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--- Begin Message --- Declares Gore the Winner, Launches "Democracy in
2002" Campaign

Following the long-awaited recount of Florida's Presidential ballots, declared Gore the winner of the 2000 election and
launched a "Democracy in 2002" campaign to sweep Democrats into
office across America in the next election. based its analysis on the data collected by the
National Opinion Research Center. When all of the legal votes were
counted, Gore won by margins ranging from 42 to 171 votes,
depending on the specific standard used for hanging or dimpled
chads. Although media headlines claimed Bush won, the only
scenarios that produced a Bush victory were those where some legal
votes were NOT counted. Moreover, Gore won by over 25,000 if the
voting machines had accurately recorded the intent of Florida's voters.

According to co-founder Bob Fertik, "It has taken
more than a year, but we have finally learned the truth about Florida -
that if all of the votes had been counted, Al Gore would be President.
The only reason George W. Bush was sworn into office is because his
campaign adamantly refused to count all of the votes. To put it simply:
George W. Bush stole Florida with the help of his brother, Governor
Jeb Bush, his campaign co-chair, Secretary of State Katherine Harris,
and a partisan Republican majority of the U.S. Supreme Court. The
30,000 members of are proud to declare that we will
NEVER 'get over' the Stolen Election."

According to co-founder David Lytel, "The Stolen Election in Florida is
the most important crime against democracy in our long and proud
history. We know that millions of Americans are still angry about the
election, so despite the media's distortion of this issue we will work
tirelessly to ensure that justice prevails through the ballot box in 2002." cited a recent USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll in July
which asked whether Bush won "fair and square." By 50%-48%, a
majority of Americans said no. Over one quarter (26%) of the
respondents did not accept Bush as a "legitimate" President. A poll in
June by Fox News found that 58% of Americans were still angry about
how the votes for president were counted in Florida.

"In their hearts, most Americans know that Bush did not rightfully win
the election," said Fertik. "We will mobilize the majority of Americans
who believe the voters - not the Republican Supreme Court - should
choose our President."

The key activities of the "Democracy in 2002" campaign include:

* Disseminating the truth about Al Gore's victory. Visit:

* Exposing "Floridagate," a collection of 60 crimes committed by
Republicans to steal the Florida election, and demanding investigation
of these crimes by Congress and the news media. Visit:

* Launching a grassroots pledge campaign to sweep all Republicans
out of office in 2002 and 2004. Visit:

* Launching a grassroots campaign for Charles Porter's efforts to
Impeach the Supreme Court 5. Visit:

* Launching a grassroots campaign to pass the Dodd-Conyers
Election Reform bill

* Launching a grassroots campaign for Rep. Jesse Jackson's
Constitutional Amendment to give Americans the right to vote for

* Making News the most important news alternative to
the corporate media in America through timely and in-depth reporting
of stories that the Republicans don't want Americans to see. Free e-
mail newsletters are available here:

To succeed, we need your help! Here's what you can do:

* Contribute generously to We especially love to
receive your tax refunds, which send a powerful message to Bush and
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--- End Message ---

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