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[Emperor's Clothes]
Who We Are
The Editorial Board of Emperor's Clothes
Christopher Black, Editor
Richard Hugus, Editor
Rick Rozoff, Editor
Nico Varkevisser, Editor
Jared Israel, Editor-in-Chief

Christopher Black
Chris Black is a political lawyer.He defends those who have been unjustly
attacked as part of the geopolitical machinations of Great Powers. Chris
lives in Toronto, Canada, but he spends much of his time away from home. He
was part of the group of lawyers who, in the fall of 1999, brought War Crimes
charges against leaders of the NATO countries for the murderous terror
bombing of Yugoslavia, from the end of March until June, 1999. These charges
were brought before the ICTY - the 'The Hague Tribunal' - which demonstrated
its servile relationship to NATO by refusing to hold a trial.
Chris is the Chairman of the Legal Committee of the International Committee
to Defend Slobodan Milosevic. He has done much work since President Milosevic
was kidnapped and taken to The Hague, meeting with Milosevic and his support
committee. the ICDSM, and speaking to the press. (Video of one of Chris
Black's press conferences can be seen at http://www.icdsm.org/videos/black.ram
 You will need RealPlayer8 )
At the same time, Chris Black is the lawyer for General Augustin
Ndindiliyimana, head of the Police under the former government of Rwanda,
which was overthrown by the U.S./Belgium-backed Rwanda Patriotic Front.
General Ndindiliyimana is being held by the ICTR - the 'Rwanda Tribunal' -
which like the 'Hague Tribunal' is an instrument for punishing those whose
crimes was to resist Great Power expansion, in this instance into Rwanda. We
will have more details soon for Chris Black's biography. Chris writes about
The Hague and the Rwanda 'Tribunals', among other issues.
*** back to the top
Richard Hugus
Richard Hugus was born in San Francisco in 1951 and grew up in St., Paul,
Minnesota. He has lived on Cape Cod, Massachusetts for the past 17 years. He
moved to Cape Cod to be a boat builder, which he was for five years; now he
works as a house carpenter. He holds an M.A. in English from the University
of Minnesota, where he taught writing. He is active in the Cape Cod Coalition
against Iraq Sanctions and the Boston Committee for Peace and Human Rights.
He became politically active in the '60's opposing the U.S. war against
Vietnam. He has spent the last ten years exposing the environmental damage
the U.S. military has caused by dumping solvents and fuels at the
Massachusetts Military Reservation on Cape Cod.
Richard Hugus edits articles for style and clarity and writes on various
subjects for Emperor's Clothes.
*** back to the top
Rick Rozoff
I was born in Youngstown, Ohio on November 4, 1952. Attended an anti-war
demonstration for the first time in 1969, against Vietnam War. Graduated from
Northeastern Illinois University with a Masters in Literature. Spent over
twenty years studying literature, especially French and Russian. Taught
English at two universities in Chicago. Worked in electoral politics from
1976 to 1987, and again in 2000. Managed two state representative and one
city council campaigns, both independent and in party primaries.
Was a staff member for the Harold Washington mayoral re-election campaign in
Was active in the anti-apartheid and Central American solidarity movements in
the 1970s and 1980s.
Was active in union work, both organizing and rank and file, from 1976 to
Managed a bookstore for two years.
Have dedicated the past two and a half years of my life to defending
Yugoslavia (and ultimately the world) from NATO.
C'est moi. C'est tout.
[Rick Rozoff does much of the research for emperor's Clothes and writes on
many subjects.)
*** back to the top
Nico Varkevisser
Nico Varkevisser began his political activity in the 1960s in The Netherlands
in the movement against the war in Vietnam. He was active in the student
movement during the 1970s. During the 1980s he was heavily involved in the
Cuba solidarity movement, in building support for the English coal miners,
and in organizing against the use of terror, including state terror, in
international affairs. This led directly to his activity against NATO's role
in Yugoslavia.
Nico Varkevisser has helped to build a center for solidarity with Yugoslavia
in Amsterdam. This includes the monthly newspaper, 'Targets,' which treats
international affairs in general and the Balkans in particular. 'Targets' has
its own Website, at www.targets.org
Nico Varkevisser is a Vice-Chairman of the International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) in charge of media relations. As such he has
organized the Amsterdam press conferences during which Mr. Milosevic's
lawyers have spoken to the international media.
NicoVarkevisser's specialty is analysis of international affairs.
*** back to the top
Jared Israel
I started the Emperor's Clothes Website to reach the people with accurate
information about Yugoslavia. Since then it has dealt with many issues, but
the main focus is analyzing media coverage of Yugoslavia and the Balkans.
I was born in Brooklyn, a borough of New York City, in 1944. I grew up in the
West Bronx (another borough) and in Manhattan. I went to the High School of
Music and Art in Manhattan. I attended college at Harvard and Columbia
Universities. I am writing these biographical notes one week after the
murderous events in New York. The area that was trashed with who-knows-what
pollutants is my old stomping ground. I've gotten some emails recently
asking, "Don't you care about what was done?" The answer is, I care, I care
very much, about the American people and about New York. The thing is, when
something you care about is attacked, you want to know Who is Guilty? And I
don't believe the official story. But let me get back to how come I started
this Website.
I was always opposed to injustice. My parents said they raised me wrong.
I was politically conventional until after High School. What started me
thinking was Martin Luther King, the Civil Rights movement and especially the
Freedom Rides. That struggle hit me like a bolt from the blue. Until the
Civil Rights movement I had no clue about Black people. But there is nothing
like watching people fight for Justice to give you a sense of their humanity.
I took a two-year leave from college in 1962 and got involved with the Civil
Rights movement. (I even went on a Freedom Ride, though 'only' to integrate a
lunch counter in a rural town in Maryland, not to the deep South, such as
Mississippi or Alabama.)
At the same time I worked for a peace publication called 'Minority of One.'
It exposed lies about foreign policy put forward both by American leaders and
the mass media. The editor, the brilliant Monacheem S. Arnoni, taught me to
think critically. His magazine is the model for Emperor's Clothes.
Starting in the mid-1960s I was active in the anti-war movement, organizing
on campus. I became a national leader of SDS (Students for a Democratic
Society). SDS was deeply divided and indeed it split into two separate
organizations in 1969. The part I helped lead had a 'class' (rather than a
life-style-oriented) perspective and held firmly to the notion that ordinary
people in the U.S. are not the cause of the U.S. government's wrong foreign
policies; rather, ordinary people, including white working people, are among
the victims.
I saw millions of Americans change their minds. That includes both working
people and students in Cambridge, Mass., where I was directly active, and
also what I heard about from all around the U.S. I saw guys join the army to
fight the 'evil reds' - and then come to see it was Washington that was using
terror on a massive scale - carpet bombings, assassinations of tens of
thousands in Operation Phoenix, burning and destruction of villages ('destroy
the village to save it') - and all intended to force the Vietnamese people to
alter their political views. The only movie that really talks about this is
'Born on the Fourth of July,' in my opinion the best thing Oliver Stone has
done and maybe the best movie to see if you want to understand the 1960s.
In high school, I had been like the hero of that movie - uncritically
pro-government. My girlfriend helped organize a protest against H-bomb
testing. I thought she was a terrible subversive. So I've changed my views;
now I understand patriotism differently. Patriotism means you care enough
about your country to fight for justice.
I remember once, it must have been 1967, a group of us were handing out
anti-war leaflets to meat packing plant workers in Boston. The leaflet said
meat workers should oppose the war because it was bad for them economically.
I opposed that line of argument; I saw it as an attempt to manipulate. We
(who were handing out the leaflet) didn't oppose the war out of economic
reasons. We opposed it because we thought it was wrong. So that leaflet
insulted these guys' intelligence and integrity. And the workers were indeed
insulted. They said, "What do you take us for? If the government is right,
what do we care if it costs us money?"
The point is, if you want to build a movement to change unjust policies you
have to respect other people's ability to think and their capacity for moral
courage. And you have to expose lies and hypocrisy in high places.
Like many people, I was discouraged by the way the movement developed in the
U.S. during the 1970s, becoming obsessed with life-style politics. I dropped
out of political activity until the late 1990s.
What shook me up was Yugoslavia.
I always knew about the Serbs. When I was little, maybe five, my father gave
me these old-fashioned-type shoes that sort of rolled up in the front. He
said they were Serbian shoes. I used to wear them with my Robin Hood hat plus
I had a magic wand. My father asked what I was doing and I said magic to help
people and my father said, "Maybe you're right. Those are the shoes of the
people who stopped Hitler."
During the early 1990s the newspapers started reporting the breakup of
Yugoslavia. The official line was the Serbs were the new Fascists. I thought,
"Hold on just a minute." How did the people who stopped Hitler become Hitler?
Seemed like an awfully big transformation. So I started reading carefully.
The 'N. Y. Times' is the best, because it has the most information. The trick
is to read articles critically, look for reporting that contradicts the
official government line, and always read the last half of the article. The
first part of a foreign policy article is usually full of lies but many times
they tell the truth at the end, contradicting the earlier sections and even
the headline.
I started saving copies of the 'N. Y' Times' with the intention of writing a
book criticizing newspaper coverage of what was going on in Bosnia.
A good friend encouraged me to start writing, get my thoughts to other
people, but I hesitated to get involved again. Once burned, twice shy. Then
in August, 1998, the U.S. bombed the pharmaceutical plant in Sudan. The
newspaper reports were dishonest and callous. Not one questioned the official
story. The newspapers were full of talk about retaliation against terrorists
- but nobody made the obvious point that bombing this factory was itself a
gruesome act of terror. There was virtually no coverage of the injuries to
the workers, though it is clear that many were badly burned in this attack.
They were non-people. Clinton made one speech where he expressed concern, but
what he said and the way he said it made clear he was just acting.
It was as if the U.S. missiles had destroyed an empty building rather than a
functioning medical factory. So I wrote an article about it and tried to get
it out on the Internet. The article is posted now on Emperor's Clothes: "
Credible Deception."
I decided to start a newsletter with the second issue focused on Yugoslavia.
That was in October, 1998. The U.S. was threatening to bomb Yugoslavia, which
had committed the unpardonable sin of defending itself against a U.S.-backed
terrorist group called the Kosovo Liberation Army. I started checking out a
Yugoslav government website every day, making sure they hadn't been bombed.
I was very much impressed with Slobodan Milosevic. Here was this President of
a small country, standing up to U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke and his huge
NATO forces. Every day Holbrooke publicly threatened to bomb Yugoslavia -
which of course was by definition terrorism - and Milosevic handled it
brilliantly. He would start to give in, then hold firm, then retreat, then
advance. It was like watching David stand up to Goliath. And then it dawned
on me: he was buying time, using every chance to get his message out to wake
up the world.
I started looking around the Internet, trying to find people who cared about
this. I contacted an acquaintance who leads an old, well-established Peace
group, but when I mentioned I wanted to do something about the U.S.
threatening to bomb Yugoslavia he was cold as ice. For some reason, the Peace
movement didn't want to touch the Serbs with a ten-foot pole. I told him what
I'd figured out from reading, that the newspapers were putting out all sorts
of lies about the Serbs, but he was totally uninterested in listening. I
thought, "My God, I've gone to sleep and woken up in a whole new world. The
government has taken over the Left."
As I hunted around the Internet, trying to find people who cared what was
being done to Serbia, to Yugoslavia, I came upon a book by Ruth Mitchell. Ms.
Mitchell was the sister of General Billy Mitchell, founder of the U.S. Air
Force. She had been in Yugoslavia during World War Two and in her book, "The
Serbs Chose War," she describes how the Serbs stood up to Hitler.
One chapter had an immense effect on me. It was a letter from a Jewish
I am a third generation American of Polish and Lithuanian Jewish ancestry. My
relatives on my mother's side lived in in Vilnius, Lithuania. They were all
killed by the World War II Nazis, that is, the German Nazis and the local
variety. (These mass murderers have, by the way, been officially
rehabilitated by the new government in Lithuania. They now hold Nazi reunions
and march around singing Nazi songs. Real nice. Brave New World.)
Anyway, before I read the letter from the Jewish physician, I knew the
Serbian people had been the greatest resistance fighters against the Nazis.
But it hadn't come home to me, what they had done for the Jews. Here's the
letter. It starts with a one-paragraph note from Ruth Mitchell:

"Source: Letter written by a Jewish physician, a professor in the Department
of Medicine in the University of Belgrade, to a friend in London on his
escape from Yugoslavia in 1942. As the writer is a Jew, for the sake of
relatives who remain in Yugoslavia hi s name cannot be used.
'"In Yugoslavia there were 85,000 Jews, including Jewish émigrés from
Germany, Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Thanks to the Serbs, the
Yugoslav Jews had succeeded in saving and rescuing many of their compatriots
from Germany and German-occupied countries. Service rendered and assistance
given to Jews by Yugoslav consular officials in Austria and Czechoslovakia
has specially to be recognized. Of the total number of Jews in Yugoslavia
about 7,500 were refugees.
"'After the [Nazi invasion in 1941]...the Jews came under the rule of various
regimes, including Pavelich's 'Independent Croatian State'.
"'The 'solution' of the Jewish question in the Independent Croatia devolved
upon the Croatian Ustashis. [This was the clerical-fascist regime set up in
Croatia with Nazis approval.] In Serbia, however, the Jewish problem was not
dealt with by the Serbs themselves. This the Germans reserved for themselves.
There are special reasons for this. When they occupied Serbia, the Germans
did not find any anti-Semitic feeling in the country. They could not persuade
either the local population or the local authorities to take any anti-Semitic
"'The fact that Nedich [the Serbian quisling government, installed after the
Nazi invasion] twice demanded from the German commanding officer in Serbia
and the Banat that he and his government should be given the right to settle
the Jewish problem, against whom no drastic measures should and could be
taken in Serbia, shows the feeling of the Serbian people toward the Jews. The
following reasons were given by Nedich to the Germans for this demand. If the
Germans wanted the Serbs to calm down, it would be of first importance to
stop the terrible persecution of the Serbian Jews. The Serbian people could
not and would not accept such treatment 'of their compatriots of the Jewish
religion.' The Serbs consider Jews as their brothers, only of a different
religion. The answer which Nedich received from the Germans regarding this
demand was 'that the Serbs have not attained a culture to the degree
necessary to enable them to deal with the Jews. We ourselves shall settle the
Jewish question in Serbia.'
"'With regard to anti-Semitism, Yugoslavia can be divided into two parts,
i.e., districts where this feeling was latent, and Serbia, where, it can be
said without any exaggeration, anti-Semitic feeling has never had any root.
"'During Yugoslavia's twenty-three years of existence, Serbia has always
professed the free democratic tradition existing in the former Kingdom of
Serbia. There in the nineteenth century, and later in the twentieth, the Jews
always had full civic rights and complete equality with their Serbian
compatriots. This equality was not only granted in various constitutions of
the Kingdom of Serbia and later of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, but it was also
a true expression of the relationship between the Orthodox Serbs and the Jews
in their everyday contact. This friendly and amicable relationship also
existed in the economic, financial, and political life in Serbia. The small
group of Jews living in Serbia gave their contribution towards the cultural
and political life in Serbia's struggle for the formation of a state of South
Slavs. The Jews had in Serbia members of Parliament. In Serbia's struggle for
liberation, the Jews gave their contribution. Several were awarded the
Karadgeorge Star for bravery in the battlefield - equivalent to the British
"'About a year before Yugoslavia was attacked by Germany, by pressure from
the Reich and in their attempt to suit their policy to the dictators, the
Tsvetkovich-Machek Government passed the first anti-Semitic measure in
Yugoslavia. The Government was not unanimous on this point. Dr. Koroshets,
leader of the Slovenes, upheld the measure as Minister of Education. Serbian
cabinet ministers, however, including the Minister of War, refused to apply
the act. The application of it was confined to the Ministry of Education,
under the Slovene, Dr. Koroshets, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry,
under the Croat[ian], Dr. Andres.
"'In all the schools and universities, numerous restrictions were applied by
circular, but in Serbia, Serb teachers and professors succeeded in avoiding
or sabotaging the regulations.
"'In this regard Serbia completely differed from Croatia under Dr. Machek and
the district governor or Ban, Shubashich. In Croatia anti-Semitism was
inherited from Austria-Hungary. Anti-Semitic centers had always existed. Dr.
Shubashitch's Croatia had even prepared elaborate laws and regulations just
before the war broke out in Yugoslavia in 1941. A large part of the
industries in Jewish hands in Croatia was to be confiscated and nationalized.
Anti-Semitism was particularly stressed in Croatia by the right wing of Dr.
Machek's Croatian Peasant Party.
"'This report could be divided into two parts - the first beginning with the
entry of German troops into Belgrade in April 1941 to the beginning of August
1941; the second from the middle of August 1941 until the closing down of the
office of the 'Jewish section' late in 1942. The section was closed because
there were no longer any Jews in occupied Serbia. During the first stage the
Jews were tortured, persecuted, maltreated, taken for forced labor.
Well-known Jews and Serbs were taken to German concentration camps. Women of
the intelligentsia class were forced to clean latrines in the German
barracks, to clean floors and sweep streets under the supervision of the S.S.
troops. They were made to clean the windows of high houses from the outside,
and several of them lost their lives through falling down. Jewish girls were
violated and taken to 'Militar-Medi'. Already during the first stage the Jews
were deprived of all their property and most of them were evicted from their
"'In the second period male Jews were sent to concentration camps. But quite
a number of men and young Jews succeeded in escaping to the villages, where
they lived with Serbian peasant families. A number later joined the
guerrillas. A considerable number of youths from the Jewish Zionist
organization, which co-operated with the Serbian organizations for the
preparation of resistance, actively helped the guerrilla fighters. Many
collected hospital material for the guerrillas or posted anti-German posters
in Belgrade streets. The name of Almozmo, a schoolboy of ten, the son of a
well-known Belgrade dispensing chemist in ing. Peter Street, should be
mentioned. He threw bombs at two armored German cars and a tank in
Grobljanska Street in Belgrade and blew them up. His elder brother, a medical
student, is still fighting in Bosnia, in spite of the order that the mayor
and members of the rural councils would be shot if such cases were discovered
in their villages.
"'Some forty of my relatives were shot in Belgrade by the Germans. I am,
however, very proud to say that today two small relatives of mine, one of
five and one of seven years of age, whose parents were shot by the Gestapo,
are being hidden by two Serbian mothers.
"'No German measures in Belgrade were able to upset the friendly relations
between the Serbs and Jews. During the forced-labor period Serbs talked to
their Jewish friends in the streets even in front of the German soldiers and
police. During the period well over 300,000 Serbs were massacred by the Croat
Ustashi in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Lika and some 60,000 shot by the Germans
in Serbia, during the period when Serbian students and peasants were hung in
the main square in Belgrade, the Serbs of the capital had sufficient courage
to protest publicly their indignation at the treatment of the Jews.
"'When Jewish women were transported in lorries to the concentration camps,
Serb shopkeepers in the streets through which these processions passed closed
their shops and their houses, thus expressing not only their protest, but
also emphasizing the fact that the entire population of Serbia, yesterday and
today, does not and cannot participate in the extermination of their Jewish
"'The example of the Serbian people with regard to the Jews is unique in
Europe, particularly in the southern part of the continent. In spite of
intensive German propaganda in writing and through the wireless, the Serbs
remained unaffected. When we consider what happened to the Jews in
neighboring countries, in the "Independent State of Croatia," Hungary,
Rumania, and Bulgaria, the Serbian example shines out.
"'Today there are no more Jews left in Serbia, except some children hidden by
the Serbs and those fighting along with the Serbs in the forests. I saved my
own life thanks to my Serbian friends. I was saved from certain death.
Serbian peasants and my other friends also saved from death my only son, who
was on several occasions sought by the Gestapo in Belgrade.
"'It is my desire as a Jew and as a Serb that in free democratic countries
where Jews are still enjoying full freedom and equality they should show
gratitude to the Serbian people, pointing out their noble acts, their humane
feelings, and their high civic consciousness and culture....
"'I cannot conclude this report without mentioning how the Serbian Orthodox
Church, the Patriarch Gavrilo, and his clergy tried to save Serbian Jews and
Gypsies. Up to the present day the Germans have massacred I70,000 Gypsies,
men, women, and children, in Serbia and the Banat. Serbian Orthodox priests
and the Serbian peasantry risked their lives not only to save ordinary Jews
and their children but also to save those Gypsies and their children. Today
the chief rabbi of Yugoslav Jews lives in America. He was saved from the
Gestapo, being smuggled out from Serbia from monastery to monastery by the
Serbian clergy. He was handed over by one Serbian church to another, by one
Serbian priest to another until he was passed on to Bulgarian territory.
There, with the assistance of the Orthodox Bulgarian clergy, some of whom
were his personal friends, he arrived at the Turkish frontier." ('The Serbs
Chose War,' by Ruth Mitchell, Garden City Publishers, New York, 1943, pp.
This letter hit me like a thunderbolt. You see, early in the breakup of
Yugoslavia, which overwhelming evidence proves was instigated by Washington
and Berlin, leaders of powerful American Jewish organizations took out a
full-page advertisement in the 'N.Y. Times.' Citing false information, they
condemned the Serbs out of hand, calling them fascists.
It is impossible to overstate the harm this did to the Serbian people. The
Serbs were being attacked by neo-fascists in Croatia and Islamist terrorists
in Bosnia. These Islamist terrorists ran the so-called Bosnian government.
Our media rather incredibly described the Islamist government as broad-minded
and democratic.
And now the leaders of the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish
Committee and the American Jewish Congress publicly attacked the Serbs as
fascists. Imagine how the Serbs felt, unjustly demonized in the Western media
and now attacked by supposed leaders of the people they had died to protect.
And because everyone knows Jewish people suffered terribly at the hands of
the Nazis, when Jewish leaders called Serbs "the new Nazis" and called
President Milosevic "the new Hitler," these lying accusations carried weight.
I knew this before I read Ruth Mitchell's book, but after reading the
Doctor's letter and especially when I came to the part where he wrote:

"It is my desire as a Jew and as a Serb that in free democratic countries
where Jews are still enjoying full freedom and equality they should show
gratitude to the Serbian people, pointing out their noble acts, their humane
feelings, and their high civic consciousness and culture.... "
The sheer monstrousness of the injustice hit me. How could these leaders,
speaking in the name of me and other American Jews, publish lies about these
people? What did they do it for? To curry favor with leaders in Washington?
The more I thought about it the more I felt that I had to do something to try
to set the record straight. That is why, in the fall of 1998, I started to
read everything I could find about Yugoslavia, both books and media reports
so that I could get the truth out using the Internet. That effort is the
origin of the Website, Emperor's Clothes, www.tenc.net .
I've written a lot here about my motivation because this is the Internet and
one never knows for sure with whom one is dealing. At least you should know
this: Emperor's Clothes is a labor of passion for the truth.
Whether effective or not is not for me to say.
*** back to the top
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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