suggested caribou could be 
affected by oil drilling, while including data that supported her case for exploration 
in the refuge, documents show. Norton also added data that were erroneous, stating 
that caribou calving has been concentrated outside the proposed drilling area in 11 of 
the last 18 years, when the opposite is true... Still, some Fish and Wildlife 
officials said that they were careful to send Norton a complete and balanced portrait 
of the science, regardless of personal biases, and that she cherry-picked the data 
that suited her." Norton is a member of the Federalist Society, which is determined to 
turn the US into a Corporate State.

__Ignoring Allergy Testing, EPA Approves Genetically Modified Corn as Payback for 
BioTech Campaign Contributions

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency extended approval for genetically modified Bt 
corn for an additional seven years, the agency said Tuesday. According to the 
Environmental New Service (ENS) "The decision was applauded by the biotechnology 
industry, but roundly criticized by environmental and consumer groups." While 
Whitman's office claimed full testing had been done, the truth is that the agency did 
not do any allergy testing.  EPA has no plans to carry out any human allergy testing, 
in spite of recommendations made in July. So a coalition of consumer groups, the 
Genetically Engineered Food Alert coalition, will send lab certified samples of 
genetically engineered corn to allergists nationwide, for use in testing patients with 
undiagnosed allergic reactions.

__The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold

Writes Greg Palast: "The World Bank's former Chief Economist's accusations are 
eye-popping - including how the IMF and US Treasury fixed the Russian elections. 'It 
has condemned people to death,' the former apparatchik told me... Each nation's 
economy is individually analyzed, then, says Stiglitz, the Bank hands every minister 
the same exact four-step program... Most sickening for Stiglitz is that the US-backed 
oligarchs stripped Russia's industrial assets, so corruption cut national output 
nearly in half - causing depression and starvation. Ultimately, what drove him to put 
his job on the line was the failure of the banks and US Treasury to change course when 
confronted with the crises - failures and suffering perpetrated by their four-step 
monetarist mambo. Every time their free market solutions failed, the IMF simply 
demanded more free market policies."

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