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From: "Jon Roland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 6:17 PM
Subject: Fw: ACLU letter asks Congress to nix "secret searches" from USA Act

Need everyone to send similar letters to their members of Congress.

Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 14:24:10 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh

Some background on "secret search" proposals in the last Congress:



    The Honorable Patrick Leahy
    433 Senate Russell Building
    Washington, DC 20510

    The Honorable Orin Hatch
    104 Senate Hart Building
    Washington, DC 20510

    The Honorable James Sensenbrenner
    2332 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515

    The Honorable John Conyers
    2426 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515

    Re: Sneak and Peek Search Warrants on Anti-Terrorism Legislation

    Dear Members of Congress:

    The House and Senate anti-terrorism bills (H.R. 2975 and S. 1510)
    contain a "delayed notice" provision, section 213, that would greatly
    expand the government's authority to conduct covert searches. This
    means that law enforcement agencies can enter a person's home or
    office, search through the person's possessions, in some cases seize
    physical objects or electronic information, without the person knowing
    that law enforcement agents were there. This is a significant change
    from the way searches have been conducted historically and will
    diminish privacy protections guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment. We
    believe this to be an unwise change. We are especially concerned that
    this very significant change in the conduct of searches governed by
    the Fourth Amendment is being considered in the context of emergency
    legislation to respond to the terrorist attack, without either the
    House or Senate holding hearings to thoroughly consider the
    ramifications of this change. Furthermore, this provision is not
    limited to crimes of terrorism, but would apply in all federal
    criminal cases. Lastly, unlike other provisions of H.R. 2975 that
    expand the government's power to search, this provision does not
    sunset in a few years.

    As a general rule, covert searches for physical evidence are illegal.
    Rule 41(d) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure specifically
    requires that the officer conducting the search "shall leave a copy
    and receipt at the place from which the property was taken." Title 18
    of the United States Code only authorizes delayed notice for searches
    of oral and wire communications (see 18 U.S.C. 2510 et seq.). Nothing
    in the criminal code permits secret searches for physical evidence.
    Furthermore, the Supreme Court has traditionally held that an officer
    must knock and announce his presence before serving a search warrant,
    absent exigent circumstances. See Richardson v. Wisconsin, 520 U.S.
    385 (1997).

    The Department of Justice claims that the provision in the
    anti-terrorism legislation will codify the already existing practice
    of conducting covert searches. It is true that the FBI sometimes
    conducts covert searches, but that fact is disturbing given its lack
    of legal authority to do so. The Department of Justice seeks this
    provision precisely because FBI agents do not have the authority to do
    what they are doing.

    The Department of Justice is correct in stating that the Second
    Circuit has upheld the constitutionality of this practice, provided
    that agents did not seize any items. See U.S. v. Villegas, 899 F2d
    1324 (2nd Cir. 1990). The Ninth Circuit has also permitted the use of
    evidence obtained through covert searches; however, the case law is
    much more convoluted. The first case it considered was United States
    v. Freitas, 800 F.2d 1451 (9th Cir. 1986). In that case, the district
    court found that covert search warrants were invalid under Rule 41 and
    unconstitutional. However, on appeal, the Ninth Circuit held that
    evidence seized pursuant to the warrant could be used under the "good
    faith exception" in United States v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897 (1984).
    Subsequent cases seem to have upheld the concept of covert searches,
    but have usually found that the criteria necessary to support the
    search were not met. See United States v. Johns, 851 F.2d 1131 (9th
    Cir. 1988). Other circuits have not ruled on the constitutionality of
    covert searches, nor has the Supreme Court. The most that can be said
    conclusively about the case law on secret searches is that it is
    limited and confused.

    The essence of the Fourth Amendment is that searches be "reasonable"
    and "specific." See Berger v. New York, 388 U.S. 41 (1967). Even if a
    secret search warrant complies with the constitution by specifying a
    particular place or items to be searched, authorizing law enforcement
    to conduct covert searches increases the likelihood that the terms of
    the warrant will be violated.

    Failure to notify a person that their home is being searched
    forecloses any opportunity to assert one's Fourth Amendment rights.
    For example, without notice, a person could not point out deficiencies
    in the warrant, such as that law enforcement officials are searching
    the wrong home or are searching outside the scope of the warrant. Nor
    can a person challenge the warrant in court. Although difficult to do,
    a person can challenge a search warrant by appearing before the court
    that issued it and asking for the warrant to be suppressed. It is
    impossible for a person to assert his or her Fourth Amendment rights
    if the person does not realize they are being violated.

    We urge the conferees to omit this provision from the anti-terrorism
    bills (section 213). If the government insists that it needs this
    authority, it should urge Congress to hold hearings and carefully
    consider this provision. Sneaking the provision on to a bill that the
    Administration knows will pass is playing fast and loose with our
    Constitution. We hope that you will protect it.


    Laura Murphy, Director
    Washington National Office
    American Civil Liberties Union
    Jim Babke, President
    American Liberty Foundation
    Rob Carlson
    Americans for the Preservation Of Information Security
    Tom Deweese, President
    American Policy Center
    Grover Norquist, President
    Americans for Tax Reform
    Jerry Berman, Executive Director
    Center for Democracy And Technology
    Ken McEldowney, Executive Director
    Consumer Action
    Richard Rahn
    Senior Fellow
    Discovery Institute
    David Sobel, General Counsel
    Electronic Privacy Information Center
    Bert Ely
    Ely and Company
    Paul Weyrich, President
    Free Congress Foundation
    Adrian Day, Editor
    Global Analyst
    Larry Pratt, Executive Director
    Gun Owners of America
    Steve Dabach, National Director
    Libertarian Party
    James Landrithm Jr.
    Editor and Publisher
    The Multiracial Activist and Abolitionist Examiner
    Irwin Schwartz, President
    National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
    David Burton
    Senior Fellow
    Prosperity Institute
    Kathryn Serkes, President
    Square One Media Network
    Sonia Arrison, Director
    Center for Technology Studies
    Pacific Research Center
    Senator Ted Kenney
    Senator Russ Feingold
    Representative Dennis Hastert
    Representative Richard Gephardt
    Representative Henry Hyde
    Representative Dick Armey
    Representative Bobby Scott
    Representative Barney Frank

---------------End of Original Message-----------------

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