-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?ItemId=12348

>>>I especially found interesting the note about different versions of
magazine articles appearing in domestic and foreign editions.
See the > Brzezinski speaks part.   This also has a little to do with
our appearance in the SW Asian theatre of operations once more.
A<>E<>R <<<

A non-war update
Bill Berkowitz - WorkingForChange
11.16.01 -

Since September 11, our information world has revolved around
terrorist attacks, bombs over Afghanistan, the hunt for Osama bin
Laden and anthrax deaths and discoveries. Here are some other
news items you may have missed.
Disney acquires Robertson's "700 Club"
The Walt Disney Co. finally closed the deal to buy the Fox Family
Network from Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. and Saban
Entertainment. The booby prize in the $5.2 billion deal is Pat
Robertson's "700 Club," which comes along with the territory.
Disney is obligated to run the "700 Club" because "the provision
keeping Robertson on the air dates back to News Corp.'s original
buyout of CBN [Christian Broadcasting Network] and applies in
perpetuity" reports CBS.MarketWatch.com.
The Disney Co., which has often come under fire from Robertson,
is currently the target of a several-year boycott organized by many
of Pat's Christian Right comrades. The Religious Right objects to
the company's gay-friendly employment policies, gay days at
Disney's Orlando theme park, and the so-called sexually explicit
and violent content of films distributed by Disney subsidiaries.
Pat's piety excludes dictators
On September 13, televangelist/entrepreneur and Christian
Coalition founder Pat Robertson, nodded in agreement, muttering "I
totally concur" while the Rev. Jerry Falwell affixed blame for the
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on
the anti-God actions of pagans, abortion rights activists, gays,
lesbians, the American Civil Liberties Union and People for the
American Way. Soon after, both Robertson and Falwell were raked
over the coals and issued "apologies."
Barely one month later, Robertson was back at it, telling an
audience at the 40th anniversary celebration of his Christian
Broadcasting Network that: "The Lord is getting ready to shake this
nation. We have not yet seen his judgment in America. This thing
that happened in New York was child's play compared to what's
going to happen."
Washington Post columnist Colbert I. King suggests that if the
Lord "is going to get us for what we've done -- or failed to do -- as a
nation, what in the world might God have in store for Pat Robertson
and his friend and business partner, Liberian President Charles
Taylor, the plague of West Africa."
In 1999, Robertson signed an agreement to allow one of his for-
profit companies, Freedom Gold Ltd. based in the Cayman Islands,
"to start a mining venture in southeastern Liberia." The deal "gives
Taylor's regime a 10 percent ownership of the company, not
including royalties and rental fees that it will pocket when the
mining venture gets rolling."
According to the American Atheists Flashline, a 1999 Human
Rights Watch World Report notes, "The newly elected government
of Charles Taylor in Liberia showed an intolerance of losing factions
in that country's civil war." Liberia is also mentioned as a country
that although "rich in oil or precious minerals such as diamonds,
[the] wealth appeared ... to buttress dictatorial regimes
characterized by a lack of respect for human rights than to promote
development." Human Rights Watch notes "huge profits earned in
royalties" have gone to foreign corporation.
Orange County Republican Rep. and House Africa subcommittee
chairman Ed Royce recently accused Taylor of "wag[ing] a
continuous assault on the democratic dreams of the Liberian
people. He rules by decree, he suppresses the press and he
sanctions, if not directs, the murder of political opponents. He and
his so-called 'inner circle' control virtually all of the nation's
significant trade Liberia has been described as Charles Taylor Inc.
This corporation is corrupt to its core."
When Robertson inked the deal, he wrote to Taylor: "I pray that
this investment may become a wonderful blessing to the people of
Liberia and will be one of many significant investments that will be
made under your administration in the nation of Liberia."

Defunding the Left
According to Paul Bedard's October 11th U.S. News & World
Report "Washington Whispers" column, the "defund the left" crowd
was at it again. Under the headline "War protests: Your tax dollars
at work?" Bedard reported on an effort afoot to "defund" groups
involved in the antiwar effort. " Bedard writes: "Labor unions and
independent groups aligned with the antiwar effort sparked by
President Bush's retaliation campaign against Osama bin Laden
will come under attack this week in the House as lawmakers seek
to cut off their federal grants. GOP sources tell Whispers that an
amendment to block grants to the groups will be offered to the
appropriation bill for the Labor and Health and Human Services
departments up for consideration as early as Thursday. (For more,
see "Ashcroft opponents targeted on taxes.")
"A new analysis of federal grants to groups involved in the antiwar
effort identifies union locals from the United Auto Workers, the
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,
and the Service Employees International Union. The Heritage
Foundation analysis from census documents also found grants to
independent groups that have blasted Bush's war. 'Should tax
dollars be going to groups that protest the war? I don't think so,'
says an architect of the plan to end the grants." (A list of war
protest groups can be found at the web site of International
A.N.S.W.E.R. -- Act Now to Stop War & End Racism.)
Brzezinski speaks
In the following transcript of a 1998 interview with Zbigniew
Brzezinski, President Carter's National Security Advisor, originally
published in Le Nouvel Observateur (France), ZB cavalierly
dismisses the threat posed by "some stirred up Moslems." (This
version comes from The Oread Daily, an online newszine. It
originally appeared in Le Nouvel Observateur, January 15-21, 1998,
p. 76*. )
Q: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his
memoirs ["From the Shadows"], that American intelligence
services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months
before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national
security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in
this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the 
Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded 
Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until n
ow, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed 
the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. 
And that very day, I wrote a note to the preside
nt in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a 
Soviet military intervention.

Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you 
yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?

B: It isn't quite that. We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly 
increased the probability that they would.

Q: When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to 
fight against a secret involvement of the United States in Afghanistan, people didn't 
believe them. However, there was a basis of truth.
You don't regret anything today?

B: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of 
drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that 
the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to
President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. 
Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the 
government, a conflict that brought about the demoralizat
ion and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.

Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic [intégrisme], having given 
arms and advice to future terrorists?

B: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of 
the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the 
end of the cold war?

Q: Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated: fundamentalism 
represents a world menace today.

B: Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is 
stupid. There isn't a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without 
demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion o
f the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi 
Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or 
Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unite
s the Christian countries.
* There are at least two editions of this magazine; with the perhaps sole exception of 
the Library of Congress, the version sent to the United States is shorter than the 
French version, and the Brzezinski interview was no
t included in the shorter version. Source: Antifa Info-Bulletin, The Nonviolence Web.
Remembrances of germ warfare - Eighteenth Century
"Prophetic" ministry leader Steve Shultz is calling for prayer "over British forces' 
distribution of smallpox-contaminated blankets among Native Americans during the 1760s 
in an effort to prevent uprisings," reports Chari
sma News Service. Schultz, who learned of this sordid episode at a recent conference 
celebrating Native American ministries, is urging Americans to pray for forgiveness 
and to ask God to "restore your favor to this land a
nd restore your protection on this which is called one nation under God."
A March 1998 article titled "Native Americans: Weapons of Mass Destruction" describes 
the rationale for these early acts of domestic terrorism.
"An English general named Jeffery Amherst in April 1763 offered a reward for Pontiac 
who had banded the tribes together against the British invasion. Amherst states, 
'Could it not be contrived to send a smallpox among tho
se disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every stratagem in our 
power to reduce them. You will do well to try to inoculate the Indians by means of 
blankets to try and extirpate this execrable race.'
The tribes 'inoculated' in this campaign were the Shawnee, Odawa and the Onondaga 
tribes. One native remarked afterwards, 'terrible sickness among us, nothing but dead 
bodies among us.'
"Speaking of the smallpox plague among the natives, Laurie Garret in her book, 'The 
Coming Plague,' adds in a footnote that 'smallpox may have been the most useful weapon 
of biological warfare in world history.' When one
views the amount of desolation from this one disease in North America alone, it is not 
hard to come to the same conclusion."
Remembrances of germ warfare - Twentieth Century
In the October 28th edition of San Francisco Chronicle, science editor David Perlman 
writes that "at least three times in the past, San Franciscans and other Americans 
have been inadvertent victims of efforts designed to
help shield citizens against [bioterrorist] attacks."
Perlman describes three separate experiments:

The 1950 Army spraying "supposedly harmless bacteria over the entire city and its 
outskirts," resulting in eleven people sickened and one death.
The CIA's "secret behavior modification program called MK-ULTRA," conducted between 
1956 and 1961 that was aimed at testing the effects of "mind-altering drugs such as 
LSD and synthetic mescaline on unsuspecting people in
 San Francisco, Mill Valley and other cities across the country." Many victims became 
sick and at least two deaths were reported.
>From 1944 to 1974, the Defense Department and the Atomic Energy Commission "conducted 
>hundreds of secret experiments in San Francisco [and elsewhere] that exposed 
>unsuspecting patients to dangerous does of radiation, incl
uding injections of plutonium."
Eugene Scalia's controversial Labor Dept. nomination moves forward
While practically no one except for a slew of labor organizations and a few Senate 
Democrats were paying attention, the Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee 
voted 11-10 to send the nomination of Eugene Scalia (son
 of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia) to the full Senate for
consideration. According to an Associated Press report, Senator
Jim Jeffords, "tipped the party-line vote in Scalia's favor."
If confirmed, Scalia, who consistently opposed a Clinton-era
ergonomics regulation aimed at enhancing workplace safety --
repealed by Congress in March -- will become the Labor
Department's top lawyer. AP reports that as "labor solicitor, Scalia
would be charged with enforcing nearly 200 labor laws. He would
provide legal advice and guidance on virtually every initiative of the
department in areas such as safety and health, minimum wage and
pension security." (For more, see "Son of a bench").
© 2001 WorkingForChange.com
URL: http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?ItemId=12348

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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