-Caveat Lector-


The Monarchist Plot to Kill Hitler

by William Kennedy

On July 20, 1944 at 12:42 p.m. a time bomb exploded and ripped through the
War Office at Wolf's Lair - the East Prussian Headquarters of the Third
Reich. The primary target of this drastic assault was German Chancellor and
Führer Adolf Hitler. Although injured in the attack Hitler would survive this
harsh assassination attempt.

As the heat from the blast emanated from the structure it caressed the face
of a young German colonel who stood about 50 yards from the flame engulfed
building. Although this officer bore the marks of war wounds that included an
eye patch and missing hand he still possessed an aristocratic and noble
bearing in his tailored officer's tunic. Believing that no one could have
survived such a powerful explosion the colonel muttered to himself that 'the
beast is dead'. This regal looking colonel was Count Claus von Stauffenburg
and as the small building he had just bombed with a timed explosive hidden in
a brief case began to smolder in flames, he hurried to a waiting staff car.
His driver and co conspirator sped to a nearby airfield where a plane waited
to fly von Stauffenburg to Berlin where his destiny beckoned. [1]

Thus began the famous July Plot to kill Adolf Hitler and overthrow the Third
Reich. History was been very kind to the conspirators who attempted this
daring coup d'état. They are heralded as heroes and as allies in the war
against Hitler. The primary architect of this conspiracy was Claus von
Stauffenburg and he especially is honored as a valiant soldier who sought to
destroy the despotic figure of Adolf Hitler. In major cities throughout
Europe, the United States and even Israel streets and parks have been named
after Stauffenburg in honor of his bold effort to annihilate the Nazi

Now that over fifty years has passed since the July Plot was hatched a fresh
examination of the motivations and ultimate aspirations of the primary
conspirator is necessary to understand the true reasons for this audacious
attempt to seize power. Some of the conclusions drawn from this reevaluation
may not fit the 'official' historical interpretation of the events
surrounding the July Plot. Some may even be offended by the conclusions

The primary thesis of this examination contends that the July Plot was not in
any way, shape or form an attempt to restore democracy to the German people
as it is often portrayed. Neither was it a concerted effort to stop the
horrors of the Holocaust and to save the various Jews, Gypsies, Gays and
political dissidents who so greatly suffered in the concentration camps. Nor
was it an attempt to bring freedom to the many occupied countries that
endured German control on a daily basis.

The July Plot was an attempt to restore monarchy to Germany and to continue
the domination of Europe by the German people. In order to explain this
hypothesis it will be necessary to examine the background of the principal
conspirator Count Claus von Stauffenburg. What motivated von Stauffenburg to
plant a bomb as a means to kill Hitler on that hot July day is far more
complex than historians have acknowledged. It involves his own family
history, the mentors of his youth and his opinions concerning the social
class and standing of the leaders of the Third Reich. It is a lot to unravel
and it would be best to begin with Stauffenburg's family history.

Claus Philipp von Stauffenburg was born on November 15, 1907 to Alfred and
Koraline Schenk Graf von Stauffenburg in Swabia Germany. His father could
trace his ancestry back to medieval times. It is believed that the
Stauffenburgs emerged from the House of Staufen who ruled Germany as Holy
Roman Emperors form the early 800 rds until 1273 AD when the Habsburg Dynasty
took the imperial crown. The Stauffenburgs were most likely Staufen princes
who became warriors as a means to defend the German Empire.

The first traceable ancestor of the von Stauffenburgs is one Werner Schenk
von Zollern who is mentioned in a legal document written in 1257. Schenk
means 'cup bearer' or steward in Old German and this title suggests that the
Werner in question was a courtier. A script dated in 1317 mentions the name
Stauffenburg for the first time. The signature of Hannes Schenk von
Stauffenburg appears on this document and it is from this figure that Claus
von Stauffenburg could trace his direct lineage. [2]

The von Stauffenburgs held the title 'Free Knights of the Empire' meaning
that they answered only to the Emperor in matters of law and personal honor.
This imperial designation was of equal status to that of a baron. The
difference being that a baron was bound to a particular region while a Free
Knight was allowed to roam unreservedly throughout the Empire. This family
produced a number of notable military figures. Three von Stauffenburgs were
listed as members of Teutonic Knights and two others were known to be members
of the Knights of Saint John - one of them becoming a leader of this
illustrious order.

Another von Stauffenburg served with the Habsburg Emperor Charles V when he
defeated the King of France in 1519 and then continued on with the Holy Roman
Emperor when he seized Vatican City and held the Pope captive. Some von
Stauffenburgs converted to Protestantism after Luther but many remained
within the Church of Rome. By the seventieth century the Stauffenburgs
boasted a Jesuit priest, two prince-bishops and a Field Marshall of the
Swabian Order of Saint John. The famous poet and playwright Friedrich von
Schiller was a Stauffenburg on his mother's side.

By 1874 General Konrad von Stauffenburg was raised to the rank of Count
[Graf] by King Ludwigg II of Bavaria. [3] His grandson Alfred Schrenk Graf
Von Stauffenburg married Karoline von ÜxKüll and to them were born Alexander,
Berthold and Claus von Stauffenburg.

Claus von Stauffenburg's mother Karoline von ÜxKüll was of Prussian descent
and her family boasted a great many important military figures among their
ancestors. Among these were Field Martial Peter von Wartenburg who began his
career as a soldier of fortune and eventually found himself upgrading the
Prussian Army as an advisor. Another famous scion of the von ÜxKüll family
was Field Marshall August von Gneisenau. He served as an advisor to General
George Washington at the end of the American Revolutionary War. Both men were
instrumental in the defeat of Napoleon.

The von Stauffenburg brothers were raised with a strong sense of their noble
heritage. They lived in a castle owned by the Wittelsbach King of
Wütteremberg. Alfred von Stauffenburg served as Senior Marshal [special
advisor] to the King and counseled the Bavarian Monarch on matters of foreign
relations and diplomacy. His wife Karoline served as 'Lady in Waiting' to the
Queen. Her duties included organizing cotillions and other formal social
occasions. It was in this fairy-tale milieu of Bavarian aristocracy that
Claus von Stauffenburg took his first steps, learned to talk and eventually
to dance, fence and ride a horse. [4]

When the Württenburg Monarchy was dissolved in 1918 as a condition of the
Armistice the von Stauffenburgs moved to their country estate which had been
their ancestral home for over 300 years. The village of Lautingen lies in the
Swabian Alps just south of Stuttgart and the Schloss Stauffenburg, with its
high roof and lily-white exterior, dominates the small town. The rolling
Alpine foothills dotted the countryside the three brothers reveled in
exploring the glorious landscape. [5]

Non-Germans can never fully appreciate the significance of the countryside in
the make up of the German soul. For the German, and especially the Bavarian,
the land and the people merge and fuse in an enigmatic mystical union. Unlike
other nations which speak of national spirit, the Germans have always spoken
in terms of blood and land. It can be seen everywhere in 19th and early 20th
century literature and even propaganda - Blood and Iron, Blood and Soil,
Blood and Honor. In effect, the German worldview may be described as a sort
of spiritual materialism the likes of which non-Germanic peoples can only
grasp a slight understanding.

It is in this context that the young Claus von Stauffenburg and his two older
twin brothers roamed and explored the Swabian countryside. They saw
themselves as being physically and metaphysically merged the environment.
This mystical communion with the land combined with the high culture and
respect for tradition and family history they received at home made them
aristocrats in the highest sense of the term.

As the brothers grew into their teen years their parents recognized the need
for them to be tutored and mentored in life and art by an outside party. The
standard gymnasium education was limited in its scope and the elder von
Stauffenburgs understood their children required more than the regular
instruction offered in the German school system.

In this regard they sought out the help and advice of German poet Stefan
George [pronounced Gee-org-ah]. George was the definitive German language
poet of his era outshining even Rilke in reputation and status. In his early
years George roamed the vineyards owned by his parents and soon became aloof
and somewhat detached from his contemporaries. During his teens and early
20's George traveled Europe and began to explore poetry and various forms of
esoteria. He flirted with Ariosophy - a German form of theosophy which
accented German identity but soon found it overly anti Semitic for his
tastes. [6]

Eventually he settled back in Germany and formed the 'George Circle' around
1892. This group comprised an esoteric brotherhood which sought to explore
poetry, spiritualism, arcane rites and spiritual doctrines. This group
eventually merged with a pre-existing fraternity known as the 'Cosmics' - a
fellowship which centered around George when he relocated to Heidelburg.
There is much speculation concerning George and his followers. One overriding
observation concerning this group was its total domination by George. There
was absolutely no room for individual opinion besides that of George himself.
Followers even had to take a 'loyalty oath' to Meister George promising to
following him unconditionally and agreeing never to reveal his inner
teachings to outsiders. [7]

Sometime in the early 1900's George began to done what looked very much like
a curate's cassock and soon his followers began to copy his dress and
mannerisms. There were rumors centering around George's use of secret
ceremonies in which he wore ornate robes and regalia, burnt incense and
performed occult rituals while uttering incantations. Some unfounded rumors
surfaced which spoke of homosexual initiation ceremonies. It seems that
George formed a Golden Dawn type organization in pre WWI Germany. [8]

At this point George began to publish volumes of poetry which were to capture
the imagination of an entire generation of young German intellectuals. His
poetry was to German literature what Nietzsche was to German philosophy.
Nietzsche captured the essence of German identity while George's poetry
explored the Germanic soul. As his poetic star rose George himself became
more and more reclusive insisting that he only wanted to be surrounded by
spiritual aristocrats.

George proffered a mystical/poetic purview in which a sort of priest king
would emerge to lead the German people into a spiritual utopia. [Many Nazis
saw this personified in Hitler] This is best reflected in his masterpiece The
New Kingdom [1928]. In this work George expresses his hopes and aspirations
for the German people and the mystic imperium he hoped would imbibe and
revive his nation. [9]

When Karoline von Stauffenberg approached Stefan George concerning tutoring
her three sons the famous poet could not be more pleased. He saw in the three
youths the very embodiment of his spiritual and aristocratic leanings. The
Stauffenburg brothers saw in George a mentor who understood their background
and desires. Soon the three took George's 'loyalty oath' and entered the
inner circle of his esoteric secret society. [10]

During his frequent visits to the Stauffenburg home George had the boys learn
poetry by heart and even had them compose some of their own poems. He also
tutored them in classical civilization and literature with an emphasis on
Plato and the Greek dramatists. George had the brothers explore occult
philosophy which most likely included the works of Rudolf Steiner and Thule
Society literature. Although a neo-pagan at this juncture in his life, George
encouraged the three boys to explore the numinous temper of Roman Catholicism
with its stress on sacrifice and the mystical nature of divine kingship. [11]

In essence George taught the boys that their duty as aristocrats was to
promote a new divine monarchy and to ensure that, within the limits if their
circumstance, that they should always act with duty and honor as their
watchwords. Nothing less would be befitting those of their high social

The two older von Stauffenburg brothers eventually went off to university and
were to gain doctorates in the humanities. However, Claus was so infatuated
by George's philosophy that he chose a military career over university. Claus
von Stauffenburg saw this as his only opportunity to put into practice what
his mentor had taught him.

After rising through the ranks to Lieutenant in the German Army von
Stauffenburg was surprised when an Austrian named Adolf Hitler came to power
in 1933.

At first von Stauffenburg celebrated the rise of the National Socialist
Workers Party. He saw in their symbols and their dedication the very essence
of the New Kingdom he had envisaged for his entire life. However, his taste
for the Führer soon soured. For one thing Stefan George hated Hitler and
refused to meet with the new Chancellor. George declined Hitler's invitation
to head the Germany Poetry Academy. As a final smear to the 'Leader' George
denounced the Führer stating that Hitler was a mere vulgarian who would lead
Germany to ruination.

To demonstrate his complete and utter contempt for the Third Reich George
left Germany in protest of the new regime and exiled himself to Switzerland.
There he died not long after his expatriation in 1933. The Stauffenburg
brothers acted as pole bearers at George's funeral. [12]

As the military prowess of the Third Reich grew Claus von Stauffenburg
remained as an officer in the regular German Army although his distrust of
Hitler grew as the years moved on. When war broke out in 1939 Stauffenburg
held a number of combat assignments. He served in all of Hitler's major
campaigns from the Sudetenland, to Poland, to France, to Russia and finally
North Africa.

On April 7, 1943 Claus Von Stauffenburg was seriously wounded along the
Kasserine Pass in the North African desert when Allied fighters strafed his
convoy and vehicle. In a hail of machine gun fire Stauffenburg lost his left
eye, right hand, two fingers of his left hand and a kneecap. [13]

It was during his recovery that von Stauffenburg, by then a lieutenant
colonel, began to plot against the life of Adolf Hitler. Stefan George's
opinions concerning Hitler all rang true. He led Germany into the greatest
military disaster in modern history. In his initial plan von Stauffenburg
knew that any cogent overthrow of the Third Reich would mean the deaths of
Hitler and his two closet power sharers - Himmler and Goering.

Upon reflecting on the lives and careers of the three prominent leaders of
the Third Reich von Stauffenburg felt nothing but loathing for these
commoners who were as far away from George's vision of Divine Kings as one
could get. Considering Stauffenburg's aristocratic upbringing - dancing with t
he Queen of Bavaria as a boy, exploring the Swabian countryside, listening to
his parents speak of their lineage and especially studying the mystical
poetry and teachings of Stefan George - Hitler, Himmler and Goering were
nothing more than mere plebeians.

In Stauffenburg's reckoning Adolf Hitler was an Austrian prole whose military
record did not even involve participating in a charge. Upon leaving the armed
services Hitler was a failed artist, paper hanger and one time vagabond.
Given his chance this ruff-hewn peasant ran Germany into the ground.

Heindrich Himmler, head of the SS, was not even physically-fit enough to pass
a basic medical exam for entry into the army. He worked raising and selling
chickens for a time but he even failed at this inane employment. Himmler's
greatest claim to fame was that he once received a government grant to study
the nature of dung in the production of manure but even this study was never
completed. Yet on the death of Hitler this ex-chicken farmer possessed the
manpower to seize the government as his dreaded SS followed him blindly.

Herman Goering may have had some merit in Stauffenburg's reckoning as he was
a WWI flying ace. However, he was a throw back to earlier age and made his
living as a stunt pilot and barn stormer after the Great War. He was even an
insignificant wine salesman at one time. However, Goering controlled the
entire Prussian interior police consequently making him a threat after
Hitler's death.

>From the Fall of 1943 to the Summer 1944 Claus von Stauffenburg became the
leader of a conspiracy to kill Hitler, Goering and Himmler and overthrow the
Third Reich in one decisive action. In June 1944 he was promoted to full
colonel and appointed Chief of Staff to Home Army Commander General Friedrich
Fromm. Now von Stauffenberg had direct access to Hitler's briefing sessions
and he made his final move against the man he referred to as 'The Anti

On July 20 after returning to Berlin after the bombing von Stauffenburg soon
discovered that Hitler had miraculously survived the blast and that his co
conspirators had failed to launch the coup. The plot quickly collapsed and
Count Claus von Stauffenburg was subsequently shot for sedition.

If the coup had succeeded it is doubtful von Stauffenburg would have restored
democracy. Although his provisional government would have placed General
Ludwig Beck as Head of State von Stauffenburg would have had full control of
all armed forces as Secretary of War. Most likely he would have sued for a
negotiated peace with the allies and retained most of the new Reich.

In this regard it can be plausibly argued that von Stauffenburg would have
eventually restored some form of monarchy in Germany with either himself or
one of his brothers appointed as King or Holy Roman Emperor of Germania.
Considering Stauffenburg's aristocratic background, the monarchical influence
of Stefan George, and his overall disdain for the lower class types who
gained political power in democractic regimes, this theory constitutes a
reasonable conclusion.

It is unclear what Stauffenburg's opinions were concerning the Holocaust but
it is certain that he hoped to bring diehard Nazis, like Albert Speer, into
the new provisional government. [14]

Stauffenburg also recruited the German commander of France into the plot and,
consequently, did not seem to plan to give up any segment of the Greater
Reich if the coup had been successful.

It is very unlikely that von Stauffenburg would have bought back some scion
of the Kaiser's family to act as king. In his the reckoning the Hohenzollern
dynasty was too quick to jump on the National Socialist bandwagon in hopes of
regaining power. Nor were the Kaiser's heirs raised with the same mythical
concept of kingship and sacrifice as were the Stauffenburg children.

Count Claus von Stauffenburg was only 37 at the time of the plot and thus
required an older and respected leader like General Beck to smooth over the
transition of government after the coup. It is clear that Stauffenburg would
retain control of the military and even went as far as to form an alliance
with Field Marshal Irwin Rommel as a means to consolidate his hold on the
armed forces after the Third Reich was deposed. Consequently, Stauffenburg
would control the military and could eventually impose any form of government
onto the Greater German Reich. [15]

In the final analysis Count Claus von Stauffenburg would have inaugurated the
New Kingdom that Stephan George had conceived and would have coronated
himself or some scion of his family as Monarch of the New Reich.

End Notes And Sources
 1] See: http://www.joric.com/Conspiracy/ResearchPaper.html#15 also An
historically accurate recreation of the events surrounding the July Plot can
be found in the docudrama The Plot to Kill Hitler [1990] See:
2] Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard, Secret Germany: Claus von Stauffenburg
and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler, Jonathan Cape London, 1994: 79-80
3] Baigent & Leigh: 85
4] Baigent &Leigh: 97 - 98
5] Baigent & Leigh: 99
6] See: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=37211
7] Baigent & Leigh: 257
8] Baigent &Leigh: 112
9]See: http://www.alb-neckar-schwarzwald.de/s_george_poems.html
10] Baigent & Leigh: 11
11] Baigent & Leigh: 115
12] Baigent & Leigh: 130 - 133
13] See: http://www.joric.com/Conspiracy/CStauffenberg.htm
14] See: http://www.joric.com/Conspiracy/Speer.htm
15] See: http://www.joric.com/Conspiracy/Newgvt.htm

 Hitler in Cross Hairs
Map of Bomb Plot at Wolf's Lair
Claus von Staffenburg
Stefan George

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