-Caveat Lector-

--- Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"It never occurred to anyone that we weren't planning
to defeat  them, but rather work with the Afghans
themselves to take back their own  country. We
became the Afghan Air Force, and our guys on the
ground fought   alongside the Afghans to help them
achieve their own goals. I believe this style of
fighting gives us an idea of what to expect as
the "war  on terrorism" shifts its focus to other
Nakano comments:
This style of fighting is what to expect from the
U.S. and here's why.   The U.S. government did learn
a huge lesson in Vietnam.  Americans get very unhappy
and won't support a war when body bags get shipped
back to the states in large numbers.
The solution?
Pay and coerce others to fight for us!
This is exactly what's happening in Afghanistan.
The news today reported the very first U.S. fatality
and this was a guy in the CIA....not a soldier.
So far as we know, the U.S. Military has not had
a single fatality.
Great strategy!
No body bags coming home!
So the American People will support "America's New
and when Bush makes war on Iraq and others, Americans
will continue to give him 90 percent approval ratings
so long as no body bags are arriving back here.
It's so clean....sort of like a movie or a TV show
where the blood and death arn't real.
But of course it is real....it's just that it
isn't Americans bleeding and dying........yet!

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