-Caveat Lector-


FBI Bomb School, and Other Atrocities
by Judi Bari
October 19, 1994

For the past ten months, I've been spending a lot of
time down in the city sitting across the table from
Oakland cops and FBI agents, questioning them under
oath in depositions to gather testimony for our false
arrest lawsuit against them. This has been, to say the
least, an interesting experience. These guys are
professional liars, who have raised selective memory
loss to an art form. There is also a draconian set of
rules about what we're allowed to ask and how we're
allowed to ask it. Nonetheless, between the police
photos and written reports, the FBI files, and the
sworn testimony of these cops and FBI agents, we have
managed to gather quite a bit of information to begin
to piece together what really happened when I was
bombed on May 24, 1990.

Of course the most dramatic of the information we have
uncovered, and the one that has caused so much stir in
the pages of the Anderson Valley Advertiser, is the
FBI Bomb School. Four weeks before I was car-bombed,
according to both the testimony and the written files,
the FBI sponsored a Bomb Investigators' training
course at the College of the Redwoods in Eureka, in
the heart of the redwood region, on the eve of Redwood
Summer. During this week-long course, which was open
to law enforcement only, the FBI actually blew up cars
with pipe bombs to practice responding. The place
where they blew up these cars was (where else?) at a
Louisiana- Pacific logging site north of Eureka

The teacher at Bomb School was Special Agent Frank
Doyle, the FBI Terrorist Squad bomb expert who showed
up at the scene when I was bombed in Oakland, and
directed the collection of evidence. It was Frank
Doyle who concocted the lie that the bomb was on the
back seat floorboard, where we would have seen it.
Among the students at Bomb School were several of the
responding Oakland Police officers and FBI agents who
collected the evidence under Frank Doyle's supervision
at the Oakland bomb scene. The FBI claims that they
have lost the roster of students in the class, even
though the FBI Bomb School memo that we received from
them refers to this roster and says it is attached.

But even without this roster, from the documents that
we have, I have been able to place at least four 1990
Bomb School participants as being among the first
responding to the Oakland bombing. They are, Special
Agent (SA) Frank Doyle, Supervisory Special Agent
(SSA) Patrick Webb, SA John F. Holford, and Oakland
Police Sgt. Myron Hanson. In addition, SA Stockton
Buck, who played a key role at the Oakland bombing
scene, has testified that he attended Bomb School in
Eureka, where they blew up cars with Frank Doyle, but
he doesn't recall if it was 1990 or one of the years
before. Stockton Buck also testified that he found the
assignment of collecting evidence at the Oakland bomb
scene pleasant, because it was a nice day and they had
pavement under their feet. Which makes me think he may
have been contrasting it to the dust and mud of the
L-P clearcut where they had blown up the cars in Bomb

Of course the FBI claims that Bomb School is merely
routine police training, and this is all just a
bizarre coincidence. But the more we have learned
about Bomb School, the more bizarre the coincidence
has become. Oakland Police Sgt. Hanson has testified
that they were told at Bomb School that it is unusual
for a car-bomber to place the bomb inside the
passenger compartment of his victim's car, because of
the supposed difficulty of breaking into a locked car.
Instead, he said, they were told that bombers normally
place their bombs under the car frame or in the engine
compartment. However, Hanson also testified that
"several" of the cars that were blown up in Bomb
School (and, according to the FBI memo, there were
only three cars in all) did indeed have the bomb
placed in the passenger compartment. In other words,
at the 1990 Bomb School, they created virtually the
same crime scene that was about to happen in Oakland,
and practiced responding to it. Further, they were
told that this scenario was unlikely to represent a
case where the person in the car was the target of the
bombing. In fact, Sgt. Hanson testified that one of
the reasons he says he believed the bomb in my car
belonged to me was that it was in the passenger

So even if you can swallow that this was all
coincidental, it definitely had the effect of
prejudicing the respondents to the Oakland bombing.
When we asked Sgt. Hanson how he could have thought
the bomb in my car was in the back seat, considering
that the hole was blown in the front seat, Hanson
replied that he deferred to Frank Doyle because Doyle
was his instructor in Bomb School. "If he was my
instructor," said Sgt. Hanson, "I don't think I'd sit
there and tell him that much."

According to Frank Doyle's testimony, Bomb School was
held once a year in Eureka for nine or ten years, then
canceled a year or two after 1990, when the funding
was cut. It is not clear, however, whether the field
day, where the cars were actually blown up, was
included in the course each year.

So make what you will out of Bomb School. I'm drawing
no conclusions at this point. But Bomb School is
certainly not all we have gotten out of the
depositions. And, although the other information may
be less dramatic, it may also be more helpful in
proving our point in our false arrest lawsuit.

Our lawsuit charges that the police and FBI knew from
the outset that Darryl and I were innocent, and that
we were in fact victims of a brutal assassination
attempt. Yet they arrested us for the bombing, and
conducted their slanderous campaign against us in the
press, as part of a plan to discredit Earth First! and
disrupt Redwood Summer. The courts have ruled in our
favor three times now on these issues. They have
upheld our right to make all these charges, including
the one about the underlying motive to discredit Earth
First! due to the strength of the evidence we have
uncovered so far.

Normally, a car-bombing in Oakland would fall under
the jurisdiction of the ATF, not the FBI. So it was
uncanny how fast the FBI arrived on the scene when the
bomb went off in my car. The bomb exploded at 1155 am.
According to his written log, Oakland Police Sgt.
Sitterud, one of the first responding officers, got
there at 1220. Sitterud has testified that, by the
time he got there, some FBI agents were already on the
scene and more were arriving, until soon there were 12
to 15 FBI agents there. In addition, Oakland Police
Sgt. Paniagua, who was assigned to the hospital where
Darryl and I were taken, stated that there were 4 or 5
FBI agents there as well.

At the scene, a discussion was held between the
Oakland Police, the FBI, and the lone ATF agent who
had shown up, to decide who would take the case. The
discussion, according to Oakland Lt. Sims, was over
whether Earth First! was listed on the FBI's official
list of domestic terrorist groups. If EF! was not a
terrorist group, or if Darryl and I were not the
bombers, the case should have gone to ATF. These days,
the FBI claims that they did not and do not consider
EF! a terrorist group, and that they had never even
heard of Darryl and me before the bombing. Yet the
Oakland Police have testified that the FBI briefed
them on me, Darryl, and EF! as soon as they arrived on
the scene, before they even looked at the car. "They
said that these were the type of individuals who would
be involved in transporting explosives," testified
Sgt. Sitterud. "They said that these people, in fact,
qualified as terrorists." Ten minutes after he arrived
on the scene, based on the information he got from the
FBI, Sgt. Sitterud made an entry in his police log
describing Darryl and me as "apparent radical
activists with recent arrest for illegal demonstration
on Golden Gate Bridge," and as "Earth First leaders
suspected of Santa Cruz power pole sabotage, linked
with federal case of attempted destruction of nuclear
power plant lines in Arizona."

Meanwhile, SA Frank Doyle, 20-year veteran bomb expert
with the (aptly named) FBI Terrorist Squad, had taken
over examining my car and directing the collection of
evidence. The damage was obvious. A hole was blown in
the driver's seat Oakland Police Lt. Sims testified
that he could see right through it to the street below
and the car frame was buckled directly under it. The
back seat, in contrast, was virtually unscathed. When
they unbolted the front seat and removed it from the
car, there was a 2'x4' blast hole in the floor, with
the metal curled back from an obvious epicenter under
the driver's seat (see police photos). Any honest
observer would have concluded that the bomb had been
hidden under my seat and this was a case of attempted

But Special Agent Doyle had other ideas. In defiance
of all the evidence, he claimed that the bomb was
located in clear view on the back seat floorboard. He
also speculated that I had loaded my guitar directly
on top of the bomb, further proving that I must have
known the bomb was there. The fact that the guitar
case, although damaged, had survived essentially
intact and had no blast residue on it or bomb parts
embedded in it did not seem to detract from Doyle's

Much to do was also made of the statements Darryl and
I made immediately after the blast. I told the
paramedics that a bomb had exploded inside the car,
and Darryl allegedly said that someone had thrown a
bomb at us. Lt. Sims testified that this implied
guilty knowledge, since I was critically injured but
still knew it was a bomb, as opposed to a traffic
accident. Of course, every other witness also knew it
was a bomb, and I had felt it rip through my body. But
I was considered guilty because I was right about it
being a bomb. Darryl, on the other hand, was
considered guilty because he was wrong about the bomb
being thrown. When we pointed out the inconsistency of
this to Sims, he disagreed. I was guilty because I
knew it was a bomb, he said, and Darryl was guilty
because he "lied about the bomb being thrown."

In addition to the cops and agents at the scene, we
have also deposed SSA David R. Williams, the FBI bomb
expert who analyzed the bomb at the lab in Washington
DC. David R. Williams is one of the FBI's six top bomb
experts in the country, and was the bomb expert whose
testimony convicted the World Trade Center bombers.
His testimony in our case confirms what we thought
about the bomb scene, that there was nothing tricky or
ambiguous about it. The bomb was located exactly where
it looked like it was, hidden under the car seat, and
meant to kill.

SSA Williams was impressed that I had survived the
bomb, which he described as "an inferno mixture." But
he would have been equally impressed if I had made it.
Williams considered the bomb complex, but
well-designed and assembled with good craftsmanship.
The bomb itself was an 11"x 2" pipe wrapped with
finishing nails for shrapnel effect. The triggering
device consisted of a wind-up pocket watch with the
minute-hand broken off, with a screw drilled into the
clock face connected to a wire, so that when the hour
hand moved around and made contact with the screw it
would complete a circuit. But the clock itself did not
trigger the bomb. It was merely a delay mechanism to
allow the bomber to safely get out of the way. The
real trigger was a motion device, consisting of a
half-inch diameter ball bearing, which had to roll to
connect two looped wires and complete a circuit. In
other words, the bomb was triggered by the motion of
my car.

The presence of the ball bearing, according to
Williams, meant that the bomb was a booby trap device.
SA Frank Doyle and the other bomb technicians at the
scene certainly knew this, because they found the ball
bearing and one of the looped wires among the bomb
debris. But you sure never heard anything about the
motion device in any of the press accounts that were
leaked out by police sources back then. It is also
interesting to note that, on my original arrest
warrant, I was first charged with violating code
section 12355(b), which is possession of a booby trap
device. This was crossed out, and in its place is
written code 123032, possession of an explosive
device. The Oakland Police have testified that this
was a clerical error.

Besides the clock and motion device, the bomb also
contained a light switch as an overall safety
mechanism. So in order for the bomb to explode. the
light switch had to be turned to ON, the clock had to
be wound and tick down until it made contact with the
screw, and the ball bearing had to roll and connect
the wires. The assumption behind the arrest of Darryl
and me is that we were knowingly transporting this
bomb when it accidentally exploded. But SSA Williams
disagrees. "I believe that it functioned as designed,"
he told us. "I believe the ball bearing made the
circuitry complete."

SSA Williams was eventually brought out to Oakland to
look at the car and determine the placement of the
bomb inside it, to see if it was visible on the back
seat floorboard as Frank Doyle said it was, or whether
the bomb was hidden under my seat. Williams testified
that this was easy to do, because the impact points
were clearly visible where the end caps had blown off
the pipe and hit the car frame. That was all he needed
to see, Williams said. "That told me exactly where the
bomb was." After deposing Williams, we went and looked
at the actual car, and sure enough, he was right. The
end cap impact points were indeed clearly visible,
especially in the driver's door. There was a round
impression in the metal, and the door was pushed
outwards and buckled around it, essentially punching a
hole in the door frame. The back seat area, however,
contained no such impact points, and the back door was
hardly even damaged by the bomb. We wondered why SA
Frank Doyle, who is also a bomb expert, didn't notice
this. But Doyle replied, "I really don't see what the
significance of flying end caps is."

However, based on the end cap impact points, SSA
Williams determined that the bomb was indeed
completely hidden under my car seat, and placed
directly over the epicenter of the hole in the floor.
He also noted, by making a mock-up of the bomb and
placing it in an intact same-model Subaru, that the
bomb fit snugly in the space under the seat, as if it
had been custom made, and did not slide around. He
also noted that the bomb had been further hidden by
being covered with a blue towel. He said they found
pieces of burned towel covered with the bomb debris
embedded in the car seat, and embedded in my jeans.

Of course, these were pretty crucial findings, since
Darryl and I were still being accused of knowingly
transporting the bomb. But SSA Williams who had come
all the way out to Oakland from Washington DC to make
these comparisons, wrote no reports of their
exonerating results. When we asked him why, he
replied, "It wasn't important to document that."

Still, the evidence of a hidden booby trap bomb was
pretty overwhelming, even at the scene. Yet every
witness we have interviewed so far has said that Frank
Doyle told them the bomb was on the back seat
floorboard. And everyone of them, having also been
told that we were terrorists, ignored the evidence
right in front of them and went along with Doyle's
lie. It was almost as if they suffered from mass
hypnosis. Because each witness that we interview says
they remember a relatively small hole in the back seat
floorboard. And when we show them the photos of the
large hole under the driver's seat, they say they
don't remember it looking like that, and the hole must
have been made by the jaws of life, or it must have
grown while the car was being towed. If it's not mass
hypnosis, there's only one other explanation. And that
is that, to this day, the police and FBI are still
conspiring in a lie.

It took four or five hours for the FBI and police to
finish picking up and bagging all the bomb pieces and
other evidence at the scene. But I was placed under
arrest while still in surgery at the hospital, only
three hours after the bomb went off.

Later on that evening, the FBI held a briefing meeting
for the Oakland Police. There were 20 to 30 people
there, about half from the FBI and half OPD, many of
whom had been at the crime scene that afternoon. SSA
John Reikes, supervisor of the FBI Terrorist Squad,
addressed the meeting. According to the Oakland cops
we deposed, Reikes told the meeting that Earth First!
was, in fact, a terrorist group, and that we were
under investigation by the Terrorist Squad. He
mentioned tree spiking, Arizona power lines, and
threats to nuclear power plants. He also said that
Darryl and I in particular were suspects in the Santa
Cruz power line downing that had happened four weeks
earlier. And, he said, just two weeks ago, a pipe bomb
had detonated at the Cloverdale, L-P mill where, as
Lt. Sims put it, "Ms. Bari had been involved in some
labor movement."

Of course, Darryl and I are not really linked to any
of these incidents, and EF! is not a terrorist group,
We were on a concert tour to promote Redwood Summer, a
nonviolent protest movement that managed to stay
nonviolent even in the face of this level of state
terrorism. But the FBI was on a roll, and if anybody
had any doubts that we were the bombers, they kept it
to themselves.

SA Frank Doyle also addressed the briefing meeting and
described, in Sgt. Sitterud's words, "the known
components of the bomb, including the fact that the
bomb had been on the floor behind the driver's seat."
And, towards the end of the meeting, SA Sena, also of
the FBI Terrorist Squad, delivered the coup de grace.
He claimed he had a secret informant, who was a woman
close to the leadership of Earth First! And, he
claimed, this informant had recently told him that
"the heavies from up north" were coming to Santa Cruz
for some kind of "action." The world "action" was not
defined, but the Oakland Police have testified that
they presumed it was something illegal because of the
secretive manner in which it was discussed. And of
course, Darryl and I were on our way to Santa Cruz for
an action. But the action was a concert, not a

In the moments after the bomb went off, Darryl and I
had both told the cops at the scene about the death
threats we had been receiving. And, although copies of
these death threats were among the papers the FBI and
Oakland Police confiscated from my car, the death
threats were not discussed at the briefing meeting.
Lt. Sims told us the papers seized form my car were
just viewed as "a group of papers," and were not read
individually. He also said the death threats were not
relevant because they didn't mention bombs, and
because we offered "no specifics about who made them."
Sgt. Sitterud went even further. He said he thought
the death threats were all phony, "just a seeming
publicity ploy, insincerely made."

By the end of the briefing meeting, there was no
question that we would be charged with transporting
the bomb. Soon Darryl was placed under arrest as well
as me, and representatives of the District Attorney's
office were called in to help the Oakland Police write
the affidavit for a search warrant. Oakland Sgt.
Chenault, who signed the affidavit, has testified that
he sat at the computer and typed while SA Frank Doyle
stood there and dictated to him what to say. "Your
affiant viewed the white Subaru along with agents from
the FBI," wrote Chenault and Doyle, using a masterful
grammatical construction that gave both of them
deniability. "Your affiant was advised by these FBI
Agents that the bomb was on the floor board behind the
driver's seat when it detonated."

The search warrant also quotes SA Frank Doyle as
saying that "a separate bag of nails was discovered in
the vehicle that are identical to the nails taped to
the explosive device." This turned out to be another
blatant tie.

When we questioned Doyle about it, he did not remember
seeing a bag of nails at the scene. The only bag of
nails listed in the evidence seized at the scene was a
bag of roofing nails, which were certainly not
identical to the finishing nails used in the bomb.
These roofing nails are also listed in the FBI lab
report documenting the evidence turned over to them in
Washington DC. But a phantom bag of assorted nails
also seems to briefly appear in the evidence listings,
raising even more questions about the FBI's behavior.
Evidence Box 3, as signed for by Oakland evidence
technician Gribi, is listed as containing clothing and
personal items seized from my car. But after it is
turned over to the San Francisco FBI office and
"secured," Box 3 is re-listed as clothing and personal
items and "A Yeager and Kirk Hardware bag containing
an assortment of nails." Yet, when it is again turned
over to the FBI lab in Washington DC, this bag of
nails disappears again, and is not listed on the lab's
inventory. And SSA Williams, who received the evidence
from the San Francisco office at the Washington DC
lab, has testified that no bag of assorted nails was
turned in.

Sgt. Chenault also wrote in the search warrant
affidavit, based on what he was told by Terrorist
Squad Supervisor SSA Reikes, SA Sena, and SA Doyle,
that "Affiant believes that Bari and Cherney are
members of a violent terrorist group involved in the
manufacture and placing of explosive devices. Affiant
also believes that Bari and Cherney were transporting
an explosive device in their vehicle when the device

In making the decision to arrest Darryl and me for the
bombing, we have charged in our lawsuit that the FBI
and Oakland Police ignored the physical evidence and
relied on their (false) assessment of us as
terrorists. Sgt. Sitterud has testified that he came
to the conclusion that we were terrorists during the
briefing meeting, "as more and more information came
up." This information meant to him "that it looked
likely that they were transporting the bomb. That it
was their bomb that blew up." And, when we asked Lt.
Sims if the background information from the briefing
meeting influenced his decision to arrest Darryl and
me, he replied, "Well, this wasn't a carload of nuns
that were carrying the bomb."

So all in all, this case is shaping up, and it looks
like it will be pretty interesting if it ever gets to
trial. We're not even finished with the depositions
though, and the next court hearing isn't scheduled
until March 1995. And even then, we must still go
through more preliminary motions before we get to the
real hearing. Furthermore, no matter how right we are,
this case can still be thrown out of court if we can't
meet all their ridiculous rules and standards. The
Black Panthers, who certainly had plenty of evidence,
filed a civil suit against the FBI for COINTELPRO in
the 1970s, and it was thrown out of court after 13
years. So for all you detractors out there who say I'm
doing this for the money, think again. I have no
expectations of justice from the same government that
arrested me for the bombing. I'd be satisfied with a
little truth.


This article appeared on the front page of  the
October 19, 1994 edition of the Anderson Valley
Advertiser, a Mendocino County weekly newspaper. Note
that errors in transcribing this article were found
and corrected on June 22, 2001.


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