-Caveat Lector-

The new Bush dictatorship is in full swing. Bush just
signed a bill wherein the United States no longer has
to provide a civilian trial for anyone who should
stand accused of committing a terrorist act against
United States. Instead the government will now try
said individuals in a "special closed military court."
In this trial, the defendants will not even be allowed
to present any exculpatory evidence that the
adjudicating military body should deem "contrary to
the security of the State or the domestic tranquility
of the people."

OSAMA BIN LADEN'S elite al-Qa'eda guard, mainly Arabs
and Pakistanis, are slaughtering Taliban troops to
prevent them surrendering to the Northern Alliance
army besieging Kunduz, the Taliban-controlled northern

In a scene reminiscent of the first Bush presidency,
an estimated 300 anti-war protesters rallied Saturday
in front of former President George Bush's home.

Chanting slogans and waving banners, thousands of
protesters marched across London on Sunday calling for
an end to the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan.

Once again, a major bombshell about the true origins
of this conflict has broken overseas. And once again,
the information is nowhere to be seen in the American
media. Last week, French journalists Jean-Charles
Brisard and Guillaume Dasquié, editors of Online
Intelligence, released their book "Bin Laden, La
Verite Interdite (Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth)."
"La Verite Interdite" outlines a very different
picture than the American news has been reporting, but
one that supports many controversial claims made here
on GuerrillaNews. Brisard and Dasquié, who have been
tracking bin Laden for years, detail how: the war was
in the works prior to 9-11; Bush blocked the FBI's
investigation into bin Laden to protect the Saudis and
the Bush family's ties to their corrupt regime; and
the real motivating force behind the war is oil. The
following article from the Irish Times outlines the
book's findings. Prepare for a paradigm shift.

Facts About Israel/Palestine

I doubt remote control was needed. The same
thing could be accomplished by a hidden program inside
the aircraft flight directors. Tell the hijackers to
fly the planes back and forth over Manhatten so that
they are seen and videographed, then as soon as the
planes' GPS systems detect they are in the right area
the flight director takes over and flies the planes
into the targets, before the hijackers realize what is
going on and can stop it.

Had remote control been used, there would have been
too much time for people on radios, aircraft cabin
phones, or even cell phones to get the message out
that the planes were flying themselves. It had
to happen in the space of a few seconds.

  And, having the aircraft under the control of the
flight directors at the end explains the extremely
high proficiency the pilots appeared to have in those
final extreme maneuvers.

History has shown us that using unethical means to
achieve a worthy end can be self destructive, more so,
when the end demonstrates that the objective
circumstances that were the sole crutch of using those
less-than-ethical tactics, in the long run, crumble in
face of the facts.

Carnivore as publicized intercepts only select
Internet communications while Echelon is claimed to
intercept all forms of communications. The US
government has admitted to operating Carnivore while
no official admission of Echelon has ever been made.

Yisrael Ba'aliya has sharply criticized a group of
intellectuals for joining in a call for Ann Arbor,
Michigan, to "divest from investments it may hold in
companies or funds which do business in Israel."

Now Mike is a real piece of work. Since his
"retirement" from the Mossad he has been working "on
loan" to a number of Intelligence Agencies, including
the CIA and British Intelligence. He served as a
special advisor to Manuel Noriega in Panama. Guns for
dope and contract killings are his specialty.

Other senior military officers who investigated
Cutolo's death also soon died under questionable
circumstances. As we shall see, all were believed to
have been murdered by Mike Harari, an alleged Israeli
assassin who is known to have headed Mossad
Assassination Operations in the early 1970's against
the terrorists who massacred athletes at the 1972
Olympics2, and  would come to prominence a decade
later for his role in the now infamous Contragate

Recently, American generals were preparing the public
for a long military campaign in Afghanistan. The
capture of Kabul seemed to belong to the remote
future. However, the Taliban suddenly left the
capital. According to Debka, the capture of Kabul was
carried out according to a plan offered by Putin to
his US colleague.

Desperate to prevent a repeat of the Seattle debacle
two years ago, while also eager to show unity in the
face of the September 11 attacks, the U.S., the
European Union (EU), and the WTO Secretariat cobbled
together an awkward agenda for the next two years of
discussions and negotiations under the auspices of the

my list under_the_gun's archives were unavailable for
weeks [hijacked by a cracker] and when it came back
online 2000 or so posts had been deleted from the
archives...i unsubbed and encouraged list members to
join my list agentsmiley...after posting for a few
days on the list boycott_american_products it to has
suffered the disappearing archives
syndrome...elitepower is a list i have been posting on
for a few weeks also and it too seems to have
disappearing archives syndrome...

LONDON Representatives of a Jewish religious group has
called for the dismantlement of Israel as the root
cause of tension and violence in the Middle East.

This is the text of the 1886 Supreme Court decision
granting corporations the same rights as living
persons under the Fourteenth Amendment to the
Constitution. Quoting from David Korten's The
Post-Corporate World, Life After Capitalism (pp.185-6)

"What is done to children, they will do to society."
Karl Menninger, MD

The expansion of free trade under the rules of the
Free Trade Agreement of Americas is both a brand new
ballgame and the same old story. If passed, the FTAA
(which is simply an expansion of NAFTA) would result
in totally new assaults on our abilities as citizens
and human beings throughout the Americas to
individually and collectively define ourselves
according to rules, laws and values that we deem
important. Yet at the very same time, the FTAA, like
the WTO, is entirely consistent and predictable. It’s
part of a 150 year old pattern in this nation of
private power looking to escape any and all forms of
external control.

Individuals who had sufficient foreknowledge of 911
were able to make their financial moves well in
advance and are quietly enjoying the billions of
dollars in profits with little or no suspicion.

Psychiatry fully aware of MC Ops

there was a letter reported from nicaragua weeks ago
that contained anthrax that was from florida...one of
the world capitals of terrorism and bush stronghold
- the following article details a letter sent to chile
from florida containing anthrax...

President Bush has repeatedly asserted that his now
month-long and daily escalating campaign in
Afghanistan is not aimed at the unfortunate people of
that stricken land. But not only is the fact of our
carpet bombing from B-52s with "cluster bombs" and
"daisy cutters" to the contrary, but so are telling
remarks by some of those who are conducting the

"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as
the CFR, The Trilateral Commission - founded by
Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the
Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now
moving to implement open world dictatorship within the
next five years. They are not fighting against
terrorists. They are fighting against citizens." --
Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., former German defense
ministry official and advisor to former NATO
Secretary General Manfred Werner

Good conspiriology models are based upon solidly
researched institutional analysis, and an appreciation
of the circumstances, people, places and times (Life
Conditions). Many researchers mention Britain's
Tavistock Institute, but few offer indepth study of
their leading therapists RD Laing and Wilfred Bion.
Similarly, writers focusing upon structural
dislocation aren't always very clear about how to
culture-jam the geo-political matrix. This trend needs
to change.

LA policeman dies after finding CIA heroin
distribution point in LA

The last meeting between U.S. and Taliban
representatives took place in August, five weeks
before the attacks on New York and Washington, the
analysts maintain.

On that occasion, Christina Rocca, in charge of
Central Asian affairs for the U.S. government, met the
Taliban ambassador to Pakistan in Islamabad.

Because MHCHAOS was patently illegal, CIA officers
participating in it were required to sign secrecy
agreements swearing never to divulge any information
about the operation. To violate a secrecy agreement
was to risk federal prosecution. Mackenzie argues that
such secrecy contracts became a favorite government
tool, used to muzzle disclosures by ex-Agency
personnel about questionable or illegal CIA

A methamphetamine ring based in Mesquite was set
up by a CIA operative to funnel money to the
Nicaraguan contras, one of the alleged participants
has testified in federal court.

The secret life of a former Nazi war criminal, who
spied for America's Central Intelligence Agency after
the Second World War in return for a fake Jewish
identity, was disclosed yesterday. The story of how
Günter Reinemer, an S.S. lieutenant who commanded
death squads at the Treblinka concentration camp,
escaped the death penalty because of the CIA is told
in a documentary to be screened in Germany next month.


Realizing they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi
leaders met top German industrialists to plan a secret
post-war international network to restore them to
power,according to a newly declassified U.S.
intelligence document.

"We have absorbed into our own legal system the German
tyranny that we fought and inveighed against. The
approach, copied from the Nazis, works this way: The
press and radio first lay down a terrific barrage
against the Red Menace. Headlines without a shred of
evidence shriek of atom bomb spies or plots to
overthrow the government, of espionage, of high
treason, and of other bloodcurdling crimes. We are now
ready for the second stage: the pinning of the label
'Red' indiscriminately on all opposition." Abraham
Pomerantz, U.S. Deputy Chief Counsel, Nuremberg Trials

Wall Street Journal on Secret Military Genetic

One cannot hope to gain an understanding of fascism in
America without first looking at its roots in the
1930s. For most readers the 1930s bring forth images
of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. But this
wrenching decade of world economic turmoil involved
far more important events. Events from the very
beginning of the decade were already conspiring to
unleash upon an unsuspecting world the horrors of the
Second World War and the atrocious inhumanity of the
Holocaust, the likes of which the world had never
before witnessed. The Second World War would go on to
shape the geopolitical scene of the world for the
remainder of the century. And claims arising from the
Holocaust would still be front-page headlines as the
world prepared to enter the Twenty First Century.

The 1988 issue of Louis Rukeyser's Business Almanac
reports, "the largest fines for money laundering came
in 1986," the occasion of this record-breaking event
being the federal audit of Texas Commerce Bank of
Houston, "hit with $1.9 million in civil fines for not
reporting cash transactions." Dr. George Rupp, a
director of the bank, also then president of Rice
University, sat on the board of the Panhandle Eastern
Corporation in Houston, a holding company for the
state's natural gas industry. Robert Mosbacher, former
President Bush's Commerce Secretary, served with Rupp
on the board of Texas Commerce Bank an institution
controlled throughout the 1900s by the family of James
Baker III, President Bush, Sr.'s secretary of state
and a partner in Baker & Botts, a law firm that
largely serves Morgan-Rockefeller interests.

Alongside those Greek morality plays and Biblical
injunctions, we are also reminded by history itself
that the use of unethical means to achieve a worthy
end can be self-destructive. Power, by definition, is
isolated from the correcting signals of external
criticism. Or perhaps the feeling of fighting evil
fits so comfortably, that it's difficult to shed even
after objective circumstances change.

The Toronto Sun
Feb. 1, 1998
A U.S. man who claims he'll be persecuted by the CIA
for blowing the whistle on a Montreal brainwashing
experiment is fighting to become one of the few
Americans to be granted refugee status here.

A 42-year-old woman testified during a civil suit
yesterday she had a master-slave relationship with her
psychiatrist, who would whip her partially naked body
up to two dozen times each therapy session. Dr. James
Tyhurst, head of psychiatry at the University of
British Columbia from 1959 to 1970, made her stand
against the wall while he struck her back with a
leather-braided whip, said Jill Gorman. If she moved,
she would receive more blows as punishment, she said.
Mr. Tyhurst, now 78 and retired, sometimes made her
kneel and say: "I am your humble, obedient slave."

The estate of a discredited neuropsychiatrist is being
sued by parents who claim he tried to erase part of
their autistic son's brain as part of a plan "to train
an army of killers."

Any religion or organization can be used as a front to

hide ritual abuse activity, including Christianity,
Buddhism, Shamanism, Hinduism, Masonry, Mormonism,
Pagan and Satanic religions; however, not all
satanists commit crimes and not all occultism is
satanism. It is imperative that investigators and
professionals familiarize themselves with
cross-cultural belief systems so as not to target any
particular group.

"Boyle theorizes that the people behind the recent
anthrax attacks were trained in the United States and
probably funded by the government, which embarked on a
wide variety of biological weapons research under both
Clinton and Reagan."

"There are some kids at my school who are, like,
completely emotionless," said Tara (not her real
name), a studious and outgoing high school student who
lives in a prosperous East Bay suburb. She describes
those among her friends and classmates who have been
prescribed behavior-modification drugs to treat
emotional disorders.



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