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Dear Jack,

Perhaps synchronistic info regarding Einhorn case and introduction by an old
friend of his (since 1964) just now reconnecting since Ira left the US and
now offering important info related to scopolamine apparently used
experimentally by MK Ultra (during 70's?) looking for "Manchurian Candidate
Drug" according to Dr. Pittel who is seeking further info on burundanga for
his next article.

No hard or soft information at all so far on any connection to Einhorn case
except coincidence in timing of Pittel connecting at this time and possible?
connection of this substance to answer/mystery confounding many of Ira's
friends regarding quandry of how such a fellow could be charged with such a
murder.  Most recent Court TV program on Einhorn case closed with one of his
old friends offering the conclusion that logically there are only three
alternatives; either he did kill Holly Maddux and is lying about it, or he
did not kill her and was framed as he claims, or he did kill her and somehow
doesn't remember doing so due to mental block or some other psychological
factor.  Below seems to indicate an alternative combining all three of the

Can you forward this to appropriate folks on your list for feedback on
potential of this scenario and info below?

Ira's case will likely get lots of publicity as it procedes to trial
especially if a big gun attorney takes the case.  So many related issues of
potential significance and interest to the public and media, but most are
unlikely to be allowed into court.  Personally I seriously doubt any
connection to below in this murder but one never knows under which stone
some reasonable answer might be found.

In a "worst case" scenario, certainly if Ira "came to" after the Maddux
murder and being dosed with scopolamine/burundanga as below described, he
would have discussed/confided his missing time and delirium with at least
one of his close friends who would remember that conversation still, unless
his personality would preclude such "de-briefing" discussion immediately
following the Maddux murder?


From: "Stephen M. Pittel, Ph.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Ira Einhorn situation
Date: Monday, November 19, 2001 6:45 PM

Dear David -

Thanks for the call and your e-mail.  I will write to Ira and check out the
other sources of information.  I will get back to you in the near future.

Until then, can you provide me with Ira's wife's e-mail address so I can
contact her directly.

I am enclosing the brief article I wrote on burundanga and a partial list of
some of the information I have found about burundanga-related crimes.
[see attachments to post at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ira-einhorn/message/63 ]-dcw
I have an extensive annotated bibliography on burundanga and scopolamine
I will be happy to send if you are interested.  The best website for
information on burundanga is www.erowid.org .  The links to earthops
central and a few others include brief mentions of MKULTRA research
conducted at the Edgewood Arsenal by Dr. H. Isbell (an NIH scientist) and

Thanks again.


Stephen M. Pittel, Ph.D.
510-486-1888  Phone
510-486-1911  Fax

From: "radtimes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Forensic psychologist offers Einhorn assistance
Date: Sunday, November 18, 2001 6:33 PM

[Can folks on this list follow this up?]

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001
From: "Stephen M. Pittel, Ph.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [sixties-l] New Trial for Hippie Guru Einhorn (fwd)

I am an old friend of Ira Einhorn.  I am also a forensic psychologist who
would like to offer my assistance in his trial.  Can you provide me with
information about how to contact Ira or his new attorney.  His former
attorney has not responded to my calls.


Stephen M. Pittel, Ph.D.
510-486-1888  Phone
510-486-1911  Fax


 Burundanga -

The Next Colombian Drug Threat

by Stephen M. Pittel, PhD

Note: Dr. Pittel is a Drug & Alcohol Resource host at Knowledge Solutions

He can be reached for comment or consultation by contacting:
SMP Associates; 222 Derby Street; Berkeley, CA  94705;
Phone (510) 486-1888; Fax (510-486-1911); Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Recent reports of date-rapes, thefts, kidnapping and other crimes in the
U.S. and Canada have been attributed to Burundanga - a potent form of
scopalamine that has been used for decades in Columbia in native rituals, as
a weapon and by criminals who prey on tourists. The Wall Street Journal
reported in 1995 that the use of Burandanga was increasing rapidly as the
favored method of assault by immigrant Columbian criminal gangs in the U.S.
who now also use it as a major form of currency.

A State Department Consular Warning issued last month warns tourists to
avoid unnecessary travel to Columbia because of terrorist activities in
general - and particularly to Bogata and Cali where Burundanga is given to
unsuspecting visitors in chewing gum, chocolate, drinks or dusted on pieces
of paper. Even small doses of the drug are reported to cause "submissive"
behavior, while larger doses apparently cause almost instantaneous
unconsciousness, followed by complete anterograde amnesia.

A 1991 article "Scopalamine intoxication as a model of transient global
amnesia" by A. Ardila and C. Moreno describes Burundanga as an extract of
the Borrachio ("drunken") tree and other plants belonging to the Daturu or
Brugsmania genus. Hollister classified Datura and related plants as
hallucinogens in his classic volume on "Chemical Psychoses" but it is
probably more accurate to view these drugs as sedative-hypnotics on the
basis of their powerful hypnotic and amnesic effects.

Until a few years ago San Francisco and other Bay Area prostitutes used
scopalamine to drug and rob their clients. I suspect that I haven't hard
much about its illicit use recently because its availability has declined as
other drugs have displaced its legitimate medical uses for treatment of
motion sickness and sedation. Since Burundanga already accounts for more
than half of Bogata's emergency room admissions for poisoning and over 500
reported crimes per month, it shouldn't be long before it rolls off our
tongues as easily as "roofies" or GHB.


Updated 6/27/98



Seattle Times

Nation & World : Thursday, February 10, 2000

Crooks in Colombia cook up crime wave with zombie drug

by Tim Johnson

Knight Ridder Newspapers

BOGOTA, Colombia - When Colombians talk about a national drug problem, it's
sometimes not cocaine or heroin they mean. It's burundanga.

A tasteless and odorless powder, burundanga sends those who consume it into
a voodoolike trance. Dozens of times each week, somewhere in Colombia, a
criminal sprinkles the soluble powder into the food or drink of a victim and
then waits for the person to turn into a disoriented zombie - awake and
talkative but powerless to resist orders.

Criminals then tell their victims to make bank withdrawals, hand over their
car keys and clothing, perhaps deliver narcotics or even help empty their
apartments of furniture.

What's more, under burundanga, victims suffer temporary amnesia.

"A lot of times, the victim can't even remember what the criminal looks
like. So it's very difficult to arrest anyone," said Dr. Camilo Uribe, a
toxicologist and Colombia's premier expert on the substance.

No place is safe

In the 1960s, when crooks began using burundanga, they picked out victims in
bus terminals or seedy bars. But nowadays, no one is safe from the drug.
Among victims in the past year are a state governor, prominent lawyers,
entire families doped up by their maids and thousands of other victims.

"Everybody knows somebody who's been given this drug," said Elkin Osorio, an
epidemiologist with the Bogota health department.

Burundanga is so common a State Department travel advisory warns of it: "The
drug is administered in drinks in bars, through cigarettes and gum in taxis,
and in powder form. ... The drug renders the person disoriented and can
cause prolonged unconsciousness and serious medical problems."

In Bogota, a capital of 6.5 million people, hospitals go through 8,500 kits
a year to test for chemical intoxication, Osorio said. He added that many of
those cases turn out to be burundanga. Asked whether Bogota might have 1,000
cases a month, he said, "It's a lot higher."

Uribe estimated Colombia's largest cities have hundreds of cases a month.
Other experts offered lower estimates. But they said many victims never
report to authorities.

Drug can be made in labs

Colombia is alone with the problem. Burundanga has been reported in Ecuador
and Venezuela, but criminals there seem to fear the substance, which can
permanently impair or kill victims.

Burundanga has been around since before the discovery of the New World. Its
active ingredient, scopolamine, is found in a plant from the nightshade
family known as borrachera (drunken binge), which grows in the high Andes.

"Here in Bogota, you can find it in the parks," Uribe said, adding that most
criminals now use laboratory-produced scopolamine from the black market.

Scopolamine can make users extremely aggressive, so criminals in the 1980s
began mixing it with other drugs, like tranquilizers. Colombians know the
chemical cocktail as burundanga - pronounced boo-roon-DAHN-gah - and
inventive criminals offer it orally, mixed with gaseous substances or even
apparently as a powder in cigarettes.

When doped-up passengers arrive at emergency rooms, doctors normally give
them diuretics to flush out their kidneys. Those who received small doses of
the drug usually recover within a half-day.

Governor attacked at mall

What happened to Erick Schaffer is a common story. Schaffer, a Nicaraguan,
walked into a discotheque a few months ago. After that, his memory is blank.

"The next day, I came to," Schaffer said. "A doorman was trying to open the
garage door of an apartment building, and it woke me. I was sitting down on
the sidewalk in a daze. He took me to my apartment."

Schaffer said the criminals spent about $1,000 on one of his credit cards.

The use of burundanga is so common that such robberies almost never make the

An exception occurred when Juan Carlos Vives, governor of Magdalena, one of
Colombia's 33 states, was slipped burundanga at Bogota's fanciest mall, the
Centro Andino, in April.

"Two men came up to me and asked for the time. I don't remember ... anything
after that," the 44-year-old Vives said. He led the men to his apartment. "I
don't remember it, but the doormen say that I entered the apartment with

He said he regained consciousness the next day to discover that the men had
stolen about $7,000, all his credit cards, some jewelry, a guitar "and even
my reading glasses," Vives said.

Colombians sometimes aren't safe even in their own homes.

Mauricio Velasquez, 18, sat down to lunch with his brother, sister and
mother in their Medellin home 11 months ago. A young housekeeper hired 10
days earlier served them rice and beans.

"When we got up, I passed out," he said. So did his mother, Marina, and a
14-year-old brother, Andres Felipe. Luckily, a sister, Paula Andrea, 18, ate
little. Semiconscious, she dialed a boyfriend on a cellular telephone.

The boyfriend arrived and locked up the housekeeper. Police determined the
housekeeper and an accomplice planned to clean the house of jewelry.

Burundanga-bearing criminals lurk around airports, bus terminals and popular
bars, or go door to door pretending to be salespeople, persuading housewives
to take whiffs of products containing the powder and some sort of gaseous

Ever inventive, some Colombians have turned the burundanga epidemic to their
favor. Philandering husbands sometimes wander into hospitals for tests after
spending days with girlfriends, eager for a plausible excuse to explain away
their absence on the home front.

"It's simply a way for them to go home and not have any problems," said Dr.
Sergio Alvarez, an emergency-room physician in Medellin.

Copyright © 2001 The Seattle Times Company


[note, see above url for below article with many links not shown below for
more info]

TJH Internet SP and Earth Operations Central">  Copyright (c) (copr) all
rights reserved by TJH Internet SP and Earth Operations Central.

Burundanga/Borrachio - Plant-Sourced Scopalamines

Scopalamine is a very useful drug. When taken as directed by the orders of a
physician, it can alleviate motion-sickness, flatulence and other
gastrointestinal disturbances.

It also has a reputation as a truth-serum. Like sodium amytal, it can render
a person somewhat disoriented and talkative. Like the stronger
benzodazepines, it can induce retrograde amnesia. It can also induce
waking-trances where the individual is unaware that the dream they seem to
be having is indeed all too real, and persons under the influence of
scopalamine can be ordered to release passwords, empty bank accounts, and
engage in sexual acts without their consent or even full knowledge.
Scopalamine has generally been rather difficult to manufacture, and for the
most part there has been little public demand for this chemical here in
America, where for the most part our pop-culture holds the use of
interrogation and subjugation chemicals as reserved for the occasionally
essential but universally despised world of international espionage.

In Columbia, South America, however, the drug has been used as a weapon
within some segments of the culture, and it now appears that plant-sourced
scopalamine, possibly potentiated by other as-yet-unknown amines in the raw
plant extract of the Borrachio ("drunken") tree, is hitting the streets of
America, traded as currency in certain immigrant-criminal and
illegal-alien-criminal markets. Most Americans have no idea that this
chemical exists, and many Americans are doubtless still trying to figure out
what has happened to them on that long night they cannot remember, the night
when they weren't careful enough about their drinks and woke up the next day
penniless and lost.

If you speak Spanish, please see this page direct from Columbia itself. This
is from Javeriana University, and this is their Burundanga Page, "the
Specter of Scopalamine".

Anyone interested in such things is very strongly advised to first read the
seminal book Serpent and the Rainbow (forget the movie which is misleading
pop-trash), and then to do some investigation into the religion of Santaria,
which many describe as the Hispanic version of vodoun (voodoo), a mixture of
paganism, african and south/central american shamanism, and degenerate
adaptations of some of the central rituals of a banned Catholic heresy. The
book Serpent and the Rainbow details the discovery of the plant-sourced
toxins which underly many of the Haitian Vodoun practices, such as the
puffer-fish toxin responsible for inducing catatonia and suggestibility in
the creation of zombi. The references to the African culture which was one
of the primary sellers of African slaves for the New World trade, and their
use of plant-sourced chemicals as control factors, are invaluable.

Initial warning... repost to UseNet of excerpts of an article from the Wall
Street Journal July 3 1995.

Extracted from another article..

References to a scholarly work which details burundanga and other daturoid
Web Rangers Page on Burundanga (Scopalamine).

Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services Inc has an excellent page on
drugs and sexual assaults, and they have a section on burundanga here.


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Marihuana and Scopolamine "High"
American Journal of Psychiatry
Vol 125, Mar 9, 1969, 1258-1259
by Harold Graff, MD


The author reports an acute, though brief, psychotic reaction to marihuana
soaked in scopolamine. As young people continue to experiment with various
drugs it is important for therapists to be aware of the possibility of
scopolamine use when treating toxic psychoses.

THE SEARCH BY many of today's young people for drugs that will give a "mind
expanding," i.e., pleasant, hallucinatory experience has included drugs of
all categories, from cannabis sativa to morning glory seeds (7) to banana
peels. One young man of more exquisite tastes has drawn his marihuana smoke
through a hookah charged with vintage wine. In a recent letter to the editor
of this journal, Bernstein and Leff (4) predicted from their experience that
toxic states secondary to the ingestion of belladonna alkaloids would
shortly be reported in the clinical literature. Unfortunately they predicted
This is a report of a case of acute marihuana and scopolamine intoxication
from smoking marihuana soaked in scopolamine. The smoking of plants
containing belladonna alkaloids for their hallucinatory effects has been
practiced for centuries by Arabs, Swahilis, and American Indians. Its use
American young people in this particular form has not been reported,
although several investigators(2, 9) have seen it in the results of the use
of a drug for the relief of asthma (Asthmador) containing belladonna and

Case Report
The patient was a 19-year-old college student who had had previous
experience with smoking marihuana and was a frequent, though not daily user.
She had learned from a friend, who worked in a laboratory that he could
achieve a "better high" from "pot" soaked in scopolamine. She received three
such treated cigarettes from him and smoked them in the presence of some

Within 30 minutes after smoking she developed reactions unlike any she had
previously experienced. She began to become agitated, combative, and
delusional. She reported that her girl friend appeared to be a Negro man and
that other men were coming in her window. She was aware that these were
hallucinations but was unable to control them. Finally she felt that she had
become crazy and that these figures were coming to take her to a hospital.
Voices sounded like the ringing of a telephone. Her heart felt cold, as if
it was filled with ice water. Equally frightening to her was the loss of the
ability to use proper grammar. She heard monkeys and owls in her room but
was unable to state whether "It is owls here," or "It are owls here." Time
and space perceptions were altered as she lay clinging to her bed to keep
from falling off.

This state gradually cleared over the next 12 hours. Whenever she closed her
eyes, however, the hallucinations returned. This lasted until 24 hours after
inhalation. After clearing, there was no persistence of psychosis.

Scopolamine is one of the active principles found in solanaceous plants
which, along with atropine and hyoscyamine, are known to produce
hallucinations( 6 ). Toxic psychoses as the result of the ingestion of
sleeping medicines containing scopolamine have been increasingly reported
(3, 5 ).

At the same time, the question of whether marihuana ingestion can create in
acute toxic psychosis is pertinent. Keeler(8) believes that there are many
adverse reactions to marihuana reporting cases of panic, gross confusion,
depersonalization, depression, and paranoia with its use. Allentuck(1), in
his classical study in 1944 on marihuana psychosis, stated that major
symptoms are "restlessness, and mental excitement of a delirious nature with
intermittent periods of euphoria and an overhanging state of anxiety and
dread." Thus, we must be concerned about the combined and even synergistic
actions of scopolamine and cannabis in the creation of an acute toxic state.

Fortunately for the patient described above, there was no residuum. Others
may not be so lucky. One of the most dangerous results of scopolamine
toxicity with its hallucinations is the activation of a hitherto latent
psychosis. In the population most interested in discovering new
hallucinogenic drugs for pleasure the risks are high, since it raises the
potential for more permanent damage to those with already severely weakened
defenses or borderline personalities. Diagnosis of toxic states in young
people must include investigation of the possible use of scopolamine as well
as marihuana. Psychotherapeutic efforts should include warnings of its


Allentuck, S., cited by Solomon, D.: The Marijuana Papers. New York:
Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1966, pp. 278-283.
Angrist, B.: The Bad Trip, Psychiatric Progress 3:5-6, 1968.
Bernstein, S., and Leff, R.: Toxic Psychosis from Sleeping Medicines
Containing Scopolamine, New Eng. J. Med. 277:638-639, 1967.
Bernstein, S., and Leff, R.: Toxic Psychoses From Over-the-Counter
Preparations (Ltrs. to Ed.). Amer. J. Psychiat. 124:1270, 1968.
Bradford. M. E.: More Cases of Atropinism (Ltrs. to Ed.), New Eng. J. Med.
277:1209, 1967.
Downing, D, F: "Psychotomimetic Compounds," in Gordon, M.:
Psychopharmacological Agents. London: Academic Press, 1964, p. 579.
Fink. P. J., Goldman, M. J.. and Lyons, I.: Morning Glory Seed Psychosis.
Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 15:209-213, 1966.
Keeler. M. H.: Adverse Reaction to Marihuana, Amer. J. Psychiat.
124:674-677, 1967.
Keeler. M. H., and Kane, F. J., Jr.: The Use of Hyoscyamine as a
Hallucinogen and lntoxicant, Amer. J. Psychiat. 124:852-854, 1967.

Last Modified - Thu, Jun 7, 2001 Used by Erowid without permission of author


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