-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

November 20, 2001 - WorldNetDaily.Com

Mideast peace an illusion?
By Patrick J. Buchanan

"Israel controls the Senate," said J. William Fulbright, chairman of
the Foreign Relations Committee, in 1973. "We should be more
concerned about the United States' interests." That nothing has
changed was evident this weekend. Secretary of State Powell
received a letter, instigated by the Israeli lobby and signed by 89
U.S. senators, directing him not to interfere with Israel's crushing of
the Palestinian uprising.

President Bush may have promised the Peace Party, Tony Blair
and the Saudis he will use his muscle to broker a just peace. If he
did, he made a promise he cannot keep. For the conditions of
peace that seemed present when Ehud Barak led Israel no longer
exist. The moment has passed, the window has closed.

Real peace requires something close to what Barak offered Arafat: a
Palestinian state with full sovereignty over Gaza, the West Bank,
Arab East Jerusalem and the Islamic holy places. This would entail
a dismantling of Israeli settlements and withdrawal to something like
the borders of 1967.

That is impossible now. Sharon not only distrusts Arafat, he detests
him and rejects the Oslo formula of land-for-peace. Sharon believes
the Arabs will use a Palestinian state as a base camp for a new war
of annihilation. He won his office by accusing Barak of pandering to
terror and inviting national suicide. Should he offer Arafat a similar
deal, his Cabinet would break up and he would be replaced by
Benjamin Netanyahu.

More important, with this latest intifada marked by massacres of
children at pizza parlors, Israelis no longer believe security can be
found cheek-by-jowl with an Arafat-led Palestinian state. Who can
blame them?

But if Arafat is considered by Israelis to be a terrorist, among the
Palestinians, he is increasingly viewed as a poodle of America and
an appeaser of Zion. Palestinians have lost 700 dead in this uprising
– including women and children – and thousands wounded. For
fighting against Israeli troops, it is Hamas and Islamic Jihad who are
capturing the hearts of the young. Arafat's mandate is running out.

Moreover, Bush cannot force Sharon to give up occupied land, for he
cannot threaten Sharon with a cut-off in aid. Should he try, he will
call down the rage of Congress and the wrath of the Israeli lobby
and its Amen Corner. Not since Dwight Eisenhower, safely re-
elected, ordered Ben-Gurion to get his army out of Sinai in 1957 has
a president compelled Israel to meet U.S. demands.

When Israeli and U.S. policies clash, it is U.S. presidents who back
down. For 30 years, the United States has held that settlements in
the territories occupied in the 1967 war were "illegal" and
impediments to peace. Yet, despite $100 billion in U.S. aid to Israel
since 1972 – $20,000 for every Israeli – the number of settlers has
risen from 8,400 to 357,000. Israel ignores U.S. pleas and
demands, for it knows they are bluster and bluff, designed for Arab

Should Bush invest his postwar popularity and prestige in a
Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem, he will see both
dissipated, while failing, even as his predecessors have failed.

Already, Bush's suggestion that he supports Israeli concessions for
a Palestinian state, to draw down anti-American venom in the
Islamic world, was met with Sharon's retort that Israel will not play
the role of Czechoslovakia to Bush's Neville Chamberlain. In a
normal relationship, such a gross and gratuitous insult would have
brought a recall of the U.S. ambassador. Instead, it produced a
wimpish little peep of protest from Ari Fleischer.

Bush should look over the horizon and ask himself what Israel will
demand as the price of a Palestinian state. It is: scores of billions of
U.S. dollars to take down settlements, whose building we opposed,
and a permanent U.S.-Israeli military alliance, backed up by the
presence of U.S. troops. This would guarantee Americans fighting in
every future Israeli war. And this we cannot give.

Prediction: Bush and Powell will start up the road to a brokered
peace and find they are on a political Highway of Death. Karl Rove
will walk into the Oval Office and say, "Mr. President, it is not worth
it, it is not working – we are down to 60 percent in the polls. Let's go
back to benign neglect."

Israelis will emerge victorious and delighted. The Arabs will be
frustrated and outraged, and Bush's prestige in the Arab world will
vanish as his father's did after Desert Storm. In Kuwait, they no
longer name their children Bush, but Osama. So, the downward
spiral toward an Arab-Israeli and U.S.-Islamic war will continue and
the enemies of peace, on all sides, will be exulted, and exalted.

Where have you gone, Gen. Eisenhower?

Buchanan's WorldNetDaily Archives 2001:

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