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From: "M.A. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Recipient list suppressed>
Subject: The Interventionist-Internationalist Complex
Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:16 PM

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

The Interventionist-Internationalist Complex
by Gary North

In a previous essay, I expressed admiration for the
non-interventionist foreign policy set forth by George
Washington in what we call the Farewell Address (1796).
I stated that the American way of life is best expressed
by the phrase, "live and let live." George Washington's
foreign policy of peaceful neutrality  basically, what
Switzerland's policy has been for five centuries  is an
application of "live and let live."

This view of the American way has always had two major
rivals. The first rival view has shaped American foreign
policy for almost two centuries, and American economic
policy since Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. This view
can also be stated in four words: "Defend the little
guy." Hans Krepelene coined a word for this outlook over
30 years ago: infracaninophilia  love of the underdog.

The second rival view can be also expressed in four
words: "Do it our way." We used this phrase with the
tribes that originally occupied North America above
the Rio Grande, and also on Spanish-speaking people who
came under our jurisdiction as a result of the war for
Texas, the Mexican War, and the Spanish-American War. In
the case of the colonies that we gained during the
Spanish-American war  Puerto Rico and the Philippines  we
justified the theft in terms of "defending the little guy,"
and then we ran things our way, but officially on behalf of
the little guys. We became the overdog. As for the American
tribes, we placed them on reservations, and, after the Civil
War ended, began the initial American experiment in welfarism,
which is still going on. When you think "welfare State,"
think "Bureau of Indian Affairs." When you think "socialized
medicine," think "Indian Health Service."

"Defend the little guy" was the ethical impulse, and when
it was combined with the secularized postmillennial vision
of America's "manifest destiny," it produced modern
interventionist foreign policy. It was the ethical-racial
vision of "the English-speaking man's burden" that led to
the creation of the Council of Foreign Relations in 1921.
The CFR was an extension of the Rhodes-Milner group,
represented by the Royal Institute of International Affairs
(RIIA). (On this point, see The Anglo-American Establishment,
written by Carroll Quigley, who taught Bill Clinton history
at Georgetown University. Even better is Part I of Otto
Scott's 1985 book on South Africa, The Other End of the

I have described the racial aspect of this vision in a
chapter on William Jennings Bryan, who opposed it. The
Aryan triumphalism of the Progressives, 1910-1939, was an
extension of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species by way of
the work of his cousin, Francis Galton. Anyone who has
studied the history of the eugenics movement in the United
States is familiar with this dark side of the Progressive
movement. Eugenics was bankrolled by the Eastern
Establishment, especially John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

The use of foreign policy as a way to uplift other nations,
but always at a profit for large corporate interests, was
basic to British-American foreign policy in the twentieth
century. Consider the career of Raymond Fosdick (1883-1972).
He was the brother of Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was
Rockefeller's pastor and for whom Rockefeller built the
Riverside Church in the mid-1920's. Raymond Fosdick had
gone on Rockefeller's payroll in 1913. He had been sent
to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 as part of "Col."
Edward Mandell House's group, "the Inquiry," which ran the
American team at Paris. At the League of Nations, Fosdick,
as Under Secretary General, worked daily with 31-year-old
Jean Monnet, France's Under Secretary General. Fosdick
wrote to his wife that he, Monnet, and the British Under
Secretary General were working to lay the foundations of
"the framework of international government. . . ." (Letter
of July 31, 1919; in Fosdick, ed., Letters on the League
of Nations [Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University
Press, 1966], p. 18.)

This was no idle boast. Over the next six decades, Monnet
became the driving force behind the creation of the European
Common Market and the New European order. He died in 1979.
Meanwhile, Fosdick returned to the United States, became
Rockefeller's attorney in 1920, and ran the Rockefeller
Foundation's empire for the next three decades. He wrote
Rockefeller's authorized biography, published in 1956. He
was a founding member of the CFR in 1921, along with many
other members of the Inquiry.

To justify the intervention of the United States into two
world wars, the Progressives and their ideological heirs
appealed to the deep-seated desire of Americans to defend
the little guy from the German bully. This strategy failed
to get us into the wars in 1915-17 and 1939-41. It took
attacks on American ships, plus the needless decision by
Hitler to declare war on us on December 11, 1941. Wilson's
fake neutrality, which in fact backed Great Britain, got us
into World War I. (Charles C. Tansill, America Goes to War;
Harry Elmer Barnes, The Genesis of the World War.) Roosevelt's
economic embargo on Japan and his constant pressure on Japan
to get out of China got us into World War II. (Tansill, Back
Door to War; Barnes [ed.], Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace;
Charles A. Beard, President Roosevelt and the Coming of the

At any time, there are two dozen wars going on in the world.
The media rarely mention any of them. Occasionally, one of
them gets our attention, and off we go. Somalia in 1993 is
an example. Why were American troops sent to Somalia? No one
knew. When a few of them got killed and dragged through the
streets, and this was seen on national TV, Clinton pulled
the troops out, and nothing more was said. The public
immediately forgot. Go to the CIA Yearbook. There is no
mention of our ever having deployed troops in Somalia. The
bullies in Somalia are presumably still beating up on the
little guys. Life goes on as before. How many Americans are
prepared to discuss Rwanda-Burundi in terms of the history
of the Hutus and Tutsis? Americans do not care. Why should
we? It is not our fight. There are too many fights for us
to care about all of them.

There is a division of labor in life. There is also scarcity.
America cannot afford to fight every fight, rescue every
little guy. Our government ignores most fights. But Americans
remain playthings of the Presidency as far as the "war of
the week" is concerned.

To conserve scarce resources and focus our attention, American
Presidential administrations should follow George Washington's
Farewell Address. They should imitate Switzerland. But this
limited role for America does not please the
interventionists-internationalists. Nor does it please most
conservatives, who serve as faithful trustees for the former
group. Their task is to keep the common man's sense of justice
focused on carefully screened and selected foreign shores.

A Conservative Critic

In a letter to me from a conservative critic, we read the
familiar justification: "Defend the little guy." I reprint
his e-mail here because it represents the ethical impulse
behind the foreign-policy intervention that gets us into
endless wars. It is what the common American adopts when
extending the power of the CFR and the other New World
Order acolytes.

   I have read with great disappointment your treatise on

   "If this nation had adhered to these words, we would be
   far richer, far freer, and far less worried about alien
   fanatics who kill civilians as a religious statement of

   So says CNN.

   I spoke with a Pakistani man shortly after the WTC. He
   was born in Pak[istan], raised in Hong Kong and now
   resides in Silicon Valley. He was saying "Why does the
   world hate America so much, why would they do this?"
   His answer was because America meddles in the affairs
   of others.

   My response to him was that there is such a thing as
   irrational unthinking hatred, born of ignorance, fired
   by unbounded jealousy of various would-be "leaders".
   The Islam hatred for America is not thought out. His
   own statement of "Why does the world hate America?"
   is equally not thought-out. He is merely repeating
   what he has heard. If he had thought this out for
   himself he would have looked at BOTH sides of the
   issue. But for America, there would be far greater
   suffering in the world.

   I said that were it not for this "meddling" there
   would be many millions of dead Bangladeshis, Nicaraguans,
   Sudanese, Ethiopians, Eritieans, Afghanis and others.

   He is well educated, enormous training and technical
   skill set but like you also educated at the University
   of CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC. These people are not great thinkers.

   I have read your works for many years. I find many
   illuminations in them. But not this time.

   Why is dis-involvement so paramount? Because a news
   anchorman put that notion in your head?!? Do you with
   impartiality raise your glass to Mohandas Gandhi and
   also the man that puts a pistol in the mouth of a 3
   year old? What are the politics of a toddler? Why not
   take sides? Doesn't your religion, doesn't your God
   believe in doing right for rights-sake? Men, given the
   ability by God to make a choice between right and wrong
   have decided that the burning of Jews, killing of
   innocents is wrong. Dis-involvement? Then God must
   have a wrong-minded notion in his head.

   Haven't you ever considered that perhaps, in many
   cases (and in this case in particular - US support for
   Israel) that America is right? Americans have the
   world cornered in self-flagellation.

   There is a difference between Washington's farewell
   address given by the leader of one of the worlds
   WEAKEST and most isolated nations and the farewell
   address the same man with the same intellect would
   have made today.

   Would you tolerate a neighbor regularly beating his

   Would you look aside as a woman is raped by an assailant?
   Is that what you teach your children? Even if the
   assailant is a Christian soldier and the woman is a
   Muslim as in the Balkans? The Europeans did look aside.
   Is a Godly work only something done easily and
   economically? The Europeans didn't want to get involved
   because it was difficult and expensive.

   Assume there is no local police as there is no world
   police force. Would you tolerate your neighbor beating
   his wife? Perhaps regularly and badly. Would you tolerate
   him beating his children also. And then you would go to God
   saying that "I have done God's work. I am a Godly man"??

   Do you suppose Washington's farewell address would be
   more appropriately directed at Saddam Hussein, Jiang
   Jemin, Bashar Al Assad, Khameni, Rafsanjani and Mohammed
   Omar? Have you sent it to them?

   Best Regards,

My critic equates the United States as a civil entity with
me as a caring human being. He also equates a nation-state
that stands alone in terms of its claim to national sovereignty
with me as a non-sovereign citizen in a commonwealth.
The two concepts are not the same.

Oaths and Sovereignty

The United States makes a claim of sovereignty. It makes
this claim on its own authority. It does not ask permission.
This nation did not request its sovereignty from any higher
sovereign civil order. Thomas Jefferson did not write a
declaration of interdependence. Indeed, the most effective
legal argument against the United Nations is that the UN
does not possess a legitimate claim of superior sovereignty.
I have not sworn an oath of allegiance to the United Nations
or to any other sovereign nation. I am under the authority
of the United States government because I am covenantally
bound to it by an implicit oath. I have not surrendered
my citizenship.

As an American citizen, I have the legal authority of citizen's
arrest. I have the legal right and the moral obligation to
defend a neighbor from unlawful coercion by a bully. This is
my answer to the question: "Would you tolerate a neighbor
regularly beating his wife? Would you look aside as a woman
is raped by an assailant?" But my authority inside the
sovereign national jurisdiction of the United States has
nothing to do with a neighbor in Canada who may be being
beaten by a Canadian bully. I used to live within a few miles
of the Canadian border. It was a Dutch-Calvinist cross-border
region, where theological distinctions and old battles
mattered far more than a mere national border. There were
cars heading north and south across the border every Sunday.
Had I known of an assault on some Canadian who attended my
church, I would have possessed no right to grab my rifle and
cross the border to offer help. I would have been breaking
Canadian gun control laws. I would have gone to jail faster
and longer than the bully.

 From time to time, America's claim of national sovereignty must
be defended on the battlefield. As a citizen, I have accepted
a legal obligation to defend my nation from attack. This is
because I am covenanted to my nation. But I am not covenanted
to any other nation. Or am I? A treaty has equal authority
with the U.S. Constitution. Ever since the NATO Treaty of
1949, the U.S. government has entered into many mutual
defense treaties. It has sent tens of thousands of conscripted
men to die in foreign lands, without a declaration of war.

The logic of foreign policy interventionism says that
sovereign nations are not truly sovereign, that there is
some implicit covenantal oath that binds one nation's citizens
to the citizens of other nations. Citizens of one nation
therefore have a legal obligation to shed their blood and
surrender their property on behalf of people living in other
nations, despite the fact that there has been no military
threat to their own nation.

The idea that my national government owes anything to victims
in another nation ultimately rests on the idea of world
government. It is the idea that American citizens have had
a mutual oath taken representatively for them on behalf of
a higher political entity with higher ethical goals than mere
national sovereignty. It is the idea that implicit civil
covenants extend to civil governments beyond one's own nation.

It is not random that internationalists and foreign policy
interventionists have continually pushed the world's nations
toward membership in the League of Nations or the United
Nations or other trans-national sovereignties that will
legislate for the citizens of every member nation, and
even nations not in the international covenant. (Serbia-Bosnia
comes to mind.) The surrender of national sovereignty to
international bureaucracies has been the goal of the
interventionists who have dominated American foreign policy
since at least the 1890's. The office of Secretary of State
became a family legacy. John Foster served under Benjamin
Harrison. His grandson John Foster Dulles served under
Eisenhower. Dulles' brother ran the CIA. His sister ran
the Berlin office of the State Department. Their uncle had
been Secretary of State under Wilson, after Bryan quit in
protest against Wilson's false neutrality.

This surrender of America's national sovereignty in the
name of extending American sovereignty began with the
Monroe doctrine of 1823, which made the United States
heavily dependent on the British Navy to enforce the
doctrine's terms. America promised to intervene on behalf
of the Western Hemisphere in order to defend each nation
against incursions by European powers. This meant European
continental nations. The British, who wanted access to Latin
American trade at the expense of other European mercantile
powers, backed us up. So, a decade after the British burned
Washington D.C. to the ground, they were using our government
as a cover for their foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere.
Serving as a cover for British foreign policy was what got
America into both world wars.


"Live and let live" nationally means "mind our own business"
internationally. The more that we have become embroiled in
other nations' conflicts, the less we have been able to honor
"live and let live" at home. George Washington understood
this relationship in 1796. Very few Americans still do.

If we really wanted homeland defense, we would get out of the
foreign interventionism business. The reason why we are going
to get a Homeland Defense cabinet-level agency is because our
Presidents are unwilling to get out of the foreign
interventionism business.

Washington, D.C. bears George Washington's name. It does not
bear his philosophy of foreign policy neutrality. You have to
live in Switzerland to get that.

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