The "man of sin," as Paul saw him, was a Jew, because he would regard the
temple at Jerusalem as the seat of God's worship (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3,

NewsMax.com's George Putnam E-mail Newsletter
October 30, 2001

What Does Dr. Weeks Believe?

NewsMax.com has just released a special audiotape featuring Dr. Byron Weeks.

A bio-warfare expert, Dr. Byron Weeks is a retired Air Force colonel. His frightening 

The U.S. is extremely vulnerable to biological attack. Subsequent attacks could be as 
devastating to us as a nuclear attack.

Let me emphasize that Dr. Weeks is no alarmist.

He has been practicing medicine for five decades and has had a distinguished military 
career that includes holding several senior medical military posts, including serving 
as hospital commander at several NATO hospitals.

Most importantly, he has over two decades of experience with biological and chemical 

He doesn't rush to conclusions, nor does he "sugar-coat" his remarks. He simply tells 
it like it is.

As regular NewsMax.com readers will remember, it was Dr. Weeks who first said the 
current antibiotic stockpile was not sufficient.

It was Dr. Weeks who first claimed the current letter attacks employed "weaponized" 
anthrax -- as numerous officials and "experts" tried to claim, falsely, otherwise.

Dr. Weeks rarely gives interviews, but has agreed to produce, with NewsMax.com, a 
special audiotape called "Bio-Threat." It reveals the facts about the biological 
threat now upon us.

You can get "Bio-Threat" by clicking here: https://www.newsmaxstore.com/offtherecord/
Here are just some of the crucial points Dr. Weeks covers in "Bio-Threat":

* Is the planned increase in the stockpile of antibiotics sufficient to protect 
ordinary Americans? Dr. Weeks says NO - the current government stockpile is just a 
"drop in the bucket."

You may remember that just weeks ago HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson claimed that our 
stockpile was sufficient. Now he and other government officials have done a complete 
about-face and now want to increase the stockpile fivefold. But Dr. Weeks insists that 
even this increase of the stockpile is also insufficient.

* Has the anthrax being sent by mail been "weaponized"? Over a week ago, Dr. Weeks 
said it had been, despite strong official denials. Again Dr. Weeks has been proven 
right, and officials have reversed themselves.
What does the "weaponized" anthrax reveal?

Dr. Weeks believes that the weaponized anthrax indicates the people behind these 
attacks are capable of much more significant attacks and could have easily killed tens 
of thousands, or more, if they had chosen to do so.

* How does the death of postal employees expose our vulnerability? Dr. Weeks says the 
fact that officials didn't test postal employees who came into contact with 
anthrax-laden letters shows "just how ignorant" the CDC and other public health 
officials are about the threat facing us.

* Should the government downplay the threat of biological attack? Dr. Weeks believes 
the current attacks are just "Step 1 ... a mild warning." It is more serious than the 
government says, and should not be downplayed.

* Why didn't the terrorists deploy the anthrax in ways that would have killed more 
Americans? Dr. Weeks thinks the current attacks are meant to harm the economy and to 
"probe" our systems.

Dr. Weeks says the current attacks have all the fingerprints of a nation-state. He 
believes these attacks are extremely sophisticated and are intended to test our 
response and resources before a much larger attack.

* Have we responded properly? Dr. Weeks says the comparatively mild anthrax attacks 
that have occurred so far are desensitizing us to much worse biological attacks and 
sapping our will to fight back effectively. He believes that only a fierce response to 
such attacks can prevent future ones. Instead, officials are confused and unsure of 
how to respond.

There is much, much more Dr. Weeks reveals in "Bio-Threat."

You can hear Dr. Weeks by getting "Bio-Threat": 

He is shocked, based on his military and medical experience, to see so much 
disinformation being fed to the public by the major media. Most of their claims about 
the anthrax attacks have been dead wrong - including claims that the anthrax used in 
the postal attacks could not be disseminated or aerosolized easily. In fact, he says, 
it could have been easily aerosolized.

Some of the information Dr. Weeks presents affects you and your family.
He discusses which families should and which should not stockpile Cipro and other 
antibiotics now. Dr. Weeks disagrees with officials who say without qualification that 
members of the public should not prepare for a biological attack or should not have 
access to antibiotics.

If the public had the full facts, they would be much better prepared for what may lie 
ahead. Anthrax is just the tip of the iceberg.

He notes that there are much more dangerous bio-agents - such as smallpox, plague and 

Dr. Weeks calls smallpox "the ideal bio-weapon" and explains the devastating effect an 
outbreak would have on the lives and economy of the U.S.

Dr. Weeks believes that the U.S. government should begin immediate vaccinations of the 
public - and not wait to simply stockpile the vaccine as officials have proposed.

Dr. Weeks also believes that the greatest threat of a biological attack may be the 
panic and fear it might cause, along with disruption to the economy and food supplies.

He is baffled that the government has not encouraged people to engage in basic 
emergency planning, to make sure they have enough food and water for several weeks.

Dr. Weeks may not be right on every position he holds, but his views should be heard 
by all Americans so that they may make better, informed decisions for themselves and 
their families.

Dr. Weeks' tape "Bio-Threat" is available exclusively through NewsMax.com. I urge you 
to get your copy immediately. NewsMax is offering Dr. Weeks' tape as part of our 
effort to bring NewsMax to television. You can help NewsMax do that and get your copy 
of "Bio-Threat" by joining up for our new "Off-the-Record Club."

To find out more, CLICK HERE: https://www.newsmaxstore.com/offtherecord/

...And keep checking http://www.NewsMax.com for all the latest news and commentary on 
The War Against Terrorism.

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