A man with a mission.

I will begin by saying that I knew nothing about Mr Cooper before I read that he had been killed.
I don't feel any need to go in to his numerology too much here, but it says he was a firebrand, misunderstood, explosive, a loner and a person who was here to improve the lot of humanity. A man with a mission? Certainly.

What this short article is concerned with is the suspicious occult pertinence of the time that Mr Cooper was shot dead.

According to Mr Cooper's website ( he was shot and killed around 12.15am on Tuesday 6th November 2001, at his home in Eagar, Arizona. This was 13 hours before the sun arrived at 15 degrees Scorpio, which is called in the Old  Calendar, Samhain, the original (and real) Halloween, possibly the most important date in the Satanic calendar.

Samhain, meaning summers end or the Death of Light is the time when the gates of the Underworld open to receive the Oak King. So this is the time when the Oak King dies. Bill's surname, Cooper means a maker of barrels and casks. The best of these are traditionally made from Oak. Do you see the symbolic (energetic) harmony?

The 6th November was 6 nights after the Full Moon which occured in Arizona at 10.45pm on Wednesday 31st October 2001 (The publicly celebrated Halloween). Sixth Night (after either Full Moon or New Moon) is a satanic ritual night.

6th November 2001 is numerologically a 9 -11 date:

6  +   11     +      3  Number 11 is left as a Master Number in Numerology, 6 + 3 = 9. Together we have 11 - 9
(Master number is written first), which could be a hint as to why Bill Cooper was killed. 11-9 is 9 -11 turned around, re-versed...revenge? Was the killing to do with something Mr Cooper had said?...or knew? But then he could be like a dog with a bone (according to his numbers)so perhaps they were concerned that with his contacts, experience and expertise he was the one they considered could expose their treachery.

Another formula for 6th November 2001 is:

                               6   +  22/4   +    3    (November is 22/4 when read by it's letters)

These numbers extract 22-9 or 31 and 13.

22 is the number of The Master Builder, The Great Architect and The Great Destroyer.
9   refers to the world, space, loss, endings, forgiveness, The Tarot Hermit, and also the sum total of his name, which paradoxically comes out at 66-6..Lots of 9 people have this number. (Incidentally so does The United States of America.) No number is occult or evil, there are positives and negatives in all things. Symbolically shadows are only cast when material obstructs light. 66-6 means that a person with good intentions is disowned, deserted (or misundertood) by those that he cares for.

Notice the 6's that are infused in this tragedy:

William Cooper's 6's (66-6, Milton - his middle name has 6 letters as does Cooper).
6th November.
6th night after Full Moon.
96 North Clearview Circle (His home address) -9+6 = 15 = 1+5 = 6
North Clearview Circle, Eagar, Arizona = 6
Apache County - Each 6 letters and together equal 6 numerologically.
The first name of the deputy that Mr Cooper allegedly shot is Robert, which has 6 letters and is also a 6 numerologically.

I notice too that Bill Cooper was 58, which is 13 (5+8).

North Clearview Circle is 16, so is William and William Cooper.
96 North Clearview Circle is 22 or 13
96 North Clearview Circle, Eagar is 9

Of course this may all just be a set of those, you know, coincidences.

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