-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "Dick Eastman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "End Secrecy List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] Frame-Up Part 2
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2001 11:03 AM

PART II  (of information supporting remotely-controlled-crashbombing


Item #2:

Are the U.S. pentagon military in Afganistan nothing but mercenaries killing
for  Anglo-American opium-revenue-laundering-oil-wealth
stealing/monopolizing-secret-society-networked ruling-elite criminals -- and
so our airmen and soldiers are functioning exactly as the "Hessian"
mercenaries King George III hired and George Washington had to fight during
our Revolutionary War.

The slash and burn foreign policy of Secretary Powell, Security Adviser
Rice, and President Bush  serves the CFR ("Rockefeller")  interests while
their stated target, the  innocent frame-up victim they seek "dead or dead,"
is a man, who in the mind of  many millions around the world, is the heroic
champion of Mideast-and-Central-Asian  aspirations for independence, for
self-determination, for debt-free national economic integrity, and for the
heritage of morality "from above," that is, from sources deemed superior to
dominant leaders'  politics, power, ambition and greed.


Robert Lederman has done extensive research into the 911
Frame-up/Cover-up --  following a completely different set of clues than
those that have convinced me.
His conclusions further corroboration that we have been energetic in
following light that is really darkness.

Here is Lederman's essay on the Nine Unpopular Ideas that because they are
intelligent and true will win out in the end.


October 24, 2001

Are you less than satisfied with the official explanations about 9/11?

Here are nine for the moment relatively unpopular but nevertheless
compelling ideas to consider about the attack. Americans who tend to believe
in any or all them are in the minority right now. Perhaps they won't be in
the near future.

1. This new war is not a conflict between Islamic fundamentalism and
American freedom.

2. The destruction of the WTC was anticipated, and might have been

3. The Rockefeller connection may be the key to unlocking an understanding
of this entire issue. Why has their connection to the WTC been omitted from
99.999% of the media coverage about 9/11?

4. Anthrax may not be getting sent to the media and to Congress by

5. This conflict is about oil not terrorism, Israel or Islam.

6. Are we bombing the wrong country?

7. Bush is not doing a good job of protecting America. It would be far more
accurate to say he's doing a good job of destroying it.

8. There is an occult aspect to the attacks which cannot be ignored or
attributed to coincidence.

9. NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani did not unify New York City, but has done
everything in his power to destroy the electoral process and guarantee
future social chaos.

Rather than attempt to provide a lengthy proof of each idea which would
require a book-length report, here are one or more references from which you
can learn more. Every one of these ideas has voluminous documentation which
can be found in the mainstream media, on the net or in reputable books if
one looks for it.
Are these ideas true, are they connected and do they point to an even more
sinister explanation for 9/11 than is popularly held? I'll let you be the
judge, which is more than our newly popular leaders are willing to do. While
to some it may seem unpatriotic to question the government's actions at this
time of crisis let us remember that the original purpose of free speech was
to enable Americans to ask exactly these kind of unpopular questions of our
elected leaders. Real unity cannot be based on deceiving the American

1. This new war is not a conflict between Islamic fundamentalism and
American freedom.
According to President Bush, we are now at war with "the evil-doers" who
hate our freedoms and way of life. Reasonable enough, but to be complete the
list of evil-doers involved with terrorists would have to include most of
the nations in our present coalition, the CIA, many of Americas' top
corporations and some of its' wealthiest and most respected families.
Leading the list of those connected to the alleged terrorists are former
President Bush, GW Bush and a number of key cabinet members of both Bush
administrations who have been in business with the wealthy Saudis who
finance Usama bin Laden's operations and with the bin Laden family itself
for decades.

[Wall Street Journal subscribers, also Click Here:

Wall Street Journal September 27, 2001
Bin Laden Family Could Profit
>From a Jump In Defense Spending
Due to Ties to U.S. Bank
Through this investment and its ties to Saudi royalty, the bin Laden family
has become acquainted with some of the biggest names in the Republican
Party. In recent years, former President Bush, ex-Secretary of State James
Baker and ex-Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci have made the pilgrimage to
the bin Laden family's headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Mr. Bush makes
speeches on behalf of Carlyle Group and is senior adviser to its Asian
Partners fund, while Mr. Baker is its senior counselor. Mr. Carlucci is the
group's chairman. Osama is one of more than 50 children of Mohammed bin
Laden, who built the family's $5 billion business, Saudi Binladin Group,
largely with construction contracts from the Saudi government.

Bush-Bin Laden-Saudi Connection: Click Here:

and Here:

President's oil companies funded by Bin Laden family and wealthy Saudis who
financed Osama bin Laden: Click Here:

Bush family's dirty little secret: Click

Bush's scary CAIR friends

Click Here for WorldNetDaily site:

2. The destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) was anticipated and might
have been preventable.

Outside of the mainstream U.S. media - which proudly admits it is censoring
itself at the request of the Bush administration - there are hundreds of
articles and reports detailing the foreknowledge of various U.S. agencies
and officials about a terrorist attack taking place around 9/11. The sources
of these reports include many of our allies in the new war.

David Schippers the Republican lawyer who impeached President Clinton,
claims he spent months before 9/11 trying to get information to Attorney
General Ashcroft from FBI agents who claim they were told not to investigate
leads that suggested a terrorist attack on Manhattan was imminent. For a
transcript of Schippers' interview Click Here:

After having been bombed in 1993 the WTC was probably the building complex
in the U.S. most expected by Federal authorities to be the subject of a
future terrorist attack. Various books and movies had such an attack, in
some cases involving hijacked jets, as part of their plot. A FEMA emergency
response manual, titled: Emergency Response To Terrorism ERT: SS Q 534
(Click Here:  http://www.usfa.fema.gov/nfa/tr_ertss1.htm   ), featured the
WTC on its' cover. Why were the Federal government and the Giuliani
administration seemingly so unprepared on 9/11?

A Daily News article details that numerous children in the NYC Muslim
community made public statements shortly before 9/11 about what was to
happen to the WTC. Are we to believe school kids knew and publicly bragged
about it, but the CIA didn't know?

Daily News 10/12/2001
Some Got Warning:   Don't Go Downtown on Sept. 11

Feds say Middle-Easterners knew of the coming danger

Click here for Daily News article:

Most of the suspected hijackers had valid U.S. passports and some were
suspected terrorists who were actually under surveillance at the time by the
authorities. A number of them received U.S. military training and all the
hijack pilots were apparently trained in the U.S.

On Friday, Sept 7, the State Dept issued a worldwide terrorist alert to
Americans abroad Click Here:

The FAA and Army intelligence knew that multiple hijackings were in progress
long before any of the planes had crashed, yet failed to shoot them down
Click Here:   http://www.msnbc.com/news/627524.asp

3. The Rockefeller connection may be the key to unlocking an understanding
of this entire issue. Why has their connection to the WTC been omitted from
99.999% of the media coverage about 9/11?
>From "A View Of Cities site"
Click Here:

"The World Trade center was a project started up in 1960 by David
Rockefeller. The towers were sometimes nicknamed David and Nelson, the
Rockefeller brothers."
a. The secretive Rockefeller family is considered by many authors to have
been one of the main forces behind the scenes of the Ford, Reagan, Carter,
Bush and Clinton presidencies. The Rockefeller family is the world's #1
promoter of eugenics, was half-owner of Nazi Germany's IG Farben and is at
the center of virtually every organization and idea associated with The New
World Order.
For proof of the Rockefeller owned Chase Bank's Nazi connection see: "Chase
Manhattan Banks Right wing Relationship" Click Here:

For an excellent article on Rockefeller and the WTC written before 9/11
Click Here:   http://ericdarton.net/html/tallstories.html

b. According to bin Laden his main problem with the U.S. involves us being
in Saudi Arabia and propping up their unpopular regime. The Saudi royal
family bin Laden hates so much is kept in power by men who work for the
Rockefeller family and the CIA to insure the flow of oil to Standard Oil and
other U.S. oil corporations. WWII, the Holocaust, the Arab-Israeli conflict,
the Gulf War and the present war on terrorism all share a direct connection
to the Rockefeller dynasties' oil interests. Standard Oil, now called Exxon,
is the most powerful corporation on earth.
For a very detailed account of this Middle Eastern oil story and how it has
shaped both recent American and world history see, "The Secret War Against
the Jews" by John Loftus and Mark Aarons, St. Martin's Press. John Loftus is
a former U.S. Department of Justice Nazi war crimes prosecutor.
For an in-depth article on Standard Oil/Exxon see: Business Week APRIL 9,
2001 COVER STORY Exxon Unleashed, How the world's most powerful corporation
plans to dominate the new age of oil explorationClick Here:

For an excellent article on the Saudis Click Here:

The New Yorker, 10/22/2001
King's Ransom
by Seymor Hersh
Previous to becoming Bush's top foreign policy advisor, Condolezza Rice was
on the board of directors of Exxon which named an oil tanker after her. Dick
Cheney, GW Bush and many of his top aides are also heavily invested and
involved in the oil industry.
c. David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank is also the main sponsor of the
Manhattan Institute (MI) a think tank founded by Reagan's controversial CIA
director William Casey. MI is the source of just about all of President
Bush's and Mayor Giuliani's policy ideas, a fact which they are very proud
to admit.
Many of Bush's cabinet members and advisors are also closely associated with
MI, which invented the classic doublespeak slogan, "compassionate
conservatism". Casey, who was intimately linked to the Rockefeller empire
throughout his career, was the top CIA official behind arming bin Laden and
training his terrorist army. Is it just another coincidence that George Bush
Sr. was Vice President and NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani was the third highest
official in the Justice Department during this same time?
William Casey's activities before his death and the Manhattan Institute's
agenda are intimately connected to Wall Street and to the oil industry.
While MI is best-known for its policy papers on race, welfare and urban
planning its' board includes Wall Street investment bankers deeply involved
with oil, geo-politics and the military-industrial complex.
d. The WTC was a financial failure from day one and was completely outmoded
as a real estate holding. Its design made updating the buildings for
contemporary fiber optic and other telecommunications systems exorbitantly
expensive. Now that it has been so tragically destroyed, real estate
interests are clamoring to rebuild it and will do so in large part at U.S.
government expense. Insurance companies which are among the world's most
profitable corporations may not even have to pay claims for this or future
terrorist attacks. See: NY Times October 22, 2001 Insurers Push for Cap on
Future Payouts

A Mistake In The First Place
By Robert Fitch
Click Here for original article:

Legislation was passed to move the port to New Jersey, create a downtown
World Trade Center and establish a World Trade Center corporation headed by
Winthrop Aldrich [Rockefeller's uncle] of Chase Manhattan Bank.

4. Anthrax may not be getting sent to the media and to Congress by so-called
If bin Laden or Iraq want to wipe out Americans with anthrax, they're doing
a poor job of it. The main people who have been infected so far are
assistants to key members of the media, mail handlers and a few aides to the
On the other hand, if someone was trying to boost sales for Cipro and the
stock prices of companies manufacturing vaccines and pharmaceuticals - many
of which are directly connected to the Bush and Rockefeller families and
Bush administration officials - they are doing an exceptional job of it.
Medical experts anticipate that widespread use of Cipro will make the
American public far more vulnerable to all forms of disease by causing
pathogens to mutate into antibiotic resistant strains (see: NY Times October
19, 2001-THE MEDICATION Experts Say Cipro Overuse Could Lead to Problems).
In light of the Bush and Rockefeller dynasties' historical interest in
pharmaceuticals, eugenics and population control, might that have something
to do with the concerted effort behind Cipro becoming more in demand than
Viagra and the government proposing a (mandatory?) nationwide smallpox
vaccine program?
In all the hysterical Cipro-centered coverage about the "evil-doers" who are
using anthrax a basic fact is often omitted. It was the first Bush
administration and our coalition allies which originally gave anthrax and
seventy other biological and chemical weapons to Sadamn Hussein. The U.S.
has led the world in production of chemical and biological warfare agents.

NY Times October 21, 2001
Preparing America for the Reality of Germ Warfare
Before President Richard M. Nixon renounced germ warfare in 1969, for
example, the United States Army produced dried anthrax, a single gallon of
which could hold up to eight billion lethal doses - enough in theory to kill
every person on the planet, twice.
One of many drugs which can be used for the treatment for anthrax exposure,
Cipro, is now mentioned every few minutes on every news show in America.
Cipro is a fairly dangerous drug manufactured by the German company Bayer.
Cipro was already Bayer's most profitable product before 9/11 and sales are
now up according to the NY Times 1,000%. Bayer's Cipro patent expires in
2003. According to some medical experts, garlic may be just as effective as
Cipro and far safer for fighting infection by anthrax.
Before the end of WWII Bayer was the main component of I. G. Farben, the
chemical, pharmaceutical and munitions powerhouse behind the rise of Nazi
Germany. For information on I.G. Farben's remarkable parallels and links to
the Bush administration see my articles, "What's Hiding in GW's Cabinet"
http://baltech.org/lederman/gw-bush-hiding.html and "The GW Bush Gang"

Even if it turns out that Iraqi or bin Laden-connected terrorists are
mailing anthrax to locations in the U.S., it was the first Bush
administration and our allies which originally gave it to them.

It is alleged that among the top stockholders in Bioport - the only company
with an anthrax vaccine - is the Carlyle Group. Among the top participants
in the Carlyle Group? The Bush and bin Laden families.

Click Here for a Directory of various articles on Rockefeller, MI, Bush and
eugenics:  http://baltech.org/lederman/

Cipro alleged price fixing and Bioport anthrax vaccine info Click Here:

"The Anthrax Commisars" a report by Sherman Skolnick on Bioport and ties to
bin Laden Click Here:  http://www.skolnicksreport.com/ootar3.html

10/4/2001 Daily News
West Nile Virus Outbreak Is Seen Through Lens of Terror

"A 1994 congressional inquiry found American companies had legally shipped
West Nile and other killer viruses to Iraq for research purposes, with the
full consent of the U.S. Commerce Department, documents obtained by The News
April 2, 1998; Keith Bradsher, "Senator Says U.S. Let Iraq Get Lethal
Viruses," The New York Times, February 10, 1994, p. A9;
Kevin Merida and John Mintz, "Rockville Firm Shipped Germ Agents to Iraq,
Riegle Says," The Washington Post, February 10, 1994, p. A8;

5. This conflict is about oil not terrorism, Israel or Islam
The U.S. was planning to invade Afghanistan long before 9/11 and not in
order to stop terrorists or help Islamic women denied human rights by the
Taleban. Such an invasion would have been widely criticized if not
politically impossible before 9/11. Afghanistan is crucial to the creation
of an oil pipeline that has long been a key preoccupation of the
Rockefeller, Bush and related oil interests.
"In spite of this, a route through Afghanistan appears to be the best option
with the fewest technical obstacles. It is the shortest route to the sea and
has relatively favorable terrain for a pipeline. The route through
Afghanistan is the one that would bring Central Asian oil closest to Asian
markets and thus would be the cheapest in terms of transporting the oil."

Quoted from: February 12, 1998 Testimony by
John J. Maresca VP, International Relations UNOCAL CORP
(Mr. Maresca was George Bush Sr.'s Ambassador to Cyprus )
Click Here:

Click Here http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/afghan2.html    for Energy
Information Administration (DOE) Afghanistan Fact Sheet (note section titled
"Regional Pipeline Plans") - December, 2000

US planned attack on Taliban - BBC News September 18, 2001 Click Here:

Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before US attack - Guardian
September 22, 2001 Click Here:

6. Are we bombing the wrong country?
According to FBI reports most of the suspected 9/11 hijackers were not
planning to commit suicide and were unaware of the plan to crash the planes
into various buildings. That coupled with the fact that false identities
were used by all the suspected hijackers makes it possible that Islamic
terrorists may have had little understanding of the real purpose of the
hijackings even if they were on the planes. It appears that none of the
hijackers were even from Afghanistan, the country we are now bombing,
invading and trying to overthrow. If we are going after the source why
aren't we invading Saudi Arabia where many of the hijackers were from?
According to the Bush administration, Saudi Arabian billionaires are the bin
Laden terrorist networks main source of funding. If we are after the Taleban
then why is Pakistan, the Taleban's main ally among nations and the sponsor
of the radical religious schools from which bin Laden draws his recruits,
our closest ally?

From: The UK Guardian Sunday October 14, 2001
The Observer
Click Here http://observer.co.uk/waronterrorism/story/0,1373,573707,00.html

Attackers did not know they were to die

"FBI investigators have officially concluded that 11 of the 19 terrorists
who hijacked the aircraft on 11 September did not know they were on a
suicide mission, Whitehall intelligence sources said last night...It is
understood the FBI has found evidence suggesting the 11 men expected to take
part in 'conventional' hijackings - with the planes flown to distant
airports, and the passengers and crew taken hostage while the hijackers
presented demands. Items found among the 11 men's possessions suggest they
had been preparing themselves for incarceration. One source said: 'It looks
as if they expected they might be going to prison, not paradise.' The FBI
analysis concludes the 11 may have believed the purpose of the hijackings
was to free the perpetrators of previous extremist terrorist attacks on the
United States, such as the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993."

7. Bush is not doing a good job of protecting America. It would be far more
accurate to say he's doing a good job of destroying it.
The super "patriotic" Bush family have a consistent habit of building up
dictators, supplying them with arms, reaping the profits for themselves and
their wealthy friends and then declaring their onetime allies to be the
ultimate evil requiring a new war and the loss of American lives.
GW Bush's grandfathers were key supporters of and Wall Street investment
bankers for Adolf Hitler during more than a decade preceding the U.S.
entering WWII. In 1942 the U.S. Congress seized their assets as Nazi fronts
under the Trading With the Enemy Act. Former President Bush and some of his
top his cabinet members were very close allies of Sadam Hussein before the
Gulf War, which may have begun when the Bush administration signaled Iraq
that an invasion of Kuwait would be tolerated by the U.S. Under the
Reagan-Bush administration (in large part run by former CIA director and
Reagan Vice President, George Bush) Usama Bin Laden was financed, armed and
had his army of terrorists - "the evil-doers" - trained by the CIA. The
wealthy Saudis who are bin Laden's money men are also business partners with
the Bush family. At what point will Americans dare to question the President
about these business relationships?
See my various articles on the Bush family and their ongoing Nazi connection
Click Here:  http://baltech.org/lederman/

8. There is an occult aspect to the attacks which cannot be ignored or
attributed to coincidence.

The article at the website below is truly amazing and thought-provoking.
Whether or not you believe in God, numerology or the occult this article is
well worth reading. You may have already seen a breakdown of the
numerological repetition of the number 11 in this event, but this article
goes much deeper into what it might actually mean.
Click Here for original:  http://www.enterprisemission.com/tower2.htm

The attacks took place on 9/11
9+1+1 = 11
Each WTC Tower had 110 floors, which is a multiple of 11
American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane flown into World Trade Tower2,
had 11 crewmembers. A total of 65 people were on Flight 11. 6+5 = 11
The second plane, United Airlines Flight 175, hit the World Trade Tower 1 at
9:02 AM. 9+2 = 11
9/11 is the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4 = 11
After 9/11, there are 111 days left in the year
New York City (where the major attack occurred) consists of 11 letters
New York was the 11th state admitted into the Union
President Bush ordered flags to fly at half mast until 9/22, making an 11
day period of mourning.
[Also on Holloween morining 11/31 1999 EgyptAir 900 crashed into the
Atlantic after the control of the plane was taken over from the
ockpit  -the recovered recorders clearly support this  - although the
conclusion was resisted by U.S. investigative authorities concerned,
apparently, about the  liability exposure of Boeing - although EgyptAir and
the Egyptian government reject the U.S finding.  -D. E.]

9. NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani not only did not unify New York City but he has
done everything in his power since 9/11 to destroy the electoral process and
guarantee future social chaos.
There are few examples of a public image changing so radically and rapidly
as Mayor Giuliani's has since 9/11. Within hours of the WTC attack and
continuing ever since the media has been bombarding us with empty propaganda
about Giuliani being a hero, an icon and a savior. This is by the same
corporate media who for eight years consistently described him as a
heartless, racially-biased violator of the Constitution who denied raises
and up-to-date equipment to the EMS, police and fire departments and
regularly delighted in exacerbating the City's racial, economic and social
divisions for his personal political gain.
Giuliani, or Sir Rudy as he is now known, has managed to turn the WTC
disaster into a personal bonanza of goodwill culminating most recently in an
honorary knighthood bestowed upon him by none other than the Queen of
England. Surrounded at every opportunity with real heroes - police officers,
firemen and rescue workers - Giuliani routinely leads celebrity tours of
ground zero and depicts himself as responsible for the spirit of cooperation
New Yorkers have shown for three centuries. Are these non-stop emotional
tributes to firemen and police intended to keep anyone from asking the
question, who screwed up?
While his "heroic" actions involved holding hourly press conferences notable
for their lack of information, appearing on every news and entertainment
show to take credit for his efforts and lecturing the UN General Assembly on
the superior value of electoral freedom, behind the scenes Giuliani and his

staff were feverishly trying to prevent the 2001 NYC election from ever
taking place so that he could indefinitely stay in office.
What is never broached in the corporate media is that despite Giuliani's
leadership for eight years the city's emergency planning was completely
ineffective on 9/11. That anyone was saved from the WTC disaster is due to
the sacrifices of the firemen, cops, Port Authority staff and EMS crews who
risked and lost their lives, not Mayor Giuliani. Among the many unanswered
questions since the attack, only a single columnist has dared to ask in
print why Giuliani located his $15 million emergency bunker - complete with
6,000 gallons of highly flammable fuel - on the 23rd floor of the very NYC
building complex most expected by FEMA and other Federal agencies to be
bombed by terrorists.

Village Voice 10/8/2001
From: La Dolce Musto
But before you decide: In '99, despite complaints-like how the building was
a potential target and also happened to be owned by a political
supporter-our mayor had an emergency bunker built at 7 World Trade Center.
Legendarily enough, a 6000-gallon fuel tank was installed there to run the
generators in case of a power outage. Well, when the planes hit the other
two towers on September 11, flying debris fell on 7 WTC, which some insiders
say ignited that very fuel. Still love Rudy?
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is now bracing for a whole other order of urban
treachery and cataclysm by building a $15.1 million emergency control center
for his administration...bullet-proofed, hardened to withstand bombs and
hurricanes, and equipped with food and beds for at least 30 members of his
inner circle." -NY Times 6/13/98 Giuliani's $15.1 Million 'Emergency Control

NY Times 10/24/2001
Split in Ranks:
Commissioner Hears the
Boos of Firefighters
But even as the events of Sept. 11 strengthened those bonds, it did little
to soften the bitter feelings that many firefighters have long held for Fire
Commissioner Thomas Von Essen [one of Giuliani's closest aides]. Indeed, on
Saturday night, when Mr. Von Essen took the stage at a benefit concert at
Madison Square Garden, many of several thousand firefighters in attendance
joined in sustained booing...Mr. Von Essen's unpopularity was a problem of
his own creation, the stubborn residue of five years in which he has butted
heads with many firefighters, officers, emergency medical technicians and
the unions that represent them. "The E.M.S. people have been unhappy with
Von Essen for years," said Robert Ungar, a spokesman for the emergency
medical technicians' union. "This crisis wasn't going to change
that."...Similarly, Capt. Peter Gorman, the president of the Uniformed Fire
Officers Association and one of Mr. Von Essen's harshest critics, also
declined to speak of their relationship or the conduct of firefighters at
the Garden. "I have and continue to have serious labor-management issues,
but we have agreed to put them on the back burner," he said...Others
complained that Mr. Von Essen has been on television too much, appearing
with David Letterman, standing alongside Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani at news
conferences and being honored by the British government instead of being
with them at ground zero.

Newsday 10/25/2001
Questions About Safety of Workers
Hundreds of injuries to workers combing through the rubble at the World
Trade Center might have been prevented had the city been faster to require
proper training and equipment at what is still an "extremely hazardous" work
site, according to a sharply worded federal report. "There is no excuse for
what I saw," John Moran, an engineer and industrial hygienist, said
yesterday. Moran investigated working conditions at Ground Zero in the weeks
after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as a consultant to the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The report he coauthored was
released this week by the institute, an arm of the federal National
Institutes of Health. "When I was up there, there was no evidence of any
safety or health program or plan. It's the worst site I've ever seen -
extremely hazardous. Very few of the workers were wearing even the most
basic protective equipment," said Moran, who was at Ground Zero from Sept.
22 to 27.

Sep 30, 2001
Chicago Tribune; Chicago, Ill.
by Tom Hundley
Panicked opium traders unload huge stocks
Price plummets as refugees seek cash in Pakistan
To counter the Soviets, the CIA began to recruit, arm and train thousands of
mujahedeen--holy warriors--from throughout the Middle East. From the outset,
the CIA recognized the potential of stimulating drug production to finance
the operation and to spread addiction among the poorly disciplined Soviet
troops. President Jimmy Carter rejected using drugs as a weapon of war, but
when the Reagan administration came to power in 1981, CIA Director William
Casey jumped at it, according to the memoirs of some of the key players in
the operation.

Week of October 24 - 30
Village Voice 2001 Press Clips
by Cynthia Cotts
Tales of the Afghan Drug Trade,
Opium for the Masses
During the last few weeks of anthrax hysteria, a dozen or so U.S. reporters
have pursued a more difficult, taboo story: opium's role as the centerpiece
of Afghanistan's economy. That cursed country was already a place where
children helped to harvest the gum from the poppies, working people kept
opium in their homes rather than money in the bank, and the Taliban raked in
up to $50 million a year in drug taxes...Writing for the Chicago Tribune on
September 30, Islamabad-based Tom Hundley probed a little deeper, noting
that during the 1980s, CIA director William Casey embraced the opium trade
as a means to finance his covert war in Afghanistan. Translation: The Afghan
fundamentalists may be drug lords, but they're our drug lords. They learned
to trade drugs for arms 20 years ago, with the tacit approval of the CIA.

Great resource for info pertaining to the new war Click Here:

Bush and NWO Click Here:
http://www.geocities.com/alanjpakula/triplecrown.html  and Click Here:
Author's Note: Recommending a site or article should not be construed to
mean I necessarily endorse all of the views therein. Regardless of how one
feels about the Bush and Giuliani administrations, for Americans there can
be no desirable outcome to this situation other than America and NYC coming
out on top, our troops coming home safely and all terrorists, including our
own, being brought to justice.

To Directory of Essays by Mr. Robert Lederman:

Robert Lederman is an artist, a regular columnist for the Greenwich Village
Gazette [See: http://www.gvny.com/ for an extensive archive of Lederman
columns] The Shadow, The African Sun Times, The Vigo-Examiner [see:
http://www.vigo-examiner.com/archive.htm] and Street News, and is the author
of hundreds of published essays concerning Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Lederman
has been falsely arrested 41 times to date for his anti-Giuliani activities
and has never been convicted of any of the charges. He is best known for
creating hundreds of paintings of Mayor Giuliani as a Hitler like dictator.
Robert Lederman,
President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics)
(718) 743-3722

Who Attacked the USA?
by David Stern - Intel (Canada)

Stern-Intel (Canada). A US military intelligence source revealed details of
an internal intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence
having links to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The
intelligence source, who requested his name be withheld, confirmed the
internal US intelligence memo circulated four weeks ago described
information that pointed to the threat of a covert Israeli operation on US
soil to turn mass public opinion against Palestinian Arabs via an apparent
terrorist attack on US interests that would give Israel the green light to
implement a large scale
military onslaught against the Palestinian Arab population.

The 11 September attack has been described experts as being too
sophisticated for a lone terrorist group to execute. "This attack required a
high level of military precision and the resources of an advanced
intelligence agency. In addition, the attackers would have needed to be
extremely familiar with both air force one flight operations, civil airline
flight paths and aerial assault tactics on sensitive US cities like
Washington, Stated David Stern an expert on Israeli intelligence operations.
The attacks targeted the Pentagon, World Trade Center towers, with the White
House and Air Force One also being targets according to the FBI.

"The attacks have certainly turned US public opinion firmly back in Israel's
favor after 11 months of Palestinian uprising, heavy criticism of Israel
over war crimes allegations and racism a UN conference in Durban. The
attacks serve no Arab group or nation's interests but their timing came in
the midst of international condemnation of Israel for its policy of death
squad assassination of Palestinian political and police figures", added

If verified, the news of Israel's involvement in the US attack will come as
no surprise to intelligence experts. The state of Israel has a long history
of covert operations against Western targets with attacks on the King David
Hotel, USS Liberty, murder of a Scandinavian UN envoy as well as espionage
against the US during the Jonathan Pollard case.

On Wednesday the US defense department issued a warning to its officials to
halt the leak of information on the investigation which it says is happening
on a daily basis since the attacks occurred.
(end of Lederman's essay)

There are also very simple reasons why bin Ladin knew nothing about the
frame-up crashbombing.

1. Why was there no ultimatum afterwards if the Arabs did it?

2. Why had bin Ladin not slipped out of Afganistan so that his whereabouts
would be totally unknown?  Why was he in the same level of seclusion on
September 11 as he was a year before?  WHy would he knowingly put his hosts
in this very predictable bind they are in now?

3.If anti-Zionists did it, why didn't they target Israel?  If bin Ladin has
tiny Russian nukes, why did he not take out government buildings in Tel
Aviv?  And then deliver his ultimatum about when the second one will be
detonated if there was not immediate cessation of Sharon's aggression,
and treaty violations.

1.  If the great expense of the crashbombing was done to achieve political
ends  -- then WHY WAS THEIR NO ULTIMATUM afterwards?  Would they go to all
of that expense and care to terror bomb New York, and not make their demands
known?  All they would have had to do would be to set off a portable nuclear
device in Nevada or somewhere remote--  then announce their demands saying
that another device is in a large city and shall be set off if we don't get
demands xyz satisfied.  But that did not happen.    On the contrary, the
terror bombing gave the American Establishment and Ariel Sharon everything
they wanted in terms of  carte blanche and public support for aggression
against Moslems and U.S. middle-class populism  -- now both viewed as
legitimate "terrorist" targets.  (Realize that it is men with views like
those of Pat Buchanan that that the Establishment wishes to eliminate.).
How could the mission have been so perfect in execution  -- yet yield NOT
ONE REASONABLE OBJECTIVE  --  WTC gained anti-globalism and anti-Sharonist
Zionism exactly nothing  -- nothing but misery and death for Afgans  and a
big boost
for Ariel Sharon.

2.  The crashbombings caught bin Ladin by surprise  --  his first public
response was a newsconference  -- "I don't know who did it, but good for
them", basically (And predictably if he was innocent.)    Bin Ladin was
obviously taken by surprise -- he did not even anticipate that he would be
the target  --  he, like every reasonable man, assumed that there would be a
cold and intensly rational crime investigation that would yield the real
perpetrator.  So he called a news conference, and gave his view as a leader
of a world-wide  anti-globalism anti-Sharonist movement.

3. How absurd it will be to blame bin Ladin if tomorrow a nuclear bomb goes
off in Orange County, California or Billings Montana or Hillsdale Michigan.
But the logic applies internationally as well.  With the sophistication
shown at WTC the perpetrators could have easily gotten to the real source of
their problems and killed Ariel Sharon --  but they did not.

And here is another good question.  If you thought bin Ladin was the center
of decentralized terror network, why would you want to kill him rather than
capture him to study him.  The kill in a hurry goal  is totally irrational
from the standpoint of innocent American leadership, but makes perfect sense
only from the standpoint of a deviant American leadership seeking to cover
up their own mass-murder frame-up.

"Donald Hogan's"  first letter:

Mr. Eastman,

  First, let me thank you for being present on the web with such bravado.
My name is Donald Hogan , currently located in XXXX, Oregon.  When the
planes struck I was working for XXXX XXXX Reprographics in Ccccccc,
Xxxx.  Since then, I haven't been the same person.  I consider myself to be
quite bright and capable in researching and puzzle-xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx
xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx the honors college of South Florida.
   I e-mailed Michael Rivero at WhatReallyHappened about my findings, mainly
in the oddity of Urban Moving Systems, the company that hired the young men
who were sighted videotaping and cheering the destruction of the towers.
Mr. Rivero seemed to agree that the company may be a front organization.
  The evidence for this was found by a simple visit to www.urbanmoving.com.
None of the toll-free numbers on the site work.  Most of them aren't even
listed in the Yellow Pages.  One of them directs you to a phone sex line.
The map on the site gives me the creeps for reasons that I can elaborate on
if you're game.

   Another question I have is why no one ever mentions the raid on InfoCom,
Inc. the week before the disaster.  Since it's the company that runs
Al-Jareeza's website, it's safe to say that the FBI's interest in the site
is a little more than coincidental.
   I sent Rivero an e-mail and several links to relevant websites.
Hopefully, he still has a copy, since it may be useful to you.  If he
doesn't, I'll be more than happy to fill you in.

-Donald Hogan

Donald Hogan's  second letter:

Mr. Eastman,

Today, Bush addressed the U.N. and our nation.  During his speech, he said
something to the effect that conspiracy theories would not be tolerated.  I
was listening to it on the radio (I don't have a televison, thank God).
I'll try to locate the exact quote.  Funny how George is afraid of the rumor
mill now.  Scared something might turn up.  Meanwhile, the morning talk show
hosts have been playing hosts to the likes of Netanyahu and Uri Geller (who
related that he'd been in Israel's army).

The map I wrote of is available on the urbanmoving website


along with all of the suspect phone numbers.  Consider this, nothing was
said of the tape that must have been recovered from the young men.  If they
had taped both planes crashing, it would explain the whole thing.  Of
course, we'll never hear about that tape.  It was interesting enough for the
FBI to consider them to be suspect and be concerned enough to note to the
press that the roof of the New York location and it's great view of the

On the map, which I encourage you to print out before it disappears, the
other cities the company claims to have outlets in are Miami, Tampa,
Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, and Las Vegas.  Good
luck finding any information to back up their claim.  No other cities have
listings for Urban Movers.  It is possible that they're using other names in
the other cities.  Judging by the 888 and 877 toll free numbers, it is to be
assumed that the other cities would also have numbers that would be
established around the same time... meaning they wouldn't have 800 as the
prefix.  Dallas has Liberty Moving Co.

Actually, Liberty is actually in Richardson, a suburb of Dallas.  What else
is in Richardson?  Well, InfoCom Inc. is located in Dallas.  More on
InfoCom, later.

Liberty's website is http://www.texasmover.com

The are a few similarities between Urban and Liberty (the form they use and
the bad links associated with the sites).  I will say that all this is a
stretch.  But I learned about the U.S.S. Liberty AFTER investigating the
movers in Dallas.  What a sly dig against the U.S. it would be if they named
it after the ship they attacked.

Back to InfoCom, Inc... feel free to visit:


It's a pretty comprehensive story.  If the government didn't suspect
anything, why were they raiding.  Were they setting up a monitoring program
ahead of time?  What were the results?

A 180 day ban on exporting...beginning Sept. 7th! or was it...


It got turned into a longer ban than that 9/6/1 until 3/4/2... still, why is
it such a short ban?  Everyone else on the list have bans that last much
much longer.


On September 26th Infocom was notified that their bank accounts were frozen.
  Funny how this homeland security got started before the terrorist attacks
happened.  Were they just  the first step in making sure that the major
dissenting voice was quelled before the planes struck?  They weren't the
first, just the most recent one.

Steven Emerson made a speech just weeks before the InfoCom raid, suggesting
that the government take just such an action (still trying to find a
transcript).  How much do people know about Steven Emerson?
Does anyone remember what happened to a University of South Florida
Professor in the late '90's?


Emerson has ties to Richard Mellon Scaife (the man who is said to be the
boss of George Bush), Steven Pomerantz and Oliver "Buck" Revell (ex-fed
agents), and Yigal Carmon (Israeli Intelligence).  My favorite quote from
the last link is from Vince Cannistraro (bottom of the page).

  "'Mossad has passed on information about people, sometimes directly to the
FBI, in other cases through the CIA.  I don't know it happened in that
case.'  But, refferring to specific sources cited by Emerson and the Trib,
Cannistraro adds, "I do know they're Israeli-funded.  How do I know that?
Because they tried to recruit me."

The author of the article, John Sugg, went through hell dealing with
Emerson.  So did a lot of other people, from what I've gathered.  NPR has
banned him, even after the attacks.

I have more on Emerson, as I'm sure Sugg has also (he's working for Creative
Loafing in Altanta, home of the only vocally dissenting Senator, Cynthia

Interesting, though... Emerson wrote an expose' about Reagan-era covert-ops
in 1988...


Did the U.S. bring him into the fold to shut him up and turn him into a
propaganda machine?

I haven't read the book, so I can't add anything to that theory.

Another key site:


It's pretty scary stuff.  The analysis is produced by a Washington-based
think tank that is super-secretive about it's clients but for some reason
felt it necessary to place this document in the public view.  There are
quite a few flaws, aside from it's immediate assumption that Al-Qaida is
behind the attacks.  Point four, under the heading "What is Al-Qaida" is a
metaphorical stretch of the imagination.  It states:
   "Individual Moslems and Islamic Nation-States that are 'corrupted' will
have departed the faith into apostasy, and are thus in Dar al-Harb."
Well, the drunks who visited the strip club obviously abandoned the faith,
if they had them.  Dar al-Harb, indeed.

More Later... Thanks for giving me your ear.
Donald Hogan


Mr. Eastman

The DSSI-produced 'Al-Qaida's Endgame" has a timeline which includes the
Cole attack (page 3).

Please point those not in the know to:
It proposes that our warming relations with Yemen worried Israel and points
out that the D-4 explosives
used in the attack were only available to Israel and the U.S.

If, for some reason, you choose to quote me on anything, I'd like to be
referred to as Donald Hogan.
Donald Hogan is a character in Stand on Zanzibar, a Hugo Award winning novel
that parallels our current situation quite well.

More to come...

Mr. Eastman,

Found a working link for the full Ha'aretz article on Urban Moving Systems.
Ha'aretz charges money for access to their archives, so a direct link to
them is nearly worthless.
This confirms that the suspects were illegal Israelis and are, possibly,
still in captivity.  Why would the FBI torture and interrogate Israelis?
Did they think they were Arabs?
Other Urban Moving links
http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/4112.htm    Brief New York Post
The most recent article... names of some of the suspects released

the posting below includes a possibly inflammatory remark about Moishe's
Moving and is essentially a copy of an american free press article

This one includes a quote from a non-Israeli employee and the name of the
company's owner.
This is also the article that states that the roof of the building has a
great view of where WTC used to be.


Topping the list is
Terrific site.  Points out that Israel was getting bad press for murduring a
boy on national television shortly before the attack on the Cole.  Also
named are Lt. Col. Jeremiah Mattysse, Martin Indyk, and Jonathan Pollard.
Filled with plenty of quotes from articles.  The only odd info is the BBC
News Online quote
"Samples of explosives taken from the destroyer had been identified by US
investigators as a type
available only in Israel, the USA, and two Arab countries."
So, maybe two Arab countries had D-4.  Then why would US investigators stop
short of naming the duo.  Perhaps they had no evidence and, by not naming
them specifically, they would have no need to present proof.


Dear Dick,

Is there a way to find out from any of the German officials that have
several suspects linked to 9/11 in custody but won't release their
identity - CNN stated that they stated it was too "sensitive" & too "hot".

And whatever came of the imprisoned man in Germany who called U.S. law
enforcement officials stating there was going to be a terror attack 9/11 and
specifically stated the WTC.  This was reported for several days after 9/11
on the major cable news network - but I haven't heard anything else since

"My friends, do you expect to find those who are now loudest in the clamor
for war foremost in the ranks of battle?  Or, is the honor of this nation
indissolubly connected with the political reputation of a few individuals,
who tell you they have gone too far to recede, and that you must pay, with
your ruin, the price of their consistency?"

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.

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