All the news summaries are below, but this one stands out!

> __'An Enormous Blunder': For Big Oil, The BushCheney Regime Is An Abject 
> Failure That Just Lost Central Asia To Russia
>  "When Pakistan ditched its ally, the Taliban, in September, and sided with 
> the U.S., Islamabad and Washington fully expected to implant a pro-American 
> regime in Kabul and open the way for the
>  Pak-American pipeline...[But] in a dazzling coup, Russian President 
> Putin stole a march on the Bush administration, which was so busy trying to 
> tear apart Afghanistan to find bin Laden it failed to notice the Russians 
> were taking over half the country. To the fury of Washington and Islamabad, 
> Viktor] Kvashnin rushed the Northern Alliance into Kabul, in direct 
> contravention of Bush's dictates...So long as the Alliance holds power, the 
> S. is equally denied access to the much coveted Caspian Basin.. Russia has 
> regained control of the best potential pipeline routes. The 'new Silk Road' 
> will become a Russian energy superhighway…the U.S. handed a stunning 
> geopolitical victory to the Russians and severely damaged its own great 
> ambitions. " So writes Eric Margolis.
> html

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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

You are Invited to Mark the 1st Anniverary of Bush v. Gore with in 
Washington on December 10th

Gene Lyons: 'Count the Votes, Not the Lawyers'

The 'Education' Governor v. the 'Election Stealing' Governor: Bob Graham Takes On Jeb 
To Bring Back University Regents

'An Enormous Blunder': For Big Oil, The BushCheney Regime Is An Abject Failure That 
Just Lost Central Asia To Russia

More On Why BushCheney Have Really Blown It, Big Time!

Bush Rattling Sabers With Another Of The 'Evildoers' His Daddy Helped Create

Bin Laden Might Be Near Jalabad

Ashcroft To Face Senate Grilling Over Military Tribunals, And Other 'Outside The 
Justice System Methods'

Dershowitz on Military Tribunals: 'We must begin to contemplate these dangers now, in 
the face of President Bush's tyrannical order'

America's 'Disappeared'

Another Orwellian Horror Story: Bush SS Visit College Student Because Of Her 
Texecutioner Poster

The Press and the USA Patriot Act: Where Were They When It Counted?

Bush v. Economy: The Bush Recession Began in March

Homeless Numbers Climbing

Bush and Republicans Want To Repeal Reagan's Alternative Minimum Tax For Corporations

Paul Krugman on Alternative Realities, Lump-Sum Transfers, Enron and Teapot Dome

New Report from CTJ: 'Buy Now, Pay Later'

Bush To Nominate Yet Another Fox To Guard The Henhouse

Bush Nominees May Spell Beginning of the End for the Environmental Protection Agency

The Senate Has Appointed Terry Wooten To The Federal Bench
__You are Invited to Mark the 1st Anniverary of Bush v. Gore with in 
Washington on December 10th is sponsoring a forum to bring together authors of books about the 2000 
election and its aftermath. The event will be held on Monday December 10th at 7:00 PM 
at the Kay Spiritual Life Center on the American University campus in Washington. It 
will feature Newsweek's David Kaplan ("The Accidental President"), The Nation's John 
Nichols ("Jews for Buchanan"), Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. ("A More Perfect Union") 
and Judge Richard Posner ("Breaking the Deadlock"). This event is co-sponsored by the 
Appleseed Project on Electoral Reform of the Washington College of Law, American 
University's Kennedy Political Union and AU's Center for Presidential and 
Congressional Studies. The Kay Spiritual Life Center is located near Ward Circle, just 
inside the main entrance to the American University campus. Tickets are $5 for the 
forum and $35 for a special reception afterwards. A limited number of spaces are 
available so please buy your tickets online in advance.

__Gene Lyons: 'Count the Votes, Not the Lawyers'

"Next time some knucklehead complains about the left-wing press, ask him to explain 
the spin placed on the Florida election recount by the media consortium that sponsored 
it. The press interpreted the results to enhance President Bush's 'legitimacy' and 
explain away the Supreme Court's shameful decision to prevent the votes from being 
counted. 'Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding 
Vote,' headlined the New York Times. 'In Election Review, Bush Wins Without Supreme 
Court Help,' said the Wall Street Journal. wrote 'Florida Recount Study: Bush 
Still Wins." The Los Angeles
Times reported that 'Bush Still Had Votes to Win in a Recount, Study Finds,' and the 
Washington Post 'Florida Recounts Would Have Favored Bush.' In plain fact, the numbers 
by themselves showed almost the exact opposite: had every legal Florida vote been 
counted, Al Gore would be president." So writes Gene Lyons.

__The 'Education' Governor v. the 'Election Stealing' Governor: Bob Graham Takes On 
Jeb To Bring Back University Regents

"Their struggle will center on a constitutional amendment [Democratic Senator Bob] 
Graham wants voters to support that would bring back the university system's board of 
regents...'It's like having Graham on the campaign trail without having him run for 
governor,' said Bob Poe, state Democratic Party chairman. 'That's very important 
because Bob Graham, who has enormous respect and credibility, will talk about what 
[Jeb] Bush has done to hurt education in this state, and that can only help Democratic 
candidates.' Bush, in Graham's view, was tearing apart the very legacy that Graham had 
built as governor from 1979 to 1987 …[when] Graham helped shepherd massive changes to 
a state school system that was held in disregard…Graham demanded more accountability 
from local school districts. He overhauled the state's testing systems, changed 
training for teachers and principals and increased control over curriculum 

__'An Enormous Blunder': For Big Oil, The BushCheney Regime Is An Abject Failure That 
Just Lost Central Asia To Russia

"When Pakistan ditched its ally, the Taliban, in September, and sided with the U.S., 
Islamabad and Washington fully expected to implant a pro-American regime in Kabul and 
open the way for the
Pak-American pipeline...[But] in a dazzling coup, Russian President Vladimir Putin 
stole a march on the Bush administration, which was so busy trying to tear apart 
Afghanistan to find bin Laden it failed to notice the Russians were taking over half 
the country. To the fury of Washington and Islamabad, [Viktor] Kvashnin rushed the 
Northern Alliance into Kabul, in direct contravention of Bush's dictates...So long as 
the Alliance holds power, the U.S. is equally denied access to the much coveted 
Caspian Basin.. Russia has regained control of the best potential pipeline routes. The 
'new Silk Road' will become a Russian energy superhighway…the U.S. handed a stunning 
geopolitical victory to the Russians and severely damaged its own great power 
ambitions. " So writes Eric Margolis.

__More On Why BushCheney Have Really Blown It, Big Time!

An important 1996 article. "Behind the tribal clashes that have scarred Afghanistan 
lies one of the great prizes of the 21st century, the fabulous energy reserves of 
Central Asia…Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan…are known to possess vast oil and 
gas reserves...But there is an immense problem. [They] are all land-locked and there 
is no way to get the oil and gas out. So a race has begun to find a route...This 
pipeline, initially for gas, would begin in the Dauletabad field in central 
Turkmenistan, traverse Afghanistan along the Herat-Kandahar corridor, territory 
controlled by the Taliban, and exit into Pakistan...Unocal, the Californian oil 
company, in alliance with Delta Oil, the Saudi Arabian company, has been  in 
negotiation with the Taliban, as well as rival warlords, for much of this year over 
terms for the Turkmenistan-Pakistan pipeline...Pakistan is keen to have a source of 
oil that bypasses Iran and Russia."

__Bush Rattling Sabers With Another Of The 'Evildoers' His Daddy Helped Create

"Iraq and the United States appeared headed for a fresh confrontation Tuesday after 
Baghdad rejected a call by President [sic] Bush to allow U.N. weapons inspectors back 
into the country...On Monday, Bush hinted that Iraq could be the next target of the 
U.S. war on terrorism...As to the possible repercussions for long-time U.S. foe, 
President Saddam Hussein, Bush said, 'He’ll find out'...Although there are no proven 
direct ties between the Sept. 11 attacks and Iraq, the country has demonstrated 
chemical and biological capabilities, and is reported to have used such weapons on its 
own people during the Iran-Iraq war." Unfortunately, Bush Sr. covertly armed and 
financed Hussein's army right up to the Kuwaiti invasion, and left US taxpayers with 
$2 billion in defaulted Iraqi debt. In fact, the company of Bush crony George 
Wackenhut transported ingredients for chemical weapons to Iraq (enter 'iraqgate' in 
our .Compass search engine).

__Bin Laden Might Be Near Jalabad

>From the AP: "Hazrat Ali, security chief in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, 
>said he received reports from trusted informants that bin Laden was seen as recently 
>as Wednesday at an al-Qaida and Taliban mountain base called Tora Bora. 'He is riding 
>at night on horseback, during the days he stays in caves,' Ali said. 'He goes to a 
>different place every night.' There was no way to confirm Ali's claims. Ali said 500 
>to 600 Taliban and al-Qaida fighters have holed up in Tora Bora, 40 miles southwest 
>of Jalalabad, which is near the Pakistani border. He said he used the base himself 
>when he was fighting the Soviet army, and that it is virtually impossible to capture. 
>U.S. planes have been bombing the mountain redoubt regularly. Bin Laden used Tora 
>Bora as a base before the United States began its bombing campaign in Afghanistan on 
>Oct. 7." Let's hope our forces can at last get the monstrous bin Laden, and bring an 
>end to this bloody mess.

__Ashcroft To Face Senate Grilling Over Military Tribunals, And Other 'Outside The 
Justice System Methods'

"Attorney General John Ashcroft will face a tough grilling from lawmakers in coming 
weeks over President Bush's proposal to create secret military tribunals and employ 
other 'ad hoc, outside the justice system methods' to fighting terrorism, the Senate 
Judiciary Committee chairman said on Sunday". Sen. Patrick "Leahy, who negotiated the 
anti-terror legislation with Ashcroft last month, noted on NBC's  'Meet the Press' 
that the attorney general had held out the likelihood of immediate arrests of terror 
suspects once those new prosecutorial powers were granted. The wave of arrests did not 
materialize, and Ashcroft has
instead announced new measures including a proposal for secret military tribunals that 
would not follow the usual rules and standards of the U.S. criminal justice system, 
Leahy said."

__Dershowitz on Military Tribunals: 'We must begin to contemplate these dangers now, 
in the face of President Bush's tyrannical order'

"A long-term resident of the United States who President Bush believes may have aided a
terrorist can now be tried in secret by a military commission and be sentenced to 
death on the
basis of hearsay and rumor with no appeal to any civilian court, even the Supreme 
Court. This is
the upshot of the 'military order' issued by Bush on November 13, 2001...Nor will the 
suspect have any real opportunity to defend himself, since the ordinary rules of 
evidence will not be followed...hearsay, coerced confessions, and fruits of illegal 
searches can [be] considered, and that cross-examinations will not always be 
allowed...In addition to the specter of kangaroo courts trying suspected terrorists, 
the president's order raises the prospect of mass [and even indefinite] detentions of 
noncitizens....I was not surprised to read The Wall Street Journal's editorial in 
favor of the Bush order. The Journal editors don't much like our constitutional system 
of justice."  So writes Alan Dershowitz.

__America's 'Disappeared'

"'In recent weeks, student demonstrators, global justice workers, civil libertarians, 
animals rights and peace activists have been characterized as terrorists 
sympathizers.' What is more frightening is that more than 1,100 people, mostly 
Arab-Americans -- some of whom may have left their countries because of similar police 
practices -- have now been arrested and held mostly without disclosure of their 
identities, their locations or the charges against them. Civil rights activists say 
these practices are frighteningly close to the notorious practice of 'disappearing' 
people in Latin America...To people who left countries familiar with the pain of the 
'disappeared,' it seems that more evil visitors have crossed oceans and lands to haunt 
them here and turn America into a Banana Republic, courtesy of Ashcroft and his team." 
The ACLU "is especially concerned about technologies 'which would turn America into a 
virtual police state.'" So writes Mohamed Hakki.

__Another Orwellian Horror Story: Bush SS Visit College Student Because Of Her 
Texecutioner Poster

"A.J. Brown, a 19-year-old freshman at Durham Tech, was thanking God it was 
Friday...Then: Knock, knock... unexpected guests at Brown's Duke Manor apartment. 
Opening the door, she found a casually dressed man, and a man and woman in what 
appeared to be business attire...then the man in the suit introduced himself and the 
woman as agents from the Raleigh office of the U.S. Secret Service. The other man was 
an investigator from the Durham Police Department. 'Ma'am, we've gotten a report that 
you have anti-American material,' the male agent said...On that wall hung The Poster. 
Brown got it at an 'anti-inauguration' protest in Washington, D.C. Distributed to 
hundreds of activists, it depicts George W. Bush holding a length of rope against a 
backdrop of lynching victims, and reads: 'We hang on your every word. George Bush: 
Wanted, 152 Dead'--a reference to the number of people executed by the state of Texas 
while Bush was governor." So writes Jon Elliston.

__The Press and the USA Patriot Act: Where Were They When It Counted?

"In the run-up to Bush's signing of the USA Patriot Act on October 25, the major 
papers were spiritless about the provisions in the bill that were horrifying to civil 
libertarians. It would have only have taken a few fierce columns or editorials, such 
as were profuse after November 15, to have given frightened politicians cover to join 
the only bold soul in the US Senate, Russell Feingold of Wisconsin. Now it was 
Feingold, remember, whose vote back in the spring let Ashcroft's nomination out of the 
Judiciary Committee, at a time when most of his Democratic colleagues were roaring to 
the news cameras about Ashcroft's racism and contempt for due process. The Times and 
the Post both editorialized against Ashcroft's nomination. But then, when the rubber 
met the road, and Ashcroft sent up the Patriot bill, which vindicated every dire 
prediction of the spring, all fell silent except for Feingold." So write Alexander 
Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.

__Bush v. Economy: The Bush Recession Began in March

It's official: the Clinton-Gore Expansion ended in March, and was replaced by the Bush 
Recession. The Clinton-Gore expansion lasted 10 years, breaking the previous 
Kennedy-Johnson record of nearly 9 years. George W. Bush, like Ronald Reagan and 
George H.W. Bush, believes that "trickle-down" economics is the solution to recession, 
while Democrats believe in "trickle-up." That's why Democratic economic policies work, 
while Republican policies fail.

__Homeless Numbers Climbing

>From the AP: "A lack of affordable housing and economic woes that have worsened since 
>Sept. 11 have sent the homeless
population in some of the nation's largest cities climbing, experts say.  There are 
now nearly 30,000 homeless adults and
children in New York City shelters -- an all-time high, the Coalition for the Homeless 
said Monday.  New York lost nearly
80,000 jobs following the World Trade Center attack, and many people have turned to 
soup kitchens and food pantries...Last
week, the Labor Department said the number of laid-off workers drawing jobless 
benefits had reached an 18-year high. The
nation's unemployment rate soared to 5.4 percent in October and companies eliminated 
415,000 jobs, the biggest one-month
drop in 21 years."

__Bush and Republicans Want To Repeal Reagan's Alternative Minimum Tax For Corporations

"Under the House economic stimulus bill passed last month, not only would the minimum 
tax be repealed, but major corporations also would receive billions of dollars in 
immediate refunds of minimum taxes paid since 1986 [when the AMT was instated by 
Reagan]. [Bush's] repeal plan would dole out the same refunds but space them out over 
several years. Citizens for Tax Justice...estimated that 16 Fortune 500 companies 
would receive more than $7 billion. IBM Corp., for example, would receive $1.4 
billion, Ford Motor Co. would get $1 billion, and General Motors Corp. would end up 
with $833 million...Peter Orszag, a former economic aide to President Bill Clinton 
[said] the problem facing companies is lack of demand for their products, not a lack 
of cash...[He] also predicted that repeal might cost much more revenue than estimated 
because the minimum tax discourages companies from searching for [loopholes]."

__Paul Krugman on Alternative Realities, Lump-Sum Transfers, Enron and Teapot Dome

"From an economist's point of view, the most revealing indicator of what's really 
happening is the post- Sept. 11 fondness of politicians for 'lump-sum transfers.' 
That's economese for payments that aren't contingent on the recipient's actions, and 
which therefore give no incentive for changed behavior...It's bad if the alleged 
purpose of the transfer is to get the recipient to do something useful, like invest or 
hire more workers...Current events bear an almost eerie resemblance to the period just 
after World War I. John
Ashcroft is re-enacting the Palmer raids, which swept up thousands of immigrants 
suspected of radicalism; the vast majority turned out to be innocent of any 
wrongdoing, and some turned out to be U.S. citizens. Executives at Enron seem to have 
been channeling the spirit of Charles Ponzi. And the push to open public lands to 
private exploitation sounds like Teapot Dome."

__New Report from CTJ: 'Buy Now, Pay Later'

"The [Citizens for Tax Justice/Public Campaign] report examines 41 companies that 
contributed a total of $150 million to federal candidates and parties since 1991 
while, between 1996 and 1998 alone, receiving $55 billion in special tax breaks. 
Several of these same companies are in line to be major beneficiaries if the AMT 
repeal in the recently passed House bill should become law...Industries benefiting 
from a special tax credit for research and experimentation (R&E) costs poured $148 
million into political campaigns and parties from 1989 through June 2001. The 
pharmaceutical and computer industries are pushing hard to make the R&E tax credit 
permanent. One of their major champions, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), received more than 
half a million dollars from these industries between 1995 and 2000. Five days after 
Hatch offered an amendment in committee in July 1999 to make the credit permanent, he 
received a bundle totaling $10,000 from a who's-who list of top Pfizer executives."

__Bush To Nominate Yet Another Fox To Guard The Henhouse

"Bush plans to nominate the Republican Party's top attorney to serve on the Federal 
Election Commission. Michael E. Toner, the Republican National Committee's chief 
counsel, was the Bush campaign's general counsel and an attorney for former Sen. Bob 
Dole's 1996 presidential campaign...Campaign-finance watchdogs criticized Bush's 
appointment of Toner. 'This is another example of appointing people to the Federal 
Election Commission who represent views of the regulated community rather than the 
public,' said Fred Wertheimer, head of Democracy 21." Let's see, we now have a 
perjurer and Scaife operative as Solicitor General (Ted Olson); a former Senator who 
stated he wanted to abolish the Energy Dept as the head of the Energy Dept. (Spencer 
Abraham); an oil and mining industry flak as Interior Secretary (Gale Norton); an 
accomplice to Honduran Death Squads as our UN Ambassador (John 

__Bush Nominees May Spell Beginning of the End for the Environmental Protection Agency

"This past week, Bush quietly nominated two people to EPA posts -- so quietly in fact 
that the only place you'll probably see it is here. And with good reason. These two 
nominees make it painfully obvious that Bush wants to convert the agency into a big 
hollow barrel he can fill with corporate pork...Paul Gilman was one of the 'experts' 
who, in 1997 testified before Congress that, despite mounting evidence to the 
contrary, that there was no relationship between the presence of nearby power lines in 
communities and the documented increase risk of childhood leukemia and brain  tumors 
in those communities...[Linda Morrison] Combs has been nominated as 'chief financial 
officer' of the EPA. She brings to the job not so much as an atom -- no, make that a 
quark -- of appropriate experience." So writes Cheryl Seal for Unknown News.

__The Senate Has Appointed Terry Wooten To The Federal Bench

Here's one that flew under the radar earlier this month. "After an investigation of 
charges leveled by former conservative writer David Brock, the Senate Judiciary 
Committee — and later the full Senate — yesterday unanimously approved the nomination 
of Terry Wooten to become a U.S. district-court judge in South Carolina...On August 
24…Brock sent chairman Patrick Leahy a letter claiming that in the early 1990s Wooten 
illegally gave out secret FBI files relating to the Thomas confirmation battle. At 
that time, Brock was writing a book that was highly critical of Anita Hill, the woman 
who accused Thomas of sexual harassment. Brock, who later disavowed his own work, said 
Wooten gave him secret FBI material on Angela Wright, a woman who has said she was 
harassed by Thomas but did not testify at Thomas's confirmation hearings." Although 
Wooten's confirmation is a disappointment, we eagerly await the publication of Brock's 
'Blinded by the Right' on Feb. 5.

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