US and Israel Training To Steal Pakistan's Nukes
Another Brillitant Idea We've Been Drug Into By Israel

10/29/01 11:59:04 AM
London Daily Telegraph

Islamabad, Pakistan -- [Let's hope they're more successful than the two
failed US Special Forces
missions so far.]

US special unit 'stands by to steal atomic warheads'

By Ben Fenton

(Filed: 29/10/2001)

AN elite American military unit is preparing for possible incursion into
Pakistan in order to steal its nuclear weapons arsenal, it is reported

The special forces unit is training with Israel's most trusted
unit, and would be called into action in the event that Gen Pervaiz
lost power in Pakistan, the New Yorker magazine said.

The CIA believes that Pakistani army officers sympathetic to the Taliban
pose a threat to Gen Musharraf, and that some of the country's estimated
nuclear warheads could be stolen by renegades within Pakistan's
service, the ISI.

Seymour Hersch, a journalist whose reporting on the post-September 11
has been broadly accurate so far, said that members of Israel's Unit 262,
Sayeret Matkal, came to America soon after the attacks and have been
with Pentagon special forces.

Mr Hersch quoted a "senior military officer" as confirming that intense
planning was going on for the "exfiltration" - theft - of warheads. But
are doubts about whether the CIA - or any other intelligence agency -
knows the
exact location of Pakistan's warheads, which were first tested, to the
of American intelligence agencies, in 1998.

The fear that Gen Musharraf could lose control of the country and some or
of the warheads is based on the close links between the ISI and the
Last week, the Pakistani president dismissed such concerns.

"We have an excellent command-and-control system which we have evolved,
there is no question of their falling into the hands of any
Gen Musharraf said. Pakistan is thought to have a number of
missiles to carry its warheads as well as using F-16 fighter-bombers.

There are a number of possible targets for the use of these weapons by
renegades sympathetic to the Islamic extremists in Afghanistan. These
India, itself a nuclear power, or the four American aircraft carriers and
British vessels currently cruising off Pakistan's coastline as bases for
and commando attacks on the Taliban and al-Qa'eda.

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