-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush Lied About bin Laden

Neal Horsley

On September 24, 2001, the Associated Press headlined, “U.S. vows to prove
bin Laden’s guilt.”  The article's body stated, “WASHINGTON — A solemn
President Bush returned the American flag to full staff Sunday as the United
States promised to lay out evidence making Osama bin Laden’s guilt in the
terrorist attacks ‘very obvious to the world.’’’

But that has not happened.  Instead of making Osama bin Laden’s guilt in the
terrorist attacks “very obvious”, the world has been shown only
circumstantial evidence unsupported by any conclusive factual evidence.  As
the various representatives and allies of President George W. Bush have
attempted to perform the journalistic alchemy required to convert scanty
circumstantial evidence into “obvious” evidence proving Osama bin Laden’s
guilt, vast numbers of Muslim believers, as well as a growing number of
America and British citizens, have become convinced that conclusive evidence
proving Osama bin Laden’s guilt does not exist, and that President George W.
Bush has lied about it to the world.

Events that have just come to light prove that President George W. Bush is
doing everything in his power to make it forever impossible to know the truth
about Osama bin Laden.

Shortly after 9/11, President George W. Bush made it clear he wanted bin
Laden dead. CNN wrote the following article on Sept 17, 2001,  “Speaking with
reporters after a Pentagon briefing on plans to call up reserve troops, Bush
offered some of his most blunt language to date when he was asked if he
wanted bin Laden dead.   “I want justice,” Bush said. “And there’s an old
poster out West… I recall, that said, ‘Wanted, Dead or Alive.’”

But on November 20, 2001, evidence appeared making it apparent that Osama bin
Laden is slated to not only be killed but also disappear from the face of the

On November 20, 2001, quoting Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield, CNN news
reported, “The United States is offering “substantial monetary rewards” as
incentives to Afghans to rout Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda terrorists from
caves and other suspected hiding places in Afghanistan, the top U.S. defense
official said Monday… Rumsfield said information on the rewards—the FBI’s
bounty for bin Laden is $25 million—is being distributed via leaflets dropped
“like snowflakes in December in Chicago.”

The $25 million reward proves that President George W. Bush is putting our
money where his mouth is.  But it is not just bin Laden’s death that Bush
wants: he wants bin Laden never to be found—he wants to disappear him.

The strategy the Bush administration is employing to deal with Bin Laden can
be seen in the following statement made by Secretary Rumsfield at the same
press conference quoted above.  CNN summarized Rumsfield’s message, “He said
the bombing campaign is ‘targeting caves and closing them up,’ but U.S.
forces are not conducting a ‘cave-by-cave’ search. ‘”

In other words, American B-52’s and other planes capable of delivering
“cave-busters” are being used to find caves in which bin Laden might be
hiding and “close them up.”  The fact that there is no intention to conduct
a “cave-by-cave search” proves that the Bush administration never intends to
see Osama bin Laden stand trial in a Court of Law, or to be found at all.

Don’t believe it?  Think for a moment about what the Secretary of Defense’s
words actually mean.  In a nation where it is reported that thousands of
caves have been dug over the centuries, many of which were dug by bin Laden’s
construction equipment in the last twenty years, the USA is now employing
cave-busters to “close them up.”

Talk about “disappearing” someone.  Even if somebody changed their mind and
decided to conduct a “cave-by-cave search” of the multitudes of  “closed
up” caves, it will be literally impossible to ever find bin Laden’s dead
body if he happens to be in one of those “closed up” caves.  Just as Eric
Rudolph crawled into a North Carolina cave never to emerge again, or Jimmy
Hoffa never made it back from lunch, so too is Osama bin Laden slated to
disappear forever.

Boo hoo, you say?  Think he gets what he deserved?  Think again.

Robert Siegel on the National Public Radio Program “All Things Considered”
aired interviews on November 9, 2001 with three newspapers editors from
Muslim nations.  In his introduction to the program, Mr. Seigel summarized
the purpose and outcome of the interviews, “We checked on public opinion.
Each country said the same thing…Public opinion in the three countries harbor
doubts about bin Laden’s responsibility for the [September 11] attacks”...

Excerpts from the program:

Najam Sethi, editor of Friday Times, an English language weekly in Pakistan,
said, “The United States has jumped the gun.  Most people here would like to
see concrete evidence that he is responsible for the September 11
attacks...and that evidence has not been made available...Where is the

Khaled Al-Maeena is editor-in-chief of Arab News in Saudi Arabia.  Having
been educated in the U.S. and having sent his children to be educated in the
U.S., he is described as pro-American.  He was incensed at the false
accusations being leveled.  He said, “What America has done.  They are
hounding innocent people…It’s a question of Let us prove.   Let them check.
What I’m trying to tell you is that people here are sending money to him [bin
laden] is simply nonsense...You are saying that money is going.  Prove that.”

Mohamed Sid Ahmed is a columnist for Al Ahram in Egypt.  He said, “There are
all sorts of theories.  ...We don’t have so far complete conclusive proof of
anything...I don’t like to jump to conclusions without any clear evidence.”

Are you beginning to see the problems created by disappearing bin Laden?  If
the Muslim world suspects he was not behind the 9/11 attacks, instead of our
actions in Afghanistan being perceived as necessary and just enforcement of
the law, we might well be perceived to be agents of an international
conspiracy to overthrow governments established on Muslim authority.

Everything that President George W. Bush claims to be trying to do to prove
that this War on Terrorism is not a War On Islam in disguise could come to

Time magazine summarized the evidence against bin Laden in an article
entitled “What Is This Evidence Against Bin Laden” published on October 3,
2001.  This article is the beginning of a long chain of evidence that,
instead of making Osama bin Laden’s guilt  “very obvious to the world” as
President George W. Bush promised, demonstrates there is a very real
possibility that the 9/11 attacks were not the work of Osama bin Laden at
all.  The Times article began,   “To date, very little evidence has been made
public, for obvious security reasons, so any discussion has been necessarily
relegated to the realm of speculation. We do know that this is not a
“normal” evidentiary search: Colin Powell has been candid in saying that the
evidence is not of the type that would stand up in an American court of law. “

Reread that previous sentence about the evidence against bin Laden not
standing “up in an American court of law” and you might gain fresh insight
into why Colin Powell, the ex-four star General and present Secretary of
State, has been conspicuous by his absence from day to day affairs in the War
on Terrorism.

The Times article continued, “Since the first demands for ‘evidence,’ the
U.S. government has busied itself preparing a laundry list of suitable
accusations and diplomatically correct labels to hurl at bin Laden and his
terrorist cells. The mysterious ‘proof’ of his guilt has been shared, we’re
told with Allied leaders in Europe, as well as with various Pakistani and
Afghan (rebel) authorities. NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson later
characterized a secret U.S. briefing as offering ‘clear and compelling
evidence,’ while Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien announced he was
‘quite satisfied’ the information ‘proves’ bin Laden’s involvement.

Then the Times article concluded, “So what is this evidence everyone’s
talking about? It’s hard to say for sure, since it’s off-limits to all but
the highest-level government officials…”


Hold it.  Wait a minute.   On September 24, 2001, President George W. Bush
vowed to make Osama bin Laden’s guilt for the terrorist attacks “very
obvious to the world.”  By October 3, 2001, the evidence available to the
federal government of the U.S. was “off-limits to all but the highest-level
government officials…”

And there it has remained.  This article is being written on November 20,
2001, nearly ten weeks after nineteen men demonstrated the meaning of the
word terror to the American people.  On this day President George W. Bush,
instead of laying out evidence making Osama bin Laden’s guilt in the
terrorist attacks ‘very obvious to the world as he promised, is clearly doing
everything in his power to make Osama bin Laden disappear from the face of
the earth forever.

What is going on here?  Why, given the obvious dangerous consequences of
failing to prove conclusively that bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attacks,
would President George W. Bush not do everything in his power to see bin
Laden in a court of law where the whole world could see the absolute justice
of the horror that has been rained upon the people of Afghanistan?

There is no way to overemphasize how important it is for President George W.
Bush, and for the United States of America, and for all its allies, that
Osama bin Laden not only be guilty of the 9/11 attacks but be seen by the
world to be guilty.  The lingering suspicions in the minds of millions of
people in the world that bin Laden and the Taliban and Afghanistan and the
Muslim faith itself are being set up to be overthrown by a secular and
godless world government must be eliminated as much as reason and logic and
law can accomplish.


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