-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/31/01 11:15:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Here posted below is a situation you might actually know something about.
 Do the word hypocracy ring a bell? After all your bitching about Israel(i)
 and the Palestinians, you never bothered to mention Turkey and the Kurds.
 Why is that Prudy? There is hardly a comparison when defined by the
 real numbers. Yet somehow for you the plight of the Kurds is not as worthy.
 Is it because it doesn't give you the opportunity to safely go after Jews?
 I think so. Liberals don't have the balls to be outright racists, just
 subtle ones.

 Joshua2 >>

Apparently you don't read all of my postings.  I'll be glad to repost my
response to you on this issue.

Well, dear, some of my best friends are Kurds.  That doesn't mean that
Kurdistan is going to happen.  Don't think for a moment they would be happy
with a chunk of Turkey.  They want a chunk of about four other countries as
well.  I lived in Diyarbakir for quite a while, and the Kurds are everywhere.
 Ataturk who loved the Kurds because they were such great fighters disbursed
them all over Turkey.  It was that or kill them, because they have a lot of
power, and there's even more when they are all together in their particular
families.  The Turks never really understood the Kurds very well, but they
have made a lot of concessions.  The Kurds can now wear their own particular
sharvlar, they can speak their language, and they can play their music.  They
did all these things before, but now they don't have to be careful about it.
The Kurds  get in their share of licks.  One of our friends (Turkish) was a
colonel in the Turkish military.  His helicopter was brought down by Kurds
and he was killed.  The fight always goes on.  And yet, the Kurds serve in
the Turkish military, and they are very good soldiers for Turkey.  I've
always said that if you want to turn a Kurd into a Turk, scratch him with a
Greek.  The Turkish government is fighting some Kurds, not all of them.  I
wish I could remember the name of the group they are fighting, but it started
in a local high school right there in Diyarbakir not too long before I lived
there.  The most tragic thing is what happens in some of the outlying
villagers.  If the government thinks they are helping the Kurds, the
government arrests or kills them.  If the Kurds think they are helping the
government, the Kurds kill them.  It's difficult, but the Kurds are wonderful
people, and the Turks are wonderful people.  And while the fight goes on,
nobody bulldozes anyones house,  keeps them from working at decent jobs,
denies them medical care, or refuses to let them have real education.
Amazing isn't it?  Prudy

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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