Hello All,
This month, Nov. 16-19, at Ft Benning, Georgia the School of America Watch is having a protest. Their web site is:


I will be going and am encouraging as many people to do so as possible.  Personally, I am nauseated at the use and repetitiveness of the word, "Evil" by our selected leader.  The program at Ft. Benning is the epitome of that word, to me.

On January 17, 2001 the SOA was replaced by the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC). 

This was a smoke screen. The charter is the same. The goal is the same.  Create terrorist to foment destabilization in regions that, after a hundred years, we still can't win the hearts and minds  of their indigenous peoples.  The list of graduates is a litany of despots, thugs and murderers.

I do not see how our administration can, with a straight face, talk about routing out terrorism while maintaining the program at Ft. Benning in Columbus, Georgia.  

I think that it will be interesting to see what security measures the government takes this year. I will be video taping the event.  Hopefully the "first amendment" zone will not be Atlanta, a hundred miles away from there.


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