-Caveat Lector-

Save The Economy! Go To War!

(Conspiracy Nation, 9/16/01) -- A dud of a movie a couple months back
was that "Pearl Harbor" flick. That dud was like the ongoing Federal
Reserve dud of limp-dick lowered interest rates.

An article in USA Today (August 20, 2001) compared the decline and
fall of the Japanese miracle economy of the 1980s with the scarey
looking U.S. economic situation. In Japan, ferocious interest rate
cuts by their central bank had no effect; interest rates there went to
ZERO and still the Japanese economy was stalled.

In the U.S., economic reports referred to American consumers as the
last prop holding up a faltering economy. "Please, please, go
shopping!" begged Conspiracy Tales in its August 25, 2001 newsletter.
Unfortunately, consumers were tapped out. "American Consumers Are
Drowning in Debt," heralded the Newsweek magazine cover of August 27,

This was bad news for the American Shopping Culture, where the Meaning
of Life is to earn money and then go shopping. Worse than a financial
downturn, we faced an existential crisis.

What USA Today missed, though, in their comparison between the
Japanese and the U.S. economies, was that Japan does not have a huge
war machine like we do. World War II is credited with finally rescuing
Americans from the 1930s "Great Depression." Might not that work

Why have a repeat of the Great Depression? Why not just have a World
War III and nip any incipient recession/depression in the bud? For
this reason, as "every cloud has a silver lining," look on the bright
side: the Rude Tuesday ("Stupid Bloody Tuesday") 9-11 terror attack is
indeed like Pearl Harbor; it will bolster the economy, we can keep on
shopping, and if you really want to (on long Sunday mornings, before
the stores open) you can pray.
Economy Assassinated by "Lone Nut" Osama bin Laden

(Conspiracy Nation, 9/17/01) -- A third "lone nut" has appeared,
ruining the American landscape.

The first "lone nut" was Lee Harvey Oswald, said to be the lone killer
of John F. Kennedy.

The second "lone nut" was Timothy McVeigh, said to have single-
handedly destroyed the Murrah building in Oklahoma City.

The third "lone nut," Osama bin Laden, has cold-heartedly murdered the
"New Economy." Bin Laden has done this by seducing "towel-heads" with
haschish, promising them paradise, and then sending these pawns on
suicide missions. These minions of Osama hijacked planes with the aid
of box-cutter razors and crashed the jet-fuel laden aircraft into the
twin towers of the World Trade Center, in New York City.

As the stock market tumbles, and millions of Americans have their
assets obliterated, the wise money managers of America can only shrug
their shoulders and say, "It wasn't us. It was Osama bin Laden."

Heroic Al Greenspan, chair of the Federal Reserve, surprised investors
with a rate cut coinciding with the reopening of the stock market
today. Heroic corporations poured their own funds into the market,
purchasing their own stocks to keep them from crumbling. It was all
well-timed, like the "triangulation of fire" which impacted the twin
towers of the World Trade Center, as well as the Pentagon.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military is being discretely deployed throughout
the U.S. This is to safeguard us all from further terror attacks, such
as from furious Americans who have had their assets obliterated by
Osama bin Laden, lone assassin of the economy.

Iraq True Mastermind of Jet Attacks?

(Conspiracy Nation, 9/19/01) -- As shown in the Sept. 12th report by
this news service, the "meticulously planned, sophisticated and
coordinated attack" which destroyed the World Trade Center on Sept.
11, 2001, was well beyond the expertise of an unassisted Osama bin
Laden. [1]

Bin Laden himself denies being responsible for the terror attack,
which has ignited the U.S. into a frenzy of vengefulness.

Some hints on who was truly responsible are beginning to emerge. It is
doubtful, though, whether this information will be widely released to
the American public, glued to their TV screens.

A current article in Janes Defense Weekly asks, "Who did it?" As
suggested by the Janes article, Iraq is the state which sponsored the
Sept. 11th suicide attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Reportedly, the operational brains behind the New York attack were
Lebanese Imad Mughniyeh (head of special overseas operations for
Hizbullah) and the Egyptian Dr. Ayman Al Zawahhiri, "possible
successor of the ailing Osama Bin Laden." These terror puppeteers
"were probably financed and got some logistical support from the Iraqi
Intelligence Service," notes the prestigious Janes. [2]

Corroboration of the Iraqi connection appeared in today's Washington
Times newspaper. They connect Iraqi intelligence with America's most
recent "Pearl Harbor." [3]

Several news reports show that various insiders had foreknowledge that
"something big" was soon to happen, if not more detailed knowledge of
the imminent event itself. These insiders parlayed their knowledge
into "insider trading" on stock exchanges. Stock futures were hugely
sold before the Sept. 11 attack, then repurchased shortly after the
attack at a much cheaper price. [4] This so-called "short selling" is
subtly hinted to have been done by "usual suspect" Osama bin Laden in
the news reports, but in fact it is not yet known who and how many
persons may have benefited from the alleged insider trading.

Also parlaying recent events of horror to their own benefit may be the
U.S. government, which reportedly already had plans in the works to
invade Afghanistan since last July or before. Apparently, military
action against that nation had long since been set to go forward in
mid-October. [5] All that was lacking was a *causa belli*, a "Pearl

-------<< Notes >>-------
[1] Kaboom! "Triangulation of Fire" in Sept. 11 Attack. Archived at
Conspiracy Nation web site:
[2] "Who Did It?" Janes Defense Weekly, 9/19/01.
[3] "Hijacker met with Iraqi official," by Bill Gertz. Washington
Times, 9/19/01.
[4] "Bin Laden Stock Trades Probed." NewsMax, 9/19/01.
[5] "US 'planned attack on Taleban.'" By the BBC's George Arney.

Fog Lifts From Sept. 11 Terror Attack

(Conspiracy Nation, 9/21/01) -- As facts emerge from the haze
surrounding the terror attack of Sept. 11, the true nature of what
happened can be perceived. Though the situation is still foggy, images
can be discerned.

The glimpse offered in this article is based on recent reports by
Conspiracy Nation, available at http://www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html,
and on informed speculation.

The first thing to understand is that the real power in America
operates under the guideline of "The Ends Justify the Means." By
understanding this it will be easier to understand how seemingly
decent leaders can have allowed unprecedented terror to strike the

The tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, are referred to as a new "Pearl
Harbor." In that context it's worth remembering that the U.S.
government, in 1941, had advance knowledge that Pearl Harbor would be
attacked by Japan. [1]

By July of this year, 2001 A.D., it had been secretly decided that we
would be going to war against Afghanistan. The "Permanent War Economy"
of the United States was in trouble: Federal Reserve band-aids were of
no avail in countering the inevitable reaction to 1990s conspicuous
consumption; over-indebted consumers were the last prop sustaining the
American economy. It appeared that the U.S. economy would mirror what
had happened to Japan's "Miracle Economy" of the 1980s. The 1990s-era
USA "New Economy" was out of gas. But unlike Japan, the U.S. has a
huge war machine that can be geared up whenever necessary.

"The ends justify the means": without a new war, the American people
would be forced into massive consumption-deprivation symptoms; like
addicts suffering acute withdrawal, American shop-a-holics would be in
agony. More than that, a major economic downturn could send the
howling mob to tearing at the throats of politicians -- or even higher
than that, at the throats of the elite power class. It was a matter of
"national security"; it was agreed that the U.S. *must* go to war.

All that was needed was a new Gulf of Tonkin incident, a new U.S.S.
Maine, a new Pearl Harbor, to serve as a fig leaf behind which to hide
what had already been planned. Just as, in political assassinations,
the guards are first co-opted and made ineffective, so too U.S.
intelligence agencies protecting American soil needed to be
momentarily off-guard. This would leave the door wide open for the
assassin(s). The final step was to have a pre-arranged "patsy" (fall
guy) waiting in the wings: Osama bin Laden.

At the highest level of U.S. power, "someone" "forgot" to lock the
door. It was too bad, but "the ends justify the means" and overall
"national security" must be maintained at all costs.

-------<< Notes >>-------
[1] "...had advance knowledge that Pearl Harbor would be attacked..."
See, for example: (a) *The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor* by Robert A
Theobald; (b) *Infamy* by John Toland; (c) *The Seventy Greatest
Conspiracies of all Time* by Jonathan Vankin & John Whalen; (d)
*Everything Is Under Control* by Robert Anton Wilson.

Tentacles of Bin Laden Omnipresent

(Conspiracy Nation, 9/24/01) -- Hidden high atop his mountain lair,
the tentacles of the mysterious Osama bin Laden reach far and wide.

Like the sinister Professor Moriarty of the Sherlock Holmes tales, bin
Laden's presence is felt, but not seen, at various crime scenes.

Rumored to be associated with the thrice-evil Dr. Fu Manchu and to
have been instructed in the diabolical arts by that abominable master
of nefarious necromancy, bin Laden assumes an inpenetrable mask of
oriental calm in his face to the world.

But from the hidden fastness of his Eagle's Nest fortress, bin Laden
seduces his acolytes with haschish, promises them paradise in return
for blind obedience, arms them with deadly box-cutter knives, then
sends them out on mind-boggling missions of evil.

Bin Laden and his minions wear wet towels wrapped around their heads
to thwart mind-rays sent out by Denis Nayland Smith, bin Laden's
nemesis. The woefully underfunded Nayland Smith fights an heroic
battle against bin Laden's awful conspiracies with help from his
friend, Dr. Petrie, a chemist.

Osama bin Laden is known to utilize "sleeper" agents, warns Nayland
Smith. "If any of your employees wears a wet towel around their head
and is often sleeping on the job -- beware!" he emphasized.

Besides the incredibly well-synchronized Sept. 11 attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon, bin Laden is associated with use of the
innocent-seeming "Furby" toys. These "lovable furry creatures" are
given as gifts to top-level National Security Agency (NSA) personnel.
Little do these NSA executives know that underneath the cuddly
exterior of these "Trojan Horse" gifts lies sophisticated linguistic
capacities which relay whatever is discovered to their inscrutable
master, Osama bin Laden!
Freedonia Declares War

(Conspiracy Nation, 9/28/01) -- In a stunning development, the Balkan
nation of Freedonia has declared war with neighboring Sylvania.

Under the able leadership of late president Chester V. Teasdale,
Freedonia's economic fundamentals had been sound. But upon President
Teasdale's demise, the nation soon went bankrupt.

In desperation, Teasdale's widow, Mrs. Gloria Teasdale, agreed to lend
money to Freedonia from her vast personal fortune. However she set one
condition: the government must be put under new management. This
condition was agreed to and new leadership was sought.

The search resulted in the appointment of President Rufus T. Firefly,
characterized by Mrs. Teasdale as "a progressive, fearless fighter."
"Firefly Appointed New Leader Of Freedonia," headlined the Freedonia
Gazette newspaper.

Sources who must remain anonymous confide that Ambassador Trentino of
neighboring Sylvania, jealous of Firefly's appointment as president of
Freedonia, secretly conspired against the new leader. A Mata Hari-
type, Vera Marcal, was allegedly employed by Trentino to seduce
Firefly away from the good graces of Mrs. Teasdale.

It is apparent that President Firefly somehow discerned the plot, and
at a diplomatic reception insults were exchanged between Firefly and
Trentino. Reportedly, Firefly called Trentino "an old skinflint" and
Trentino called Firefly "an upstart."

The wounded pride of both leaders, and its symbolic importance to both
nations, demands "satisfaction, upon the field of honor," said a high-
level source.

In Freedonia, subsequent to the declaration of war, the national
anthem was ubiquitous; all over that nation could be heard, "Hail,
hail, Freedonia, land of the brave and free." And in government
headquarters, Firefly and his associates could be heard singing, "To
war! To war! The country's going to war. A heigh-dee heigh-dee, heigh-
dee heigh-dee, heigh-dee heigh-dee ho!"
(KLA) "financed its war effort through the sale of heroin." [1]

KLA members "were trained in secret camps in Afghanistan." [1]

The poppies used to manufacture heroin are grown in Afghanistan. From
there, the product travels to "an extensive organized crime network in
Albania that smuggles heroin to buyers throughout Western Europe and
the United States." [1]

The KLA, trained by bin Laden, sells the drugs to purchase weapons.
Over one-billion dollars in drug profits are "laundered annually by
Kosovo smugglers through as many as 200 private banks." [1]

On any map of the world it can be seen how the opium product travels
from Afghanistan, to the region of the former Yugoslavia, and from
there to consumers in the United States.

Many have wondered why exactly the U.S. was so involved in warfare in
the former Yugoslavia. They cynically dismissed the fig leaf of
humanitarian concerns and looked for the *realpolitik*.

Recent mainstream news reports have claimed that Osama bin Laden and
the Taliban, based in Afghanistan, are about to "flood the market"
with heroin, which would crash prices for the addictive drug. This
threat of a dope-market crash came subsequently to anti-bin Laden
hostilities which, in turn, followed the Sept. 11 terror attack on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Bin Laden and his group have struck back hard at the current
propaganda onslaught directed against them. A major crash in dope
prices spells T-R-U-E T-E-R-R-O-R for international bankers and their
V.I.P. clientele. For the moment they are off-balance, mumbling about
"a new kind of war."

-------<< Notes >>-------
[1] "KLA Rebels Train In Terrorist Camps," by Jerry Seper. Washington
Times, May 4, 1999

Many Question Official Version of 9-11 Attack

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/2/01) -- Skepticism is being voiced from many
quarters regarding the official U.S. version of the Sept. 11th terror
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The U.S. government claims it had no prior knowledge that the 9-11
attacks were imminent but nonetheless, within a few hours of the
tragedy, it had determined who was guilty of the outrage. It declared
Osama bin Laden and his followers as the culprits and president
George W. Bush put out a "Wanted: Dead or Alive" contract on the
notorious Islamic "extremist."

One of the fortuitously available pieces of evidence which the U.S.
government used to determine guilt was a passport said to belong to
one of the terrorists. This paper document from the cockpit of one of
the hijacked jets, "the epicentre of an inferno which vapourised
steel, survived the fireball and fell to the ground almost intact." [1]

Quite soon after the U.S. government had so quickly solved the crime,
the U.S. Congress handed over virtually unlimited war powers to
president George W. Bush. [2]

Although the U.S. government claims it had no prior knowledge that the
Rude Tuesday attacks were about to occur, this is belied by a report
that Odigo, an instant messaging company in Israel, had received
advanced warning of the attacks and had notified U.S. officials prior
to the attacks. [3]

Although mainstream opinion in the United States and Great Britain
unquestioningly accepts bin Laden's guilt, there is a growing clamor
for hard evidence throughout the rest of the world.

"From the Persian Gulf to Europe to Latin America, world leaders have
become increasingly concerned that the U.S. is ready to strike Bin
Laden or his supporters in Afghanistan without sufficient evidence."

And even within the British government, an official who asked not to
be identified questions the rush to judgement.  The un-named official
wonders whether the widespread anti-bin Laden furor is based on "mere
speculation or resorting to the usual suspects." [4]

-------<< Notes >>-------
[1] Article by George Monbiot, "Collateral Repair." From Guardian
newspaper (www.guardian.co.uk). Published by NY Transfer News
[2] Article by Barbara Kingsolver. San Francisco Chronicle, 9/25/01
[3] "Senator Wants National Guard-type IT Corps; IM Firm Says It Was
Warned of Attacks," by Jay Lyman (www.NewsFactor.com). Published by NY
Transfer News (http://www.blythe.org)
[4] "A Growing Global Chorus Calls for Proof," by T. Christian Miller.
Los Angeles Times, 9/24/01. Published by NY Transfer News
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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