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God’s Killers and Shoppers
by Frank Scott

We approach another holiday season while killing foreigners, who this
time  are alleged to have inflicted pain on our people, not just our
policies. The 911 disaster has covered for a murderous assault by the
most powerful military force in history, on what is possibly the
weakest, poorest  nation on earth. This assault has been planned for
years as an important extension of global power by what amounts to -
hopefully - the world’s last empire. Thousands may die  before it is
over, with hardly any of them  even remotely linked to the horrible
murders of 911 .

While fanatic capitalist fundamentalism insists, despite overwhelming
evidence to the contrary, that humanity and the environment can only be
served by a minority capital-controlled “free” market,  much is made of
a fanatic Islamic fundamentalism which insists on a more feudal way of
life . Speakers from the Muslim world are trotted out to extol the true
faith and malign its murderous pretenders, but many may wonder why we
don’t give equal time for Christian and Jewish apologists.

When was the last time  clergy had to apologize for the false
Christianity of Crusaders who  slaughtered millions in the past , and
whose descendants  despoil all over the world and call it civilized
democracy? And how often do we see rabbis paraded before microphones to
apologize for the false Judaism that brutalizes in Palestine,  while
extolling Israel’s virtuous policies of self-defense that steal a land
and murder its natives?

Which pages of the patriarchal testaments, scriptures, Talmuds and
Korans  must be read, and which excluded, to rationalize the  murder,
hatred and injustice inflicted on humanity by pretenders to godliness?
Which patriarchal priest, rabbi, mullah, minister, president or dictator
speaks for god? Which god? The one who bombed New York? Kabul? Dresden?

But the commercial season of peace on earth will soon be here, and as
usual , it has nothing to do with the meaning of god or peace, and
everything to do with the meaning of shop, until you drop. The economy
depends on us going more deeply into debt, to show how much we love
america, hate our enemies and worship the prince of peace, who might be
sick to his stomach if he existed.

Perhaps while we shop we can spare a thought for the cluster bombs paid
for with our tax dollars, and the holiday cheer they brought to Afghans
whose flesh was ripped from their bodies by our godly gift . As we
destroy what  is left of the government of a crippled nation and
temporarily replace it with our own government of thieving murderers,
can we find any pleasure in having reduced a people living in miserable
poverty and destitution to a status of more miserable poverty and

We are exchanging one group of tyrannical rulers for a possibly worse
group of tyrannical dope peddlers. We have transformed rubble into
powder, and  people into dead meat. Deck the halls with boughs of folly,
and praise god, or Allah, or Jehovah, or the messiah. Whatever or
whoever, it is  on “our” side, according to  Osama  Bush, and on “their”
side, according to George bin Laden.

But America is not alone; this is called an international war, by Tony
Blair and other toadies who  sodomize  morality while they kick the
Afghan corpse in a show of solidarity against terrorism. This breed of
wretched political leadership is a greater threat than the anthrax which
closed our congress - while postal employees risked their lives handling
congressional mail. Maybe the brain-dead and rubber-spined members of
our elected government should deliver the mail, and find out  what real
work is all about, and how to perform it with selfless dedication .

Our freedoms are being being lost in a fascistic frenzy, with Congress
passing an  anti-terrorist law which is really anti-democracy, and  our
ayatollah ordering military tribunals instead of open courts . Why have
so many  of the congressional progressive caucus become regressive? Why
have so many of  the Black Caucus  become  Negroes? Thousands of men
have been arrested and detained  because  they looked like Arabs. Is
racial profiling now acceptable?

We are ruled by human commodities who legislate for their corporate
employers  and lie to their people, while their confused subjects buy
more flags on shopping days and cast less votes on election days. Our
democracy is almost as invisible as our gods.

Corporate capital accepts government handouts to cover its economic
losses, while its workers are left unemployed and without health care .
Our health system is incapable  of protecting us from bio-terrorism, but
how can it be  different from other aspects of public service, all of
which have been transformed into products of the private market
available only to those who can afford them?

In truth, we have no public sector any more,  except for our
multi-billion dollar death and destruction industry. Happy holidays?

This shopping season, as you nervously wander the mall, think about
your  moral beliefs and how they are totally at odds with what your
system does in the world. Consider the anti-globalization movement -
really a pro-democracy movement - and what it was saying on 9/10/01. It
became even more important on 9/11/01. It has to do with the ever
widening financial gap between the majority of earth’s people and their
minority rulers. Our suffering and loss of 911 relates to that gap, and
the more we allow murderers and parasites to lull us to sleep with talk
about god being on our side and evil residing elsewhere, the less secure
our future will be.

There’s no place like home for the holidays, and that is where radical
democratic change is needed. Not in Afghanistan,  but right here in the
USA. Democracy is not a belief system or a faith. It is a matter of
informed people taking action. To such people: Happy Holiday.

Copyright (c) 2001 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

             This text may be used and shared in accordance with the
             fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be
           archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that
            the author is notified and no fee is charged for access.
           Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on
          other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author

frank scott
225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791

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