Novus Ordo Seclorum

(Conspiracy Nation, 11/25/01) -- George Washington envisioned a wooded area alongside the Potomac River as the new federal city. The highest hill in the area, Jenkins Heights, was then owned by Daniel Carroll. In 1663, the owner of this land had been Francis Pope. Pope's name for the high hill was Rome, and he called the nearby waterway the Tiber. [1]

Ancient Rome was a mere city which conquered the world. Although it apparently declined and fell, some say it did not fall but changed its form into the Roman Catholic Church and still dominates the world. Echoing this idea, science fiction writer Philip K. Dick theorized an enormous false memory imposed on all humanity in which the last 2000 years of "history" never happened. According to Dick, author of The VALIS Trilogy, we have been brainwashed by the Roman Empire to think we are living in what is really a totally false world. [2]

Washington's new Rome was surveyed, planned, designed and built largely by members of the secret society of Freemasons. On October 13, 1792 the cornerstone was laid for the President's House (now known as the White House). This cornerstone ceremony was performed by "the Free Masons of George-town and its vicinity," Georgetown Lodge No. 9 of Maryland. A year later, in September of 1793, freemason George Washington and Georgetown Lodge No. 9 performed another cornerstone ceremony, this time for the future Capitol Building. [1]

The name "Capitol" relates to the Latin *Capitolium*, a temple of Jupiter at Rome on the Capitoline hill. [3]

George Washington was initiated into Freemasonry on November 4, 1752. He was the first Master of the Alexandria Lodge No. 22 between April 1788 and December 1789; he was therefore a Master Mason upon his uncontested inauguration as first U.S. president on April 30, 1789. A lambskin apron with Masonic symbols, given to him by the French general Lafayette, was worn by Washington during the Capitol cornerstone ceremony. When he died, Washington was buried with Masonic honors; all except one of his pallbearers were members of Alexandria Lodge No. 22. [1]

The obelisk inspired Washington Monument was originally planned as a tomb for the deceased Master Mason Washington. But when Washington's wife Martha died, it became impossible to legally exhume the remains of the first president and rebury them in the Capitoline City.

The original conception for the design of the Washington Monument was a pyramid, 100 feet square at the base. The project was delayed. In 1833, the Washington National Monument Society's first design for the memorial was a truncated pyramid, with interior light coming from an apex "oculus" (eye). [1] This design mirrors the Illuminati symbol of pyramid with all-seeing eye at the apex. The finally realized Washington Monument, dedicated on February 21, 1885, combines the Egyptian themes of obelisk and pyramid, with the pyramid being at the top.

Both sides of the Great Seal of the United States appear on the back of the one-dollar Federal Reserve note. The front of the Seal has an eagle clutching arrows and an olive branch. The reverse side of the Seal, showing a truncated pyramid with all-seeing eye at the top, was originally not well known. The front of the Seal was cut in brass as a die in 1780 and was immediately used to authenticate official documents. But the reverse side, despite Congressional order to cut it as a die, was not implemented. Over 100 years after 1780, the reverse had still not been engraved. [1]

At the bottom of the pyramid, the Seal bears the motto "Novus Ordo Seclorum." This motto is adapted from a line in the Roman poet Virgil's "Bucolics": "...magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo" (the great series of ages begins anew). [1] Virgil's line, in turn, was inspired by the secret Sibyline books, said to contain details of the destiny of the Roman empire. [4]

The Roman legions marched behind the imperial eagle. The U.S. legions march behind the eagle of empire. In at least one sense Philip K. Dick was correct when he wrote, "the Empire never ended.

[1] Ovason, David. *The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital*. ISBN: 0-06-019537-1
[2] Dick, Philip K. Summarized in Wilson, Robert Anton. *Everything Is Under Control*. ISBN: 0-06-273417-2
[3] Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary
[4] Howard, Michael. *The Occult Conspiracy*. ISBN: 1-56731-255-X.

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