Truth Seeking Missile

Circling the Globe in Defense of Truth, Justice & Freedom


October 26, 2001



Rush Limbaugh , Excellence in Broadcasting Network


Pearls of Deceit

MacKenzie Paine

Ahhh, such are the words of a man with an American flag stapled to his forehead and a script before him, courtesy of The Bully. Let’s consider Mr. Limbaugh’s un-American rhetoric for a moment.

  “We have a right and a duty to defend our people.” Unquestionably, Mr. Limbaugh. That’s one of the few authorized duties of the Federal government, according to the Constitution, to provide for the common defense. DEFENSE, Mr. Limbaugh. Not revenge, not colonizing, not terrorizing and tormenting, not risking the lives of American servicemen to serve the whims of a government gone berserk. We have the right and the duty to defend ourselves, while our government has the right and duty to defend our shores. Nothing more, nothing less.

 “It doesn’t matter what the world thinks.” Oh really? What about all the hype of President Bush needing a coalition to fight terrorism? Just because the rest of the world knows that we’re acting like trigger-happy goons it suddenly doesn’t matter what they think? I beg to differ, Mr. Limbaugh. There is a big world out there. We aren’t on this planet alone and unless we want to stay huddled in fear in our own living rooms, afraid to open mail or go to the mall for the rest of eternity, we had better start putting heavy consideration on what the world thinks. As so many have pointed out in recent weeks, we didn’t come under attack because we have too much freedom. We were attacked because we are jerks. Our foreign policy is one of murder, corruption, mayhem. . . foreign entanglements that would have reduced our Founding Fathers to tears. Whatever happened to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? Or should I say, “We reap what we sow.”

 “In fact, they’ll fear and respect us more. . .” Fear us? Perhaps. It’s always frightening not knowing who is going to be the next innocent victim of a country gone mad. But respect us? That is absolutely laughable! Respect must be earned, Mr. Limbaugh, and from my experience in life those who earn it do so by acting in an honorable, just, enlightened manner. I know of no one who respects men so full of their own self-importance that they rush to judgment and act like barbarians, murdering men, women and children who’ve never harmed a hair on an American head. Well, I take that back. The Zionists seem to respect such behavior, but the rest of the world abhors it.

 “. . .be less inclined to attack us again --- if we defend ourselves lock, stock and barrel.” I say Amen to that. Protect the Second Amendment so that Americans can defend themselves and bring our troops home so that they can defend our shores, and we’d certainly be less likely to suffer any further terrorist attacks. No one would need to terrorize us because we wouldn’t be terrorizing them.

 What Mr. Limbaugh and others are suggesting comes right out of the Zionist playbook. What we have now is a world scale Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The Israelis provoke, provoke, provoke until they finally draw fire. Then they use that fire as an excuse to attack. The United States government, during eight years of the Jewish Zionist Clinton administration and now with the Zionist Bush administration has been provoking the Arab world for more than a decade. We have starved the Iraqis, bombed civilian targets, intervened in civil wars and supplied the Israelis with money and arms so as to give them military superiority in the region.

 Well, we finally drew fire. We lost roughly 5,000 innocent civilians and the smoke hadn’t even cleared before NetanYahoo was proclaiming that our tragedy was good for Israel, our Zionist talking heads in the media were calling for blood revenge against Osama bin Laden and all countries that “harbor terrorists,” and a numbed world looked on, knowing that this was going to bring more bad news. The world knows the game, even if brainwashed Americans do not. We are being manipulated by such propaganda masters as Rush Limbaugh to wage war against the Zionists’ enemies. And just to drive the point home, I have another Limbaugh quote from his radio show.

 During a press conference last week, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld was quoted as saying that he didn’t think that we would ever get bin Laden. Here is Limbaugh’s response:

 I thought about this Rumsfeld statement throughout Thursday's program, and then caught sight of something on National Review Online that seemed to fit into the puzzle nicely. The article reports evidence that Osama bin Laden has assumed room temperature - along with Mullah Omar Mohammed. Both terrorists were shot in the back, the story says, reporting that other Taliban leaders also met their fate and that rules of succession were set up.

 Rumsfeld said that we may never get bin Laden. Why do we say that when a major objective all along has been to get the guy? Why are we all of a sudden saying, "Well, you know, there's mountainous terrain and easy places to hide and such quick troop movements that we may never nail bin Laden." The obvious explanation is we may never get bin Laden because we already did get him.

 "If that's true, Rush, why not tell the world he's dead?" Ah, good question. The answer is simple. If the word gets out and it's confirmed that we got Osama bin Laden, some people will say the initial objective has been met and we're finished. The American people will want us to go home before the job is done - and it won't be done if bin Laden is dead because he's not the sole source of terrorism as the president has said.

 We still have Saddam Hussein out there, and I have a growing stack of information that he's involved in these attacks. If you want to find out what the wise part of this administration thinks, we listen to Paul Wolfowitz and CIA Director Paul Woolsey. These guys are the ones who keep focusing on Saddam. In any case, Rumsfeld is a smart guy. So I can see him weaving this story.

 “. . .weaving this story.” The Great Truth Detector endorsing deception, praising the deceivers and not thinking twice about the blood that will be spilled, by both innocent civilians and our servicemen? A radio talk show host with all the “information” we need to wage yet another war on people who’ve never threatened America? A disc jockey is gleefully pushing America into WWIII and doing so under the guise of patriotism? It makes one wonder how much the Zionists paid to buy Limbaugh’s soul. It makes one worry how much it’s going to cost the American people and the world.

 Mr. Limbaugh likes to pat himself on the back and gloat about his “Pearls of Wisdom.” A word to the wise: His pearls are fake.

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