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>From Rayelan: 

In case you didn't know it, there is a new virus going around that will send email 
from your computer to all your friends. If you have received an email from me, I am 
sorry, but there was really NOTHING I could have done about it! I use NORTON aka 
Symantec as my virus detector. I received the virus yesterday morning. I did not know 
I had received a virus because my virus detector didn't go off! Why not,  because 
Norton had not yet issued the virus update that counteracted this one!

By the time I realized that  I was infected, my computer had sent emails to many 
people who had sent me emails!

Here is a link to the write-up about the virus if you need to discover how to get rid 
of it!


For the next few days, if you can, check your emails on the web before you download 
them into your computer. I am doing this, and I have discovered many viruses being 
sent to my by my friends and family!!


A collection of thoughts and articles about the War in Afghanistan, the recession, the 
WTC, Faction One and Two and lots of other interesting things!

November 26, 2001 


Remember all those years when everything was "for the Children?" Well, what about the 
children who died in the WTC?

The last few months have been some of the most difficult and traumatic in the history 
of our country. 

On September 11th our country was attacked. If we can believe the figures that the 
government has released regarding the number of people killed on 9-11, this day saw 
more death on American soil than any tragedy since September 17, 1862, when 23,000 
Americans were killed in Antietam, Maryland. D-Day saw the deaths of 6,603 and the 
Galveston Hurricane, on Sept. 8, 1900 claimed 6,000 lives. The death toll at Pearl 
Harbor was only 2,403. 

For more figures you can pull up this page: 


The 9-11 attack was different from the other massive-loss-of-life events. The people 
who were killed were NOT soldiers or sailors, and we weren't at war or in the middle 
of a natural disaster. The people killed on 9-11 were ordinary men, women and 
children. They were innocent civilians who were the TARGET of the attack. Their deaths 
were NOT accidental, their deaths were the intended result!

In the last month, the mass media has spent hours telling and televising stories of 
innocent Afghan children who were killed by our bombs. I wonder why these same 
American media organizations have refused to tell the American people about the 
innocent American children who were killed on 9-11? Why has no media outlet mentioned 
the daycare center that was in the World Trade Center? Why has no media done follow up 
interviews with the thousands of people who sustained massive injuries and burns? It 
appears as if Americans aren't as important as Afghans, at least not to the American 


Just yesterday, the American media finally admitted what Rumor Mill News readers have 
known for over a year... that we are in a recession. 


"It's almost official: the economy is in recession, ending the longest uninterrupted 
expansion in American history. 

The official dating of the recession, the 10th since World War II, is expected to come 
as early as Monday from the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Mass., 
long considered the arbiter of economic contractions and expansions."

In an article called, "SATURATION MEANS WAR!" I predicted that "Saturated Markets Mean 
World Wide Depression or... WAR!!" 


Here is an excerpt from that article which was published during the time that 
attention was being focused on Bill Clinton over the Marc Rich pardon -

"the attention that is being focused on Bill Clinton is meant to rivet your attention 
elsewhere while the Bush Administration gears up for war." 

Remember -- ALL of this was written LONG before anyone could possibly have imagined 
the horror of 9-11 or the War in Afghanistan. Since I was right in predicting WAR -- 
will I be right regarding the length of the war -- 2-3 years? 

>From "Saturation Means War" Part One: 

The Masters who control our destiny have known for years that the good financial times 
would not last. Clinton did not want to be blamed for a depression that could reduce 
the world to the dark ages, so he and Alan Greenspan manipulated the markets to make 
sure that the depression would not arrive until he was out of office. Other nations 
did not trust Clinton to be President during a war that could turn into a World Wide 
War. So, behind the scenes negotiations have been going on in the Middle East, Korea, 
China and Colombia, to make sure a real war did not erupt until Clinton was out of 
office. Rumor Mill News has been pointing out for about a year, that the Liberal 
governments of England, the United States, Germany, France, Italy and other countries 
are being replaced by conservative governments. The Clinton Progressives (this is code 
for Marxists), have given way to the Bush "Compassionate Corporate Cabal" (this is 
code for Feudal/Fascism). Barak has been replaced by Sharon. France and Italy are fed 
up with the Liberal New World Order crowd and will soon be rid of them. The same can 
be said for England and Germany. The moment the New World Order Progressives are gone, 
then it will be safe to go to war! In the past, when the possibility of world wide 
destruction and the end of humanity were NOT a problem, anyone could start a war. But 
now, the Masters of our Destiny need to make sure that "mad men" never come to power 
in all countries at one time. If this happened, they know it could end the human race. 
As soon as they have enough of their people (read this "sane" puppets) in place, then 
-- LET THE WAR BEGIN! From Saturation Mean War, Part Two: (Also written during the 
Marc Rich days!)

Greenspan Says "Downside Risks Predominate" 
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said Tuesday the U.S. economy faces a sharp 
slowdown in the coming year as businesses work off unsold inventories and consumers 
appear less confident about the future
This means consumers don't NEED anything! They have already bought everything they 
want or need! Now they are saving or paying off credit cards! When this happens, the 
economy goes south! 
The following is "Greenspeak" for a "saturated economy": "...the U.S. economy faces a 
sharp slowdown in the coming year as businesses work off unsold inventories..." As the 
economy chugs to a stall due to a "saturated consumer", the United States government 
is going to have to find a way to dispose of the goods they manufacture. The best way 
to dispose of goods is to have a war and destroy everything so it can be rebuilt.... 
this means weapons as well as countries. Europe is soon going to have an economic 
heyday as they all fall over themselves rebuilding Yugoslavia. The United States needs 
to gear up for war, then go out and destroy some country, so our companies can go in 
and rebuild it!"

The above was written by me at the first of the year. The operative who gave me the 
information I based the article on, gave it to me in 1996! In other words, this 
"little" war that is going on in Afghanistan has been on the books of the "global 
controllers" for six years that I know of, maybe longer! In other words, the "global 
controllers" have known that the "Clinton Economy" was a sham. 

The dot.com boom was a myth created by Buzzy Krongard, a high rolling banker who has 
been working for the CIA for years... covertly of course! However, because he was so 
successful in transferring wealth, via the dot.com companies, from Ma and Pa America 
to the CIA and his super rich patrons, he has been rewarded with the number 3 position 
in the CIA!

GEE!! Isn't that interesting!! My ex-husband, Gunther told me HE was the #3 man in the 
CIA. His friends and associates told me he was the CIA banker! Has anyone seen a 
picture of Buzzy Krongard? Is he tall, thin and bald? Maybe THAT'S where Gunther 
disappeared to!

CIA's assistance to startups lauded by venture capitalists 


Krongard, referring to the CIA's predessor, "the whole OSS was really nothing but Wall 
Street bankers and lawyers." 


Without Buzzy Krongard, Clinton's "smoke and mirrors" fabulous economy would NOT have 
existed! It would have collapsed into a black hole of economic stagnation back in the 
mid 90s!

The following is from a recent post by Bob Chapman, from THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER 
24, November, 2001 (#4). It was published at Le Metropole Cafe. 

(Le Metropole Café is a subscription webpage, but you can go in, on a one time basis, 
and read their information!)

"Consumer debt rages on. As a percentage of disposable income it is 21%. Someone has 
to convince us as to how any kind of a recovery can get underway with this debt 
overhang. All four recent prior recessions were only hobbled with ratios below 17%, 
which means this current recession is a humdinger and will end up being somewhere in 
the vicinity of 1932." 

And so, we come to the hub of the problem... CONSUMER DEBT! 

During the Clinton years we were buoyed up with daily hype from Wall Street and the 
dot.coms. Everyone was driving a brand new SUV that used a ton of gas each year. 
Everyone was buying anything and everything they desired! The television announcers 
told us that life was rosy and no one ever had to worry... "don't worry, be happy!" 
Buy, Buy, Buy!! The good times will last forever!! People believed it and followed 
their leaders to the mall! 

Now that the economy has taken a nose dive and people are worried about keeping their 
jobs, they are no longer buying frivolous things. Instead of upgrading from the year 
old computer to the next "top of the line" model, people are deciding to hang on to 
what they have! Instead of buying a new car, people are keeping the one they have. 
Instead of giving in to Jr.'s whining demands for new and better video games, people 
are going to ask themselves what comes first... food on the table, a roof over their 
head, or a new video game!

Many manufacturers have enough computers warehoused to give every Afghani man, woman 
and child a new computer for Christmas. They might as well give them to the Red Cross 
and let the Red Cross send them to Afghanistan. By the time they take the needed 
markdown to get the things sold here in the United States, they would be better off 
donating them and taking a tax write off!

This is called SATURATION!

During the good times people bought everything they ever wanted or needed... usually 
in triplicate! Some of the manufacturers failed to remember that the "good times" 
should have been called "the phoney good times". Back last summer, when they KNEW the 
end was in sight, they should have started reducing their inventories with giant 
"white sales". But instead, they just kept pounding away with the advertizing, trying 
to milk every last dollar from the gullible American consumer!

Aren't you glad you read Rumor Mill News and knew all of this a year ago? I hope that 
you pulled in your spending and started to store your nuts for a long cold winter! 


And so, here we are, right where I predicted we would be almost a year ago! WAR! I 
didn't predict the war would be in Afghanistan, I predicted Colombia. The reason I 
predicted Colombia was because the Maoist guerillas have stolen the drug business from 
the CIA, and knowing how the CIA likes its drugs, I figured a good war would give them 
the excuse they needed to take that drug business away from the dirty commies and make 
the profit for themselves! After all, if making money by selling drugs is good enough 
for the Queen, why shouldn't it be good enough for the CIA! You wouldn't want the 
Queen and her brood hogging ALL the drug biz would you? 

And now we come to Afghanistan. What grows so beautifully in the fields of 
Afghanistan? Poppies, and not the kind you find in Flanders field or the ones that the 
American Legion sells to help you remember all of our military men and women who have 
died in war. No, the poppies that grow in Afghanistan are the poppies that heroin 
comes from. These are the poppies that made the heroin that bought the guns that 
killed the Serbs in Kosovo. The KLA worked with the Taliban and used drug money to 
finance their war of terrorism in Yugoslavia. The Kosovo Liberation Army - remember 
them? The Muslim terrorists that Bill Clinton backed in his dirty little war against 

Now isn't that just a wee bit hard to digest? The Taliban... those are the Muslims we 
are fighting in Afghanistan... you know, the ones that beat women for laughing and 
singing, and stone them to death for appearing in public with an ankle showing! The 
SAME Taliban that we are fighting and DYING to defeat, were the allies of OUR allies 

I wonder if the Taliban were stoning women to death when Hillary Clinton was first 
lady? Please don't miss the sarcasm... The Taliban has been in power in Afghanistan 
But the Taliban, or as it is pronounced in Pakistan... the Tollybons, were Hillary's 
allies. They were Muslim and Hillary has always backed the Muslims... especially 
Communist Muslims like the ones in Kosovo!


The European NATO countries needed a good war to get Milosevich out of power so he 
wouldn't become the Pirate of the soon-to-be European Inland Waterway that flows all 
the way from the Black Sea to the North Sea. Just think how easy it is going to be to 
transport all that oil that will soon be discovered in the former Soviet Union.

>From an article on the Rumor Mill News forum by Phoenix

Fearing energy blackmail by OPEC or new unfriendly cartels, Western nations have 
sought other sources for their petro-dependence. Beneath the Caspian Sea lie oil 
reserves though some say they are overrated. Exxon-Mobil (Esso) is heavily involved 
with the Tengiz oilfield in Kazakhstan. Afghanistan itself is considered by most 
analysts to be the best corridor for oil and gas pipelines such as the proposed Unocal 


Look at a map and then realize that the Kosovo War and the Afghanistan war are all 
part of the grand economic scheme of the controllers! The oil will move by pipeline to 
tankers which will use the Caspian and the Black Sea to transport it to the Danube 
which is being made into an Inland waterway. Why do you think all the bridges in 
Serbia had to be bombed? They were big enough to allow the supertankers to glide under 

>From my vantage point, it appears as if the attack on the WTC is being used as the 
>justification for the war in Afghanistan, which will then expand to other countries, 
>probably the Philippines first, since that is where one of the main Muslim terrorist 
>training camps is based.

But then again... that is the same are where the Germans hid all the Nazi gold and 
then started a phoney communist insurrection to keep people out of the area! Did the 
phoney communist insurrection get taken over by REAL communists who just happen to be 
Muslim religious fanatics? Somehow this picture doesn't quite fit. Communists are 
supposed to be atheists! How can a fundamentalist Muslim be a communist if a communist 
is an atheist? Hmmm! Maybe someone needs to explain that to the Kosovo Liberation Army!

If the Philippine terrorists AREN'T Muslim extremists/communists, then what is going 
on there?

If you have read the articles I wrote on the gold transfer that Gunther and I were 
involved in, you will remember that the gold was hidden in the Philippines, in the 
area were the guerillas are. You will also remember that I was told the gold was going 
to be used to create National Treasury Banks, with gold-backed currency, on a world 
wide basis!

The group that is behind this plan is the group I refer to as Faction Two... the 
opposition to the New World Order! This group has worked for over 100 years to defeat 
the people we now call the new world order! Their plan to defeat the new world order 
was based on bankrupting the Federal Reserve Banking System! Once the Fed was 
bankrupt... which is it right now, the new treasury banks would go on line!

This is the similar to the information that Dove has been releasing. I did not know 
Dove in 1993 when I first learned of this plan! I did not know about nesara.com in 
1993 when Gunther and I and a group of others worked to get the first of the gold 
transfers released and safely in a bank in Germany! But Dove is the only other person 
who has been telling the story in the same way it was told to me!

The gold entered Germany in December of 1995. Anyone who has been following the gold 
market since that time should have noticed some strange spikes starting around that 
time! The gold was put into various banks and lines of credit and liens were taken 
out. The money was then invested in dot.coms. For almost four years Faction Two made 
ten times the money on their investments than they could have made any other way! Then 
they started pulling it out. As they pulled it out and paid off the lines of credit 
and liens, so the gold could be freed up for sale or tranfer, the dot.com business 
started to go bust! 

Gee, all this time I thought Buzzy Krongard was the BAD guy! Now it looks like he is 
part of Faction Two! And is one of the GOOD guys! Why can't they just wear white hats 
and black hats so I can tell them apart!!"

Wouldn't it be nice if it was that simple! 

If Faction Two hid its base in the Philippines, and if Faction Two hid its gold in the 
Philippines, and let's not forget that most of those CIA men who were in Afghanistan 
in the 80s were also Faction Two... then WHAT in the world is REALLY going on?

Could what we are seeing right now be a war between the two factions? Could Faction 
One, the New World Order, and Faction Two be having a down and dirty war for control 
of the world?

Maybe this will help you see things a little more clearly. This is from Saturation 
Means War, Part Two. Remember, this was written in Early 2001, when the America media 
was fascinated with Bill Clinton and Marc Rich:

"The old version of the New World Order is crumbling into many different parts. One of 
our contacts says there are as many as 35 warring factions right now. Because of this, 
the situation is fluid and the "behind the scenes" players change positions almost 
hourly. This is why the American people are being distracted by the antics of Bill 
Clinton and his pardon of Marc Rich. However, if the scandal surrounding Marc Rich is 
fully investigated, it is going to bring back all of the scandals of the George the 
First, administration, i.e. Iran/Contra, Ollie North, October Surprise, BNL, BCCI. 

For more on this, read the articles by Phoenix mentioned at this link:



This is why Bush the Second has to work fast to create a crisis somewhere that will 
take the focus off the Marc Rich investigation. Bush had better be careful. (I don't 
really mean Bush, I mean the nameless, faceless people who pull his strings....I know 
I didn't have to say this, everyone who reads Rumor Mill News already knows the puppet 
in power has no power!) Bush, the Second has to be careful not to create a war his 
family will lose, and he has to be careful not to create a war that could destroy life 
as we know it. Once the Democrats realize the great boon Emperor Clinton has dropped 
in their laps, they are not going to let the investigation into Marc Rich drop. Lee 
Hamilton is the one who covered up the October Surprise. George W. tried to court him 
and get him on board as the CIA Director, but it didn't work out. 

This means that everything Hamilton knows, and believe me, he KNOWS where ALL the 
bodies are buried, will soon be in the hands of people like Tom Daschle and Richard 
Gephardt. As soon as the top Democratic Dogs figure out how to get rid of Bill Clinton 
and KEEP Marc Rich, expect them to go after Bush the Elder, in full force. The reason 
ALL of the Democrats are condemning Clinton over the pardon of Rich is they KNOW that 
George W. will be forced to pardon his father once the Rich scandal begins to unfold, 
and then they can ROUNDLY condemn him, due to the fact that they gave "token" 
condemnation to Clinton. To keep Papa Bush from becoming the main attraction of the 
Rich investigation... the attention of the American people will have to be diverted. A 
good war will do the trick. In addition to keeping Bush the First from being indicted, 
a good war will keep the Republicans in power. 

The Republicans know if the economy crashes, they will lose Congress in 2002; 
therefore, there has to be a WAR! It will be good for the economy AND the Bush 
Dynasty! The only question is: Where? This solution will only solve the problem for 
the Democrats and the Republicans. We will still have the religious fundamentalists 
around the world, as well as the eco-terrorists, anarchists, Chinese, Cubans, 
Russians, drug traffickers, the Catholic Church, the English Monarchy, the 
Illuminists, the Jesuits, the Moonies, the Scientologists, and the various remnants of 
the New World Order who are trying to regroup and takeover again! Oh...I forgot the 
ETs, the Reptilians and the Satanists. Deciphering all of this and putting it in a 
form you can understand... This means, we need a good three year war, so all the 
various factions can vie for the highest place possible in the NEW New World Order! 
Winner takes ALL!"

Now you have it! The reason for the Afghanistan War! The economy is crashing, the 
Democrats are fighting the Republicans, Faction One is fighting Faction Two - ALL 
around the world, not just in the United States... War is good for the economy, so it 
has been decided that if the powers that be can limit the war so that it only kills 
the "useless eaters" and doesn't destroy the world, then a war will be a good thing! 
After all, in war the "useless eaters" get killed quickly, they don't have to suffer 
the long agonizing deaths that come from starvation or plagues. 

What heart! Who ever said that the world controllers weren't compassionate? Wouldn't 
you rather be instantly obliterated by a super bomb dropped on your house, than slowly 
die in pain and suffering, through long hard months of starvation and sickness? Just 
imagine what a pain it would be to watch your wife and kids slowly dying in front of 
you. You'd feel helpless and impotent. Even viagra couldn't help you. Just imagine the 
trauma this would do to your psyche, not to mention your soul! Isn't it far more 
humane just to kill you in one big bang rather than have you linger in one of those 
long, slow and agonizing deaths?

What, you'd rather not die either way? Aren't you being a wee bit selfish? After all, 
you have lived a great life. You have lived a life of peace and freedom in the 
greatest country that has ever existed on earth! Stop being so selfish. Get out of the 
way! Can't you see how much better the world is going to be for the survivors? Yes, I 
know, it's too bad you won't be around to see it! But someone has to make the 
sacrifice, and this time it looks like you pulled the short straw! Try to think of it 
this way, maybe some of your bloodline will survive. 

Think of it as giving up your place in the lifeboat so your children can live a better 
life in the new world. If Faction Two wins, they will be given the same illusion that 
you have lived under.. that you are FREE! If Faction One wins, then it's back to the 
good old days of feudal warlords, slaves, the coliseum, feeding Christians to lions, 
boiling dissidents in oil, drawing and quartering, public torture, whippings, 
hangings... oh what fun!

Come now, why are you getting so uncomfortable? This is the way the world has been 
running since time began. War, death, plagues, followed by a prosperous time of 
rebuilding, renaissance, advancements, culture, then stagnation, decadence, 
degradation, perversions, and finally another cleansing war! It's cyclical, like the 

But... How does the attack on the World Trade Center Towers and the murder of 6,000 
plus people figure in?

I think William Thomas covered most of the things that I was going to cover in the 
article he wrote, so read it! It's called:


The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion by William Thomas 

"Nothing would be what it is. Because everything would be what it isn't. And 
contrary-wise -what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You 
see?' - Alice in Wonderland 


About the only comment that I will make about 9-11 and the WTC is: One of my sources, 
independent of Dove, told me that the change from the Federal Reserve to the Treasury 
Banks was going to be announced on Tuesday, 9-11!

The return of a gold backed currency would also be dependent on the Federal Reserve 
Banks ending their "claim" on the American Collateral... i.e. you and me and all of 
our property! If the treason, crimes and corruption of the Federal Reserve is 
exposed... in a simplified language that the dumbed down American population can 
understand, they will know why they no longer have to pay their credit card bills or 
the mortgage on their houses.

The following excerpt describes what our money was supposed to have been like - but 
that was before the illegal maneuver that created the Federal Reserve and gave the 
management of our money to foreign bankers!

By Patrick Bellringer

"From its inception the Constitution of the United States of America has set forth the 
requirement for this "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all" to 
have, without question, a monetary system of value and not worthless fiat paper money 
based on nothing. This same CONSTITUTION DEMANDS that the monetary system of the U.S. 
of A. be BACKED COMPLETELY BY GOLD and/or SILVER of fine minted purity, the value of 
which is to be held securely stable against fluctuations and market manipulations. 
Such a standard gives real value to all financial transactions, to paper currency and 
to all wages, goods and services, and holds them stable against inflation or deflation 
in value. Such a monetary system allows for steady economic growth because the money 
value does not fluctuate. The money supply changes only as rapidly as the gold and 
silver backing this system is increased or decreased. 

The banker can loan only the amount of money equal to the gold/silver he holds in his 
depositories, minus that which he needs for daily public operations. The banker's 
profits are based mainly on a small percentage (not more than 10%) of the profits 
generated by the business operation of the borrower. Such loans are made for the 
purpose of creating a profit to be shared by both borrower and lender. Should such a 
loan not generate a profit but only a loss for any given year, the banker would 
receive no profit return but only the repayment of the original loan as scheduled. 

Such an arrangement, as just described, quickly convinces the banker of the need for 
him to become the businessman's friend and advisor rather than his adversary, if he 
wishes any return on his business loans. Because no interest/usury is allowed under a 
"gold" monetary system, for other loans such as on houses or cars, a banker may charge 
a money-use fee (not more than 10%), which is paid by the borrower at the beginning of 
a loan repayment schedule. All later loan payments are solely on the loan principal 


Further proof that the gold in the Philippines is going to be used to create the gold 
back currency of the new National Treasury Banks is found in this article:

Posted By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wednesday, 21 November 2001, 4:02 

  The following is a partial transcript from a "retired" DIA Colonel and well known 
"friend" who sent this email to Lawgiver.Org on August 28, 2001 (two weeks before 
9-11). For unknown reasons to us, he asked that we not publish this at the time, but 
has now told us that this should be known in order to confirm "what a select few 
currently know, but many will see as the truth in the coming weeks". We look at it as 
a confirmation that the RMN Dove may not be a quaking duck after all: 
  "I watched the US Treasury plane land at Love Field in Dallas today carrying 3 more 
glass sealed boxes. They were part of the gold bond boxes collected from the caves in 
the Phillipines so well guarded since they were placed there in 1948. Seems that a 
Texan by the name of Doss, now living in Indiana, was able to pull the right people 
together and bring them to the CONUS after so many others had failed. These are 3 of 6 
glass boxes I personally know of now in the hands of the U.S. Treasury. There have 
been many fake boxes and individual bonds over the years, but the glass and the 
internal seals with unique serial numbers and UV threading marked these [and the 3 
others that landed at O'hare last week- those I already told you about]. Each box 
contains from 3-6 billion in gold bonds. 
  I can tell you that the Temple Crown in the City of London is furious that they were 
removed from under their noses by the knights. The potential here is the collapse of 
the NY and LON G-Comex as well as the blue blood FRB and BOE families. BOA in Dallas 
is holding the 3 in their vault. The UST already confirmed they were all the real 
items. With 18 to 36 billion at their disposal, the knights just may be able to halt 
the fake London gold sale scam. At the same time, comex will have to begin showing the 
true price of gold or will have to shut down. It looks as if the Rock fellows will 
finally fall." 
  Isn't it odd that the COMEX was headquartered in the WTC and that it was shut down 
for a longer time than even the NYSE. 

Yes, isn't it interesting! Just as Faction Two... remember the Philippines... was 
about to savor the sweet taste of success and revenge, a new wrinkle appeared! The 
attack on the WTC and the subsequent was against terrorists worldwide! Yes, Bin Laden 
worked with Faction Two, yes Faction Two was and probably still is based in the 
Philippines! Doesn't it make you wonder if you are rooting for the wrong team? What if 
everything we are being told is a lie?

As can be seen in the following excerpt, Bin Laden was and is well known to the World 
Elite. He is probably in business with many of them:

Osama Bin Ladin is a tool of the global elites who is being used to establish the New 
World Order. These global elites, also known affectionately as the Illuminati, are the 
rulers of the shadow governments of the United States and Britain. They are a 
collection of close-knit royal families, banking families and political dynasties, 
with a major base of power being the city of London financial district, from where the 
major commodities of oil, gold, diamonds, weapons and drugs are controlled and 
dispensed throughout the world. 

These global elites have a vast intelligence network that operates through, over and 
above the American CIA, the British MI6 and the Israeli Mossad. They have been the 
major supporters of violent Islamic Fundamentalism from the very beginning, and they 
continue to manipulate these violent religious fanatics for their own ends.

The events of September 11 were engineered by these global elites, and to cover their 
rear ends they have betrayed their expendable asset, Osama Bin Ladin. They know 
everything about him, and all of the connections that he has all over the world, and 
they are very easily able to frame him for the terrible crimes they have orchestrated.

by Peter Goodgame

There are some excellent links at the bottom of Peter's article!


You and I are like Alice, we have walked through the Looking Glass and nothing is the 
way is appears. My sources keep telling me that "the world is going to change in the 
twinkling of an eye!" I pray they are right, because the script that is iplaying right 
now is a pretty lame one. 

One of the things that many readers of Rumor Mill News have told me in the last few 
days, is Rumor Mill News is one of the only places where all the threads are gathered 
in one place and people are given the opportunity to weave them together and see what 
the tapestry looks like!

The only way you can really do that is if you suspend your belief in the establishment 
media. They are the tools of the very people we who are willing to let all of us die 
so the next re-generation will be better off!

Once you begin to question each and every story that is written or broadcast by the 
media tools of the elite controllers, then you will be able to allow many different 
possibilities to exist in your mind all at once!

The hundreth monkey syndrome states that if only part of a society changes, then ALL 
of the society will change!!

Rumor Mill News stands as a beacon to the 100th Monkey Syndrome! If we can influence 
just 1% of our fellow earth travelers, then we can change this world for the better, 
"in the twinkling of an eye!"

Please help me keep Rumor Mill News on the web.

The following is an article that I started writing to explain why I allow distasteful 
messages to be put on the Forum. I now realize that by the time I got into the middle 
of the article, I had allowed my exhaustion and frustration to take over and I wrote 
quite a good "whine"! I didn't follow my own advice and sit on it until I was feeling 
better. I sent it out over the Editor_RMNews emailing list. 

As you will see, I was frustrated with having to work so many hours to keep a roof 
over my head that I have no time to write anything for Rumor Mill News. I want to 
thank all the people who heard my cries for help! In one day, people have donated more 
money to help keep Rumor Mill News on the web, than I received in the last six weeks!

The facts are clear: I need financial help to keep Rumor Mill News on the web. I know 
there are many of you who want to help. And you are just like me, if someone doesn't 
send me a bill, I forget to pay them! So, look at the next segment as your monthly 
reminder to pay your Rumor Mill News bill!!

At the moment, I am still determined to keep Rumor Mill News a free webpage, but to do 
this, I need your help. I  keep track of the email addresses of the donors, and I 
promise that very soon, I am going to start posting things just for Donors! Things 
that are so very special, you will be amazed when you discover what they are!!

Thank you,




  I posted the following as a reply to several emails I received on the EMAIL THE 
EDITOR yahoogroups webpage. If you are interested and want to see the responses to THE 
RESPONSE posted here, here is the link: 
  From: rayelan@xxxxxx Date: Fri Nov 23, 2001 9:20 pm Subject: FROM RAYELAN RE: MARK 
  I started writing this article as a reply to Blissful Woman and others regarding the 
(recent)offensive post by Mark Seely. As I started trying to explain why Rumor Mill 
News allows "all types" to post, I sadly realized that the original intent I had for 
Rumor Mill News, when I created it, has long ago been lost. 
  As you read the following I ask you to ask yourself, if there is anything I can do 
to save Rumor Mill News. At the moment, since it no longer represents me or my 
original intent, I am seriously considering pulling the plug. 
  Am I justified in my belief that Rumor Mill News has become something different that 
I envisioned it to be? Or am I just sick and exhausted from working so many long hours 
to support Rumor Mill News financially, that I can no longer see clearly? 
  I don't know, but I do know that I am NOT being nurtured or supported in what I am 
doing, and I am finding it physically more difficult to keep up the pace. After you 
read the following, if you have any suggestions on what can be done, please send them 
  Reply to BlissfulWoman and others regarding Mark Seely: 
  I can see that many of the new readers and agents have not taken the time to read 
  Here is a clip from it: 
  "To understand our enemy to the degree that it will take to defeat him/them, we have 
to know what they believe. We cannot fully understand them if we don't read the books 
they read, understand their belief systems, and explore the tools they use to control 
  "It is also necessary to understand racial hatred. To fully understand it, you have 
to read what the so called "bigots" are saying. This may be difficult for many of you, 
but if you do not take the time to do this, you will leave yourself open for a attack 
in your blind spot. 
  Divide and conquer is the way the NWO works. To do this, they fan all of our 
prejudices. They divide men from women, blacks from whites, jews from christians.... 
etc. etc. 
  Once we understand what they are doing, we might be able to join together and combat 
  But unless we take the time to try to understand "where" these people are coming 
from, we can hope to stop hate for "hate's sake". 
  Rumor Mill News doesn't NOT subscribe to the concept of "hate speech" as it is 
currently used in the United States, in particular under the Clinton Administration. 
The accusation of "hate speech" was used by the Clinton Justice Department to shut 
down webpages, newspapers, radio stations, etc. (Under the Bush Justice Department it 
will probably be "terrorist speech") 
  It is my belief that the so-called "precedent" for these "hate speech" actions, i.e. 
the "outrageous" events that led up to the creation of "hate speech" laws, were more 
than likely a government created "Hegelian" maneuver which was designed to enflame the 
populace in such a way that they would DEMAND that their FREE SPEECH rights be taken 
away from them! 
  An example of what I believe is a "government created hate monger" is Buford Pursor, 
the man who attacked the Jewish daycare center in Southern California. His background 
fits perfectly with the modus operandi for creating "government Manchurian Candidates" 
who will be used to insite "hate incidents" thereby dividing the American population 
into small segments who hate each other and therefore will NOT help each other if one 
segment is attacked by our new world order government, nato or the united nations. 
  (To understand how people like Buford are created, please take the time to read 
  ...a primer on government mind control.) 
  How many Christians would come to the defense of homosexuals if our government 
decided they were a threat to our national security? How many liberals would come to 
the defense of Christians if our new world order leaders declared that Christianity 
was a terrorist religion? 
  How many "skin heads" would lie down in front of the trains taking American Jews to 
the concentration camps? And how many Jews would lie down in front of the trains that 
were taking the American "skin heads" and neo nazis to the concentration camps? 
Democrats versus Republican, liberals versus conservatives, abortionists versus anti- 
abortionists... black versus white, Jew versus Muslims, green versus corporations, 
reds versus freedom .... ad infinitum... 
  Divide and conquer has been successful in keeping all of us in little groups that 
hate each other and will not fight the new world order to save a persecuted American 
group. We saw this clearly during Waco. We saw it again with the Freeman standoff. The 
government's mighty wurlitzer cranks into action and the propaganda is spewed out 
through the new world order owned media, and Americans become like lemmings, running 
headfirst to their demise as the new world order blares out the marching tunes. 
  Rumor Mill News was started as a place for ALL pieces of the puzzle to be brought so 
that they could be explained in simple terms so that people could understand how the 
media manipulators, mind control experts and other new world order agents manipulate 
our emotions to further their agendas. In the last year, I have not had the time to be 
able to carry out the intended mission of Rumor Mill News. Therefore, when comments 
like Mark Seely's are posted, they sit there, unchallenged, because I no longer have 
the time to read them fully OR respond. 
  In other words, the Prime Directive no longer functions the way it was supposed to. 
  Unfortunately, I usually don't have the time to write long replies, like this one, 
which try to bring the focus back to what Rumor Mill was created for. I am working too 
many hours just trying to pay all the bills associated with keeping a roof over my 
head and keeping Rumor Mill News up on the Web. I average six hours of sleep a day. 
The rest of the time is spent working, or trying to keep Rumor Mill News up and 
running! Six hours of sleep, with my fast paced schedule, is simply NOT enough! I am 
so exhausted all the time, that I can barely write a coherent sentence! 
  So... maybe it is time to think about redoing, NOT just the prime directive for 
Rumor Mill, but Rumor Mill News itself. 
  Rumor Mill News has grown like topsy. The precious few hours I have each day are 
devoted to cleaning up the SPAMS and the useless posts. There is NO time left over for 
me to write or to try to pull together the pieces of the puzzle that ARE posted on the 
Forum, in order to share my picture of the puzzle so that everyone can see it as 
clearly as I see it... and add their own comments. 
  Those people who have been part of Rumor Mill for over a year have probably noticed 
the difference. Those who are new, think that they way Rumor Mill News is right now, 
is the way it has always been. I assure you, Rumor Mill News WAS different when it 
started, and I would like to return to those times! 
  Yes, I would LOVE to be able to return to the way Rumor Mill News was, but unless I 
can quit my job and be paid to work for Rumor Mill News, there is NO hope of that! 
  Most readers have no idea how much it costs to keep Rumor Mill News on the web. Most 
people have no idea that I have to work a regular job to keep a roof over my head and 
Rumor Mill News! 
  The cost of bandwidth, computers, extra telephone lines, domain names, ISPs, post 
office boxes, and all the other overhead that goes into Rumor Mill News, is NOT 
covered by the banner ads that I have on the front page NOR by the donations from our 
Rumor Mill News Angels! What this means, is, if I do not continue to work, Rumor Mill 
News will not be able to stay up on the web because I won't have the money to pay the 
bills. Because I have to work, I cannot devote the amount of time to Rumor Mill News 
that I used to. 
  For those who don't know, I started Rumor Mill News while I was injured. I was off 
from work for two years. To keep from focusing on the pain, I spent all my time 
writing. And that is how Rumor Mill News started. Needless to say, during those two 
years, a lot of living expenses went on credit cards, so in addition to everything 
else that I pay for each month, I am trying to pay down the credit cards! 
  I am now at the point where I have to ask myself if I want to keep Rumor Mill News 
the way it is. It is NOT what I created it to be. Sometimes I don't even recognize it! 
  I am beginning to think that I might be far better to give up the webpage and go 
back to the monthly newsletters that I used to send out. People paid $5.00 a month for 
these newsletters. I was able to work a part time job and support myself with the 
newsletter. Now, I work 12 hours a day and still cannot pay all the bills! Do you see 
my conflict? 
  People who surf through, read a little here and a little there could care less 
whether Rumor Mill News stays on the web. If it disappears, they will remember it for 
a few months, but not much longer. How many people remember the name of the webpage 
that released Jim Keith's breaking story that Princess Diana was pregnant when she was 
murdered? It doesn't even matter that Jim was murdered for releasing the story, and 
the webpage closed almost immediately after his death... no one remembers Nitro 
News... "Surfers" have short memories! 
  On this Thanksgiving Day weekend, I am thankful for the blessings I have. 
  I have a job. I have a house and I have a family that loves me. I also have many, 
many close friends and supporters. In other words, I have a nice life.... 
  It didn't used to be that way. There were ten years where I never knew from day to 
day if my husband or I would be alive in the next ten minutes. During those years 
there was no way I could work a regular job due to the numerous times I had to go into 
hiding because hit orders had been put out on me. I can just imagine saying to my 
boss, "I need some time off to fly to Austria to go into a safe house until the hit 
order expires." 
  Outside of Rumor Mill News, my life is quite comfortable. If I didn't have to 
support Rumor Mill News, I probably would have no financial problems at all. I might 
not even have to work full time to pay all the bills! 
  Something has to change... because the woman who pays the bills to keep Rumor Mill 
News up on the web is SERIOUSLY asking herself WHY she is doing it? 
  What is sad is all I need from YOU readers is a mere $2,000 a month. With that 
amount I would be able to cut back my hours to ONE contract a day, meaning three hours 
of work rather than 9 hours of work! This would mean that I would have most of the day 
free to work on Rumor Mill News. 
  If you have ever taken the time to look at the Hit Box rankings, you will know that 
Rumor Mill News gets an average of 50,000 hits on the front page each day! (I don't 
have counters on most of the inside pages, so I don't know the real number of visits.) 
If only 2,000 of those people would give a dollar, I could restore Rumor Mill News to 
what it was about a year ago, a place where all the pieces of the puzzle are gathered, 
by the various agents, and each day or week, I put the pieces together to show what is 
REALLY happening in the world! 
  I have shared my personal feelings before and stated that I am seriously considering 
ending Rumor Mill News. People have always come through and sent enough money for me 
to get across the financial cavern that was about to swallow me. But I have never 
gotten enough money to enable me to quit my job. I have to admit the lack of sleep, 
the constant exhaustion, the flu, and the constant barrage of attacks against Rumor 
Mill News has finally made me ask why I hate myself so much that I torture myself each 
and everyday by trying to keep Rumor Mill News up on the web? 
  Has this webpage really made one whit of difference in the world? I can't see that 
it has. 
  It has been over a month since I started my DONOR PAGE. 
  Do you know how many people have subscribed to a monthly donation? Three! Do you 
know about many subscribers I had for my monthly newsletter? 500 - Do the math! 500 X 
$5.00 = $2500.00 a month. 
  I do five times as much work for LESS than $500.00 a month from readers! And most of 
the $500.00 comes from 10 people who give $100.00, $50.00, and $20.00 donations each 
  While the Forum is set up in the way it is, someone has to moderate it - the same 
for ALL the emailing lists. 
  I no longer have the time to moniter the forum or the emailing lists; therefore, the 
original intent, i.e. the PRIME DIRECTIVE is no longer applicable. 
  Therefore I am faced with the choice of changing my original intent and allowing 
Rumor Mill News to "morph" into whatever it is going to become, or I can scale back 
and keep the original intent. 
  I have not yet decided what I am going to do. I keep praying that Rumor Mill News 
Readers will pay for Rumor Mill News in the same way they pay for cable television, 
magazine subscriptions or newspapers. But it hasn't happened. 
  Needless to say, I don't really want to shut Rumor Mill News down, but I am truly 
running on empty and if I don't get a lot of help soon, financially, I will have NO 
choice but to pull the plug. 
  The Forum's Prime directive -- "The Right to disagree"
  Comments from Readers:
  "Subject: Please keep the forum alive Note: Rayelan:
  I agree with Terra's last post. Enforce your rules and support free speech. I depend 
on RMNews to dig out the truth. We can't exercise discernment if we only read the 
opinions of those we agree with. 
  There are brilliant, profound, and informed posters on this forum. Please keep it 
alive! We desperately need it.
  Let those who follow your rules freely post their opinions, and let us take 
responsibility for separating the wheat from the chaff. 
  The majority of your readers aren't people who want to be spoon fed. They want to 
make their own decisions and think for themselves.
  As for the money issue:I would be happy to pay on a subscription basis if I could 
maintain access to the thoughts of oliverhaddo, hobie, esclarmonde, gigi, patriotlad, 
Q, tenavision, etc. 
  Maybe a minimal monthly subscription fee with encouragement for additional donations 
is the answer. I'd certainly have no problem with that.
  * * *



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WORK - and don't end up polluting the sewers! 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

P.O. BOX 1784
APTOS, CA 95001
TEL 831 462 3949
FAX 831 462 2545


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