Liberty Implodes At The World Trade Center
-- by Gordon Phillips

INFORM AMERICA! joins the nation in mourning the tragic and senseless murder of thousands of our fellow Americans and others, victims of the recent despicable and cowardly acts of senseless terrorism.

In an attempt to begin to understand what actually happened both on the surface and behind the scenes, this issue of THE INFORMED AMERICAN brings you a compilation of selected essays and articles on the events of September 11, 2001. 

I do not necessarily agree with all of the opinions expressed, nor can I confirm some of the allegations made, however the spectrum of viewpoints provides food for serious thought.

To put some recent, related events in perspective before continuing, it is now well known that the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City collapsed from strategically placed internal demolition charges, detonated simultaneously along with the ANFO 'show' bomb in the Ryder truck parked out front. Who placed those internal charges? Who financed the operatives? Cui bono?

It is also well known that TWA Flight 800 -- the 'exploding center fuel tank' myth notwithstanding -- was hit by a missile fired from a boat which then sped away, as seen by satellite surveillance and literally hundreds of eyewitnesses along the Long Island coastline whom the FBI never bothered to interview. Who fired the missile? And was it one of the shoulder-launched varieties known to be missing from U.S. military inventory? 

It is less well known that U.S. intelligence agency operatives entered the Waco church during the early phases of the contrived conflagration to assassinate uncooperative CIA 'sleeper' Vernon Howell and other ranking church officials, all of whom were later found at autopsy to have single gunshot wounds to the back of the head. These "wet ops" commandos then directed automatic weapons fire against terrified Davidians fleeing the back of the church. 

Was this a CIA operation gone awry? Did the FBI lie to us during televised press briefings being conducted while the "siege" was still underway? For the facts, read Attorney Paul Wilcher's explosive letter to Janet Reno in which he informed the Attorney General that several intelligence operatives were willing to come forward and tell the truth about Waco and other covert operations, but that their lives would need protecting. Several weeks after mailing that letter, Paul Wilcher was found dead in his apartment, sitting on the toilet. He had been dead of a "heart attack" for days before being placed there.

It is even less well known that JFK Jr.’s plane exploded seconds before diving into the Atlantic, as also viewed by witnesses on Martha's Vineyard who to this day have still not been interviewed by the FBI. Could the same machievellian forces who murdered the father have also murdered the son, 40 years later?

Bottom line: Is it possible that Americans continue to be attacked by enemies both within and without? And is truth once again the first victim?

The intricately designed World Trade Center skyscrapers were built to withstand hurricane winds, earthquakes and direct impact by high speed jetliners -- but they were not designed to withstand implosions. 

Once the support columns in a building have been severed, it cannot stand. Hence, the fascinating implosion coverage we’ve all see on television when an obsolete building is brought down, smooth as silk, by timed demolition charges -- often right in the middle of a dense downtown area. There is no collateral damage. It just drops is place. All that remains is a cloud of dust.

The WTC towers were also designed to suppress infernos through an extensive fire repression system using a chemically-treated watered sprinkler system supplied from enormous gravity-fed rooftop reservoirs. 

A half-hour after the second tower was struck, the fire in the first building had already gone out -- still smoldering and emitting thick black smoke, but with no flame visible. Yet with no such fire-suppression system in place, the crash at the Pentagon burned for hours.

Suddenly, just a short time apart, and as if out of nowhere, both buildings suddenly begin to spontaneously collapse in smoothly traveling waves, at equal speeds, from the top of each building down.

Note that neither tower broke off intact and collapsed into other buildings. Most of the debris fell inwards. All of the structural members are destroyed in a smooth pattern with no skeleton left remaining. The damage is symmetric, total and complete.

Now what is the mathematical probability of BOTH buildings spontaneously collapsing, precisely in the same identical manner, as if on cue? 

Then the third building, reported to have been "engulfed in flames" also collapses! Was it also hit by a plane? Did it fall out of sympathy? Did a Ryder truck park it front of its doors? Was it frightened into collapsing?

There is far more here than meets the eye. And like Waco, OKC, TWA 800 and other "incidents", the truth may never be known.

Meanwhile, watch for these latest acts of predicted terrorism to be used to brainwash Americans into further exchanging their priceless civil liberties for a more 'safe and secure' future life in a police state where all protection will be "allowed" to come from government itself. "

Never mind that one can only imagine how inclined future terrorists armed with box cutters would be to hijack an airliner filled with 200 passengers all enjoying a relaxing flight -- with a loaded semi-auto nestled in each purse and pocket.

We are told that suicidal fanatics with boxcutters "herded" unarmed passengers and crew members into the back of the planes, killed several of them, then flew the planes into the 
Pentagon and the World Trade Center, slaughtering thousands of innocent people. 

The operative word here is "herded". Let that word sink in. Herded, like cattle, like sheep, like concentration camp prisoners, into the back of the planes.

What would you have done under the circumstances? Because herded and unarmed is exactly what you'll be the next time YOU get on an airliner. You'll still be depending on the politicians who brought you Waco, OKC and TWA 800 -- the same bureaucrats who vote time and again to make certain that firearms ownership in America goes the way of Canada, England and Australia -- to protect you. God bless you, America, and good luck.

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