As with almost every well planned cover-up, the fall back position
after the initial cover story disintegrates must be a bit more
sophisticated. I guess this is where the Schippers feint comes in. It
is a brilliant move and should take the wind out of the sails of the
people exposing the older lies about Okbomb.

Is Jeyna Davis being spun, or is she a participant in the cover up?

One thing is certain, somebody was very nervous about the information
coming from Vidal and others.

Assistant Secretary of Defense is making the allegations about
McVeigh connections to Iraq.

>From, para. 9 at:

"McVeigh's Ghost"

Some dismiss it as being akin to Elvis sightings, but a few top
Defense officials think Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh was an Iraqi
agent. The theory stems from a never-before-reported allegation that
McVeigh had allegedly collected Iraqi telephone numbers. Why haven't
we heard this before about the case of the executed McVeigh?
Conspiracy theorists in the Pentagon think it's part of a coverup.


Additional info from
Posted 10/23/01 1:17 PM Mountain by OKCSubmariner

The news item is an excerpt from the US News & World Report
column "Washington Whispers" dated 10/29/01 written by the editor
PAUL BEDARD. The news excerpt is under the paragraph
heading "McVeigh's ghost" in the column whose title is "Pentagon
slows Clinton's bid for women in combat".

I spoke directly today by phone with Paul Bedard and he gave me
permission to write that the top official at the Pentagon who is
making the allegations about McVeigh connections to Iraq is the
Assistant Secretary of Defense, Mr. Wolfowitz, the number two man at
the Pentagon under the Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Mr. Bedard also broke his information today at 6:20 am EST on the
show "Fox and Friends".

Note that the news item refers to a coverup of the Iraqi connection
to McVeigh and the OKC bombing suspected by Pentagon officials. The
coverup referred to is a coverup by the FBI, DOJ, and Reno and Freeh.

Bedard's information is consistent with evidence uncovered that had
McVeigh meeting with an Iraqi recruiter in Las Vegas a few months
before the OKC bombing along with a suspected Hamas cell member from
OKC. McVeigh was seen with the employee of the Hamas cell member, an
Iraqi, Al Hussain Hussaini in OKC before and on the morning of the
OKC bombing. Hussaini was seen speeding away in front of the Murrah
building with another ME man in a late model brown Chevy truck, the
subject of an FBI all points bulletin.

Hussaini served in Sadam Hussein's Republican Guard prior to the Gulf
War and was brought to the US by Clinton along with around 4000
Iraqis after the gulf War. Some were relocated in OKC at two churches
in OKC. This information was provided by me to KFORTV (Brad Edwards)
in OKC in May 1995 when they were investigating Hussaini's role.

Former legal counsel for the impeachment proceedings and prominent
DOJ attorney, David Schippers has said several times on Alex Jones
and other radio broadcasts that Hussaini was a baggage handler at
Boston's Logan airport at the time of the WTC attacks on 9/11/2001.
Schippers expressed concern that the FBI should look into whether or
not Hussaini could have helped breach security at the airport to help
the hijacker pilots get on board or to plant box cutter knives.

Also it is believed Terry Nichols met with Bin Laden operatives of
the Abu Sayef terror organization in the Phillipines months before
the OKC bombing. Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein have worked closely with
each other on terror projects for years. Wolfowitz and Admiral
Woolsey (former CIA and FBI director) think Sadam Hussain and Bin
Laden also worked together on the Pentagon and WTC attacks on

Vincent Cannistraro, former head of the CIA's ME counter terror
operations, told the FBI in April 1995 that the OKC bombing was a
Sadam Hussein operation where Sadam Hussein had paid seven Pakistanis
to assist in the operation. Canistraro's source was the head of Saudi
intelligence and the FBI interview with Cannistraro is described in
McVeigh defense attorney Stephen Jones' book and David Hoffman's
book. Three Pakistani men were arrested in OKC and Dallas in
connection to the OKC bombing and then released. One of them Asad
Sidiqy was a suspect in the first WTC bombing backed by Sadam Hussein
in 1993. The FBI and Reno covered up the FBI 302 interview reports
and arrests of these three Pakistanis.

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