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Col. L. Fletcher Prouty on "Money"

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 16:54:13 -0800



Subject: Undermining U.S. currency by the High Cabal; the

final "Front of the Cold War"

From: (Gregory Burnham)

Hello Colonel Prouty,

Approximately 20 years ago, while still in my twenties, I was

dismissed rather aloofly as being "out of my depth" regarding what I

saw as dangerous developments with regard to the history of currency,

and ultimately the future of currency if the pattern continued. It

has continued.

Would you care to comment on my scenario? Albeit rudimentary, perhaps

it has some merit.

The founder of Sony Corporation, Akio Morita, a man I highly respect,

commented that following the defeat of Japan he made severaltrips to

America. He was apparently in awe that the U.S., a country less than

200 years old, should be capable of the kind of production (rooted

in the military/industrial and oil complex) that defeated his country

and was the driving force behind the defeat of Germany, as well. He

noticed upon his arrival, and much to his dismay, that nearly

everything that was chintzy, cheap, tinny, and easily broken, seemed

to be labeled: "Made in Japan" in retail outlets across America. He

went home determined to change that image. Hence, the Sony

Corporation, which has since evolved from its humble beginnings as a

manufacturer of stereo and T.V. products, to a recognized leader in

that industry, and has successfully purchased C.B.S. Recording

Company, among other highly significant ventures, was born.

Like Japan, the countries directly aided by our entering the war and

those directly or indirectly defeated by our entering the war, have

many things in common. These countries were committed, their people

patriotic, their military personnel dedicated professionals, and

their resolve was firm, by our standards as well as their own. Their

culture was time tested, their warring methods were analytical, well

planned and well implemented, but ultimately, both our allies and our

enemies were failing prior to our entry into the war.

Although most Americans did not see Germany or Japan as a threat to

our form of government, the casual isolationist certainly would have

recognized the threat that the aggressors posed to a nice European

vacation, if nothing else. It was important to the average American

to be victorious in that war. So, we were definitely at the fulcrum

of the affair and at the epi-center of the victory. In order to

complete our victory, however, the U.S. had to effectively achieve a

feat that the world could barely comprehend at the time. So we set

out, armed only with pen in hand (backed by nuclear ink), to

overthrow the Gold Standard.

"Wait, hold on a minute! Wasn't that already done when FDR

bailed/hocked us out of the depression," you say?

The answer is both yes and no. The "New Deal" was the "First

Mortgage" on a loan never intended to be repaid by the borrowers. A

Silver Certificate is an I.O.U., as legal tender it can be "cashed

in" (no pun intended) for silver. A Federal Reserve Note, on the

other hand, is also legal tender. It too is an I.O.U. However, this

I..O.U. can only be "cashed in" (pun intended) for another I.O.U. -

and you and you and you and you, and your Big Brother, ad naseum. And

so, the age of: "A nation, economically standing on its own two

stilts, was born."

The collateral securing the deal was the promise that there would in

fact, be a future. Uncle Sam would see to that through the blood,

sweat and tears of a generation of baby-boomers who did not yet

exist! When this generation of Americans came of age, they would

represent the largest "working force" group of citizens in our

history. In the mean time, while we waited for this generation to

grow up we needed something to keep us going. The powers that be were

unable to motivate average Americans by offering positive hope, since

that ideal was splattered across Dealey Plaza, crushed in Memphis,

Tennessee, and finally pre-empted at the Ambassador Hotel. Nor could

they motivate citizens through creating a credible negative threat

behind which to rally the American people. Even before Vietnam and

Watergate were being exposed, or the "Iran may take hostages, but

they can't nuke us" mentality set in, we were subjected to cleverly

disguised propaganda campaigns like the cartoon show, "Rocky &

Bullwinkle" with Boris and Natasha, or the satirical "Get Smart"

portraying the CIA and KGB as U.S. Control versus Soviet Chaos.

Ultimately, the only war, vague enough to bear scrutiny, cryptic

enough to be arbitrarily defined, and non-threatening (cold) enough

to prevent panic, was escalated. Indeed, the ability to wage war

defines a government's authority over its people. The scope of that

authority is not measured by the actual "tempeature" of the war zone.

Instead, the perceived potential of mere tensions developing into a

state where intentions are high enough to unleash a nation's war

powers in earnest are created and promoted by the political "climate"

of the day.

Cold wars are only cold in the middle. Through numerous pseudo wars

America was kept mobilized without having to contend with the fear of

total annhilation. The cold war was a war of economic attrition. Some

would say therefore, "We've won it." My question in response is, "Who

are we?"

The value of foreign currency, the Yen, the Deutchmark, the Pound,

the Frank, is no longer relative to a STANDARD - its value is

measured in relation to the U.S. Dollar. Not only has America been

off the gold standard and on the Dollar standard, but so has the rest

of the free world. After the end of WWII it was advantageous to us

for our currency to be so strong - it represented the economic

strength of the PEOPLE of the U.S. We were the largest creditor

nation. We all know that has changed. Yet I didn't have concern

that "The Japanese are buying up America," in the past panicked

decade or two. I mean it's not like they can take California to Osaka

when they go to visit the family. And referring to any nationality of

people as "they" is offensive. The fact that we owe more than we are

owed, in one school of thought, is a much better position to be in...

especially if you don't plan on paying it back. Which brings me back

to my original question: Is it just me or does it seem likely that

there is a major push to undermine the confidence Americans have in

currency? I feel like I need a co-signer when paying cash! I some

times am penalized for paying with cash because it is not

the "preferred method" of paying. When the stock market goes on the

incredible ride we saw earlier this year and is not followed by a

severe economic back lash, especially whithout any change in monetary

policy by the FED, I see that as an Economic Coup' where the losses

are spread far and wide, but generally not deep, and the Cabalists

rake in currency the next day.

Do you think that we will have any paper currency by 2000a.d. - or

are we being conditioned to lose confidence in it on the one hand and

also conditioned by reward and lack of penalty to gain comfort in

using "credits" on the other? If so, is it related to tracking,

control, direct marketing, demographics, invasion of privacy - and

last but not least - NSAM 11110?


Gregory Burnham



TO: Len Osanic FROM: Fletch Prouty

SUBJECT: Web Site Responses

I) Gregory Burnham Dec 1, l997 Dec 3, 1997

Few subjects over tine get as much attention as the definition

of "Money" and your approach to it is interesting. Actually there are

about as many attempts at the obfuscation of what money really is, as

there are for the variety of uses which it can be put to.

I recall that during my WW II flying days, when we used to fly from

Africa to Asia, we went by way of the southern coast of Arabia. About

half way across there is a small, and interestingly developed

sheikdom called Salala. The British had obtained the rights to build

a runway there as a refueling point and safety landing ground.

For this "right" they agreed to pay the Sheik in "Money" which in

that remote area consisted only of copies of an Eighteenth Century

coin... the "Maria Theresa" silver dollar. All were dated 1780 and

were the size and shape of all other silver-dollars by weight (same

as in USA); but what was their value... especially out there on the

barren shores of Arabia?

I obtained several of them for swapping an Arab a new pair of canvas

work gloves (value unknown). A modest exchange to say the least. It

was then that I learned that, when the British had produced enough of

these coins, originally, to satisfy the Sheik's "rental" demand, the

Sheik would not accept them.

The problem turned out to be that when he had obtained "His"

originals with their lath century date, he believed them to be the

only "Legal" coins and would not accept others with other dates in

their place. It happens that mine are dated 1780, also, and that

the "counterfeit" ones the British had made for the Sheik with other

dates had to be recast, because they were l93O's and 1940's.

My coins are 1780. The "legal tender" coins in Salala were 1780, and

the British had to continue to produce these otherwise normal silver

dollars with this only lawful date as validation. To you and me they

were perfectly produced "Silver Dollars", and with some frequency I

used to find others in circulation in other countries throughout

wartime Arabia, Africa and Asia... all dated 1780.

Think that over. Is that what creates the value of MONEY...a small

chunk of silver with a fixed date?

b) During the Nineteen-sixties, I was the Manager of the ordinary

commercial Branch Bank in the Pentagon. As a function of my transfer

from a military career to a banker's role, I was sent to the American

Bankers Association1 Graduate School of Banking at the University of

Wisconsin. The end of my schooling there coincided with the emergence

of the new "Currency"....the Credit card. (Arthur Burns, then head of

the Federal Reserve did much lecturing there for us.)

As is supported by a photo on my CD-ROM, I was one of 15 bankers who,

as a member of the Automation Planning and Technology Committee of

the American Bankers Assn, traveled the country supporting

conventions on the subject of the Credit Card (not yet in circulation

then) and what computers would do for money and banking.

The theme was, that the Computer would permit the bank to give better

service for its customers. In the process, the American Bankers Assn.

ordained the Credit Card and new Money... whatever that was going to


c) There is no end to this subject; yet it remains one of the most

interesting and misunderstood factors of human economic existence. I

would like to recommend a few volumes that I believe provide an

important base to the subject: a few of which may be considered to be


1) "The New Paigrave: MONEY" First American

Edition, 1989 by W.W.Norton & Co (Classic)

2) "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by my old friend, Eustace

Mullins, Bankers Research Inst. P.O. Box 1105, Staunton, VA 24401.

(Valuable research)

3) "Stored Labor: A New Theory of Money" by

Hugh A. Thomas. (No address) Superb!

Thomas, "There is but one hope for freedom. That hope lies with the

possibility that some day people will learn the true meaning of

money, that money is their lifeline to an existence above that of an

animal, that money offers them the ability to deal with others

through the medium of agreement rather than the medium of force and,

that money is an extension of their lives, that they own their labor:

MONEY. When these things are known by enough people they will cut off

the hands of the state and reclaim their lives."

d) BURNHAM has introduced another interesting

subject with his statement:

"The founder of SONY Corporation, Akio Morita, a man I highly

respect, commented that following the defeat of Japan he made several

trips to America...

Upon return home he noted that "Cheap" things were labeled "Made in

Japan" in stores in America.

"He went home determined to change that image. Hence, the SONY Corp,

which has since evolved from its humble beginnings as a manufacturer

of stereos and T.V. to be recognized a leader in that industry."

(That's not quite an accurate copy of Burnham's words; but I'll stop

here for another purpose.)

It just happens that I was ordered to Tokyo during the early days of

the Korean War period, and was assigned the job of "Military Manager

of Tokyo International Airport" during the period of the U.S.

military occupation of Japan. At that time it was the third busiest

airport in the world, not only because of the Korean War activity;

but because of just such business activity as Burnham describes on

the part of Mr. Morita. Many other Japanese entrepreneurs were doing

their best to revive from the losses and damage of WWII; but even

more important was an another enormous business phenomenon.

I began to notice that day after day the few Japanese transport

aircraft available, and countless large commercial aircraft from USA

Charter Companies began to jam the parking ramp on Tokyo Airport.

They were loaded with items from the States.

US money and manufactured material was flooding the place. Have you

ever really thought why Mr. Morita, a fine Japanese businessman,

would name his company SONY? That is not a Japanese word, nor is it a

Japanese acronym.

The name SONY began to appear at the airport after the flood of post-

war recovery money, and one of the meanings of those four letters

is "STANDARD OIL OF NEW YORK". That has always been SONY or SOCONY.

(The Standard Oil Company of New York)

THE ROCKEFELLERS had arrived to re-finance Japan.

What this meant was that during those "MacArthur" days Rockefeller

money was flooding Japan; and money such as that (Yes, I'm using the

term MONEY) kind of "money" began the amazing job of rebuilding Japan.

We should all note that these phenomena took place in what we called

the Korean War and the Vietnam War eras. These conflicts carefully

orchestrated and planned during the Cairo and Teheran Conference days

in Nov/Dec 1944 had been ably designed to pour hundreds of billions

of dollars/money into those activities. The Vietnam cost ran well

over $500 billion... and this was not Maria Theresa "Dollars".

e) Your good letter has caused me to go back through some of my dog-

earred records to rediscover and to confirm much of what you have

written. It is my belief today that this High cabal is going to

increase around the world rather than to have itself modified.

Thank you for your good letter,

L. Fletcher Prouty




http://egroups.com/group/jpchance - Jon Chance * US Congress.

"Either you're going to go along with your mind and the truth, or you're

going to yield to fear and custom and conditioned reflexes. With our minds

alone we can discover those principles we need to employ to convert all

humanity to success in a new, harmonious relationship with the universe. We

have the option to make it."

R. Buckminster Fuller, 1895-1983

http://egroups.com/group/cea-usa - Citizens Administration.

http://antiwar.com - Like World Wars? Fight 'Em Yourself.

http://astridmm.com/prouty - Inside Covert Operations.

http://barefootsworld.net - Educate Yo'Self!

http://bfi.org - An Option For Success.

http://copvcia.com - Officer Ruppert vs The CIA.

http://futurenet.org - Yes! Positive Futures Network.

http://henrygeorge.org - Understanding Economics.

http://homepower.com - Home-Made Power.

http://members.shaw.ca/revelation18 - Counter-Propaganda.

http://opensecrets.org - Who's Bribing Who?

http://secession.net - Individual & Community Liberty.

http://skolnicksreport.com - Citizens Intelligence Agency.

http://tenc.net - The Emperor's New Clothes.

http://tompaine.com - Common Sense.

http://transaction.net - Money: Where's It Come From?

http://www.admin.ch - Confederation Works Best.

http://www.awea.org - Prosperity Without Pollution.

http://www.bis.org - Need Money? Negotiate With These Guys.

http://www.cia.gov - Criminal Ignorance Agency.

http://www.constitution.org - Legitimate Government.

http://www.dia.mil - Defense Intelligence Agency.

http://www.interpol.int - Confused But Useful.

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Thank you,

Jon Chance

72 Peterborough Street

Boston MA 02215 USA



Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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