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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Tuesday, September 4, 2001
Mid-century deaths all linked to CIA?
New evidence in Olson case suggests similarities with other incidents


Editor's note: In 1998, WorldNetDaily first reported on the CIA's 
secret behavior-modification program MK-ULTRA, which included 
experimentation with LSD on unsuspecting subjects. Authors H.P. 
Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly's new book deals with the mysterious 
death of one alleged subject, Dr. Frank Olson. In this installment, 
the authors' third for WorldNetDaily, Albarelli and Kelly reveal new 
evidence that suggests a possible link between Olson's death and 
several other similar deaths in the same time period. 

by H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly
© 2001 H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John F. Kelly 
New evidence emerging from the five-year grand jury investigation 
into the 1953 death of CIA biochemist Frank Olson reveals concerns 
about several additional puzzling deaths. At least one of those 
deaths is noted in the CIA's record of its own internal investigation 
into Olson's fatal plunge from a Manhattan hotel window. That death, 
detailed in a top-secret CIA report dated December 3, 1953, was 
Laurence Duggan's. 

A former high-ranking State Department employee, Duggan fell 
screaming from a 16th-floor window of his Manhattan office on Dec. 
20, 1948. Duggan's lifeless body was found moments later on a Fifth 
Avenue parapet. He was dressed in a business suit, overcoat, scarf 
and only one overshoe. Police found the missing overshoe on the floor 
of his office. 

As with the Olson case, New York City police deemed Duggan's death 
an "accident or suicide," and the Manhattan Medical Examiner's Office 
ruled that he had "jumped or fallen." Friends and family of Duggan 
disputed these findings and claimed that he had been a victim 
of "foul play." 

Ten days before his death, the FBI questioned Duggan about communist 
espionage in the State Department. From 1935 to 1944, Duggan served 
as U.S. State Department chief of the Division of American Republics 
where he oversaw diplomatic relations with Central and South America. 

According to FBI documents, Duggan admitted during questioning that 
he had had contacts with Soviet intelligence agents but denied being 
a spy and failed to explain why he didn't report the contacts. When 
pressed for further details Duggan walked out of the interview. 

Prominent journalists Drew Pearson and Edward R. Murrow vigorously 
defended Duggan's reputation after his death and maintained that 
espionage suspicions about him were totally groundless. Indeed, well 
into the 1990s, many respected historians defended the Harvard-
educated Duggan as a loyal public servant driven to suicide by false 

Then several copiously researched books, including "Venona: Decoding 
Soviet Espionage in America" by John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, 
were published that amply documented that Duggan was an active Soviet 
spy for many years. Duggan handed over highly classified information 
to the Soviets during World War II, including U.S. plans for the 
invasion of Italy and a possible invasion of Nazi-occupied Norway. 
Ironically, Duggan's secret code-name given him by his Russian 
handlers was "Frank." 

Duggan's death is noted in the CIA's investigation into Frank Olson's 
death conducted in late-November and December 1953. CIA security 
official James McCord wrote on Dec. 3 that the two New York City 
detectives investigating Olson's fatal fall, James Ward and David 
Mullee, "were considering the possibility that [Olson] and [CIA 
official Robert V.] Lashbrook were involved in some committee hearing 
for they were aware that Sen. McCarthy's Committee was in town around 
the time [of Olson's death]." 

Wrote McCord, "[Detective Mullee] stated that the case of DUGGAN of 
the State Department came to mind, and as a result [the detectives] 
called the FBI to see whether or not they knew anything about either 
Lashbrook or [Olson]." 

According to FBI documents concerning the Olson case, detective 
Mullee spoke with Special Agent Edward A. McShane Jr. about his 
concerns. McShane, a 38-year veteran with the bureau who died last 
year, told Mullee that Olson's death was not only similar to Duggan's 
but also "brought to mind" the "recent deaths of three other 
government officials" as well as the "odd suicide of James 

Former Secretary of Defense James Vincent Forrestal died on May 22, 
1949, after falling from the 13th floor of the U.S. Naval Hospital at 
Bethesda, Md. Forrestal's broken, bloodied body was found clad in 
pajamas and a bathrobe. The cord of the robe was wound tightly around 
his neck. He had been hospitalized due to "operational fatigue" 
attributed to "excessive work." 

Forrestal's death was ruled a suicide, but the matter for many 
people, including members of Forrestal's family, remained far from 
resolved. Forrestal's brother, Henry, told reporters at the time of 
the death that he "believed that someone threw my brother out the 
window" and that he considered it quite strange that his brother 
died "just a few hours before I was to take him home." Additionally, 
James Forrestal's spiritual adviser, Monsignor Maurice Sheehy, told 
reporters that an unidentified Navy warrant officer at the hospital 
told him that Forrestal "didn't kill himself." 

Over the past several decades, speculation has focused on the 
possibility that Forrestal might have been an unwitting victim of the 
greatly overlooked top-secret Project CHATTER, operated by the Office 
of Naval Intelligence. CHATTER was a precursor program to the CIA's 
Projects Bluebird, ARTICHOKE and MK/ULTRA. CHATTER was modeled on 
bizarre Nazi experiments conducted at concentration camps and OSS 
truth drug programs. The object of the project was to devise the 
means to "eliminate free will in targeted individuals," causing them 
to do anything desired, including assassination and suicide. 

At least two of the three deaths of "government officials" noted by 
McShane to detective Mullee, but not specifically identified in 
documents, may have been those of James Speyer Kronthal and John C. 
Montgomery. Both men died under unusual circumstances only months 
before Frank Olson. 

Kronthal, a high-ranking CIA official, who worked under the cover of 
a post at the State Department, was discovered dead in his Georgetown 
home in Washington, D.C. on April 1, 1953. Kronthal's fully clothed 
body was found with an empty vial beside it by two CIA employees, 
Gould Cassal and McGregor Gray, after they went to his home to see 
why he had not come to work. 

According to D.C. police files, shortly before his death Kronthal 
wrote letters to CIA directors Allen Dulles and Richard Helms. The 
contents of those letters have never been revealed. An autopsy of 
Kronthal's body failed to reveal the cause of death or the contents 
of the empty vial. Police ruled the death a suicide. 

Kronthal during World War II and after worked closely with then-OSS 
official Allen Dulles in Bern, Switzerland. Kronthal was an Army 
captain assigned to the OSS, precursor to the CIA. At the time of his 
death, the Washington Post wrote that Kronthal was "mentally upset" 
because of "work pressures." 

But there was more to the story. In 1975, Rockefeller Commission 
investigators learned that long-concealed CIA files revealed that 
Kronthal was a Soviet spy who had been blackmailed into service by 
the KGB and that Kronthal had had dinner privately with Allen Dulles 
on the evening of his death. According to informed sources, 
Rockefeller Commission director David W. Belin was debriefed in 1975 
on the facts surrounding Kronthal's death by CIA Security Office 
officials. Ironically, Belin died in a freak fall in a hotel room in 
November 1998. 

James C. Montgomery, ostensibly head of the State Department's 
Finnish desk but believed to actually have been a CIA employee, died 
of strangulation on Jan. 24, 1953, in his Washington, D.C., home. His 
nude body was found with a bathrobe cord around his neck. 
Montgomery's death was ruled a suicide by D.C. police, but U.S. 
Congressman Fred E. Busbey of Illinois called for a full House 
investigation into the death. Busbey told the Washington Post six-
days after Montgomery died, "There are stories being bruited about 
that the police have been told not to talk." Busbey's fellow House 
members declined to take up an investigation. 

The third "death" mentioned by McShane might have been a reference to 
the "attempted suicide" of CIA security analyst Frederick E. 
Crockett. On April 8, 1953, just seven days after Kronthal's death, 
Crockett was discovered semi-conscious in his gas-filled D.C. 
apartment on Wisconsin Avenue. Police ruled that Crockett had 
attempted to kill himself. The CIA told reporters that "there was no 
reason to believe" that Crockett's attempt to kill himself had 
anything to do with Kronthal's death. Crockett survived the incident 
and lived until Jan. 17, 1978. 

Asked to comment about these deaths and their possible connection to 
the investigation into Frank Olson's death, a spokeswoman for 
Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's office declined to 
comment, citing a "long standing policy of not discussing or 
commenting about on-going investigations." 


This article is drawn from the forthcoming book, "A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: 
The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Cold War Experiments" by H.P. 
Albarelli Jr. and John F. Kelly. 

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